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Chalerm Rules Out Hezbollah's Role In Bangkok Blasts


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"Dep PM Rules Out Hezbollah's Role in BKK Blasts:

... yesterday's blast incident in Bangkok are not associated with Hezbollah group in Lebanon given the explosive type used in the crime has limited destructive power..."


Ludicrous lack of logic... The bombs were not big enough, so rules out Hezbollah????

Edited by animatic
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Other than the fact he threw a bomb into Bangkok taxi with people in it, and at Bangkok police car,

no, of course they weren't targeting Thai people.

Anyone can see they just missed the israeli diplomate.... By about 10 km.

{Insert massive irony Smiley here}

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It appears to me that this hot air coming out of Chalerms mouth is an attempt to protect the tourist industry...and I did say "attempt"...other than that I wouldn't take for anything more than face value

No, its an attempt to save face after, again, being shown to be incompetent. Only by sheer luck a terrorist attack was averted, after Chalerm had gone on record as saying that there wouldn't be one.

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"He said he will invite rental home and apartment owners to meet the police to ask for their cooperation on information about dubious foreign tenants"

Oh bugger it. So he has had a chat with the police about how they can up their payments to him, and between them decided that any foreigner (already fair game) can be reported by their land lord as being dubious, who will then get a visit from the police......

knock knock, open up mr farang, you are dubious, and we will search your house and confiscate everything unless you pay this spot fine of 5,000.... walks to the next condo in Sukhumvit.... knock knock mr farang...

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"One suspect threw two explosive devices at a taxi and a police patrol car, ending up injuring and losing both legs."

I doubt if he was a terrorist, he was just pissed at the price the taxi driver charged and the colluding BIB. laugh.png

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I've said this in other threads and I will say it again. Thailand is a haven for all sorts of criminals, terrorists and other miscreants. While ever the enforcement of the rule of law is ignored and the Thais adopt the 'one eye open, one eye closed' policy these kinds of incidents will continue to occur. Bangkok remains the best place in the world to get a fake passport (Sukhumvit Soi 3 - 7) just so you all know where to go, one of the easiest drug transport hubs and the best place to just hide out if you are on the run. Lumpini police could park 4-5 50 seater buses at the mouth of Sukhumvit Soi 5 and fill in a matter of minutes with overstayers. Likewise could be done in Pattaya I would say. Crims on the run - well that's another matter entirely. 'Nuff said. I'm off to get a new passport and have a plate of houmos and some nan bread while I wait.

What claptrap!

Have another drink

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Don't worry Tourists. Thailand is not a terrorist target, it's only the foreigners in Thailand that the terrorists are trying to kill.

But you just might end up as collateral damage cos terrorist are neither accurate in their targeting, or too fussy about who else they maim or kill whilst targetting their subject.

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It appears to me that this hot air coming out of Chalerms mouth is an attempt to protect the tourist industry...and I did say "attempt"...other than that I wouldn't take for anything more than face value

No, its an attempt to save face after, again, being shown to be incompetent. Only by sheer luck a terrorist attack was averted, after Chalerm had gone on record as saying that there wouldn't be one.

There is an awful lot of hogwash being written about terrorism on this forum, without anyone defining it, so here we go as defined by the UN General Assembly in 1994"

"Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them." Believe it or not, there is no other internation definition of terrorism.

So what you might say. The so what is, Chalerm is playing a very clever game of denial in the absence of what is defined as terrorism, apart from one body, the UN. Therefore, if it is not defined, it is must be open to individual interpretation. Whilst I am no fan of Chalerm and have watched him fire from the hip and be wrong several time, I am sorry to say, this time, he is a lot wiser than many of the commentators on this forum. Or are you equally as guilty as Chalerm at firing from the hip?!!

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Interesting that none of the usual suspects are not showing up to defend the chief spokesman for the Big T government.

Having said that when will people wake up to the fact that terriost do not care who you are, they could care less about Thailands friendly relationship with a few terriost sponsors. They will kill you to make a point, they kill there own people every year to make there point. Wake up Thailand you are not immune no matter what you may think.

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Interesting that none of the usual suspects are not showing up to defend the chief spokesman for the Big T government.

Having said that when will people wake up to the fact that terriost do not care who you are, they could care less about Thailands friendly relationship with a few terriost sponsors. They will kill you to make a point, they kill there own people every year to make there point. Wake up Thailand you are not immune no matter what you may think.

I'm no Chalerm lover and have been a Big T hater since 1996.

But Chalerm has a point. This is more keystone cops than a professional terrorist outfit.

Were they out to commit a terrorist act? Most certainly.

Against who? Not sure, but early reports have given us an indication.

But to me the way it all went down says that this is that whoever recruited them hired the D team.

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It's a good place for dodgy types to hide out, but it would also be a very easy place to make a statement against the West or Israel by bombing tourists (Americans, Europeans and Israelis among them). I wish Chalerm would just keep his mouth shut, his comments from a month ago have already proven wrong! Nobody believes anything he says...

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Iranians renting a house, a bomb explodes, C4, magnets and other bomb making paraphernalia, 2 more bombs go off but, those are things that can happen anywhere: it's not terrorism or political assassination.

Wish it and it will happen. Close your eyes tightly and repeat: "It is not terrorism. We are friendly to every one. Hezbollah, Palestinians and Hamaz are peaceful friends..."

The sooner India, China, Russia and Thailand realize that all of them are infidels, in the eyes of Islam, the better for them.

The words useful idiots come to mind.

Edited by pimay11
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Actually all those overstays are living behind Bayoi tower along the train tracks I took a shortcut and ended up in Nigeria on the rails village. Those guys must be spending fat tourist dollars renting out those clapboard shacks.

Edited by BigRick
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Maybe Chalerm is just indulging in a little sophistry; Hezbollah is a Lebanese organisation and the three terrorists are Iranian so it is quite possible that Iran is behind the plot but has not sub-contracted it to Hezbollah.

Makes no difference to the events but doesn't mean Chalerm is lying or unaware or naive.

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It appears to me that this hot air coming out of Chalerms mouth is an attempt to protect the tourist industry...and I did say "attempt"...other than that I wouldn't take for anything more than face value

No, its an attempt to save face after, again, being shown to be incompetent. Only by sheer luck a terrorist attack was averted, after Chalerm had gone on record as saying that there wouldn't be one.

There is an awful lot of hogwash being written about terrorism on this forum, without anyone defining it, so here we go as defined by the UN General Assembly in 1994"

"Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them." Believe it or not, there is no other internation definition of terrorism.

So what you might say. The so what is, Chalerm is playing a very clever game of denial in the absence of what is defined as terrorism, apart from one body, the UN. Therefore, if it is not defined, it is must be open to individual interpretation. Whilst I am no fan of Chalerm and have watched him fire from the hip and be wrong several time, I am sorry to say, this time, he is a lot wiser than many of the commentators on this forum. Or are you equally as guilty as Chalerm at firing from the hip?!!

Seems your the one who doesn't understand what terrorism is. The definition you just gave is exactly what's happened in Bkk. "A criminal act intended to provoke terror for political purposes." Building bombs is a criminal act. They were obviously intended to be blown up which is also criminal. Any bomb explosions in the city, let alone assassinations at an embassy, would create a sense of terror in at least some people.

Edited by daninthai
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Maybe Chalerm is just indulging in a little sophistry; Hezbollah is a Lebanese organisation and the three terrorists are Iranian so it is quite possible that Iran is behind the plot but has not sub-contracted it to Hezbollah.

Makes no difference to the events but doesn't mean Chalerm is lying or unaware or naive.

Unaware, naive, this individual is not, lying, most probably,. We have observed his past methods of handling his and his famlies problems. He aspires to be part of the family circle which has a reputation very similar to him and his, lifestyle

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.....He reiterated all related agencies are capable to handle the security situation and there is nothing to worry about.....

He has ordered that police be issued the new upgraded GTX 3000 Terrorist Sniffing device which detects terrorists using its 3 settings: Kebab, Dahl or Tabouli.

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How could Chalerm POSSIBLY be in a position to rule out or confirm ANYTHING EVER?! I think he can be trusted to investigate the matter of whether or not he tied his shoes this morning but beyond that, he is royally unqualified to EVER comment on current events or subject material of a more advanced nature than the 2nd or 3rd grade.

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If according to Chalerm the suspects brought the explosives once they were inside Thailand, and if as reported in the news that explosive was C4, the only ones with access to C4 in Thailand i'd assume would be the military. You'd think finding out who is selling C4 to foreigners in Thailand might be an avenue for investigation?? As is must be a very select few who sell C4. That is uinless Thailnd wants to become a hub of C4 sales.

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.....He reiterated all related agencies are capable to handle the security situation and there is nothing to worry about.....

He has ordered that police be issued the new upgraded GTX 3000 Terrorist Sniffing device which detects terrorists using its 3 settings: Kebab, Dahl or Tabouli.

They're Tourist Sniffing devices. There are no terrorists in Thailand.

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In these cases, both the Israeli murders of the scientists and the Iranian attempts on Israeli diplomats I think the kerfuffle of whether these kinds of targeted acts are terrorism or not is overblown. If Israeli and Iran were ALREADY fully at war, wouldn't both just be seen as acts of war? Are they already at war? I think, kind of, sort of, they already are.

To be quite candid any one who believes that the Islamic world has not been on a "war footing" with Israel for decades just has to be seriously "mentally challenged"violin.gif Edited by Colin Yai
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In these cases, both the Israeli murders of the scientists and the Iranian attempts on Israeli diplomats I think the kerfuffle of whether these kinds of targeted acts are terrorism or not is overblown. If Israeli and Iran were ALREADY fully at war, wouldn't both just be seen as acts of war? Are they already at war? I think, kind of, sort of, they already are.

To be quite candid any one who believes that the Islamic world has not been on a "war footing" with Israel for decades just has to be seriously "mentally challenged"violin.gif

As a generality sure, but that's a different thing than asserting that right now Israel and Iran are at war. It may be a grey area now but it's rapidly becoming less grey.

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Maybe Chalerm is just indulging in a little sophistry; Hezbollah is a Lebanese organisation and the three terrorists are Iranian so it is quite possible that Iran is behind the plot but has not sub-contracted it to Hezbollah.

Makes no difference to the events but doesn't mean Chalerm is lying or unaware or naive.

Unaware, naive, this individual is not, lying, most probably,. We have observed his past methods of handling his and his famlies problems. He aspires to be part of the family circle which has a reputation very similar to him and his, lifestyle

So you have never heard of the famous quote "economical with the truth/la verite"

If you read what I said, I was not suggesting that he was unaware or naive, merely that he had denied the involvement of Hezbollah - a plausible statement, given the bombers nationality; and also a useful tactic for directing attention from the real situation

Edited by pastitche
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