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Swedish Youth Sentenced For 1 Month In Jail For Overstay

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TAWP, do you have a link / source for this news please.

A can supply info in a PM but don't intend to put any names on the forum.

He is a acquaintance/friend, hence I have the info first hand.

You do not know how to remove the names (making black) ??? in the documentation ?

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True or not, I will not change my attitude regarding Overstay.

I Overstay when I find it appropriated and it fits in my plans better than a borderrun or it is cheaper.

I did so in Thailand (never more than 12 days) and in Cambodia (a month at most, 5 Dollar per day there) a couple of times.

Some in other words you are saying you have no regard for the applicable rules/laws of country then, because it doesn suit you ?

I as per other poster, I assume you will never get on a soapbox on TV regarding corruption, scams, driving habit etc etc in Thailand ?

Well said that man!

These are probably the very same people who lament the ease at which immigrants overstay their visas in the UK or EU and chastise their governments for not being firm enough.

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True or not, I will not change my attitude regarding Overstay.

I Overstay when I find it appropriated and it fits in my plans better than a borderrun or it is cheaper.

I did so in Thailand (never more than 12 days) and in Cambodia (a month at most, 5 Dollar per day there) a couple of times.

Some in other words you are saying you have no regard for the applicable rules/laws of country then, because it doesn suit you ?

I as per other poster, I assume you will never get on a soapbox on TV regarding corruption, scams, driving habit etc etc in Thailand ?

No, I will not whine on a Soapbox on TV, I come since 22 years to TH and stay here the last 14 years.

Scams, not easy to get me anymore.

Corruption, sometimes useful!

Driving, people will maybe complain about my driving habits so, few want to drive with me, car or motorbike. wink.png

My doing regarding Overstay, is a small offence and I pay for it, I do what fits me, I drive faster than allowed, you not?

offtopic.gif I pass red lights to the left, allowed or not, I pass red lights with Motorbike sometimes, slowly, at all, if no other trafffic is in sight or would be disturbed.

I drive around red lights, to come back from the left side if time and traffic allows that.cowboy.gif

Hang him fast and higher?angry.png

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True or not, I will not change my attitude regarding Overstay.

I Overstay when I find it appropriated and it fits in my plans better than a borderrun or it is cheaper.

I did so in Thailand (never more than 12 days) and in Cambodia (a month at most, 5 Dollar per day there) a couple of times.

Do you also chose whichever laws you want to obey in your own country, depending upon whether they are appropriate to you or not?

I've got an idea. Go home. Decide that it's not in your plans to obey laws and see what happens.

Sound same -Pussytalk- to make such a fuss about such a small incident! You are stricter than the Pope! Anyway stricter than all Thai Immigration officers,

they smile and cash in, nobody speaks same you Holy saints write and like.wink.png

And not drive more than 90 km/h on a Highway,

never overtake another car in TH on the left side, who is crawling on the right side,

never pay a fine to a Police officer without a paper confirming that! Yes? Laws!

You obey all?

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True or not, I will not change my attitude regarding Overstay.

I Overstay when I find it appropriated and it fits in my plans better than a borderrun or it is cheaper.

I did so in Thailand (never more than 12 days) and in Cambodia (a month at most, 5 Dollar per day there) a couple of times.

Do you also chose whichever laws you want to obey in your own country, depending upon whether they are appropriate to you or not?

I did precisely that for 21 years...


I like you for that post, thank you, than I can say, I did precisely that to!

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you people complain about the visa procedure on here all the time but when someone overstays you are bitter.. Until you stop the border police corruption then ppl will overstay all the time.. your voice means nothing in this country as they dont care what a farang has to say so why lose sleep over it

Actually, i don't complain about the visa procedure at all. I find the Thai visa rules to be very simple and - compared to some countries - relatively open. They allow me to live the life I want with minimal disruption, thank you very much.

But then I took the trouble to read up on them, understand them work out what option is best for me and - most importantly - observe them.

The only regret I have about thai visa issues is that they are not more rigorously policed and abusers punished properly. Including being deported and banned for life.

A bit harsh your last sentence, Wauw! rolleyes.gif

Just go over the border to Malaysia to see more easy Immigration laws, 90 days at every entry,

no Visaruns would be needed, if you not fit in, just Borderruns, no limit.

Cambodia, order and buy your Visa extensions from and with agents, legal from your coffeeshop chair or from the beachchair,

no need to go somewhere, just pay inside the country, never have to go to Immigration by yourself. Its done for you.

No paperwork! Just pay. A year visa about 350 Dollar.

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I am amazed at the crass arrogance by many posters re: this issue. Flaunt the basic immigration laws, pay someone off, then go on TV and bitch and moan about tourist scams, low quality service, corruption, dual pricing, ad nauseum. Some of you want 1st World Quality and Service at 3rd World prices and convenience. Some of us actually follow the laws here, pay taxes, provide jobs to Thai nationals, etc. Some of you make me PUKE.

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True or not, I will not change my attitude regarding Overstay.

I Overstay when I find it appropriated and it fits in my plans better than a borderrun or it is cheaper.

I did so in Thailand (never more than 12 days) and in Cambodia (a month at most, 5 Dollar per day there) a couple of times.

Some in other words you are saying you have no regard for the applicable rules/laws of country then, because it doesn suit you ?

I as per other poster, I assume you will never get on a soapbox on TV regarding corruption, scams, driving habit etc etc in Thailand ?

Well said that man!

These are probably the very same people who lament the ease at which immigrants overstay their visas in the UK or EU and chastise their governments for not being firm enough.

You are wrong, I am not one of that people, I am not a Pharisaeer.tongue.png

I would prefer to make the Schengen-Visa Immigration laws and my Home Countrys laws much more relaxed, so everybody who wants,

can take his Lady back home for some time.

I did so for more times, I was lucky.wai.gif

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I am amazed at the crass arrogance by many posters re: this issue. Flaunt the basic immigration laws, pay someone off, then go on TV and bitch and moan about tourist scams, low quality service, corruption, dual pricing, ad nauseum. Some of you want 1st World Quality and Service at 3rd World prices and convenience. Some of us actually follow the laws here, pay taxes, provide jobs to Thai nationals, etc. Some of you make me PUKE.

Finish PUKING? You mean me? Than show me where I complain about anything else than the always changing Immigration laws.

I father of 3 Thai children, support them financially and with my time but not married and its not easy to stay legally here.

So what, Thailand give me an easy Visa possibility and no Overstays necessary!!!angry.png

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The overstay was in the region of 1 year (13 months or so). Both of the lads had gone through a period of serious negative cashflow a period back and didn't fly out at the prescribed time - they thought paying their way out when they needed to next time would be fine. Now, a year later, they had worked themselves up to a very nice financial state.

Their status as overstay was detected during a police-raid (false tipoff, rendering no find of what the tip was related to, foreign business competitor assumed behind it due to history between them).

One of the lads had been caught with overstay some time back (2 years) and spent days at immigration before being sent out etc, the normal handling.

This time no lenience was given.

I think the added details provided by TAWP finally get at what I've always understood the difference about overstays to be:

Good scenario: the overstayer makes it to Swampy Airport for his/her flight out of the country and only has to settle the fine for overstay with Immigration at the airport, and they're on their way.

Bad scenario: the overstayer runs into some variety of Thai police out and around town and their overstay status is uncovered. Off to Immigration detention and then whatever follows from that...either stay in detention until making bail and a flight out of the country, or have some circumstance that ends up with an actual jail sentence.

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Finish PUKING? You mean me? Than show me where I complain about anything else than the always changing Immigration laws.

I father of 3 Thai children, support them financially and with my time but not married and its not easy to stay legally here.

So what, Thailand give me an easy Visa possibility and no Overstays necessary!!!angry.png

Just making shore you have not missed this thread.

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Thank you for your help, I read there already and wrote postings. Changed, more tightened Immigration law to, as it seems.

I had not enough time to make one Non Immigrant O to the old rules until now. Looks like I have to get my papers in order for the new rules!angry.png

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Perennial overstay should be met with consequences. Blacklisting, however, seems a bit out of character for the good folks over at immigration. In my 5 years in Thailand I've never met anyone who had first hand knowledge of the practice. Has anyone out there had any first hand experience in this matter?

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I have overstayed in the dim & distant past by a day or two & paid my fine at the airport. What makes me puke is the 'holier than thou' crowd criticising some posters who have overatayed.

Have you never paid a 'fine' to a policeman or bought something without a receipt?

The law on overstaying is clear provided you don't get into trouble for something else. Given the 'pay a fine' part of that law, one is not breaking the law by going to an exit point & just paying the mandated fine.

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The OP seems a bit fishy to me - but stranger things have happened in LOS. I used to catch the train to Penang every 90 days to avoid the immigration police because back in the late 80's and early 90's schools in BKK were being raided on occasions (or so the illegal teachers were told). I worked in several school and also freelance in Pakkret and Nonthaburi - because at some schools - the owner or manager would sometimes withhold wages with the excuse that he had to pay off the police. I'm glad things changed and many people are now working legit. Also in those days we didn't have services such as ThaiVisa.com to get advice about immigration.

It would be very useful to provide some more details on the court, judge, legal reps, and jail - maybe this is a wake up call or simply some overstayer mouthing off at the Thai authorities and paying the price!

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And we all complain about the foreigners coming to our 'home' countries and mucking things up, overstaying their visas and such, working illegally, living the good life and not contributing taxes like the rest of us good citizens.

And then we like to boast about breaking the law here in thailand.

Wish I had a dollar for every immigration hypocrite on Thaivisa! Then I wouldn't have money worries.

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Great job.

Again a Thailand lover converted to a Thailand hater.

I know a Thai professor, who was refused a student visa to the USA. She wanted to see Mickey Mouse in Disneyland, NEVER to stay illegal there. It is many years ago, and still now, she does not like to speak any Americam.

Bye-the-way: in EU is is not a crime to overstay. But time, we act the same to Thais as they do to us: not bye, see you next time, and ask for an appropriate length of visa, but.. in JAIL.

Knowing how many Thai's in overstay there are in Netherlands.. we will not have place anymore for our criminals..

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Do you also chose whichever laws you want to obey in your own country, depending upon whether they are appropriate to you or not?

I've got an idea. Go home. Decide that it's not in your plans to obey laws and see what happens.

In my home country I've always done that, it was never a problem. They had to let me stay there.

In Thailand it's different, I am much more choosy about the laws I break, they don't have to let me stay here.

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And we all complain about the foreigners coming to our 'home' countries and mucking things up, overstaying their visas and such, working illegally, living the good life and not contributing taxes like the rest of us good citizens.

And then we like to boast about breaking the law here in thailand.

Wish I had a dollar for every immigration hypocrite on Thaivisa! Then I wouldn't have money worries.

Whats your problem?

First, your first sentence is completely wrong ==WE NOT ALL COMPLAIN== I not complain!

Second, I stay here and bring money to Thailand and to my family, my children from my Home country, I do not exploit Thailand!

But I am treated same I would do that!

You can also not compare most of the Expats in TH with most of the Intruders in Europe who look and try to make money there to send it back to their home country.

Completely different story!

So, please stop mixing that not compare able and not write I think same you, you do that in your first words!

I am not narrow minded!angry.png

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Is it true that the clone regime like the Thaksin regime are anti farang and they tighten up on VISA of any kind?

To early to say, but it seems possible.

I remember a Thaksin quote in which he ment,

==Would be best if the Tourists just come to the Thai Airport to leave there their money and than immedeately fly home again.==

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Right, this is a headline in Sweden, actually I found an article

that listed all Swedish citizen sent to jail abroad crazy.gif

Link please, i can't find anything about this in the Swedish news/ thai related forums.

And it is definitely not on the headlines.


That has nothing to do with this case. That article shows people arrested last year, so no headlines for this case.

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The law is the law. Whether you choose to obey that is a different matter.

If you risk a long overstay and make it to the airport and pay your way out of trouble, then you have been very fortunate. The consequences of not making out of the country cleanly are serious. I have seen the holding 'cage' at the back of immigration on Soi SuaPlu, and I have seen westerners handcuffed to the chairs in the payment office above the cage.

There weren't many happy faces up there.

You pay your money-you take a chance...

As for the OP I think there could be more to the story.

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