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Bangkok Taxi Driver Poses As Military Officer, Robs Foreign Passengers


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What happened to "The incompetent corrupt Somchai police monkeys who will never do their job and are all hopelessly anti Farang"? (description borrowed from another thread.)

Crime, clue, investigation, arrest. ABC policework.

good point. I wonder why people that constantly criticize Thailand and the people and the police and the government are even members here. If they dislike it so much, they should just stop coming here (Thailand). Or, move back to their home country if the live here.

Many years ago, I met an older (60's) British gentleman in a expat bar. All these expats were sitting around, drinking and complaining about Thailand and making derogatory comments about the Thai's. I could not help but wonder, if they hated it so much, why do they stay in Thailand. The man I was speaking with told me that many farangs move to Thailand for the girls and the partying. But, have made no effort to understand the Thai people or their culture. Once the reality sets in and the partying and girls are become routine and no longer exciting, they don't like Thailand anymore but, they can't afford to leave. He told me that, if I was considering moving to Thailand, to accept the Thai's and the way they do things. It's not up to them to change to suit my needs but, up to me to just accept their ways because it's their country and culture, not mine.

good advice many years ago.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks. And it is a part of the human species to complain, even in paradise, and there is plenty of things to complain about here in the LOS, even the Thais will agree to that. Those that do not complain about blatant corruption, must be corrupt themselves.

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What happened to "The incompetent corrupt Somchai police monkeys who will never do their job and are all hopelessly anti Farang"? (description borrowed from another thread.)

Crime, clue, investigation, arrest. ABC policework.

good point. I wonder why people that constantly criticize Thailand and the people and the police and the government are even members here. If they dislike it so much, they should just stop coming here (Thailand). Or, move back to their home country if the live here.

Many years ago, I met an older (60's) British gentleman in a expat bar. All these expats were sitting around, drinking and complaining about Thailand and making derogatory comments about the Thai's. I could not help but wonder, if they hated it so much, why do they stay in Thailand. The man I was speaking with told me that many farangs move to Thailand for the girls and the partying. But, have made no effort to understand the Thai people or their culture. Once the reality sets in and the partying and girls are become routine and no longer exciting, they don't like Thailand anymore but, they can't afford to leave. He told me that, if I was considering moving to Thailand, to accept the Thai's and the way they do things. It's not up to them to change to suit my needs but, up to me to just accept their ways because it's their country and culture, not mine.

good advice many years ago.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks. And it is a part of the human species to complain, even in paradise, and there is plenty of things to complain about here in the LOS, even the Thais will agree to that. Those that do not complain about blatant corruption, must be corrupt themselves.

there are plenty of things to complain about in every country. But, some people that post on here do nothing but complain.

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What happened to "The incompetent corrupt Somchai police monkeys who will never do their job and are all hopelessly anti Farang"? (description borrowed from another thread.)

Crime, clue, investigation, arrest. ABC policework.

good point. I wonder why people that constantly criticize Thailand and the people and the police and the government are even members here. If they dislike it so much, they should just stop coming here (Thailand). Or, move back to their home country if the live here.

Many years ago, I met an older (60's) British gentleman in a expat bar. All these expats were sitting around, drinking and complaining about Thailand and making derogatory comments about the Thai's. I could not help but wonder, if they hated it so much, why do they stay in Thailand. The man I was speaking with told me that many farangs move to Thailand for the girls and the partying. But, have made no effort to understand the Thai people or their culture. Once the reality sets in and the partying and girls are become routine and no longer exciting, they don't like Thailand anymore but, they can't afford to leave. He told me that, if I was considering moving to Thailand, to accept the Thai's and the way they do things. It's not up to them to change to suit my needs but, up to me to just accept their ways because it's their country and culture, not mine.

good advice many years ago.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks. And it is a part of the human species to complain, even in paradise, and there is plenty of things to complain about here in the LOS, even the Thais will agree to that. Those that do not complain about blatant corruption, must be corrupt themselves.

perhaps the ones that don't complain are just wise accept it as a way of life here and just deal with it. complaining does not do any good. What's amusing to me is, people that complain, complain, complain complain still come here and spend their money. Now that's funny.

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Was he targeting foreigners only? I wonder why.

(Another nail in the coffin of the hospitality hub).

When will somebody show some leadership in this country and officially announce, perhaps in front of TV cameras that Farang is actually human and kicking him is as bad as anybody else? Or am I incorrect to think that that would be quite a shock to many?

Would definitely be a shock to many........

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There are petty robbers like these. Although not as dangerous, they are a menace in society. They should be caught, tried and punished. But why is this news? There are nastier and deadlier criminals ( i.e. politicians ) out there who are more worthy of newslines!

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The authorities will likely determin that he's a good man, needs a second chance and that the victims should pay him compensation, as he's a poor Thai and they are rich foreigners.

This is Thailand, not the UK

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And having guns in the house is all part of that laid-back attitude?

What happened to "The incompetent corrupt Somchai police monkeys who will never do their job and are all hopelessly anti Farang"? (description borrowed from another thread.)

Crime, clue, investigation, arrest. ABC policework.

good point. I wonder why people that constantly criticize Thailand and the people and the police and the government are even members here. If they dislike it so much, they should just stop coming here (Thailand). Or, move back to their home country if the live here.

Many years ago, I met an older (60's) British gentleman in a expat bar. All these expats were sitting around, drinking and complaining about Thailand and making derogatory comments about the Thai's. I could not help but wonder, if they hated it so much, why do they stay in Thailand. The man I was speaking with told me that many farangs move to Thailand for the girls and the partying. But, have made no effort to understand the Thai people or their culture. Once the reality sets in and the partying and girls are become routine and no longer exciting, they don't like Thailand anymore but, they can't afford to leave. He told me that, if I was considering moving to Thailand, to accept the Thai's and the way they do things. It's not up to them to change to suit my needs but, up to me to just accept their ways because it's their country and culture, not mine.

good advice many years ago.

Probably one of the reasons why they are changing the gun ownership laws so that we can better understand the laid-back attitude.

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What happened to "The incompetent corrupt Somchai police monkeys who will never do their job and are all hopelessly anti Farang"? (description borrowed from another thread.)

Crime, clue, investigation, arrest. ABC policework.

Many years ago, I met an older (60's) British gentleman in a expat bar. All these expats were sitting around, drinking and complaining about Thailand and making derogatory comments about the Thai's. I could not help but wonder, if they hated it so much, why do they stay in Thailand. The man I was speaking with told me that many farangs move to Thailand for the girls and the partying. But, have made no effort to understand the Thai people or their culture. Once the reality sets in and the partying and girls are become routine and no longer exciting, they don't like Thailand anymore but, they can't afford to leave. He told me that, if I was considering moving to Thailand, to accept the Thai's and the way they do things. It's not up to them to change to suit my needs but, up to me to just accept their ways because it's their country and culture, not mine.

good advice many years ago.

It is good advice and rings tones of truth. The British gentleman appears to be an observant person. Maybe a few more people should read and inwardly digest his observations.

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One can only assume that Pitakpong has expensive taste in beds? B31,000 ?

Indeed, 900thb would have got him a lumpy straw filled single mattress for the floor of his hovel apartment.

The hideous and uncomfortable vinyl coated 'wipe clean' variety of mattresses seem to be popular in Thailand too, especially in lower end accommodations.

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He told me that, if I was considering moving to Thailand, to accept the Thai's and the way they do things. It's not up to them to change to suit my needs but, up to me to just accept their ways because it's their country and culture, not mine.

good advice many years ago.

The great irony of course being they will never, ever accept you.

However I think that to accept their criminality, stupidity and arrogance brings you down to that level.

I applaud the expats that stand up for their rights, point out injustices where they find them and are not scared to rightfully criticise where criticism is due.

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He told me that, if I was considering moving to Thailand, to accept the Thai's and the way they do things. It's not up to them to change to suit my needs but, up to me to just accept their ways because it's their country and culture, not mine.

good advice many years ago.

The great irony of course being they will never, ever accept you.

However I think that to accept their criminality, stupidity and arrogance brings you down to that level.

I applaud the expats that stand up for their rights, point out injustices where they find them and are not scared to rightfully criticise where criticism is due.

speak for yourself. I have many Thai friends that accept me here in my community. but again, I don't live in a resort or BKK. living in BKK or a resort area is different than living away from more expats. But, I can see why you don't get accepted with calling them criminals, stupid and arrogant. Go for it.

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In almost ten years of living here I have only experienced one bad taxi driver

Oh please! It's one from every two are bad in my experience.

Thailand's taxi drivers are terrible, but they can console themselves in the fact that Malaysian cab drivers are worse.

While I agree with most of your other posts, I don't agree with this one.

Don't make it look that gloom, it's not that bad. Even in my first days of being in Thailand I didn't get every second driver truing to screw me or rob me. Yes I've been taken a long way a few times and yes I fall to a meter not working scam a few times but it's nowhere near every second one.

Perhaps if every second one's trying to screw you, you must look like a mommy boy who can't stand up for himself.

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In almost ten years of living here I have only experienced one bad taxi driver

Oh please! It's one from every two are bad in my experience.

Thailand's taxi drivers are terrible, but they can console themselves in the fact that Malaysian cab drivers are worse.

While I agree with most of your other posts, I don't agree with this one.

Don't make it look that gloom, it's not that bad. Even in my first days of being in Thailand I didn't get every second driver truing to screw me or rob me. Yes I've been taken a long way a few times and yes I fall to a meter not working scam a few times but it's nowhere near every second one.

Perhaps if every second one's trying to screw you, you must look like a mommy boy who can't stand up for himself.

Is there any tourist spot or major city in the world where there are not taxi drivers or those pretending to be legitimate taxi drivers that don't try to take advantage of tourists? That is just par for the course.

On the other hand, there does seem to be a much greater fear of Taxi drivers here, especially by females riding alone, then I have seen in other places. Not sure if these fears are from the past or if incidents like the one in the OP are still common place .. there was one reported just the other day about a robbing rapist taxi driver. However, 2 recent incidents are not much of a survey base to go by considering the number of Taxis just in Bangkok, where I believe I read once has 60,000 taxis.

Edited by Nisa
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Probably not. It would be nice, though, if passengers were provided some protection, such as drivers being vetted before being able to work. Criminal checks, random breath and drug tests, some attempts to set minimum acceptable standards. Illegal taxis operate all over. Why?

Edited by Reasonableman
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In almost ten years of living here I have only experienced one bad taxi driver

Oh please! It's one from every two are bad in my experience.

Thailand's taxi drivers are terrible, but they can console themselves in the fact that Malaysian cab drivers are worse.

While I agree with most of your other posts, I don't agree with this one.

Don't make it look that gloom, it's not that bad. Even in my first days of being in Thailand I didn't get every second driver truing to screw me or rob me. Yes I've been taken a long way a few times and yes I fall to a meter not working scam a few times but it's nowhere near every second one.

Perhaps if every second one's trying to screw you, you must look like a mommy boy who can't stand up for himself.

Is there any tourist spot or major city in the world where there are not taxi drivers or those pretending to be legitimate taxi drivers that don't try to take advantage of tourists? That is just par for the course.

On the other hand, there does seem to be a much greater fear of Taxi drivers here, especially by females riding alone, then I have seen in other places. Not sure if these fears are from the past or if incidents like the one in the OP are still common place .. there was one reported just the other day about a robbing rapist taxi driver. However, 2 recent incidents are not much of a survey base to go by considering the number of Taxis just in Bangkok, where I believe I read once has 60,000 taxis.

I know Mexico city, Caracas and Rio de Janeiro are some of the more dangerous places to just get from the airport to the hotel by taxi.

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More pond scum. How is Mr HIV rapist getting along? Giving taxi drivers a stinking reputation. Sounds like time taxi drivers enforced acceptable standards of behavior themselves, if the government or police cannot/will not. Kick these turds out.

Taxi drivers already have a stinking reputation. They are marfia scum in my books. They stop .. won't let you in the car but just ask where your going so they can decide if they can make a buck out of it. !

The Government needs to kick every taxi driver in bangkok out ...and start new !! regulate it properly so no marfia has control.

Bangkok taxi drivers need a good overhaul. jap.gif

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It was tried with motorcycle taxis. Since I use taxis, usually without major problems, I have no idea how successful that was. Wasn't there a recent anti-mafia protest among the m'cycle drivers, though?

More pond scum. How is Mr HIV rapist getting along? Giving taxi drivers a stinking reputation. Sounds like time taxi drivers enforced acceptable standards of behavior themselves, if the government or police cannot/will not. Kick these turds out.

Taxi drivers already have a stinking reputation. They are marfia scum in my books. They stop .. won't let you in the car but just ask where your going so they can decide if they can make a buck out of it. !

The Government needs to kick every taxi driver in bangkok out ...and start new !! regulate it properly so no marfia has control.

Bangkok taxi drivers need a good overhaul. jap.gif

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More pond scum. How is Mr HIV rapist getting along? Giving taxi drivers a stinking reputation. Sounds like time taxi drivers enforced acceptable standards of behavior themselves, if the government or police cannot/will not. Kick these turds out.

Taxi drivers already have a stinking reputation. They are marfia scum in my books. They stop .. won't let you in the car but just ask where your going so they can decide if they can make a buck out of it. !

The Government needs to kick every taxi driver in bangkok out ...and start new !! regulate it properly so no marfia has control.

Bangkok taxi drivers need a good overhaul. jap.gif

That is a blanket assessment which doesn't ring true. My rule of thumb is that if the meter isn't working, then the taxi driver won't be either.

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That husain is one smart guy, I wish I can "memorize" the Thai LP, it's all still alien script to me and I've been here for 4 years (just stating the fact).

I guess he found a smart policeman - assuming it's a plate issued before March 2011 - as it's a taxi in bangkok, the province can probably be assumed to be bangkok, then the first consonant (of 2) has to be either ท or ม plus the number. Assuming he also reported the colour of the taxi - I guess that's enough to positively identify the vehicle.

Still, a pretty good effort.


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