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One Thousand Red Villages Open In Isaan: Thailand


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Perhaps, once there is enough Red Villages on board, they can all secede from The Kingdom and form a breakaway state, 'The People's Village of Issan'?

Trying to contextualize coups in a similar vein.

How about "instead of seceding from the Kingdom, take the whole dam_n thing over"

"The Elite's return to hereditary ownership"......... damm elections.

Coupists woried about Red Shirt Villages?

Brings a whole new meaning to the Pot calling the kettle black

This idiocy is in lockstep with the idiocy of coupists demonizing those who stood up to their gunmen as anarchists.

Bad molotov cocktail thrower

Good gunman
Edited by CalgaryII
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Reconciliation in this instance means?...........the Country will not be Reconciled or a Democracy,until the whole Country is Red.

You can have any colour you want as long as its Red!

(apologies for paraphrasing Henry Ford)

Edited by MAJIC
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I wonder what kind of tattoo every Red Shirt village member will get to mark their membership...maybe just a bar code for easy scanning into the Red Shirt inventory database.

And into Thailand's economic data base.

Don't forget that these Villages are as much about bringing equilibrium to the Economic sphere, as the political.

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Next it will be Red Thailand! BTW, what happens if you live in a village that becomes a Red village but you aren't a red? Do you opt out of this...erm... democracy... or stay yellow, or try to mix in and turn a kind of orange, or go multicoloured or try to preserve your village life and go green. The Thai political spectrum is truly amazing.

When 90% agree, the rest can adapt as they see fit, or ignore. Up to them.

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Red flags and red billboards showing a photo of Mr Taksin Shinawatra with a message text have appeared in many Chiang Rai villages lately.

The number of villages with these billboards is increasing continuously. Are they red shirt villages or are they Taksin villages?

"Are they red shirt villages or are they Taksin villages?"

Same, Same.

Hmmmm...........9,303 Posts huh Whybotherclap2.gif

Perhaps same-same.

Elections showed not an issue.

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Reconciliation: they are doing it wrong.

Without responsibility and accountability for R'song murders, forget about reconciliation.

It is a non-starter.

It sounds a lot like you are trying to subvert and thwart any efforts at reconciliation, only promote further divisions between Thais. As a foreigner (Canadian so you say), one wonders why would you want to do damage to the Thai nation.

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If I didn't know better I'd be looking for the big red Satire at the bottom of the article.

The whole concept of villages where everyone must be a Red supporter goes against everything Democracy means.

If PT ever do give out the Tablet computers will the word Democracy be in the dictionary on them? Half hour online and their suppots might realise how much they've been taken a fool of. Maybe this is the why there's such a delay on the tablets, they have to make sure the Thought Police have deleted anythng that might show the PT for what they really are.

The whole concept of coups where everyone must support the coupists or be branded an anarchist and terrorist, goes against everything Democracy means

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Baaa baaa red sheep have you any wool?

We sold our souls to Nattawoot,

A 3 baht fool

One for the master and one for the dame

An Android for the little boy who lives down the lane

This is actually not a joke. These villages are most security risk to Thailand than any other foreign countries.

These villages are training solders and manufacturing weapons, all the cost is from the existing government. present government earmark a lot of money for public project, but a lot goes to these places and getting themselves ready for anything that stand against them

“United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship” to these Red Shirt Villages mean anything but Democracy for Thailand. There must be something in the constitution that does not allow people to create military, other than the Military branch of the government

Everything pales in comparison to what the coupists did to the taxpayers who pay their salaries.

See what a coup begets you.

Watch and learn.

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I thouht the UDD was FOR democracy and AGAINST dictatorship. Seems they are for dictatorship.


That's quite obvious if you see how much the Red Shirts and their leaders love Hun Sen in Cambodia.

Thank God the election put an end to that fabricated, Fascist border idiocy.

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Villages normally have their token idiot but it seems like some are full of them. I think the red faction leadership is deliberately agitating among its uneducated followers with the goal being formation of a one party state; a form of champagne communism with the leaders living a privileged lifestyle. The only bulwark against them is the army.

Once a coupist, always a coupist.

Denigrating and depriving Thai citizens of their political space, while having conceited, contemptuous feelings of political superiority and self-importance, again shows how hollow the ideas of reconciliation are...never mind R'song murders.

But never mind, tommorrow is the largest UDD/Red Shirt Rally since before the election at Bonanaza Resort in Khao Yai. The enormity of the event will demonstrate again the power of the electoral majority, and the fallacious nature of the arrogant political minority.

Coup and minority rule anyone?.....Dont even think about it.

Coupist hot air is just so much hot air now.

The days of the coup freebies are over.

Edited by CalgaryII
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Reconciliation: they are doing it wrong.

Without responsibility and accountability for R'song murders, forget about reconciliation.

It is a non-starter.

Let's go back to "Shipping Moo's" murder,

when he was expected to release Shin Corp secrets and ends up dead.

Let see how that fits in the One Justice For All scheme.

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Villages normally have their token idiot but it seems like some are full of them. I think the red faction leadership is deliberately agitating among its uneducated followers with the goal being formation of a one party state; a form of champagne communism with the leaders living a privileged lifestyle. The only bulwark against them is the army.

Once a coupist, always a coupist.

Denigrating and depriving Thai citizens of their political space, while having a conceited, contemptuous feelings of political superiority and self-importance, again shows how hollow the ideas of reconciliation are...never mind R'song murders.

But never mind, tommorrow is the largest UDD/Red Shirt Rally since before the election at Bonanaza Resort in Khao Yai. The enormity of the event will demonstrate again the power of the electoral majority, and the fallacious nature of the arrogant political minority.

Coup and minority rule anyone.....Dont even think about it.

Coupist hot air is just so much hot air now.

The days of the coup freebies are over.

The ones talking about coups daily all where red insignia.

Stirring fear in the street troupes.

A coup is unlikely, but I wouldn't want to be too close to

Thaksin at any time once he steps back in Thailand.

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The red rose, the white rose, the civil war in England

The blue uniform, the grey uniform, the civil war in USA.

The red villages...........

The North & The South locked in the American Civil War over slavery and its proposed abolition.

and coming soon to a theater near you...............


Contrary to popular belief, the American Civil War was not about slavery, it was about state rights versus federal control....
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So what are some economic objectives of Red Shirt Villages......people don't normally think of that, and only think of them in political terms.

In a nutshell.....purchasing power and economic development through cooperation.

For example, currently there is a small Leo/Singh beer boycott percolating along I understand, with Chang being the preferred choice.

As I understand it, the top doggs at Leo/Singha are somehow pro-actively acting out against the Nitirat proposals.

Nitirat is gospel to these people, so mess with Nitirat, ya mess with them.

With economic purchasing clout, business owners may think twice about messing in non-business business.

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Redshirt leaders harassing a teacher who tries to teach his student to think by asking them to write whether they agreed or disagreed with the government awarding compensation to red shirts. This shows how the fugitive leader and his red mob are running the country and parallels can be drawn to both Hitler's Jungvolk and the Khmer Rouge brain-washing tactics.

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Reconciliation: they are doing it wrong.

It's reconcilliation only on the red thugs terms!

Coupist gunmen angels vs. red thugs....got it.

The coupists have had some success with their campaign of maligning those who stood up to them.

Characterizing all those taxpayers who managed a little fightback as anarchic and anti-social, while the coupist armed aggressors are defined as righteous defenders of the faith.

Different strokes, for different folks I guess.

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Villages normally have their token idiot but it seems like some are full of them. I think the red faction leadership is deliberately agitating among its uneducated followers with the goal being formation of a one party state; a form of champagne communism with the leaders living a privileged lifestyle. The only bulwark against them is the army.

Once a coupist, always a coupist.

Denigrating and depriving Thai citizens of their political space, while having a conceited, contemptuous feelings of political superiority and self-importance, again shows how hollow the ideas of reconciliation are...never mind R'song murders.

But never mind, tommorrow is the largest UDD/Red Shirt Rally since before the election at Bonanaza Resort in Khao Yai. The enormity of the event will demonstrate again the power of the electoral majority, and the fallacious nature of the arrogant political minority.

Coup and minority rule anyone.....Dont even think about it.

Coupist hot air is just so much hot air now.

The days of the coup freebies are over.

The ones talking about coups daily all where red insignia.

Stirring fear in the street troupes.

A coup is unlikely, but I wouldn't want to be too close to

Thaksin at any time once he steps back in Thailand.

Shining a blinding light daily on coupists, is the best defence against them.

Considering this Thread's topic, the organizational phenomena of which the Red Shirt Villages are just the tip of the iceberg, one would hope that those harbouring coupist tendencies may fathom it all.

Blinding light helps.

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I thouht the UDD was FOR democracy and AGAINST dictatorship. Seems they are for dictatorship.


That's quite obvious if you see how much the Red Shirts and their leaders love Hun Sen in Cambodia.

Thank God the election put an end to that fabricated, Fascist border idiocy.

yES. Fabricated by your dear leader in Dubai.

So you are telling us that the Red shirt villages officially become 'red'when 90% agree.. pray tell how do they sort out the agreement,


secret vote

or a show of hands , public style.

or is it just more likely that the village head surrounded by Reds roam the village asking the villagers..

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Villages normally have their token idiot but it seems like some are full of them. I think the red faction leadership is deliberately agitating among its uneducated followers with the goal being formation of a one party state; a form of champagne communism with the leaders living a privileged lifestyle. The only bulwark against them is the army.

Once a coupist, always a coupist.

Denigrating and depriving Thai citizens of their political space, while having conceited, contemptuous feelings of political superiority and self-importance, again shows how hollow the ideas of reconciliation are...never mind R'song murders.

But never mind, tommorrow is the largest UDD/Red Shirt Rally since before the election at Bonanaza Resort in Khao Yai. The enormity of the event will demonstrate again the power of the electoral majority, and the fallacious nature of the arrogant political minority.

Coup and minority rule anyone?.....Dont even think about it.

Coupist hot air is just so much hot air now.

The days of the coup freebies are over.

Who is this poor red shirt farmer who owns this 5,000 rai Bonanza resort... is it Phaivong Taechanarong

(who's son just happens to be an ICT Ministry spokeperson, hard to see how he can fit that in with his busy film shedule)

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Redshirt leaders harassing a teacher who tries to teach his student to think by asking them to write whether they agreed or disagreed with the government awarding compensation to red shirts. This shows how the fugitive leader and his red mob are running the country and parallels can be drawn to both Hitler's Jungvolk and the Khmer Rouge brain-washing tactics.

And such degrading, contemptuous, self-righteous, conceited elitist coupists, who are so pumped with their political self-importance to the exclusion of political space for their opposites speak of reconciliation?

Without giving even a moments thought to the responsibilities and accountability of their people at R'song, and they speak of reconciliation?

Running to judges at every turn with coup intentions speak of reconciliation?

Running interference at every step against reforming their coup constitution speak of reconciliation?

Besmirching, denigrating and disparaging their political opposites who are simply trying to fortify themselves politically, with these Red Shirt Villages, and in the same breath talk about reconciliation?

"Reconciliation" to them, is code for electoral losers pressuring the Govt. not to do too much, kow-tow to their agenda and deny their electoral mandate.

Fohget about reconciliation.

Elections will maintain the correct order of things.

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Redshirt leaders harassing a teacher who tries to teach his student to think by asking them to write whether they agreed or disagreed with the government awarding compensation to red shirts. This shows how the fugitive leader and his red mob are running the country and parallels can be drawn to both Hitler's Jungvolk and the Khmer Rouge brain-washing tactics.

And such degrading, contemptuous, self-righteous, conceited elitist coupists, who are so pumped with their political self-importance to the exclusion of political space for their opposites speak of reconciliation?

Without giving even a moments thought to the responsibilities and accountability of their people at R'song, and they speak of reconciliation?

Running to judges at every turn with coup intentions speak of reconciliation?

Running interference at every step against reforming their coup constitution speak of reconciliation?

Besmirching, denigrating and disparaging their political opposites who are simply trying to fortify themselves politically, with these Red Shirt Villages, and in the same breath talk about reconciliation?

"Reconciliation" to them, is code for electoral losers pressuring the Govt. not to do too much, kow-tow to their agenda and deny their electoral mandate.

Fohget about reconciliation.

Elections will maintain the correct order of things.

Elections without the rule of law is a hollow fraud of a democracy, it is the ritual of a democracy with none of the substance. Its a barren vision you have if this is the best you can imagine for thailand.

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Redshirt leaders harassing a teacher who tries to teach his student to think by asking them to write whether they agreed or disagreed with the government awarding compensation to red shirts. This shows how the fugitive leader and his red mob are running the country and parallels can be drawn to both Hitler's Jungvolk and the Khmer Rouge brain-washing tactics.

And such degrading, contemptuous, self-righteous, conceited elitist coupists, who are so pumped with their political self-importance to the exclusion of political space for their opposites speak of reconciliation?

Without giving even a moments thought to the responsibilities and accountability of their people at R'song, and they speak of reconciliation?

Running to judges at every turn with coup intentions speak of reconciliation?

Running interference at every step against reforming their coup constitution speak of reconciliation?

Besmirching, denigrating and disparaging their political opposites who are simply trying to fortify themselves politically, with these Red Shirt Villages, and in the same breath talk about reconciliation?

"Reconciliation" to them, is code for electoral losers pressuring the Govt. not to do too much, kow-tow to their agenda and deny their electoral mandate.

Fohget about reconciliation.

Elections will maintain the correct order of things.

Elections without the rule of law is a hollow fraud of a democracy, it is the ritual of a democracy with none of the substance. Its a barren vision you have if this is the best you can imagine for thailand.

Elections are the only way. At least there is a chance.

Coups pre-empt rule of law from the very get-go.

With elections one has the opportunity to turf the scoundrels in a time-certain way, via the ballot box.

Coups can only be replaced by the gun and bullet routine, as Thailand found out.

I'll take elections, gross faults and all thank you.

As an aside, I note the very callous and flippant way coups and R'song are dealt with, casually dismissing all those who were killed and maimed, as if the negotiation path was not an option. Abhi's mafia offer certainly took that approach.

I don't need to tell you of all the instances I saw up close and personal, the killing-maiming after-effects.

I suppose that is why I am sensitive to the human suffering coupists and their armed aggressors perpetrated, to defend their non-electoral power grab.

A power grab that was exposed for what it was, last election.

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I asked some red shirts in Ban Phai, KhonKaen, my home town what clauses of the

Redshirt leaders harassing a teacher who tries to teach his student to think by asking them to write whether they agreed or disagreed with the government awarding compensation to red shirts. This shows how the fugitive leader and his red mob are running the country and parallels can be drawn to both Hitler's Jungvolk and the Khmer Rouge brain-washing tactics.

And such degrading, contemptuous, self-righteous, conceited elitist coupists, who are so pumped with their political self-importance to the exclusion of political space for their opposites speak of reconciliation?

Without giving even a moments thought to the responsibilities and accountability of their people at R'song, and they speak of reconciliation?

Running to judges at every turn with coup intentions speak of reconciliation?

Running interference at every step against reforming their coup constitution speak of reconciliation?

Besmirching, denigrating and disparaging their political opposites who are simply trying to fortify themselves politically, with these Red Shirt Villages, and in the same breath talk about reconciliation?

"Reconciliation" to them, is code for electoral losers pressuring the Govt. not to do too much, kow-tow to their agenda and deny their electoral mandate.

Fohget about reconciliation.

Elections will maintain the correct order of things.

Elections without the rule of law is a hollow fraud of a democracy, it is the ritual of a democracy with none of the substance. Its a barren vision you have if this is the best you can imagine for thailand.

Elections are the only way. At least there is a chance.

Coups pre-empt rule of law from the very get-go.

With elections one has the opportunity to turf the scoundrels in a time-certain way, via the ballot box.

Coups can only be replaced by the gun and bullet routine, as Thailand found out.

I'll take elections, gross faults and all thank you.

As an aside, I note the very callous and flippant way coups and R'song are dealt with, casually dismissing all those who were killed and maimed, as if the negotiation path was not an option. Abhi's mafia offer certainly took that approach.

I don't need to tell you of all the instances I saw up close and personal, the killing-maiming after-effects.

I suppose that is why I am sensitive to the human suffering coupists and their armed aggressors perpetrated, to defend their non-electoral power grab.

A power grab that was exposed for what it was, last election.

Elections- Thaksin ordered every prospective Pheua Thai MP to sign an undated letter of resignation before they could stand as candidates for Pheua Thai in the last election.

Is that what you call democracy?!

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Next it will be Red Thailand! BTW, what happens if you live in a village that becomes a Red village but you aren't a red? Do you opt out of this...erm... democracy... or stay yellow, or try to mix in and turn a kind of orange, or go multicoloured or try to preserve your village life and go green. The Thai political spectrum is truly amazing.

That wont be an option. If your village becomes red you have to adapt. If they cannot force you, and they will use force, you will be treated as paria in your own village. Noone will speak to you, nothing will be available to you in the local shops, your truck/tractor/bike will be vandalised, your electricity and water cut off etc. You do not believe me? Just wait, this is just the initial stage.

I can say with certainty, that Tanaka has never been around UDD/Red Shirts, or Red Shirt Villages in a meaningful way.

I know these people and have roamed these Villages.

What Tanaka proclaims is so far from reality, it is unconscionable. Unless one sees through it, an outsider would actually think he has a knowledge base.

What he is stating is what he has been conditioned to accept via the Opposition.

An Opposition non-plussed by how these people they are so contemptuous of, have in fact removed them to the political sidelines. They cannot accept this reality.

So they strike out at these people, denigrating them, and denying they even have political awareness other than through association. A truly arrogant and disdainful perspective.

This is the perspective that Tanaka is channelling. Not actual exposure to the people and places he discusses.

And I say this with certainty.

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