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Why Most Thai Ladies Love Foreign Man?

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Not talking about those working at night.

I had many friends that easily got a Thai lady as girlfriend after their trip to Thailand.

Recent story, my friend went to Thailand for 4 days and know a Thai lady working in the Hotel and after exchanging emails and contacts, 2 weeks later, he went back Thailand for 5 days and they are together now. I was wondering, are Thai ladies idolize foreign man or they are just that "easy" to get? No offense to anyone, is just the curiosity.

* My friend told me that this girl's parent ask her to marry a foreigner............and how can they not even know each other well and they sleep together????

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Not completely true.

Another had been with a Thai lady, upper class family, rich and divorced.

The met online chat and they became lover just met once with only 2 months communicating online.

And this lady fly to meet him for the first date..hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Don't be fooled by the minority. Any guy who lives in Thailand will tell you that the normal Thai girl, I am talking about the normal population is not interested in foreigners at all. Do you hang out in China town in your home country? Neither do normal Thais. Try to date a typical middle class Thai and she will be very afraid to tell her parents or friends. We go to Thailand and meet the ones who are targeting foreigners for the money. It is a small minority. After living here, I have met so many more that want nothing to do with us. We don't get exposure to them because they avoid the foreigner outlets.


No offence taken but if they are that quick then some of them do involve those working at night.

It's not rocket science. Thailand has a huge surplus of women - 1% extra females may not sound much until you apply it to the 64mill population. Thailand also does not have a western type social benefit so when a Thai guy walks out on this family, there is no financial assistance. Those from the higher echelons of thai socity will have family support where as poor rice farmers daughter - well, her and her kids can "eat rice dipped in fish sauce supplemented with bugs and drink water". The Thai female with kids in toe is not attractive to most thai guys. So that fat, bald, soi drunk falang with his sickness benefit and one bedroom flat can suddenly become her Prince Charming.


I somehow agree but those old and dry looking falangs always have girls beside them young enough to be their grand daughters. Won't they feel embarrassed?

No offence taken but if they are that quick then some of them do involve those working at night.

It's not rocket science. Thailand has a huge surplus of women - 1% extra females may not sound much until you apply it to the 64mill population. Thailand also does not have a western type social benefit so when a Thai guy walks out on this family, there is no financial assistance. Those from the higher echelons of thai socity will have family support where as poor rice farmers daughter - well, her and her kids can "eat rice dipped in fish sauce supplemented with bugs and drink water". The Thai female with kids in toe is not attractive to most thai guys. So that fat, bald, soi drunk falang with his sickness benefit and one bedroom flat can suddenly become her Prince Charming.


Western men have the reputation of being rich and gulible. After all who elese would agree to supporting a Thai lady and her family sometimes before actually meeting her? I know of a few Thai women, not bar girls, who are recieving monthly payments from their western suitors to the tune of 10,000 to 20,000 bahts per month and some that are recieving payments from mutiple suitors. However, I also know a few western guys who live in Thailand and are likewise supported by their Thai girlfriends.

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Do you hang out in China town in your home country?


licklips.gif !!!Yes!!!licklips.gif

ditto , some very hot chineese girls in China Town in london, not to mention restaurants and irish pubs !

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Don't be fooled by the minority. Any guy who lives in Thailand will tell you that the normal Thai girl, I am talking about the normal population is not interested in foreigners at all. Do you hang out in China town in your home country? Neither do normal Thais. Try to date a typical middle class Thai and she will be very afraid to tell her parents or friends. We go to Thailand and meet the ones who are targeting foreigners for the money. It is a small minority. After living here, I have met so many more that want nothing to do with us. We don't get exposure to them because they avoid the foreigner outlets.

I have to disagree.

A lot depends on where you live. In the 5 years before I moved to Pattaya I lived in places where there were hardly any foreigners at all and any 'working' girls were, more often than not, tucked away in some small shop waiting for a call.

In those 5 years I dated a few normal Thai women. I met their families, went to funerals, to parties, temples and all manner of social engagements with them. I had many a happy night sat outside listening to the frogs n toads while drinking beer with the families. Songkran was great.

One mother used to give me a massage every day. She would call to give me fruit and make sure I was happy.

Off out on a night to Thai bars and restaurants withThai friends I'd often have telephone numbers sent over to me. Other Thai women would talk to my Thai friends to get to know more about me and sometimes an introduction.

On the first few nights out with a new woman there would always be a chaperone.

All depend where you live :P

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Sorry, but as some posters above have pointed out most Thai ladies love Thai men to be their boyfriend or husband, not foreign men.

Foreign men with Thai women are the minority in Thailand, not the majority.

And what do you mean by "foreign men"? More Thai women are involved with Asian men then they are with Western men.

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Most Thai females prefer Thai males, even the women of ill repute. You will find most Thai prostitutes strictly reserve themselves for Thai men and the majority of highso middle to upper class Thai ladies wouldn’t be seen dead with a farang.

lol, okay.

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One place where I stayed I know for a fact, the receptionist supplemented her pay from the hotel with night work. Her only rule was not with the hotel guests.


Removed an off-topic argument. If you don't like the question being asked there are 4.7 million other posts you can be reading while ignoring it. Nobody's forcing you to read this one.

Now you've made me all curious ;)


One place where I stayed I know for a fact, the receptionist supplemented her pay from the hotel with night work. Her only rule was not with the hotel guests.

So you joined the queue of men checking out early? ;)


Don't be fooled by the minority. Any guy who lives in Thailand will tell you that the normal Thai girl, I am talking about the normal population is not interested in foreigners at all.

Sure you must be joking?I was in an internet cafe in amphur Nong Han, 40 kms East from Udon Thani to sent a few mails at lunch time. 5 young woman in school uniform! (they looked 18 to me) were webcam-ming with some farangs. I did look at the monitors of my neighboring school ladies. Guess it was purely for friendship.The owner, a lady also came over to me and asked If I wanted a Thai woman to marry, pointing to the choices available.


Just an observation on the hotel worker. They get 9k a month there about and often supplement there income in other ways whether it be the very direct cash on the bed side table or the indirect relationship with the farangs overseas (notice the plural). to go off on holiday with a chap for 5 days especially at short notice means they either have to take unpaid leave; all their years holiday; quit their job. They only do this if they are sure the money will get replaced. It is funny as well that most guys will will tell their mates "I didn't give her anything", but will have done. I know a Divorce lady from rich family as well (friend of ex wife), and I suspect she is basically on the game thus being shunned by most of her friends now including the ex....the online dating website is a clue. Kyb789 and Beetlejuice are basically spot on.


I somehow agree but those old and dry looking falangs always have girls beside them young enough to be their grand daughters. Won't they feel embarrassed?

Rest assured that those old & dry falangs are having a financial agreement with the girl beside them that are young enough to be their daughter.

Sexual attraction ? yes, but one-sided

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How is it possible to group 32 milj individs in one homogenus group.

Do you really beleive that the 100

girls (0,0003%) you met is that representative?


In general, Thai women prefer Thai men, but there are exceptions and there is also the fact that most Thai men do not want them if they have children or are a little long in the tooth.

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I have met some Thai women who either are with a foreigner or are looking for one, each of them have come out of a relationship with a Thai man, some of which were abusive, the women have children and are looking for someone to support them and their children. The other group I have met are young, I remember one being pulled over to me by her mother while I was walking with my wife, the poor girls mother asked me through my wife if I could find a falang boyfreind for her teenage daughter, it was obvious the girl was not interested but the mother was persistant, seeing the poor girls discomfort I said no.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com


Don't be fooled by the minority. Any guy who lives in Thailand will tell you that the normal Thai girl, I am talking about the normal population is not interested in foreigners at all. Do you hang out in China town in your home country? Neither do normal Thais. Try to date a typical middle class Thai and she will be very afraid to tell her parents or friends. We go to Thailand and meet the ones who are targeting foreigners for the money. It is a small minority. After living here, I have met so many more that want nothing to do with us. We don't get exposure to them because they avoid the foreigner outlets.

Most Thai women donot love foreigners. They love what the foreigner has to offer them. The best most foreigners can do with a good Thai woman is become their friend,because a good Thai woman usually isnot interested in marrying a foreigner. I know many Thai-chinese young women who are in their 20's single and not the least bit interested in gettting married to a foreigner or a Thai for that matter. I also meet women everyday from poor families that just about throw themselves at me to get the benefits of a foreigner boyfriend.

Look around and you will find many women have had 1 or 2 foreigner boyfriends already. They speak good english, dress well, have cars, maybe a house and have travelled abroad. They are in their late 20s or early 30s.They got their cars houses , travel etc from past boyfriends. They took what they could and moved on.Does anyone really believe they loved their past boyfriends? They took the money and ran. But they will tell you they loved you well they check you out to see whats in it for them.

I feel they should get something but give only what you can afford to lose. Because there is a very good chance they really donot give a dam_n about you. Words are cheap and lies are common tools.

Most Thai women donot love foreigners. They love what the foreigner has to offer them. The best most foreigners can do with a good Thai woman is become their friend,because a good Thai woman usually isnot interested in marrying a foreigner. I know many Thai-chinese young women who are in their 20's single and not the least bit interested in gettting married to a foreigner or a Thai for that matter. I also meet women everyday from poor families that just about throw themselves at me to get the benefits of a foreigner boyfriend.

Look around and you will find many women have had 1 or 2 foreigner boyfriends already. They speak good english, dress well, have cars, maybe a house and have travelled abroad. They are in their late 20s or early 30s.They got their cars houses , travel etc from past boyfriends. They took what they could and moved on.Does anyone really believe they loved their past boyfriends? They took the money and ran. But they will tell you they loved you well they check you out to see whats in it for them.

I feel they should get something but give only what you can afford to lose. Because there is a very good chance they really donot give a dam_n about you. Words are cheap and lies are common tools.

Lets face facts here chaps,if you are a guy who knocks about in foriegn bars and foriegn establishments,the liklehood of meeting a normal thai girl are low.Because a normal thai girl does not want a guy that goes to a bar and drinks beer at 9 o clock in the morning cos that int normal.

When i first come to Thailand in 2006,i asked a girl out who worked in the airport,i met her the night after she turned up in her car dressed immaculately with a present for me.The second date she wanted me to meet the parents cos they were a little concerned about her going out and meeting someone they didnt know.So we went to see them,they lived in a huge house,her farther was a engineer her mother was a teacher.The only reason i didnt carry on seeing her is because i was meeting a mate in ho chi mihn city and at the time i was more bothered about having a good time with my mate in the bars than having a relationship.At the time i were 32 she was 26.

I have plenty of stories about women wanting to meet falang,my ex's aunty wants to meet someone because her husband was cheating on her for years,she is 42 very good looking and from a rich family and is a friend of mine on facebook.Also my wifes cousin,she lost her thai husband in a car accident,has never been with a foriegner but believes a falang will look after her better.This girl also does not need anything from a falang,she has her own house,car and bussiness and is only 26.

I drink in thai restaurant's and sometimes go to a thai nightclub with my wife and her friends and get alot of attention and i am only average looking,my opinion is that if you speak thai,learn the culture,mix with thai people,its easy.

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