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Just checked my MBNA Credit Card online statement after a couple of months online and noticed 8 uses of my card over the last two months at the Robinsons dept store round the corner. I usually dont check it online, stupidly I think now, and my Dad just lets me know the cost I have to pay and I just send it over from my bank account, so wasn't aware of any dodgy transactions.

I assume when I used it to draw cash out from the ATM, and they have found a reciept I must have dropped and used the number in Robinsons, either with a staff member friend there, or maybe they work there themself. I think staff there has to be involved coz how else could they have charged me for something if someone just presented the card number?

I figure can get around the signature bit easily, but without the card present dont they have to use the 3 digit security number on the back of the card, just like when you purchase goods online?

How will it all work from here on?

Thoughts please.

I've never been a victim of card fraud before and of course gonna call MBNA now to change the number and get a new card.

Whats the deal here, will the card company track the transactions and get it sorted for me to get my money back (230 pounds)?

Anyway, the warning is, keep your receipts safer than bkkmadness did, coz he's one pissed off guy right now. :o

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######, I just found another 2 dodgy ones too, for MOO? Thats what its listed on my statement as, and the code for it says its for 'Leather Goods Stores and Luggage Stores'.

Is that another shop inside robinsons?

If someone outside robinsons used this card, are Robinsons liable? Coz no way just with the basic card number could a member of the public have used the card there. Is that right or wrong?

Advice needed.


You should always check your statement and keep all receipts - I was once charged £1,000 for sweets from a shop in Hong Kong, I have never even been to Hong Kong. The card company were fine about it but seeing it on your statement gives you a big shock...

######, I just found another 2 dodgy ones too, for MOO?  Thats what its listed on my statement as, and the code for it says its for 'Leather Goods Stores and Luggage Stores'.

Is that another shop inside robinsons?

If someone outside robinsons used this card, are Robinsons liable? Coz no way just with the basic card number could a member of the public have used the card there.  Is that right or wrong?

Advice needed.

Is this a bank card from Thailand or your home country ? where are you now ?


Are you very sure a maid, GF, driver, friend, landlord or Santa did not gain access to your card? You don't sleep walk?

Bank will probably provide a form to fill out - your money should be safe I would think although you may have to pay a small amount due to the slow reporting. Not sure of laws in UK.

But yes - do keep those ATM receipts.

Are you very sure a maid, GF, driver, friend, landlord or Santa did not gain access to your card?  You don't sleep walk? 

Bank will probably provide a form to fill out - your money should be safe I would think although you may have to pay a small amount due to the slow reporting.  Not sure of laws in UK.

But yes - do keep those ATM receipts.

Nope, no driver, no maid, and no one got access to that card. Before anyone starts flaming about gf thats not trouble either. And I dont believe in Santa. :o

Are you very sure a maid, GF, driver, friend, landlord or Santa did not gain access to your card?  You don't sleep walk? 

Bank will probably provide a form to fill out - your money should be safe I would think although you may have to pay a small amount due to the slow reporting.  Not sure of laws in UK.

But yes - do keep those ATM receipts.

I have been told by a vendor, that the card holder..holds all the power.Even if you have a legitimate purchase, if you come up with some plausable excuse that the goods were faulty and the vendor will not cough up etc....the CC Company will reverse the transaction in a bloody second.

Sounds like copy card - all they would need is name, cards number and 3 digit security code and they have you.

I dont see how they could have my name, or the 3 digit security number on the back of it?

Has the card ever left your hands? (paid for dinner at a restaurant, used it to buy smth in a store ect??)

-this happened me - 500quid from dell computers - I was in Portugal and purchase was made in Japan. :o

Are you very sure a maid, GF, driver, friend, landlord or Santa did not gain access to your card?  You don't sleep walk? 

Bank will probably provide a form to fill out - your money should be safe I would think although you may have to pay a small amount due to the slow reporting.  Not sure of laws in UK.

But yes - do keep those ATM receipts.

Nope, no driver, no maid, and no one got access to that card. Before anyone starts flaming about gf thats no trouble either. And I dont believe in Santa. :o

Never used the card in a shop, ah, except for Carrefours, which is nearby. Perhaps someone has done it from there?

######, I just found another 2 dodgy ones too, for MOO?  Thats what its listed on my statement as, and the code for it says its for 'Leather Goods Stores and Luggage Stores'.

Is that another shop inside robinsons?

If someone outside robinsons used this card, are Robinsons liable? Coz no way just with the basic card number could a member of the public have used the card there.  Is that right or wrong?

Advice needed.

Is this a bank card from Thailand or your home country ? where are you now ?

The card is an MBNA Europe card issued in the UK. I'm in Thailand right now.


So, whats the chances of getting the cash back? Will MBNA not be able to say that I used the card and am trying it on with them?

Sorry for the silly Qs, its never happened to me before. And really appreciate your help by the way guys.

So, whats the chances of getting the cash back?  Will MBNA not be able to say that I used the card and am trying it on with them?

Sorry for the silly Qs, its never happened to me before.  And really appreciate your help by the way guys.

Fraud protection - you are fine.


I got done for 3800 quid on my credit card.

A friend phoned the card company on my behalf as I was in Thailand and they issued a credit the next day. Unbelievable.

:D That is why I tear all my receipts up into small pieces, run water over them, squash them in my hand then flush. I was warned prior to moving here that it could be a problem. Everone should be aware too that when paying for anything with a debit or credit card in a shop with electronic till, that the number of the credit card appears on the bill receipt thingy. Beware. :o

What I worry about is that I understand if its used in another country when you are not there, but this is the shops round the corner. I'm at the 'scene of the crime' as it were.

How can I prove that I didnt use the card and am trying to scam the credit card company?

It can't just be a benefit of the doubt thing can it?


Should qualify that by saying that the only shop (I have come across )that doesn't have the visa number printed beautifully along the bottom is Asia books. Not much use to me now that my fave book present has been withdrawen from sale though!

What I worry about is that I understand if its used in another country when you are not there, but this is the shops round the corner.  I'm at the 'scene of the crime' as it were.

  How can I prove that I didnt use the card and am trying to scam the credit card company?

It can't just be a benefit of the doubt thing can it?

Won't hurt the credit card company - the merchant is the one who gets hit with the loss.

:D That is why I tear all my receipts up into small pieces, run water over them, squash them in my hand then flush. I was warned prior to moving here that it could be a problem. Everone should be aware too that when paying for anything with a debit or credit card in a shop with electronic till, that the number of the credit card appears on the bill receipt thingy. Beware. :o

I actually thinking back now think it was because I used it in Carrefours, that seems like the easiet way. A staff member notes down the number from the till receipt once I'm gone, and if hasn't got the 3 digit number on the receipt just memorises that for later.

Then maybe got friends in these other shops to do the transactions with. Robinsons is just round the corner so I imagine a lot of staff from these places know each other.

I raely use my Credit cards in shops, I know how easy it is because I know people that used to do it in the UK. Stupidly I was waiting on a new bank card and didnt have my CC pin number so just used it in the supermarket.

I know the smaller shops would generally be more risky than carrefours because easier for them to do the whole process, just relaxed my guard a bit and used it in Carrefours.


Go over your use receipts for just prior and see if you may have used it some other places, such as a restaurant, where it may have been taken into another room for processing and a copy made. I do not believe the on camera Carrefour would have been the place. It would appear that they had an on line usable card made to use in Robinson.

What I worry about is that I understand if its used in another country when you are not there, but this is the shops round the corner.  I'm at the 'scene of the crime' as it were.

  How can I prove that I didnt use the card and am trying to scam the credit card company?

It can't just be a benefit of the doubt thing can it?

The slip does not bear your signature.

It is a forgery. Nothing to prove.

If I can get 3800 quid back in 24 hours then I am sure you can get yours back too. I was in Thailand when my card was nicked so don't worry about being in the vicinity.

Call the CCCompany ASAP.You should be covered for any fraudulent use.

And after that verbal report, confirm it with a telefax, enclose a copy of the statement on which you mark each contested charge.

The card company will credit the contested charges back to you account.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Call the CCCompany ASAP.You should be covered for any fraudulent use.

And after that verbal report, confirm it with a telefax, enclose a copy of the statement on which you mark each contested charge.

The card company will credit the contested charges back to you account.

Also can dispute via online - most cc firms you can dispute transaction by transaction after you login to your account. I noticed a dbl bill on my AMEX for airport parking. It was credited back within 24hrs.


Ok, apart from a strange chat with a young fresh out of school kid called Robert who said my online banking was wrong :D everything went smoothy creamy, cash refunded to me and be there in 7 days. Investigation going on but thats standard practice. :D

Cheers for the help guys, straightened me out before the call, I thought they was gonna sting me for it. :o

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