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Chrome - Broken Again


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After recent update lost the ability to restore open tabs on next activation (although have set it in settings - and can set up fixed multi tabs). Not a deal buster but a PIA

The real problem is about half of the new page loads now time out as 'page has become non-responsive - do you want to kill'. Although a few more seconds normally gets the new page to load it is a huge time consumer. Believed this might be ISP but do not have this issue using Firefox.

Using True and True DNS (change made no difference) and there is no indication of any action during this delay (no notice of loading a screen left bottom).

Have made the change to Firefox again - seems to be a see-saw ride between them.

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I'm a computer dummy really, but I had a similar problem a couple of years ago, even Wanda couldn't help me. Eventually, on the Google Help chat forum, I was advised to totally uninstall everything, including caches, and start again from the beginning. I worked first time and no problems since.

Sorry if I haven't explained it properly mate!

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I have 17.0.963.56 and this options works for every tab except ThaiVisa, which fails to load 50% of the time. True DSL Bangkok Google DNS.

I would try using True DNS for ThaiVisa as that is recommended for those in Thailand. Believe it may improve your loading.

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Getting exactly the same issues for some 3-4 weeks now, crashing, flashplayer crashing, non loading pages. I find if you ignore the kill notice and click cancel it progresses almost immediately. Agree though is PIA and even resorted back to IE at times. ThaiVisa site appears to prompt most of the problems and have to wait for all the advertisements to load before you can scroll the page which is also a PIA but was soon cleared with the "add block" extension available and made most pages much better and certainly faster.

Edited by CharlieH
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I have 17.0.963.56 and this options works for every tab except ThaiVisa, which fails to load 50% of the time. True DSL Bangkok Google DNS.

I would try using True DNS for ThaiVisa as that is recommended for those in Thailand. Believe it may improve your loading.

No thanks. True DNS servers are just not reliable. Again, all my tabs reload all the time, except for ThaiVisa, which occasionally fails to load. I have other connectivity issues with ThaiVisa across a number of browsers/platforms/connections so suspect it is not Chrome related.

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I'm on Chromium 17 and have no problems.

I doubt these problems are directly Chrome/Chromium related. More likely memory/disk/cache corruption.

Some things to try (in this order):

- wrench > options > under the hood > clear browsing data > tick the empty the cache box and click clear browsing data

- same but tick the rest of the boxes and click clear browsing data

Not strictly required but I'd still close the browser and restart it after each clear.

I'd also try checking the disk for errors: In Win7 start Windows Explorer, right-click on the system drive (usually C:) > properties > tools (tab) > check now > tick both boxes and click start. Because it is the system drive it will want to reboot the PC to do this, just click the "schedule disk check" and reboot. When the PC comes up it will do the disk check before starting windows.

Also a good idea to enable SMART disk checking in the BIOS. The climate here seems to kill hard disks at an alarming rate.

As for using GoogleDNS with Thaivisa, the issue is that Thaivisa is hosted on different servers, and which one you should be using depends on where you are located. Users in Europe should use one, US another and Thailand a third. If you use your local DNS server it should point to the nearest Thaivisa server. The problem using Google DNS is that they will supposedly not necessarily point you to the nearest server - though I have to say although that is the official line, I personally use GoogleDNS and have no problems with it.

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Thankfully no problems on Chrome like Lopburi3....... Flash player crashing yes sometimes but just hit the refresh button and all works again correct....

Now Firefox have given up on as always appears to be a problem, eg: the window will suddenly vanish, try to open Firefox browser again and it tell me it is already running ?? Deleting and re-installing the latest version still has the same problem... so that is many different versions over the past 18 months.

As for a backup Browser have Safari

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you are a legend here and we all want to help (your further ability to educate us re. visas etc.). The post from Phil Conners - right on the mark.

I had problems about a week ago with microsoft silverlight crashing (when adding attachments) using Chrome. Seems to have been resolved by MSE security update. Also was necessary to clear out caches, as Phil C suggested

But if your problems are more profound, how is your antivirus status? MSE is good these days.

I have my comp set up with linux mint 11 as the frontline, opens by default into Win 7 (starter). If the later stuffs up, have the option of restarting and going into mint, to check out the Win problem.

Good luck, AA

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Using MS security anti-virus and did a disk check/repair but flash screen too fast for my eyes but do not believe anything was found. But just tried Chrome and a few minutes operation did not have issues so may have resolved itself - but for now happy with Firefox again so will stay with that until have issues with it and then return to Chrome. They seem to be about equal is use.

That didn't take long - trying to edit this in Firefox, with Chrome open, get the below - have repeated several times - if close Chrome can edit with normal preview window but with Chrome open on computer get below thumbnail view.


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Got the mini edit box posted above two times in a row, on Firefox, with both browsers open. Closed Chrome and next attempt on Firefox was normal. Opened Chrome in background and again got the mini version. It appears to be incomplete load as that page is locked in Firefox and have to return to previous page to do anything. Have since tried on other posts without issue so not consistant and this mini edit is a known issue since forum software upgrade - but I never experiended it on Chrome and I edit my posts often - and and did not have any happen since using Firefox - until I had both open.

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The only way I can imagine this would be possible is if the two browsers somehow had been configured to use the same cache. Not something I've ever heard about before and certainly not something that would happen automatically. I am still convinced the problem is not Chrome but somewhere else, even though I can't suggest where that would be.

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Actually it may well have not been a Chrome issue but it was happening using Chrome and stopped when changed to FF. But when going back to Chrome yesterday seemed to have been fixed so may have been a True issue which was cleared at the time I changed. I had tried VPN for a short period and did not seem to have same problem (but load was slow) but when returned to direct original issue was still there. At any rate an excuse to test drive other browser for awhile. As it happened after a version change made me suspect browser rather than circuit but as others have not had issues that likely is not the case (or just unique to my computer).

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