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Iran Envoy Claims 'Zionist Regime' Behind Bangkok Blasts


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There are not 3 million Arabs in Israel. What a bizarre distortion.

At the end of 2008 the Arab population in Israel numbered 1.488 million people – 20% of the total population

The other stuff ... :

-- homosexuals in Iran don't matter, its "not relevant"

-- stoning of women in Iran, who cares, its "not relevant"

-- the fact that the vast majority of Iranian Jews fled Iran ignored

-- President of Iran, he's OK with Israel existing, sure he is, it's just for entertainment that he leads mass rallies screaming DEATH TO ISRAEL

-- Source please on your info about what happens to Gazan people (governed by Hamas elected by Gazans) shooting rockets; I would think in a war situation such people would expect to be killed on the spot, if you are talking about shooters that are captured, objective source please. No it wouldn't surprise me if you can prove they are treated wrongly, but given the nature of your other distortions in the post, I'd like to see where you got your info from.

Edited by Jingthing
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There are not 3 million Arabs in Israel. What a bizarre distortion.

At the end of 2008 the Arab population in Israel numbered 1.488 million people – 20% of the total population

The other stuff, pure inflammatory propaganda:

-- homosexuals in Iran don't matter, its "not relevant"

-- stoning of women in Iran, who cares, its "not relevant"

-- the fact that the vast majority of Iranian Jews fled Iran ignored

-- President of Iran, he's OK with Israel existing, sure he is, it's just for entertainment that he leads mass rallies screaming DEATH TO ISRAEL

-- Source please on your info about what happens to Gazan people (governed by Hamas elected by Gazans) shooting rockets; I would think in a war situation such people would expect to be killed on the spot, if you are talking about shooters that are captured, objective source please. No it wouldn't surprise me if you can prove they are treated wrongly, but given the nature of your other distortions in the post, I'd like to see where you got your info from.

What war?

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Look at the sources that claim Alamdemajad(sp) made the statement regarding "wiping Israel off the Map",

IF the translation that the conspiracy buffs keep refering to is not 100% accurate, it is pretty close,and considering all the other similar things that this loon has said, why nitpick about just one statement - unless trying skirt the truth of his intentions? rolleyes.gif

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The "I don't like your source" war suggests fascist leanings and I don't really think that is what we are after. I expect we need to welcome all sources

Excuse me. I agree that you are quite polite about your beliefs, but allowing any old source would just fill the forum with unsubstantiated lies and false propaganda. There is too much already that slips through the cracks.

Look at the sources that claim Alamdemajad(sp) made the statement regarding "wiping Israel off the Map", I know for certain he did not use those words and yet I will see reference to that comment on a daily basis. Not going to get my tits in an uproar about it because it is not personal with me.

The literal translation of Alamademajads transcript can be found in many places, all translations provided by Farsi scholars, not politicians or news people. I don't really care if Oprah or Bill O'Rielly clam otherwise, he did not make the map reference and the word "map" is not in the transcript.

I don't believe Netanyahu made a "death to Arabs" statement but I am certain Alamademajad did not refer to wiping Israel off the map. So where does that leave us? We can make jokes about it and post what we think he meant. I actually believe that Alamdemajad would like to get rid of his Israeli problem and it is quite believable that Netanyahu would like to be rid of his Arab problem but I do not think either would go on public record as actually making a statement ot that effect. They are both politicians.

If you examine the records of the two countries and consider how Jews are treated in Iran vs how Arabs are treated in Israel there are few clues. In Iran, for example, the last time I saw a reference to Jews incarcerated in Iran the number was quite small. Something like 14 Jews have been executed in Iran since the 1979 revolution. The israeli record is a bit different. We need to consider per capita as Iran has roughly 11,000 Jews and Israel has roughly 3 million Arabs so it is not an easy comparison. Treatment of homosexuals or other sharia law matters are not relevant to this particular point and even as such, the numbers incarcerated are quite small and there are no underage Jews among the Iran totals. Lets do our best to compare as closely as possible using apples against apples.

Israeli jails are full of Arabs to include a large number of children under the age of consent. in Gaza alone last year 115 Arabs to include many children were summarily executed in retaliation for rocket strikes. When you kill in the name of the law, without due process, it is an execution. If I total up the numbers over several years, they are huge even if counted per capita.

Well you're right about one thing - it's not an easy comparison to make, or justify for that matter. You might comment on the fact that Iran has around 10 times the population of Israel, and that AFAIK the tiny Jewish population who chose to remain are not involved in some form of holy war against the state. In fact, I havn't heard of even one Jewish suicide bomber in Iran or anywhere else; rockets seem to fired out of Iran as a rule, rather than into.

You could mention that just a few of the Arabs incarcerated in Israel might not have been former residents of Israel, but foreigners captured while attacking that country and treated as common criminals, rather than executed as non-uniformed combatants.

Oh, if you wonder why so many are under-age, it might have something to do with the heroic leaders of the Jihad who prefer to impressionable children, the intellectually feeble and the mentally ill as suicide bombers, rather than sacrifice their own lives, even for the price of a ticket to Paradise..

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Here is yet more reason to believe Iran and their proxies can not be trusted, namely their associations with Al Qaeda are far closer than most people realize, which is yet another reason they can't be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.


The Bush administration waged what it called a Global War on Terrorism. Yet against Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, no serious actions were ever taken. President Obama is waging what he calls a “war against al Qaeda and its affiliates.” Yet he and his advisors are reluctant to articulate what has become indisputable: Iran and al Qaeda are affiliated.

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Here is yet more reason to believe Iran and their proxies can not be trusted, namely their associations with Al Qaeda are far closer than most people realize, which is yet another reason they can't be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.


The Bush administration waged what it called a Global War on Terrorism. Yet against Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, no serious actions were ever taken. President Obama is waging what he calls a “war against al Qaeda and its affiliates.” Yet he and his advisors are reluctant to articulate what has become indisputable: Iran and al Qaeda are affiliated.

What? Do you seriously believe that?

Well if you do then maybe you can believe anything you read.

How about............I reckon the Usa is more connected to Al qaeda then Iran. After all the Usa created them smile.png

Edited....to all those that read steelydans link. Please take some time to read the replies on the article. People are even saying Nuke iran. bomb bomb bomb iran. Seems like this is a war mongering brainwashing website.

Edited by maiphedmaiaroi
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Here is yet more reason to believe Iran and their proxies can not be trusted, namely their associations with Al Qaeda are far closer than most people realize, which is yet another reason they can't be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.


The Bush administration waged what it called a Global War on Terrorism. Yet against Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, no serious actions were ever taken. President Obama is waging what he calls a “war against al Qaeda and its affiliates.” Yet he and his advisors are reluctant to articulate what has become indisputable: Iran and al Qaeda are affiliated.

What? Do you seriously believe that?

Why not? Iran being involved with terrorists is not exactly something new.

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Here is yet more reason to believe Iran and their proxies can not be trusted, namely their associations with Al Qaeda are far closer than most people realize, which is yet another reason they can't be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.


The Bush administration waged what it called a Global War on Terrorism. Yet against Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, no serious actions were ever taken. President Obama is waging what he calls a “war against al Qaeda and its affiliates.” Yet he and his advisors are reluctant to articulate what has become indisputable: Iran and al Qaeda are affiliated.

Sounds familiar to the BS that came out about Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda that was used as a pretext for another war.


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Here is yet more reason to believe Iran and their proxies can not be trusted, namely their associations with Al Qaeda are far closer than most people realize, which is yet another reason they can't be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.


The Bush administration waged what it called a Global War on Terrorism. Yet against Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, no serious actions were ever taken. President Obama is waging what he calls a “war against al Qaeda and its affiliates.” Yet he and his advisors are reluctant to articulate what has become indisputable: Iran and al Qaeda are affiliated.

What? Do you seriously believe that?

Why not? Iran being involved with terrorists is not exactly something new.

I bet salesmen love you.

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Here is yet more reason to believe Iran and their proxies can not be trusted, namely their associations with Al Qaeda are far closer than most people realize, which is yet another reason they can't be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.


The Bush administration waged what it called a Global War on Terrorism. Yet against Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, no serious actions were ever taken. President Obama is waging what he calls a “war against al Qaeda and its affiliates.” Yet he and his advisors are reluctant to articulate what has become indisputable: Iran and al Qaeda are affiliated.

What? Do you seriously believe that?

Well if you do then maybe you can believe anything you read.

How about............I reckon the Usa is more connected to Al qaeda then Iran. After all the Usa created them smile.png

Edited....to all those that read steelydans link. Please take some time to read the replies on the article. People are even saying Nuke iran. bomb bomb bomb iran. Seems like this is a war mongering brainwashing website.

You are bang on the money. The reason , as I have said in my post above this is that the site is 'written' by the likes of Ann Coulter, a hateful, racist, unintelligent bigot. If you don't know of her then just google or spend an hour on youtube, being horrified by what comes out of her mouth. She is as offensive as the nutjobs from the Westboro Babtist Church (even more youtube fun), and now we have a TV member linking us to her and her cohorts as a source of credible information.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Totally agree Jim.

The proof is there for all to see.

Just hope it doesnt get deleted.

I would ask Scott NOT to delete Steely's post, as you say, the proof of where much of the diatribe is coming from is now evident. The site is owned by Salem Communications, .... Wiki...."Salem Communications (NASDAQ: SALM) is a U.S. radio broadcaster, Internet content provider, and magazine and book publisher specializing in evangelical Christian and conservative political talk radio." The scary part is that they have about 60 odd radio stations across the states. Can you imagine the brainwashing effect of having that message spouted off on the radio all day, I mean, look what it's done to some TV members.

Edited to add...it is 99 radio stations, omg!

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Here is yet more reason to believe Iran and their proxies can not be trusted, namely their associations with Al Qaeda are far closer than most people realize, which is yet another reason they can't be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.


The Bush administration waged what it called a Global War on Terrorism. Yet against Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, no serious actions were ever taken. President Obama is waging what he calls a “war against al Qaeda and its affiliates.” Yet he and his advisors are reluctant to articulate what has become indisputable: Iran and al Qaeda are affiliated.

The article trying to connect Al Qaeda to Iran was written by Cliff May, here are some choice bits of info on him, courtesy, Wiki.

"May supports the use of 'enhanced interrogation techniques', other than waterboarding, against those captured by the United States in what he calls the War on Terror so long as they are used as a "last resort". He views them as fundamentally different from 'torture'. He also opposes regarding those captured as either criminal defendants or prisoners of war.["

"During the beginning of the CIA leak scandal, May wrote in September 2003 that an ex-administration official had told him that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent,"...yes he outed a CIA agent!

"On December 31, 2009, May suggested releasing uncharged prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to Yemen, then sending "missiles to strike the baggage-claim area".

Quality link Steely !

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One post with altered quotes has been deleted. Do not alter other poster's quotes, this includes bold and color etc..

Please remember this thread is based on an OP which is a counter-claim to some of the other threads.

This said, you still must stick to the OP. I don't believe AQ is relevant, by the way.

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I wonder if the Iranians are planning on blaming their nuclear weapons program on the MEK/MKO too.

“There is no doubt that the decision makers in the countries opposing us know well that Iran is not after nuclear weapons because the Islamic Republic, logically, religiously and theoretically, considers the possession of nuclear weapons a grave sin and believes the proliferation of such weapons is senseless, destructive and dangerous.”

They want to own you and everything you have. Nothing more, nothing less. And they will take it from your stone cold dead hands, if you let them."

Ayatollah Khamenei

February 23, 2012

Yeah, let's just accept what Kharmenei says as literal truth. After all, he's a holy man, isn't he? coffee1.gif

Iran has denied inspectors from the United Nations' nuclear watchdog access to a key military site - ratcheting up tensions between Tehran and the West and effectively ending a working dialogue.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors were turned away from a base in Parchin, south east of the capital, where intelligence suggests nuclear weapons could be in development.

Well if we shouldnt believe him who should be believe?

Guys like this?

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I wonder if the Iranians are planning on blaming their nuclear weapons program on the MEK/MKO too.

“There is no doubt that the decision makers in the countries opposing us know well that Iran is not after nuclear weapons because the Islamic Republic, logically, religiously and theoretically, considers the possession of nuclear weapons a grave sin and believes the proliferation of such weapons is senseless, destructive and dangerous.”

They want to own you and everything you have. Nothing more, nothing less. And they will take it from your stone cold dead hands, if you let them."

Ayatollah Khamenei

February 23, 2012

Yeah, let's just accept what Kharmenei says as literal truth. After all, he's a holy man, isn't he? coffee1.gif

Well if we shouldnt believe him who should be believe?

Guys like this?

A sound response to the posts you quoted from Ulysees and Jingthing, however, as appropriate as it is, I fear it will be axed, as there will be a few people on here (you know who you are(, whose fingers will have blisters from hitting the report button. I hope it remains, as it is a direct response to posts that already remain. The video reminded me of why we should all be worried. And whatever happened to Colin Powell? I was out in theatre in Gulf War 1 when he was a much loved, respected and capable General. I can only assume that being made to throw his integrity in the bin and lie as he does on the video was just too much for him and he has retired into obscurity, aware that the deceiptful world of politics is no place for the likes of him.

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Yeah, let's just accept what Kharmenei says as literal truth. After all, he's a holy man, isn't he? coffee1.gif

Well if we shouldnt believe him who should be believe?

Guys like this?

Guys like this?

Please to ignore the homosexuals hanging in iran, and the female rape victims being stoned to death for not having at least 4 male witnesses to their rape.


There are dozens of countries in the world who have track records of appalling Human rights. Iran, Saudi, most Middle Eastern Countries (including Israel), Kenya, Zimbabwe, China etc etc etc and lets not forget the USA. The fact that Iran does not permit gays, and shows the greatest disrespect to its women is not a pretext for invasion. This is about a potential nuclear conflict caused by Iran, allegedly manufacturing Nuclear weapons. If we invade countries due to the appalling human rights issues displayed by their leadership, then most of Africa should have felt the boots of our soldiers on its soil.

We are being led to a war by people that have shown in the past are capable of manufacturing lies, lies and more lies. So now we have the boy who cried wolf and frankly maybe Iran is producing Nuclear weapons but the truth is I do not trust a word that comes out of the mouths of politicians from the USA, Israel and the UK. Your video of the abuses of gays and women is in the wrong place and nothing to do with the argument apart from acting as some kind of distraction.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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*Deleted quote edited out*

I think that the ideology of these groups was founded on manufacturing lies, lies and more lies for going to war with all that do not follow their ideology.

Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:

[The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.]

Edited by Scott
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Well if we shouldnt believe him who should be believe?

Guys like this?

Guys like this?

Please to ignore the homosexuals hanging in iran, and the female rape victims being stoned to death for not having at least 4 male witnesses to their rape.


There are dozens of countries in the world who have track records of appalling Human rights. Iran, Saudi, most Middle Eastern Countries (including Israel), Kenya, Zimbabwe, China etc etc etc and lets not forget the USA. The fact that Iran does not permit gays, and shows the greatest disrespect to its women is not a pretext for invasion. This is about a potential nuclear conflict caused by Iran, allegedly manufacturing Nuclear weapons. If we invade countries due to the appalling human rights issues displayed by their leadership, then most of Africa should have felt the boots of our soldiers on its soil.

We are being led to a war by people that have shown in the past are capable of manufacturing lies, lies and more lies. So now we have the boy who cried wolf and frankly maybe Iran is producing Nuclear weapons but the truth is I do not trust a word that comes out of the mouths of politicians from the USA, Israel and the UK. Your video of the abuses of gays and women is in the wrong place and nothing to do with the argument apart from acting as some kind of distraction.

I think that the ideology of these groups was founded on manufacturing lies, lies and more lies for going to war with all that do not follow their ideology.

Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:

[The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.]

I can only assume that your mission since joining 10 days ago is to keep up the post count on sites like this by trolling. Keep up the good work.

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Guys like this?

Please to ignore the homosexuals hanging in iran, and the female rape victims being stoned to death for not having at least 4 male witnesses to their rape.


There are dozens of countries in the world who have track records of appalling Human rights. Iran, Saudi, most Middle Eastern Countries (including Israel), Kenya, Zimbabwe, China etc etc etc and lets not forget the USA. The fact that Iran does not permit gays, and shows the greatest disrespect to its women is not a pretext for invasion. This is about a potential nuclear conflict caused by Iran, allegedly manufacturing Nuclear weapons. If we invade countries due to the appalling human rights issues displayed by their leadership, then most of Africa should have felt the boots of our soldiers on its soil.

We are being led to a war by people that have shown in the past are capable of manufacturing lies, lies and more lies. So now we have the boy who cried wolf and frankly maybe Iran is producing Nuclear weapons but the truth is I do not trust a word that comes out of the mouths of politicians from the USA, Israel and the UK. Your video of the abuses of gays and women is in the wrong place and nothing to do with the argument apart from acting as some kind of distraction.

I think that the ideology of these groups was founded on manufacturing lies, lies and more lies for going to war with all that do not follow their ideology.

Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:

[The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.]

I can only assume that your mission since joining 10 days ago is to keep up the post count on sites like this by trolling. Keep up the good work.

Nope, but how is that germane to anything? Your attacking me just because we do not think alike? So are you on the side of totalitarian tyrannical regimes? Good to know. Try using your critical measuring stick on the regimes you are defending, not just the ones you are attacking.

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There are dozens of countries in the world who have track records of appalling Human rights. Iran, Saudi, most Middle Eastern Countries (including Israel), Kenya, Zimbabwe, China etc etc etc and lets not forget the USA. The fact that Iran does not permit gays, and shows the greatest disrespect to its women is not a pretext for invasion. This is about a potential nuclear conflict caused by Iran, allegedly manufacturing Nuclear weapons. If we invade countries due to the appalling human rights issues displayed by their leadership, then most of Africa should have felt the boots of our soldiers on its soil.

We are being led to a war by people that have shown in the past are capable of manufacturing lies, lies and more lies. So now we have the boy who cried wolf and frankly maybe Iran is producing Nuclear weapons but the truth is I do not trust a word that comes out of the mouths of politicians from the USA, Israel and the UK. Your video of the abuses of gays and women is in the wrong place and nothing to do with the argument apart from acting as some kind of distraction.

I think that the ideology of these groups was founded on manufacturing lies, lies and more lies for going to war with all that do not follow their ideology.

Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:

[The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.]

I can only assume that your mission since joining 10 days ago is to keep up the post count on sites like this by trolling. Keep up the good work.

Nope, but how is that germane to anything? Your attacking me just because we do not think alike? So are you on the side of totalitarian tyrannical regimes? Good to know. Try using your critical measuring stick on the regimes you are defending, not just the ones you are attacking.

I am not attacking you at all, you will be well aware if I do. You do not answer the subject matter of any post, you simply upload more and more diatribe, Firstly you present us with the gay/human right issues, nothing to do with a war, and when you answer a post referring to the lies we were told over Gulf War 2 as a precedence that needs considering under the current circumstances, you reply by quoting something said at the time of Jefferson, give us a break! Why am I on the side of totalitarian regimes? Have you actually read my posts concerning my views on Iran? I happen to think that the lives of a million innocent Iranians (not even mentioning the dire global economic effects) are slightly more important than a shoot from the hip, gungho attitude of the style you and others display. War is a very serious business and if you had ever been involved in one you would understand and be less likely to make the frivelous comments that you do.

Ulysees Grant

Nothing else is expected from you.

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I think that the ideology of these groups was founded on manufacturing lies, lies and more lies for going to war with all that do not follow their ideology.

Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:

[The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.]

I can only assume that your mission since joining 10 days ago is to keep up the post count on sites like this by trolling. Keep up the good work.

Nope, but how is that germane to anything? Your attacking me just because we do not think alike? So are you on the side of totalitarian tyrannical regimes? Good to know. Try using your critical measuring stick on the regimes you are defending, not just the ones you are attacking.

I am not attacking you at all, you will be well aware if I do. You do not answer the subject matter of any post, you simply upload more and more diatribe, Firstly you present us with the gay/human right issues, nothing to do with a war, and when you answer a post referring to the lies we were told over Gulf War 2 as a precedence that needs considering under the current circumstances, you reply by quoting something said at the time of Jefferson, give us a break! Why am I on the side of totalitarian regimes? Have you actually read my posts concerning my views on Iran? I happen to think that the lives of a million innocent Iranians (not even mentioning the dire global economic effects) are slightly more important than a shoot from the hip, gungho attitude of the style you and others display. War is a very serious business and if you had ever been involved in one you would understand and be less likely to make the frivelous comments that you do.

Ulysees Grant

Nothing else is expected from you.

The ones shooting from the hip are the ones you are defending, like the ones in southern Thailand and southern Philippines, this ideology thinks nothing of executing anybody and everybody to achieve their totalitarian tyrannical goals. Inflammatory & baiting remark edited out

Edited by Scott
inflammatory and baiting remark edited out
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Don't worry, He is way behind you.

Not when you count the thousands of posts under his main log in ID

Come on....Gay, Zionist, Hates Thaksin.......Geez who could it be???

I think we all know

Edited by flying
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Here is yet more reason to believe Iran and their proxies can not be trusted, namely their associations with Al Qaeda are far closer than most people realize, which is yet another reason they can't be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.


The Bush administration waged what it called a Global War on Terrorism. Yet against Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, no serious actions were ever taken. President Obama is waging what he calls a “war against al Qaeda and its affiliates.” Yet he and his advisors are reluctant to articulate what has become indisputable: Iran and al Qaeda are affiliated.


For presenting us with a link for a site in which Ann Coulter is a regular contributor you should be thrown off this site for good!. You have presented a typical US fear mongering tactict. "If the bombings in India , Georgia and Thailand are not helping to sway public opinion, I know, lets connect Al Quaeda to Iran!" .

You are normally to be found on one particular side of a fence as most of us are, but this is too much, and to be honest you deserve yourself to be called a tinfoil hat wearing conspirator, as you have called so many yourself. Al Qaeda were/are a SAUDI terrorist group (the people that you and others remind us that hate the Iranians).

Ann Coulter is nothing more than a despicable, unintelligent, low life and ANY site that supports her does not deserve to be read. It explains a lot about your posts, now that I realize you are frequenting sites such as the one you have linked to. Are you soooo desperate for a war that you would spout of that garbage, Shame on you!

So let me get this straight, you can conceive of the Israelis plotting to blow up their own embassy but consider the idea of Iran and Al Qaeda having a working relationship. I think we can all draw our conclusions accordingly. cowboy.gif

What I will concede is the U.S admitting explicitly what most sane people would have expected is bad news for Iran, especially coming when it does.

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