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UN calls on Israel to release Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike


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UN calls on Israel to release Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike

2012-02-21 20:10:21 GMT+7 (ICT)

RAMALLAH/GENEVA (BNO NEWS) -- The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories, Richard Falk, on Tuesday urged the Israeli government to release Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan who is being held without charges.

Adnan, a leader in the Islamic Jihad, was detained in December 2011 near the northern West Bank city of Jenin and has been held since without charges. An Israeli military court previously sentenced the 33-year-old to four months in administrative detention and upheld his detention order after rejecting an appeal.

Tuesday marked the 66th day of Adnan's hunger strike, which he began a day after his arrest on December 17. "I am informed that Mr. Adnan's health has already suffered irreparable damage, he is in jeopardy of dying at any moment," Falk said at the end of a 10-day fact-finding mission to the region. "I reiterate my call on the Government of Israel to uphold Mr. Adnan's rights, taking full account of the extreme urgency of the situation."

According to the United Nations, there are an estimated 4,400 Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, including approximately 300 Palestinians who are detained without charges under the label of so-called administrative detention. "I have requested information regarding each of these persons, and I intend to follow up on each case and address this matter in my forthcoming report to the Human Rights Council," Falk said.

Falk's call to free Adnan immediately comes amid media reports that Israel may be close to releasing him. One of Adnan's lawyer was quoted as saying by Al Jazeera that Israel has agreed to free him, but gave no details. It came hours before the supreme court is to hear an urgent appeal for his release.

Adnan said he will continue the hunger strike, the longest ever in the history of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, until his release.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-02-21

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Wonderful wishes for the Palestinian nationalist movement:

1. Give up antisemitism; it may have been in the roots of the movement but it doesn't have to be destiny

2. Give up the idea of unconditional right of return (you can't get everything you dream of)

3. Embrace the idea of the two state solution (so much better than no state)

4. Accept the existence of the Jewish state of Israel (who knows, in peace time they may be wonderful partners, they already love falafel)

5. Forget violent resistance. Embrace non-violent resistance.

6. Prepare to celebrate a fully official new state of Palestine within a year

Edited by Jingthing
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Wonderful wishes for the Palestinian nationalist movement:

1. Give up antisemitism; it may have been in the roots of the movement but it doesn't have to be destiny

2. Give up the idea of unconditional right of return (you can't get everything you dream of)

3. Embrace the idea of the two state solution (so much better than no state)

4. Accept the existence of the Jewish state of Israel (who knows, in peace time they may be wonderful partners, they already love falafel)

5. Forget violent resistance. Embrace non-violent resistance.

6. Prepare to celebrate a fully official new state of Palestine within a year

out of interest, what would be your wonderful wishes for the israeli government?

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Wonderful wishes for the Palestinian nationalist movement:

1. Give up antisemitism; it may have been in the roots of the movement but it doesn't have to be destiny

2. Give up the idea of unconditional right of return (you can't get everything you dream of)

3. Embrace the idea of the two state solution (so much better than no state)

4. Accept the existence of the Jewish state of Israel (who knows, in peace time they may be wonderful partners, they already love falafel)

5. Forget violent resistance. Embrace non-violent resistance.

6. Prepare to celebrate a fully official new state of Palestine within a year

out of interest, what would be your wonderful wishes for the israeli government?

Israel already has a state. I wish them to be able to keep it. In the long run, that means peace with the Palestinians. If the Palestinians followed my list, there would be no stopping them and they would break down even the most right wing factions in Israel. Edited by Jingthing
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Wonderful wishes for the Palestinian nationalist movement:

1. Give up antisemitism; it may have been in the roots of the movement but it doesn't have to be destiny

2. Give up the idea of unconditional right of return (you can't get everything you dream of)

3. Embrace the idea of the two state solution (so much better than no state)

4. Accept the existence of the Jewish state of Israel (who knows, in peace time they may be wonderful partners, they already love falafel)

5. Forget violent resistance. Embrace non-violent resistance.

6. Prepare to celebrate a fully official new state of Palestine within a year

out of interest, what would be your wonderful wishes for the israeli government?

Israel already has a state. I wish them to be able to keep it. In the long run, that means peace with the Palestinians.

translation : nothing they are doing is causing any of the problem

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Wonderful wishes for the Palestinian nationalist movement:

1. Give up antisemitism; it may have been in the roots of the movement but it doesn't have to be destiny

2. Give up the idea of unconditional right of return (you can't get everything you dream of)

3. Embrace the idea of the two state solution (so much better than no state)

4. Accept the existence of the Jewish state of Israel (who knows, in peace time they may be wonderful partners, they already love falafel)

5. Forget violent resistance. Embrace non-violent resistance.

6. Prepare to celebrate a fully official new state of Palestine within a year

out of interest, what would be your wonderful wishes for the israeli government?

Israel already has a state. I wish them to be able to keep it. In the long run, that means peace with the Palestinians.

translation : nothing they are doing is causing any of the problem

That's your translation. Predictably so. Did you even read my list? I said they need to do nonviolent resistance. Obviously there is something to resist against. I reckon you're talking about west bank settlements. Trust me, if the Israeli public was convinced that list was happening they'd be moving to kick out those settlers tomorrow. Yes of course its all related. Edited by Jingthing
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That's your translation. Predictably so. Did you even read my list? I said they need to do nonviolent resistance. Obviously there is something to resist against. I reckon you're talking about west bank settlements. Trust me, if the Israeli public was convinced that list was happening they'd be moving to kick out those settlers tomorrow. Yes of course its all related.

my point is surely there's some sort of a list of things that israel could change or do better to help the situation but of course you wouldn't do a list of them.

so yes, of course it was a predictable translation...

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That's your translation. Predictably so. Did you even read my list? I said they need to do nonviolent resistance. Obviously there is something to resist against. I reckon you're talking about west bank settlements. Trust me, if the Israeli public was convinced that list was happening they'd be moving to kick out those settlers tomorrow. Yes of course its all related.

my point is surely there's some sort of a list of things that israel could change or do better to help the situation but of course you wouldn't do a list of them.

so yes, of course it was a predictable translation...

I know of nothing Israel could possibly do to change the majority Palestinian public opinion demanding the entirety of Israel for them and refusing to accept the existence of Israel. That's why no list.
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That's your translation. Predictably so. Did you even read my list? I said they need to do nonviolent resistance. Obviously there is something to resist against. I reckon you're talking about west bank settlements. Trust me, if the Israeli public was convinced that list was happening they'd be moving to kick out those settlers tomorrow. Yes of course its all related.

my point is surely there's some sort of a list of things that israel could change or do better to help the situation but of course you wouldn't do a list of them.

so yes, of course it was a predictable translation...

I know of nothing Israel could possibly do to change the majority Palestinian public opinion demanding the entirety of Israel for them and refusing to accept the existence of Israel. That's why no list.

so there's absolutely no point in compromising anything whatsoever from israels side, great stance.

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That's your translation. Predictably so. Did you even read my list? I said they need to do nonviolent resistance. Obviously there is something to resist against. I reckon you're talking about west bank settlements. Trust me, if the Israeli public was convinced that list was happening they'd be moving to kick out those settlers tomorrow. Yes of course its all related.

my point is surely there's some sort of a list of things that israel could change or do better to help the situation but of course you wouldn't do a list of them.

so yes, of course it was a predictable translation...

I know of nothing Israel could possibly do to change the majority Palestinian public opinion demanding the entirety of Israel for them and refusing to accept the existence of Israel. That's why no list.

so there's absolutely no point in compromising anything whatsoever from israels side, great stance.

I didn't say that. Negotiations should happen, two way street. But peace is very hard when one side demands it all and uses genocidal rhetoric, like Hamas.
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I didn't say that. Negotiations should happen, two way street. But peace is very hard when one side demands it all and uses genocidal rhetoric, like Hamas.

indeed, but all i was originally asking for in the very first post is the things that israel could also do, that's all.

i'm neither anti-israel or anti-palestine, i do think a fair two state solution is the only possible solution.

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I didn't say that. Negotiations should happen, two way street. But peace is very hard when one side demands it all and uses genocidal rhetoric, like Hamas.

indeed, but all i was originally asking for in the very first post is the things that israel could also do, that's all.

i'm neither anti-israel or anti-palestine, i do think a fair two state solution is the only possible solution.

Given the current political realities, I don't know if a two state solution is even POSSIBLE anymore, but I share that goal.
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I didn't say that. Negotiations should happen, two way street. But peace is very hard when one side demands it all and uses genocidal rhetoric, like Hamas.

indeed, but all i was originally asking for in the very first post is the things that israel could also do, that's all.

i'm neither anti-israel or anti-palestine, i do think a fair two state solution is the only possible solution.

An one state solution would be much better. That would really mean peace and end of all problems.

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I didn't say that. Negotiations should happen, two way street. But peace is very hard when one side demands it all and uses genocidal rhetoric, like Hamas.

indeed, but all i was originally asking for in the very first post is the things that israel could also do, that's all.

i'm neither anti-israel or anti-palestine, i do think a fair two state solution is the only possible solution.

An one state solution would be much better. That would really mean peace and end of all problems.

One state would mean the end of the Jewish state of Israel. That will never be acceptable to Israel in a negotiation. It may happen by losing a war though.
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*Deleted quote edited out*

You have to look at the neighborhood they want to plop themselves into....

Then add to that their own behavior......They should take a long hard look in the mirror

That may explain a lot of the so called persecution they feel.

You say they should be allowed to exist unchallenged & I agree but Israel is the biggest hater of such unchallenged co-existence.

Always claiming they are somehow being denied the right to exists while claiming false translations of how others want to wipe them out....

Yet these others have not attacked another country ion over 200 years....In the most recent case...

This is Iran of course I am speaking of & now Israel is planning to generate ever more karma/persecution which will follow them for

ever more centuries as you mentioned.

Live & let live is what Israel needs to learn.....Not wild claims of how they will be wiped out if the do not FIRST wipe out/control others

Edited by Scott
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I didn't say that. Negotiations should happen, two way street. But peace is very hard when one side demands it all and uses genocidal rhetoric, like Hamas.

indeed, but all i was originally asking for in the very first post is the things that israel could also do, that's all.

i'm neither anti-israel or anti-palestine, i do think a fair two state solution is the only possible solution.

An one state solution would be much better. That would really mean peace and end of all problems.

One state would mean the end of the Jewish state of Israel. That will never be acceptable to Israel in a negotiation. It may happen by losing a war though.

The mere notion that "not acceptable to Israel" and on the other side of the negotiations, "not acceptable to Palestine" seem to be the flies in the ointment. Who is going to step up and compromise? A rhetorical question with two answers is a tough nut to crack.

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According to the United Nations, there are an estimated 4,400 Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, including approximately 300 Palestinians who are detained without charges under the label of so-called administrative detention. "I have requested information regarding each of these persons, and I intend to follow up on each case and address this matter in my forthcoming report to the Human Rights Council," Falk said.

Brave man. He has my full support.

If that are cases of human rights violation those responsible for it must be exposed and "the world" (UN) has to speak and stand up against them.

A support by the International community can work wonders.

The imprisoned baker Khader Adnan could be become a future president of a Palestinian republic with al-Quds as capital just like the former apartheid prisoner Mandela became the president. Lets hope for peaceful future like that without any questionable and arbitrarily detention of Palestinian people anymore. They deserve the right of peace and freedom like anyone else.

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According to the United Nations, there are an estimated 4,400 Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, including approximately 300 Palestinians who are detained without charges under the label of so-called administrative detention. "I have requested information regarding each of these persons, and I intend to follow up on each case and address this matter in my forthcoming report to the Human Rights Council," Falk said.

Brave man. He has my full support.

If that are cases of human rights violation those responsible for it must be exposed and "the world" (UN) has to speak and stand up against them.

A support by the International community can work wonders.

The imprisoned baker Khader Adnan could be become a future president of a Palestinian republic with al-Quds as capital just like the former apartheid prisoner Mandela became the president. Lets hope for peaceful future like that without any questionable and arbitrarily detention of Palestinian people anymore. They deserve the right of peace and freedom like anyone else.

Mandala could have been released from Prison years before his eventual freedom if he renounced Violence, something which he never he never did., check it out then get back to me!
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Please stop with the fabrication that the history of South Africa and Eretz Israel are similar. That is typical demonize Israel propaganda.

Did the Dutch and English have an ancient civilization in Capetown?

Did the Christian religion originate in Joburg?

Have Dutch and English lived in region for thousands of years?

Would Mandella in WW2 have moved to Berlin and lobbied for all Dutch and English in Europe to be sent to death camps?

Did Mandella's movement include an ideology (such as the Palestinians Hamas) to kill or kick out all the Dutch and English in S.A.?

While there is legitimate basis to the colonialist critiques of how Europeanized Jews developed Israel, the special ties of the Jewish people throughout the ages to the land of Israel is not under debate. Anyone with basic understanding of the Jewish experience, knows the phrase -- Next year in Jerusalem.

Edited by Jingthing
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Mandala could have been released from Prison years before his eventual freedom if he renounced Violence, something which he never he never did., check it out then get back to me!

No need to check anything before getting back to you............What you & many others like to do is chop up a statement & use what suits your twist....

In 1985 South African President Botha offered Mandela freedom if he would renounce violence....Mandela responded that he would not do so before the government dismantled apartheid & granted full rights to Black South Africans.

So the reality of your partial statement is like saying Abe Lincoln would not stop the violence of the civil war.....

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