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to the blether,

things must of got a lot worse in Glasgow.....your the first Scot who i have read or heard say they are a Brit.

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YES please. But it already exists. Pattaya nightlife forums are full of them..

95% of the brits and germans in thailand are 40% of the reason i am leaving this country. Just seeing them from far away drives me nuts.

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to the blether,

things must of got a lot worse in Glasgow.....your the first Scot who i have read or heard say they are a Brit.

I'm surprised you've noticed any of the rest of us



YES please. But it already exists. Pattaya nightlife forums are full of them..

95% of the brits and germans in thailand are 40% of the reason i am leaving this country. Just seeing them from far away drives me nuts.

Where are you going? I suggest a different part of Thailand might be the answer, everyone starts in Patt then moves on. Every wednesday afternoon I knock off a bottle of wine with a German, wonderful. I dont drink at 8am and I enjoy life, its different here to Patt, Patt is ok for a holiday but to live there?

Brits whinge in the UK about the weather, the England team etc, get used to it we all know best, here the weather is ok so we have to find something else, nothing is every perfect, nowhere is ver perfect but we still strive for perfection it is our way that is why we ruled over 1/3rd of the world and they took on a lot of we taught them, whingeing brings change, hopefully, to the benefit of all, but not sadly for expat pensioners living in Thailand.( no annual increasaes )

Now accept that, salute our armed forces, who are the best in the world and lets have a rousing rendition of "Jerusalem" and have beer a off to bed!

I am also a Brit and I can say with complete honesty that I have never whinged about the England team; I have pissed myself laughing at the absurdity of expecting them to achieve global success and there is no way you will get me to sing about ENGLAND's green and pleasant land. But then British does not equal English.

Sorry Exeter but you started to sound like an English sports commentator. Enjoy your beer - I am just about to have another!


blether [ˈblɛðə]

vb & n

Scot a variant spelling of blather

[from Old Norse blathra, from blathr nonsense]

1. blether

(ble-thir) dialect, chiefly scot.

~n. 1. person who chatters incessantly; one who babbles on and on.

~v. 2. to engage in conversation, long-winded or idle talk

1- ("That wee yin o' yours is an awfy blether gettin'")

2- ("Ah met yer granny doon the toun, we hud a richt guid blether the gither")

Say no more tongue.png

Sorry OP but..... LOL.

Great heavens - you were unfamiliar with the word before now?
  • Like 1


Whoever added the 'Great' to Britain was obviously a marketing whizz. The title had people fooled for centuries.

Britain obtain it"s " great" for ruling 1/2 the world with 400.000 soldiers. Through brutality, yes. But then look through history. To coin a phase, what did the Romans ever do for us. When our young lads died in World War 1 and 2, so went the great out of Britain. They must be turning in their graves to look at our nation now. And that goes for the Americans, Canadians, Austalians, New Zealanders,Indians and Nepalese who fought for the world we live in today or should be living in but don"t because politicians think they know more than the young lads who put their lives before their country. A few people are old skool and proud of it. They put the Great back where it belongs. GREAT BRITAIN.
  • Like 2

When other Posters disagree with your views,you usually class them as whingers.What is your ultimate goal? gag every poster until they agree with you? Lifes not like that i'm afraid,everybody has their own point of view,

like it or lump it!

  • Like 2

to the blether,

things must of got a lot worse in Glasgow.....your the first Scot who i have read or heard say they are a Brit.

Ask anyone in the UK their nationality and they will identify with their respective country (apart from those from Northern Ireland). However in places such as Thailand where the term United Kingdom means nothing, British is a useful shorthand but one which I personally would only use in official circumstances.

  • Like 2

The fact that the first reply to this post took to whinging about immigrants 'back home' pretty much proves the OP's point.

I'm just amazed that there wasn't a rant against Tony Blair in that first response.

Racists, Racialists. Who cares?

What we have are anti immigrant immigrants. I think that is a longer way of saying 'hypocrites'.

So yeah, a separate forum please. Fill it with the malcontents and angry people Surrounded by a high wall and fill with water.

Read my post again, I did imply that I think the THAIS have got it right, they look after their own. I know many ex-pats

feel they are treated unfairly here in Thailand, and I think that is understandable, however I have no problem being treated

as a 2nd class resident in Thailand, however many people in the UK now resent the fact that the UK has to many immigrants

and so-called asylum seekers,many of whom are white as well as non-white.



Whoever added the 'Great' to Britain was obviously a marketing whizz. The title had people fooled for centuries.

Britain obtain it"s " great" for ruling 1/2 the world with 400.000 soldiers. Through brutality, yes. But then look through history. To coin a phase, what did the Romans ever do for us. When our young lads died in World War 1 and 2, so went the great out of Britain. They must be turning in their graves to look at our nation now. And that goes for the Americans, Canadians, Austalians, New Zealanders,Indians and Nepalese who fought for the world we live in today or should be living in but don"t because politicians think they know more than the young lads who put their lives before their country. A few people are old skool and proud of it. They put the Great back where it belongs. GREAT BRITAIN.

And I have always thought that it was to distinguish us from Brittany - both were "British" ie lands occupied by Brythonic tribes and one was bigger than the other, so Bretagne and Grande Bretagne but that might have been a gallic ruse.

  • Like 1

Good lord, a thread about whingers that's got to 74 posts without any being deleted, has to be some sort of record smile.png

As a Brit and confirmed (by my Aussie mates) whinging Pom I do like a good moan, it sets you up for the day and things can only get better smile.png

as for the ozzy guys,

if it wasnt for the brits , they would not be where they are today.

the old country gave them two choices ,

hang , or go to australia ?

with either choice,they ended up .

DOWN UNDER . best place for em . IMO .



Haha great post

A brit coming on whingeing about the fact he dont like Brits whingeing. lol

The irony

That's because he's Scottish,even worse whingers!


to the blether,

things must of got a lot worse in Glasgow.....your the first Scot who i have read or heard say they are a Brit.

Ask anyone in the UK their nationality and they will identify with their respective country (apart from those from Northern Ireland). However in places such as Thailand where the term United Kingdom means nothing, British is a useful shorthand but one which I personally would only use in official circumstances.

Have to agree. Funnily enough.Living in London in the mid 80s most of my friends were Glaswegian. They loved Londoners and we loved them. Times have changed A Welsh man is a Taff. An Irish man is a Paddy or Mick and the Scotts are tjght fisted blaggers.Sorry, the English are just arrogant.
  • Like 1

Oh for the day when Scotland is no longer British, only problem is more people in the England are in favour of Scottish Independance than there are in Scotland.

unbeleivable irony as stated a brit whinging about Whinging Brits. best of all on a thai forum and he dont even live in Thailand.

Nobody puts a gun to your head and say you must read this, if you dont like it dont read it.


Oh for the day when Scotland is no longer British, only problem is more people in the England are in favour of Scottish Independance than there are in Scotland.

unbeleivable irony as stated a brit whinging about Whinging Brits. best of all on a thai forum and he dont even live in Thailand.

Nobody puts a gun to your head and say you must read this, if you dont like it dont read it.

God forbid that we (when I say we, I mean you, of course, and my family and friends who are your - oh and once again my vocabulary fails me - co-in-patriates - your fellow countrymen who live in that country) should have to suffer Alex Salmond and his cronies in Holyrood with untrammelled access to the corridors of power, and the full set of reins in their hands... I suppose that we (you) get the government that we deserve...

Anyway, 95% of Scots believe that their country is the best in the world, and 15% would live there, if they had no other choice.


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I once worked with a senior British Officer (a Fusilier), though I would not hold that against him, who said to me - " The British are the most tolerant people in the world". I have always had that thought in my head where ever I have found myself to be.


  • Like 1

The hypocrisy of the OP of this thread.

I love Brits. We are one of the most open-minded nationalities to new cultures and experiences.

The small portion of moaning idiots are nothing more than that. Why dwell on them? I hear the Sam sh*t the OP cites coming from Americans, Aussies etc. Again, just a small portion of them and not to be mistaken for the wider population.

England is also undoubtedly one of the least racist countries in the world. It is completely and utterly unacceptable to make/be racist in general society in Britain.

OP is clearly narrow minded and likes to dwell on negatives.

  • Like 2

Read my post again, I did imply that I think the THAIS have got it right, they look after their own. I know many ex-pats

feel they are treated unfairly here in Thailand, and I think that is understandable, however I have no problem being treated

as a 2nd class resident in Thailand, however many people in the UK now resent the fact that the UK has to many immigrants

and so-called asylum seekers,many of whom are white as well as non-white.

What's a 'so-called asylum seeker' and why does it matter whether they're white or not?


The hypocrisy of the OP of this thread.

I love Brits. We are one of the most open-minded nationalities to new cultures and experiences.

The small portion of moaning idiots are nothing more than that. Why dwell on them? I hear the Sam sh*t the OP cites coming from Americans, Aussies etc. Again, just a small portion of them and not to be mistaken for the wider population.

England is also undoubtedly one of the least racist countries in the world. It is completely and utterly unacceptable to make/be racist in general society in Britain.

OP is clearly narrow minded and likes to dwell on negatives.

I think its great to highlight the positives about our country, without mentioning anything that irritates us at all.

I miss the long summer evenings, and the beautiful sandy beaches.

I also miss the snow, and the crisp winter mornings...

My Polish friend told me that he found Britain to be a far more open and tolerant country than the other Western European countries he had worked... though that was almost 20 years ago now.

Anyway, rather than taking umbrage at being criticised for whining, maybe we should just stop doing it. As Henry told Percy "It's not wrong, we just don't do it."


Edit: Duplicate sign-off deleted in this and following post


Read my post again, I did imply that I think the THAIS have got it right, they look after their own. I know many ex-pats

feel they are treated unfairly here in Thailand, and I think that is understandable, however I have no problem being treated

as a 2nd class resident in Thailand, however many people in the UK now resent the fact that the UK has to many immigrants

and so-called asylum seekers,many of whom are white as well as non-white.

What's a 'so-called asylum seeker' and why does it matter whether they're white or not?

I think we should try to get away from seeing everything in black and white*.

I like to think of them as "apple-blossom" rather than 'white'. Personally, I'm more cream than white. Or maybe condensed, with added palm oil.

* Particularly now there's no cheaper License Fee for monochrome...

* That's ironic, coming from me - http://www.thaivisa....ost__p__5070873



Read my post again, I did imply that I think the THAIS have got it right, they look after their own. I know many ex-pats

feel they are treated unfairly here in Thailand, and I think that is understandable, however I have no problem being treated

as a 2nd class resident in Thailand, however many people in the UK now resent the fact that the UK has to many immigrants

and so-called asylum seekers,many of whom are white as well as non-white.

What's a 'so-called asylum seeker' and why does it matter whether they're white or not?

1/People who apply for asylum, stating political or religious persecution in their own country,when that is not the case.

2/It does not matter if they are white or not, it just seems to me that the OP seems to think that anybody who mentions immigrants

or asylum seekers is racist.

I personally have nothing against legal immigrants,who are prepared to work hard and be law abiding citizens, as long as they do

not expect preferential treatment, and I do not consider that to say so, is whingeing.

  • Like 1


Whoever added the 'Great' to Britain was obviously a marketing whizz. The title had people fooled for centuries.

Britain obtain it"s " great" for ruling 1/2 the world with 400.000 soldiers. Through brutality, yes. But then look through history. To coin a phase, what did the Romans ever do for us. When our young lads died in World War 1 and 2, so went the great out of Britain. They must be turning in their graves to look at our nation now. And that goes for the Americans, Canadians, Austalians, New Zealanders,Indians and Nepalese who fought for the world we live in today or should be living in but don"t because politicians think they know more than the young lads who put their lives before their country. A few people are old skool and proud of it. They put the Great back where it belongs. GREAT BRITAIN.

And I have always thought that it was to distinguish us from Brittany - both were "British" ie lands occupied by Brythonic tribes and one was bigger than the other, so Bretagne and Grande Bretagne but that might have been a gallic ruse.

Nice one . Homework finished. Time for a beer.

Oh for the day when Scotland is no longer British, only problem is more people in the England are in favour of Scottish Independance than there are in Scotland.

unbeleivable irony as stated a brit whinging about Whinging Brits. best of all on a thai forum and he dont even live in Thailand.

Nobody puts a gun to your head and say you must read this, if you dont like it dont read it.

You hit the nail smack bang on the head there mate.

Roll on the Referendum in 2014,..I only wish the British had a vote too!


Good lord, a thread about whingers that's got to 74 posts without any being deleted, has to be some sort of record smile.png

As a Brit and confirmed (by my Aussie mates) whinging Pom I do like a good moan, it sets you up for the day and things can only get better smile.png

as for the ozzy guys,

if it wasnt for the brits , they would not be where they are today.

the old country gave them two choices ,

hang , or go to australia ?

with either choice,they ended up .

DOWN UNDER . best place for em . IMO .


In terms of hidden Mineral wealth,Oil,Gold,Gemstones,and many other riches,,they have what could be the richest Continent in the World.

Every cloud has a Silver lining as the saying goes.


Oh Great Britain, what's happened to you? At one time this tiny little country ruled the world. The sun never set on the British empire? Remember that? How about that time you enslaved India? You conscripted the Indians as your soldiers and made them fight YOUR wars. Those were the good old days. Then you got soft.

Nowadays when you ask the average British ex pat the question of what happiness is, you'll get dopey answer like "happiness is a pint on the beach with some bird". WRONG! Happiness is to crush your enemy, see him driven before you, and hear the lamentations of his women! You and your countrymen have forgotten that.

Do you see China thinking about human rights when it invaded Tibet? Noooooo. Did the United States care about human rights when it invaded Iraq. Nope. You know what Tony Blair said to George Bush? "Yes, master."

Britain, what I want you to do is pull yourself together, and just start invading some country. You really need to start colonizing again to get back in your groove. I mean, you don't have to start by invading a powerful country that will put up a fight, like Thailand. You can start off small...maybe Trinidad and Tobago...something like that. (Really, you need a colony with warm weather and a good beach.)

I hate to break it to you but...well you know how a beautiful woman has "that gay friend". You were once the overlord of America, the world even; now you've become "America's gay friend". Snap out of it!

To inspire you, I leave you with Dick Cheney's words on the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom:

"Be still my dog of war. I understand your pain. We've all lost someone we love. But we do it my way!

We do it my way. Fear is our ally. The gasoline will be ours. Then you shall have your revenge.

There has been too much violence. Too much pain. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give me your pump, the oil, the gasoline, and the whole compound, and I'll spare your lives. Just walk away and we'll give you a safe passageway in the wastelands. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror."


  • Like 2

Read my post again, I did imply that I think the THAIS have got it right, they look after their own. I know many ex-pats

feel they are treated unfairly here in Thailand, and I think that is understandable, however I have no problem being treated

as a 2nd class resident in Thailand, however many people in the UK now resent the fact that the UK has to many immigrants

and so-called asylum seekers,many of whom are white as well as non-white.

What's a 'so-called asylum seeker' and why does it matter whether they're white or not?

1/People who apply for asylum, stating political or religious persecution in their own country,when that is not the case.

2/It does not matter if they are white or not, it just seems to me that the OP seems to think that anybody who mentions immigrants

or asylum seekers is racist.

I personally have nothing against legal immigrants,who are prepared to work hard and be law abiding citizens, as long as they do

not expect preferential treatment, and I do not consider that to say so, is whingeing.

By definition an asylum seeker is an asylum seeker so the only excuse for using words like 'so-called' is to imply that they're not entitled to seek asylum. Without knowing the details of each individual case that seems to me to be racist.

Up until 2002 asylum seekers were allowed to work but the government took that right away so now asylum seekers live in accommodation paid for by the State and £35.52 a week. I suspect that most asylum seekers don't even know that they're entitled to any benefits when they leave their home country and would much rather be working and supporting themselves rather than living with 5 or 6 others in a small house and survivng on 35 quid a week. The 23 Chinese who died in Morecambe Bay certainly seemed to want to work


blether [ˈblɛðə]

vb & n

Scot a variant spelling of blather

[from Old Norse blathra, from blathr nonsense]

1. blether

(ble-thir) dialect, chiefly scot.

~n. 1. person who chatters incessantly; one who babbles on and on.

~v. 2. to engage in conversation, long-winded or idle talk

1- ("That wee yin o' yours is an awfy blether gettin'")

2- ("Ah met yer granny doon the toun, we hud a richt guid blether the gither")

Say no more tongue.png

Sorry OP but..... LOL.

Great heavens - you were unfamiliar with the word before now?

Of course not. But many will have been.

And you missed the humour in that :P

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