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Thailand Is Caught In The Midst Of A Global Power Play


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Sure is all about the almighty dollar, now almost worthless.

Saddam got his when he started to advocate trading oil in euros, WMD's were only the excuse, the US knew perfectly well what weapons he had, they still had the invioces.

Then another previous friend Gadaffi had to go when he was attempting to get oil traded in gold, and receiving considerable support.

Now Iran is actually trading oil in other than the dollar so we need an excuse to do them also.

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All I can say is ... would you want Iran to have control of an atomic bomb with its "ting tong" clergymen in charge?

As much as I wouldn't want the war mongering western powers to have control of one either. Again there is no proof of weapons and bombs being built a view supported by the CIA.

Remember Iraq ~ To this day they still haven't found weapons of mass destruction!!

amazing how many think that Iran is making a bomb, or even close to having a bomb. The CIA says they dont have a bomb nor are making one. The group that does the inspections on an international level say they don't have a bomb nor are they making one. Pakistan, Israel and other nuclear powers with bombs are not a part of the international proliferation act, and Pakistan is selling nuclear technology to north korea, but no problem there.

What the US is after has nothing to do with nuclear anything, it's about a country with a ton of oil that is going to sell it for something other than the US paper coupons aka "the dollar".

Instead to off becoming a country of integrity again, the US continues on it's bullying empirical nation building, looting and murder. Drop the corruption and start representing the people, problem is they have been bought, doped up by pseudo wealth and are now slaves. mad.gif

Spot On!!

Actually, the WMD's were found in Iraq. Over 500 artillery shells loaded with Sarin gas. Check Google for several links.

Wonder which country they originated?

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This entire article by K. Thanong Khanthong in itself is something else.

“The world may now be on the brink of World War III. There is an equal possibility that the Israelis will strike against Iran first, and vice versa. For if the war is to be inevitable, the one who strikes first holds the advantage. After Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, Syria is next in line as far as the Western powers are concerned. Iran is the ultimate prize, which has to be won over at all cost to fulfill the ambition of Western domination over the region.”

How does he get to this conclusion and how does it affect Thailand? There is nothing more happening here than has happened in the past. N. Korea didn’t sound so bad after it went nuclear compared to this article.

“As a neutral nation, Thailand can't please either the Iranians or the Israelis in this dangerous game. Every step ahead should be taken with extra caution to avoid resentment from both parties. We have practically nothing to gain from this growing complication in global geo-politics.”

And this is surmised because of three small explosive device detonations. Why would Thailand want to please either Iran or Israel? This is an alleged incident between two countries on Thai soil and because it failed doesn’t mean it will bring the wrath from either of the countries.

Scare-mongery journalism if you ask me.

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Sure is all about the almighty dollar, now almost worthless.

Saddam got his when he started to advocate trading oil in euros, WMD's were only the excuse, the US knew perfectly well what weapons he had, they still had the invioces.

Then another previous friend Gadaffi had to go when he was attempting to get oil traded in gold, and receiving considerable support.

Now Iran is actually trading oil in other than the dollar so we need an excuse to do them also.

The USD is not worthless. In case you missed it, the crisis in the Eurozone and Japanese debt crisis is causing a migration back to the USD. It's what's been keeping the USD up. Despite Chinese noises to move away from the USD, do you honestly think the Chinese are going to want to damage one of its most important trading partners, or its own large investments in the USA?

Have a look at the world's top 10 oil producers. Of these countries, Saudi Arabia, USA, Canada, Mexico, UAE and Brazil are still using USD. No. 2 producer Russia is still primarily using USD because of its holdings. Yes, China and Iran are in the top 10, but China's production is mostly for domestic use, and Iran's production mostly goes to India and China. India tries to pay its oil bills to Iran with merchandise such as machinery and equipment. China has a surplus of foreign currencies because of its trade policies that has it protecting the yuan. A change in oil trading currency for China and India doesn't have much of an impact. Go down the list to the next 10 producers and countries like Angola, Nigeria,Kuwait Libya and even Iraq are still using USD.

Gadaffi was no friend of the USA. Why is it when the USA attempts diplomacy to deal with issues, the efforts are dismissed? It was Italy that was kissing Gaddaffi's posterior and it was the UK (or actually Scotland) that released the Lockerbie murderer. And again in case you missed it, the USA was a reluctant participant in the Libyan campaign. It was France and the UK that pushed the intervention. The EU was at risk of being flooded with refugees and was facing heavy pressure from Spain and France to do something. The USA didn't need the costs of the intervention, particularly since it is the only super power aside from Russia that has a steady energy supply. Keep in mind who the two most important energy suppliers to the USA are; Canada and Mexico. In the event of an Iranian disruption of the Strait of Hormuz oil tanker traffic, the USA might get bruised, but it will be ok since it can draw on its secure Canadian energy supplies. The USA is hooked up to the Canadian hydro electric grid. It also has a fairly secure a diverse group of energy suppliers. It is the EU, China, Japan and India that will take a hit. Both China and India are dependent upon Iranian oil. Even Russia for all its threats cannot afford to cut off the EU from its energy supplies as it is the money from the EU that is keeping Russia afloat.

And btw, the chief suppliers for the Iraqi poisonous gases were European, Chinese and Korean suppliers. Europeans have a bad habit of blowing smoke when they get caught screwing around. Have a look at German companies interests in Iran. They have the largest exposure in Iran of any EU country and in the event of conflict, Germany would take a financial hit it can't afford right now as it props up the EU. iran has directly threatened the UK with a firestorm should there be a conflict, even though the UK has been relatively lowkey. Iran is a threat to the national security of many countries, including Gulf States such as the UAE, parts of which Iran illegally occupies.

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This whole struggle is about the US trying to prop up its debt ridden economy by convincing the world that they still need to use the US dollar. Once the world starts to think otherwise then all that printing by fiat becomes even more worthless. One of the main reasons why the Iranians are considered a threat is because of their willingness to trade oil for gold or some other form of currency. This is one of the principle reasons why Iraq was attacked (Saddam decided to trade Iraqi oil for Euros), Libya (Gaddafi was proposing to trade his oil for Gold). It is almost pointless reading the Western media these days, they just seem to be a propaganda arm for Western policy. If we want a more peaceful world then we need to have a balance of power, not a world where the US is the dominant power trying to tell everyone what to do. The Iranians will never use a nuclear weapon as it would mean total obliteration for them, a nuclear weapon would also act as a deter-ant against US and Israeli aggression-- after all Iran has not started a war in 400 years, how many have the US started?

This is simply perfect and time the world woke up to the U.S. invasion of all things decent and worthy on our planet, it's been going on for too long.

Hope to see the fall of the evil empire in my life time and crap to all those that say it will be the end of our financial sytems and so forth, more scare tactics!

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The US are only after one goal, control of major global assets. It is a self appointed police force which propagates lies and deliberate misinformation and now having just asked Belgium operation SWIFT to collapse the payment system to Iran for oil, they are trying to force Iran to fire the first shot. If Iran however, simply refuses sales of oil to US influenced countries for a month and accepts any currency - the US will eat humble pie. Iran is a beautiful country and has a living standard far superior to broke America in many ways. Leave it alone, it is not aggressive and anyone who thinks so needs their heads read. They wish to be left alone so why try to start a war? Simple - US needs another war to keep feeding the corrupt <deleted> running it.

Finaly someone with a clear vieuw !

Every soldier should stay in his own country ! Just to defend ,not to attack others to gain bennifits whatsoever !

Sadly it is not common sence that prevails.

The US believes that attack is the best form of defence.....!

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***The US are only after one goal, control of major global assets. It is a self appointed police force which propagates lies and deliberate misinformation and now having just asked Belgium operation SWIFT to collapse the payment system to Iran for oil, they are trying to force Iran to fire the first shot. If Iran however, simply refuses sales of oil to US influenced countries for a month and accepts any currency - the US will eat humble pie. Iran is a beautiful country and has a living standard far superior to broke America in many ways. Leave it alone, it is not aggressive and anyone who thinks so needs their heads read. They wish to be left alone so why try to start a war? Simple - US needs another war to keep feeding the corrupt <deleted> running it.


I have read your post and I think you are delusional. If you can answer this question please: Should we give Ahmedjinadad (sorry for spelling) a nuke? Is he to be trusted with a nuclear device? YES or NO?

If you can answer yes to that question, I am truly interested in why you think he can trusted with a nuke.

If you cant answer yes, then your post is utter delusional garbage.

Edited by skorchio
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IAEA report on Iranian Nuclear Program June 2011

43. The information indicates that Iran has carried out the following activities that are relevant to the

development of a nuclear explosive device:

• Efforts, some successful, to procure nuclear related and dual use equipment and materials by

military related individuals and entities (Annex, Sections C.1 and C.2);

• Efforts to develop undeclared pathways for the production of nuclear material (Annex,

Section C.3);

• The acquisition of nuclear weapons development information and documentation from a

clandestine nuclear supply network (Annex, Section C.4); and

• Work on the development of an indigenous design of a nuclear weapon including the testing of

components (Annex, Sections C.5–C.12).

48. Contrary to the relevant resolutions of the Board of Governors and the Security Council, Iran is not

implementing its Additional Protocol. The Agency will not be in a position to provide credible assurance

about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran unless and until Iran provides the

necessary cooperation with the Agency, including by implementing its Additional Protocol.39.

In other words, Iran is not cooperating with the IAEA and because of this the Agency cannot say whether or not they are developing nuclear weapons. But Iran had taken steps toward developing nukes.

With the Iranian Mullahs having expressed hostility toward the U.S., Israel and pretty much anybody other than Shiite Muslims. Their past complicity in attacks in other countries. And their nutty 12th Imam theories. They don't strike me as being as trustworthy as the Pakistanis or Indians.

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***The US are only after one goal, control of major global assets. It is a self appointed police force which propagates lies and deliberate misinformation and now having just asked Belgium operation SWIFT to collapse the payment system to Iran for oil, they are trying to force Iran to fire the first shot. If Iran however, simply refuses sales of oil to US influenced countries for a month and accepts any currency - the US will eat humble pie. Iran is a beautiful country and has a living standard far superior to broke America in many ways. Leave it alone, it is not aggressive and anyone who thinks so needs their heads read. They wish to be left alone so why try to start a war? Simple - US needs another war to keep feeding the corrupt <deleted> running it.


I have read your post and I think you are delusional. If you can answer this question please: Should we give Ahmedjinadad (sorry for spelling) a nuke? Is he to be trusted with a nuclear device? YES or NO?

If you can answer yes to that question, I am truly interested in why you think he can trusted with a nuke.

If you cant answer yes, then your post is utter delusional garbage.

Iran has different power factions, and Ahmadinejad is actually a moderate in the Iranian political context. Absolutely, the world will be a more dangerous place with a nuclear Iran. It may be inevitable though. Anyone who thinks sanctions or negotiations will stop them is very naive. The only things that might stop them are either internal revolution regime change or less reliably an attack on their nuclear facilities by Israel. The attack option is late and has a high chance of not even working. It is true that even factions left of Ahmadinejad want a nuclear Iran, but a more reasonable government would likely be amenable to real international negotiations.

BTW, yes Israel's existence IS threatened by a nuclear Iran, a state dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Iran has shown a history of asymmetrical warfare, using proxy forces (Hezbollah, etc.). If the official state of Iran nuked Israel, of course they wouldn't likely do that as Israel would nuke them back. But if using proxy forces to deliver nuclear weapons, it would be less clear how Israel would respond to that.

Edited by Jingthing
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Realpolitik is alive and well, the military-industrial complex and those who dominate the financial sector call the shots both through and independently of their puppet politicians.

The one thing you can rely on as true is that whatever is coming from government and mass media sources is not "objective truth".

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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Realpolitik is alive and well, the military-industrial complex and those who dominate the financial sector call the shots both through and independently of their puppet politicians.

The one thing you can rely on as true is that whatever is coming from government and mass media sources is not "objective truth".

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Objective truth?

That's a tall order.

Not sure that even exists.

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Israel have a serious 2500 year old score to settle with the Persians and I don't think it will be that easy to stop them. Their mind is made up, they are just trying to garner as much support as possible before the inevitable takes place. Maybe this is what the Mayans were talking about!

Save your money, if we are not all bombed back to the stone age there could be some cheap land and property deals by the end of the year.

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***The US are only after one goal, control of major global assets. It is a self appointed police force which propagates lies and deliberate misinformation and now having just asked Belgium operation SWIFT to collapse the payment system to Iran for oil, they are trying to force Iran to fire the first shot. If Iran however, simply refuses sales of oil to US influenced countries for a month and accepts any currency - the US will eat humble pie. Iran is a beautiful country and has a living standard far superior to broke America in many ways. Leave it alone, it is not aggressive and anyone who thinks so needs their heads read. They wish to be left alone so why try to start a war? Simple - US needs another war to keep feeding the corrupt <deleted> running it.


I have read your post and I think you are delusional. If you can answer this question please: Should we give Ahmedjinadad (sorry for spelling) a nuke? Is he to be trusted with a nuclear device? YES or NO?

If you can answer yes to that question, I am truly interested in why you think he can trusted with a nuke.

If you cant answer yes, then your post is utter delusional garbage.


Is USA to be trusted with a nuclear device?

Is Israel to be trusted with a nuclear device?

Is Pakistan to be trusted with a nuclear device?

Is India to be trusted with a nuclear device?

What I can remember, it's only the U.S. who used the atomic bomb.Twice

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***The US are only after one goal, control of major global assets. It is a self appointed police force which propagates lies and deliberate misinformation and now having just asked Belgium operation SWIFT to collapse the payment system to Iran for oil, they are trying to force Iran to fire the first shot. If Iran however, simply refuses sales of oil to US influenced countries for a month and accepts any currency - the US will eat humble pie. Iran is a beautiful country and has a living standard far superior to broke America in many ways. Leave it alone, it is not aggressive and anyone who thinks so needs their heads read. They wish to be left alone so why try to start a war? Simple - US needs another war to keep feeding the corrupt <deleted> running it.


I have read your post and I think you are delusional. If you can answer this question please: Should we give Ahmedjinadad (sorry for spelling) a nuke? Is he to be trusted with a nuclear device? YES or NO?

If you can answer yes to that question, I am truly interested in why you think he can trusted with a nuke.

If you cant answer yes, then your post is utter delusional garbage.


Is USA to be trusted with a nuclear device?

Is Israel to be trusted with a nuclear device?

Is Pakistan to be trusted with a nuclear device?

Is India to be trusted with a nuclear device?

What I can remember, it's only the U.S. who used the atomic bomb.Twice

So let's proliferate them even more, then. How logical. Why stop at Iran? Don't forget Syria, Egypt, Venezuela, Somalia, Burma, and ... Thailandshock1.gif .
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Please be aware that there is an Iranian opposition terrorist group called the MKO of whom it has been alleged have been working with Mossad to help eliminate Iranian Nuclear scientists. So it doesn't mean that because they are Iranian they must be working for the Iranian government.

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Please be aware that there is an Iranian opposition terrorist group called the MKO of whom it has been alleged have been working with Mossad to help eliminate Iranian Nuclear scientists. So it doesn't mean that because they are Iranian they must be working for the Iranian government.

You are now talking about the issue of who is killing the Iranian nuclear scientists. It doesn't not follow that Israelis are behind bombing Israeli diplomats in Georgia, Thailand, and India.
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Israel have a serious 2500 year old score to settle with the Persians and I don't think it will be that easy to stop them. Their mind is made up, they are just trying to garner as much support as possible before the inevitable takes place. Maybe this is what the Mayans were talking about!

Save your money, if we are not all bombed back to the stone age there could be some cheap land and property deals by the end of the year.

After 2,500 years of planning, it should be a pretty good plan................

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***The US are only after one goal, control of major global assets. It is a self appointed police force which propagates lies and deliberate misinformation and now having just asked Belgium operation SWIFT to collapse the payment system to Iran for oil, they are trying to force Iran to fire the first shot. If Iran however, simply refuses sales of oil to US influenced countries for a month and accepts any currency - the US will eat humble pie. Iran is a beautiful country and has a living standard far superior to broke America in many ways. Leave it alone, it is not aggressive and anyone who thinks so needs their heads read. They wish to be left alone so why try to start a war? Simple - US needs another war to keep feeding the corrupt <deleted> running it.


I have read your post and I think you are delusional. If you can answer this question please: Should we give Ahmedjinadad (sorry for spelling) a nuke? Is he to be trusted with a nuclear device? YES or NO?

If you can answer yes to that question, I am truly interested in why you think he can trusted with a nuke.

If you cant answer yes, then your post is utter delusional garbage.


Is USA to be trusted with a nuclear device?

Is Israel to be trusted with a nuclear device?

Is Pakistan to be trusted with a nuclear device?

Is India to be trusted with a nuclear device?

What I can remember, it's only the U.S. who used the atomic bomb.Twice

So let's proliferate them even more, then. How logical. Why stop at Iran? Don't forget Syria, Egypt, Venezuela, Somalia, Burma, and ... Thailandshock1.gif .

With North Korea and Pakistan already having them I fear the genie is already out of the bottle on this.

Unfortunately global politics has played too big a role in the development of nuclear weaponry over the past few decades. It was recognised many years ago that they posed a serious threat to mankind as a race yet their development has continued and the opportunity squandered to draw a line in the sand and put in place serious consequences for those that did develop them. Instead we have ended up with a non-proliferation treaty that is not even compulsory.

Edited by Orac
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Thailand Is Caught In The Midst Of A Global Power Play

Oh, poor innocent little Thailand. Always the victim in a global power plays since the days of Hambali hiding in Auythaya and Tamil Tiger submarines being built in Phuket. :(

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Thailand Is Caught In The Midst Of A Global Power Play

Oh, poor innocent little Thailand. Always the victim in a global power plays since the days of Hambali hiding in Auythaya and Tamil Tiger submarines being built in Phuket. sad.png

Is there a lesson Thailand can learn from WW2 Thailand? I don't know, just asking.
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Thailand Is Caught In The Midst Of A Global Power Play

Oh, poor innocent little Thailand. Always the victim in a global power plays since the days of Hambali hiding in Auythaya and Tamil Tiger submarines being built in Phuket. sad.png

Is there a lesson Thailand can learn from WW2 Thailand? I don't know, just asking.

I'm thinking most Thai's wouldn't know if sequel to Willy Wonka has already been released. :)

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After 2,500 years of planning, it should be a pretty good plan................

Israel. Circa 1948. coffee1.gif

Ah Jingthing, you couldn't resist it :)

Well I guarantee I can pull out posts from your history where you are claiming some 2000 year old right to the land of Israel, so you can't have your cake and eat it Jingthing, and the current map looks a little different to Israel circa 1948 doesn't it?

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Please be aware that there is an Iranian opposition terrorist group called the MKO of whom it has been alleged have been working with Mossad to help eliminate Iranian Nuclear scientists. So it doesn't mean that because they are Iranian they must be working for the Iranian government.

Give that man a Hershey bar because .......you are bang on the Money!! The MKO or MEK, (same org), and guess what, the method of the recent bombings was 'remarkably similar' (so we are informed) to those used to attack the Iranian scientists! The plot thickens. So Iranian citizens, yes. Under the current climate of tension, the chance of those citizens working for the Iranian government? Zero....nada...zilch!

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The US are only after one goal, control of major global assets. It is a self appointed police force which propagates lies and deliberate misinformation and now having just asked Belgium operation SWIFT to collapse the payment system to Iran for oil, they are trying to force Iran to fire the first shot. If Iran however, simply refuses sales of oil to US influenced countries for a month and accepts any currency - the US will eat humble pie. Iran is a beautiful country and has a living standard far superior to broke America in many ways. Leave it alone, it is not aggressive and anyone who thinks so needs their heads read. They wish to be left alone so why try to start a war? Simple - US needs another war to keep feeding the corrupt <deleted> running it.

I dont like this post ......I love it. There should be a love button. lol

Im so glad not everyone is sleeping and knows the real ways things work.

Once you know the truth you see the lies everywhere.

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After 2,500 years of planning, it should be a pretty good plan................

Israel. Circa 1948. coffee1.gif

Ah Jingthing, you couldn't resist it smile.png

Well I guarantee I can pull out posts from your history where you are claiming some 2000 year old right to the land of Israel, so you can't have your cake and eat it Jingthing, and the current map looks a little different to Israel circa 1948 doesn't it?

Yes after Israel survived 3 attempts to wipe it out it gained more land than it originally agreed to settle for, not it's fault but the fault of a 1400 year old vendetta the name of which we can scarcely mention these days.

P.S I'm waiting for the descendants of Queen Boudicca to even the scores with Rome too. cowboy.gif

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