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Do You Know Who Is Watching You Online Right Now?


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Spyware on the internet is everywhere nowadays, with google and facebook CEO's facing lawsuits and with media conglomerate and former owner of myspace Rupert Murdoch getting charged for hacking into users accounts. I-Phone, etc using the GPS on mobile devices to track consumer spending habits at the local shopping mall, just like google tracks who's amung us on ebay auction sites and what we are purchasing in horrific detail! The maps to control consumerism through corporate globalization are only steps away and this is no conspiracy theory, this has TRUTH.

The NWO patriot act is about to go into full effect. Your rights of privacy online are open to anyone in the system, reading your personal emails, private facebook messages web chats, etc and they don't need a phony court order to invade in your privacy like they do when they listen to your private telephone conversation It goes much deeper than this with HAARP and with fiber optics and satelite technology and sonar, this world is a scary place to live and the world wide web is not a place for ANYONE to keep a secret or send a personal message, so this is just a warning to others to be careful and watch your backs. Any insults or attack on my character or intellect will be ignored because I dont have time to engage in debates which only breed hatred but if you want to share knowledge that together we can build upon and help eachother it would be much appreciated and I always keep an open mind so please feel free to share your thoughts........

We need LAWS to protect our rights of Privacy online and we need them NOW before we let these companies control our lives!


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There is an addon for firefox called "Collusion"; firefox's response and an expose' of those sites that snoop upon your web surfing habits. QUite eye opening.

Search for it from the addons tab or using google.

I think the HAARP thing might be taking things a tad far into into the realms of conspiracy theorist and fearmongering however.

Edited by Pomthai
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There is an addon for firefox called "Collusion"; firefox's response and an expose' of those sites that snoop upon your web surfing habits. QUite eye opening.

Search for it from the addons tab or using google.

I think the HAARP thing might be taking things a tad far into into the realms of conspiracy theorist and fearmongering however.

Looks like its similar to Ghostery, thanks for pointing it out

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I dont do Facebook or you tube, are you suggesting that I should change my homepage which is Google.?

Google is fine if you are not logged into it meaning have a gmail account etc. when you search & your browser is set to not accept cookies, or at least dispose of them when closing your browser.....

You can also use startpage.com if you like which basically gives you google without IP logging, cookies, etc.

From startpage....

Startpage offers you Web search results from Google in complete privacy!

When you search with Startpage, we remove all identifying information from your query and submit it anonymously to Google ourselves. We get the results and return them to you in total privacy.

Your IP address is never recorded, your visit is not logged, and no tracking cookies are placed on your browser. When it comes to protecting your privacy, Startpage runs the tightest ship on the Internet. Our outstanding privacy policy and thoughtful engineering give you great search results in total anonymity. Here are some of our key features:

  • Free proxy surfing available.
  • Praised by privacy experts worldwide.
  • Twelve-year company track record.
  • Third-party certified.

  • No IP address recorded.
  • No record is made of your searches.
  • No identifying or tracking cookies used.
  • Powerful SSL encryption available.

To learn more, check out our privacy page and read our privacy policy. We're confident you'll like what you see.

Edited by flying
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I don't think it is coincidence following a quick look at flight costs, or vehicle costs, or computer costs, on the internet, the google advertisements on Tvisa appear to be aligned to my recent searches for a while......however I do have two systems running that periodically remove cookies and spyware, but of course to be removed they are already on my system, and there are a rather large number of cookies removed on a regular basis........

So next question......how 'private' is in private viewing?

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There is an addon for firefox called "Collusion"; firefox's response and an expose' of those sites that snoop upon your web surfing habits. QUite eye opening.

I have not looked at Collusion.....Can you tell me...

Is it the same info you get when you type netstat into a command prompt like programs>accessories>windows powershell ...then type netstat

Just curious what collusion is giving info wise...

Edit: found the info online

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"We need LAWS to protect our rights of Privacy online and we need them NOW before we let these companies control our lives!"

Frankly it seems a little late. Many people's lives in the west are already very controlled by large companies through such internet monitoring, as you have pointed out in your post. It is just that we don't realise we are being subtly manipulated.

It is a bit like the wild wild west when it comes to companies and the laws regarding their ability to gather data about consumers and where they live and what they like to look at in their spare time . When you do a google search for something (and probably other search engines), you might start to notice in coming weeks that you see advertisements across a range of media and sites advertising things related to your past google searches.

IMO, that is certainly an invasion of privacy, but one which most of us just accept. I have put various programs on my computer to block cookies and tracing and all manner of things, but I don't know how effective they really are.

Then you have reward schemes, credit and debit card usage, supermarket scanners, POS scanners in general, mobile devices of all types updating your location...Somewhere data is being matched and an in depth analysis of how you are spending and where you are spending and how much you are spending. Tailoring advertising for your spending habits. Creating social media campaigns that are warm, humorous and almost friend like. Apps for smartphones that download your personal data and address book, marketing campaigns designed to look like true life stories... the list goes on and on and on.

Just wait a few more years until governments start accessing it as well. Tax department data matching in Western countries... That should send a scare through quite a few people.

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"We need LAWS to protect our rights of Privacy online and we need them NOW before we let these companies control our lives!"

Frankly it seems a little late. Many people's lives in the west are already very controlled by large companies through such internet monitoring, as you have pointed out in your post. It is just that we don't realise we are being subtly manipulated.

It is a bit like the wild wild west when it comes to companies and the laws regarding their ability to gather data about consumers and where they live and what they like to look at in their spare time . When you do a google search for something (and probably other search engines), you might start to notice in coming weeks that you see advertisements across a range of media and sites advertising things related to your past google searches.

IMO, that is certainly an invasion of privacy, but one which most of us just accept. I have put various programs on my computer to block cookies and tracing and all manner of things, but I don't know how effective they really are.

Then you have reward schemes, credit and debit card usage, supermarket scanners, POS scanners in general, mobile devices of all types updating your location...Somewhere data is being matched and an in depth analysis of how you are spending and where you are spending and how much you are spending. Tailoring advertising for your spending habits. Creating social media campaigns that are warm, humorous and almost friend like. Apps for smartphones that download your personal data and address book, marketing campaigns designed to look like true life stories... the list goes on and on and on.

Just wait a few more years until governments start accessing it as well. Tax department data matching in Western countries... That should send a scare through quite a few people.

I was at my tax accountant last week, as soon as I sat down he gave me a form called I.C.E., he then got me to sign a disclaimer that he had given me the form.

I.C.E. is a UK government system that tracks the financial history of people, apparently they cross reference 49 different sources of financial information.

This includes income, benefits, bank accounts, credit card payments, flights etc. My accountant pointed out to me that there now is no payment that goes through the system that can't be tracked. Even if you paid a flight cash the fact you were on the flight is referenced to the agencies.

Anyone thinking that they have skipped the system is in for a big shock.

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