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Pregnant Aussie Teenager Beaten, Robbed In Phuket Ladyboy Attack


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Its incredibly rare for anyone to be attacked with no underlying motive.

I am not so sure F1.....2 days ago down the country here (Ireland) a guy left a club with his GF. He is in a coma now in hospital after been beaten by a total stranger who he had absolutely no contact with ...in or out of the club.

Witness the CCTV footages on TV here from the UK of total strangers attacking innocent people on the streets.

I am afraid that while it is very uncommon it is, unfortunately, not incredibly rare.

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glad to hear the baby is alright but....

1. why go out at one in the morning into a dark alley in patong beach?

2. why wasn't the boyfriend with her?

when you're five months pregnant...

True, this won't be the last attack to tourist, the Hotel must post warnings about travel alone at night, some very easy basic Mua Thai defensive moves for ladies... best place to post this is in elevator or ladies bathroom. Also leave valuables in Hotel safe, one where you have a double key to open safe, and the security boxes are in full view of CCTV.

Learn Mua Thai basics for ladies ... a 1/2 days training would be with you any where in the world!!!...here in Pattaya, FairTex Sports club offers defensive training for European women, I see novelist women gain confidence and know this is the best insurance for defence and opens doors for further physical conditioning, this would inspire a NEW opportunity for Thai's to seek employment in the tourist industry.

Do you really think anyone can learn self defence techniques in one 1/2 day training session?? Regardless of the instructor or particular martial art, it takes time to learn and practice. Giving someone 1/2 a day's training and making them think this will be effective is dangerous. People learn at deifferent speeds and have different natural abilities - but I've never seen anyone effective after 1/2 a day!

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I have been at the raw end of a teenage verbal attack in Australia,they can be iittle bitches with foul mouths at times, just cause i parked in a parking space they said belonged to them, f**** stupid C**** with your slanty eyed slut,hmmm, i think that was the jist of it, i didn't beat the shit out of them, though seriously tempted to retaliate and no,none were pregnant,i just copped the abuse.....so we never really know...do we?

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Agree with 2unique above, as bad as this attack was, there seems to be more to this story. Not in any way defending the attack but why at 5 months pregnancy is she out and about like that? Not saying it's her fault but there doesn't seem to be good judgement involved.

I don’t agree.

It appears robbery was the motive and perhaps the girl fought back that provoked the four men to restrain her by using violence.

This doesn’t seem like rocket science to me and whatever the girl was doing out during the late hours is totally irrelevant.

Where did you learn that robbery was the motive? Agree with you that what she was doing there is irrelevant, except of course it could very well be she was doing unsavoury/illegal things there. And I have no reason to presume that.

Well, she was allegedly robbed wasn’t she? And on top of that sexually assaulted?

So if I am out alone during the late hours, perhaps unable to sleep and decide to take a night stroll somewhere or visit a 7/11 to purchase something, does this mean that I am up to something’s unsavoury and illegal? And if I get beaten up, robbed and physically abused, that’s my fault is it?

What a load of old COBRAS.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I'm not complaining about Thailand, otherwise I wouldn't continue to live here. I merely respond to the vicious attacks by youngsters which were not that rampant even 10 years ago here.

I agree its a changing picture, fighting used to be confined to the technical college underclass.

This generation has no fear of the authorities, they know they can get off with it and thats the real problem!

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Agree with 2unique above, as bad as this attack was, there seems to be more to this story. Not in any way defending the attack but why at 5 months pregnancy is she out and about like that? Not saying it's her fault but there doesn't seem to be good judgement involved.

I don’t agree.

It appears robbery was the motive and perhaps the girl fought back that provoked the four men to restrain her by using violence.

This doesn’t seem like rocket science to me and whatever the girl was doing out during the late hours is totally irrelevant.

Where did you learn that robbery was the motive? Agree with you that what she was doing there is irrelevant, except of course it could very well be she was doing unsavoury/illegal things there. And I have no reason to presume that.

Well, she was allegedly robbed wasn’t she? And on top of that sexually assaulted?

So if I am out alone during the late hours, perhaps unable to sleep and decide to take a night stroll somewhere or visit a 7/11 to purchase something, does this mean that I am up to something’s unsavoury and illegal? And if I get beaten up, robbed and physically abused, that’s my fault is it?

What a load of old COBRAS.

Maybe you'd better read what I wrote.

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Per the original news story that many failed to read thoroughly it would seem:

They took my bag, which had an iPhone and camera inside, and pulled my gold ring off my finger,” she said.

The only reason she was not robbed of cash was that she had none on her at the time, she said.

Defamatory and slanderous accusations based on no evidence whatsoever except some members very vivid imaginations have been removed.

I would suggest to all that reading the entire story is in order before making comments.

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Phuket is turning into a s**t hole. With all the corruption, violence, scammers...etc, it's a wonder why tourist go there. Why risk it?There are so many other beautiful places in Thailand to visit.

I wish the girl a speedy recovery.

Edited by morocco
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Agree with 2unique above, as bad as this attack was, there seems to be more to this story. Not in any way defending the attack but why at 5 months pregnancy is she out and about like that? Not saying it's her fault but there doesn't seem to be good judgement involved.

I don’t agree.

It appears robbery was the motive and perhaps the girl fought back that provoked the four men to restrain her by using violence.

This doesn’t seem like rocket science to me and whatever the girl was doing out during the late hours is totally irrelevant.

Where did you learn that robbery was the motive? Agree with you that what she was doing there is irrelevant, except of course it could very well be she was doing unsavoury/illegal things there. And I have no reason to presume that.

Well, she was allegedly robbed wasn’t she? And on top of that sexually assaulted?

So if I am out alone during the late hours, perhaps unable to sleep and decide to take a night stroll somewhere or visit a 7/11 to purchase something, does this mean that I am up to something’s unsavoury and illegal? And if I get beaten up, robbed and physically abused, that’s my fault is it?

What a load of old COBRAS.

Er who said she deserved it? and I've already posted about how having basic human rights isn't a shield - no matter how you slice it a hurly burly male is less likely to be approached by assailants than a woman whether the motive be rape or robbery. I worry about my missus being out after dark let alone 1am but don't give a second thought to strolling along Sukhumvit trying to find a taxi to take me back to lonely suburbia late at night after a few drinks.

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glad to hear the baby is alright but....

1. why go out at one in the morning into a dark alley in patong beach?

2. why wasn't the boyfriend with her?

when you're five months pregnant...

She found the hotel after the attack without directions I presume! Strange!!

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glad to hear the baby is alright but....

1. why go out at one in the morning into a dark alley in patong beach?

2. why wasn't the boyfriend with her?

when you're five months pregnant...

True, this won't be the last attack to tourist, the Hotel must post warnings about travel alone at night, some very easy basic Mua Thai defensive moves for ladies... best place to post this is in elevator or ladies bathroom. Also leave valuables in Hotel safe, one where you have a double key to open safe, and the security boxes are in full view of CCTV.

Learn Mua Thai basics for ladies ... a 1/2 days training would be with you any where in the world!!!...here in Pattaya, FairTex Sports club offers defensive training for European women, I see novelist women gain confidence and know this is the best insurance for defence and opens doors for further physical conditioning, this would inspire a NEW opportunity for Thai's to seek employment in the tourist industry.

You don't live in Thailand do you mate? Had she fought back she would more likely be in the morgue!

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glad to hear the baby is alright but....

1. why go out at one in the morning into a dark alley in patong beach?

2. why wasn't the boyfriend with her?

when you're five months pregnant...

Yes the whole thing is a bit fishy, going to meet someone at 1am sounds like a drug dealer to me. If I walked down a dark alley, pregnant, at 1 am...wait right there, I think that's enough said without bothering to continue...

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glad to hear the baby is alright but....

1. why go out at one in the morning into a dark alley in patong beach?

2. why wasn't the boyfriend with her?

when you're five months pregnant...

She found the hotel after the attack without directions I presume! Strange!!

So what is your point? So what if the truth was she was out to buy as much cocaine as she could carry and was offering to blow all of the ladyboys for it, does that mean she deserved to be beaten and mugged for it?

Guarantee no reply from any of the people disputing her story and insinuating that she deserved what happened.

Phuket is the arse end of Thailand and one of my least favourite places in the world let alone Thailand. I woukld gladly spend a fortnight in Pattaya with my family than the sess pool that is Phuket.

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Guarantee no reply from any of the people disputing her story and insinuating that she deserved what happened.

I've seen a range of responses from she shouldn't have been there to why was she there but am yet to see anyone say or even insinuate that she deserved it... where is this disingenuous extrapolation coming from? It's almost like if a lie is repeated enough times it becomes the truth ... oh wait!!

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Phuket is the arse end of Thailand and one of my least favourite places in the world let alone Thailand. I woukld gladly spend a fortnight in Pattaya with my family than the sess pool that is Phuket.

I used to go every xmas to visit friends in Phuket Town - think I'd rather go back to the cold grey slush of London than Phuket now - the news coming out is really off putting.

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or even another aussi trying to claim the insurance money,she is not the first in that case....Think we havent heard the end of this story yet...

Why is it people here always blame the victim?

Have you ever been on Bangla Rd? Do you know how aggressive the katoeys are in that area? The katoeys on soi Crocodile and roaming around Bangla are the most aggressive in all of Thailand in my opinion. It doesn't surprise me a bit that they attacked a lone woman. Much like most that work the tourist areas, all they care about is baht and they don't care how they get it.

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An inflammatory rant session has been removed, posts containing the deleted posts have been removed as well.

Edit: A post commenting on moderation has been removed, normal procedure is to send a PM to the moderator rather than discuss on the open forum, read forum rule 21.

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glad to hear the baby is alright but....

1. why go out at one in the morning into a dark alley in patong beach?

2. why wasn't the boyfriend with her?

when you're five months pregnant...

What a bloody stupid question, she is only 19 . At that age we all did silly things without thinking.

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For all you Pattaya beaters, looks like Phuket has far exceeded it in the cesspit of Thailand awards

Have to agree with that Sungod. But seeing as how the authorities just let these things go on in Phuket. There is no chance of it changing. I just hope that all visitors get the message and avoid Phuket like the plague

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or even another aussi trying to claim the insurance money,she is not the first in that case....Think we havent heard the end of this story yet...

So she gets herself beat up and robbed, just to claim insurance ! What a grub you are.

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...and kicking my belly.

What is it with Thais in kicking/hitting females in the stomach. You see it on Thai soap operas all the time.

Kicking gives one a better 'distance' than hitting. Far less chance of being hit back.

Plus all Thais are Kungfu experts according to the soap operas. But even in the soap operas it's common to see the bad guys "punch" (not kick) the female in the stomach.

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glad to hear the baby is alright but....

1. why go out at one in the morning into a dark alley in patong beach?

2. why wasn't the boyfriend with her?

when you're five months pregnant...

What a bloody stupid question, she is only 19 . At that age we all did silly things without thinking.

granted - but you'd think 5 months of pregnancy would have matured her a bit - no?

nonetheless it's a disgusting stomach turning attack in its brutality and I really hope they get theirs...

could there an element of baby envy in this that pushed them over the edge? Anyone heard of any ladyboy attacking pregnant ladies?

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