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Stop and stop now, if it is silly in the USA its more silly in Thailand. Do not pass goal and do not sell any houses. You will end up broke the route you are traveling.

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How is your Thai by the way?? because if you say you don't speak any then this thread just went from kind of amusing to completely nonsensical.

As I previously explained, I speak really good Thai (my mother was Thai) but with a strange accent (only having previously spoken it with mother).

I've not returned to Maine yet, but will be doing so later this week to arrange POA for my house sale, and tie up a few things.

Is this a social experiment in predicting behaviour among ex-pats 50-65 years?

Tell the story of a naive aging foreign tourist idiot who stumbles into Thai high-so life through a chance meeting in coffee shop and immediate romance with young rich Thai beauty who falls head over heels for the charm of an American pensioner.

You should be a comic because this forum has had me on the floor and I’m sure everyone else is well and truly entertained. Can’t wait for chapter 3 when our new American chum announces that his 24 year old Thai beauty is a rocket scientist, fluent in 4 languages, on the Thai Olympic ping pong team and owns three 5 star hotels in Bangkok.

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22 replies, none of them about where to live, apart from Mr. Canada who I believe was joking.

1 moderator reply, having remove who knows what.

Are the posters on this forum really so unhelpful?

Quite disgraceful!

I would have thought some people here would have some idea of a nice place to live.

Was it my fault, let me be more specific.

Looking to live somewhere with good Internet access, coffee bars, restaurants American and Thai.

Not too rural, where I could buy or build a house for 4-10Mbht on a few rai of land, money is not really a problem.

Could I have some serious suggestions from people who live in places like this

Beware, there are a lot of good Thai women and some that are not so morally bound. Your case falls into the most likely scam section because of the age. Research a lot about this on the internet because there have been a lot of these far out age relationships between thai women and foreign men. Don't build her a house and don't insult her family. Thais will defend their families until the end and it's too early to give her major possessions.


i dont think these kind of threads should be locked or deleted ,troll or not.,its entertaining stuff

often better reading than other "issues" that ex-pats like to b1tch about

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I did meet her parents, her father is a lawyer (my age) and her step-mother is in her late 20s early 30s.

We all get on very well.

I love feeding the Trolls ... all harmless stuff.

Just my observation but imagine in your mind now a typical Friday night in the AOA (AnotherOneAmerican) household.

Newly minted wife/girlfriend (mid twenties) ventures out nightclubbing with AOA new Mother-in-Law (late twenties).

AOA, with his heavily accented but conversational Thai and the new Father-in-Law (F-in-L) chew the fat over Thai politics and watch a bit of Footie.

Off to bed at 9.30pm as they are early risers.

About 3 am the phone rings with the girls looking for a lift Home.

There are 2 landlines in AOA's household and AOA and the new F-in-L both pick the ringing phone (two bedside extensions).

The recently married gf asks "Dad, can you come pick us up" ... both the men in the household answer “yes sweetpeas ... no problem”.

I wonder how hot the new Mother-in-Law looks?



Although there have been some good responses, personally I am not sure we need to be too concerned about this gentleman's welfare or the loss of his wealth should he be genuine, and follow through on his wish to move to LOS.

He provided a fairly clued up response to the dangers of getting fleeced by ones partner at http://www.thaivisa....47#entry5122947 which indicates to me he is not stupid.

He also indicated at this same post that he worked in the US law profession as what would appear to be a divorce attorney. Given his previous comment about how much tax he pays, and from what I understand a successful divorce attorney can make in the US, he cant be short of a bob.

It seems slightly strange however that someone who worked in law wasnt at least interested in doing a quick web search on Thai property law.

OK so everyone is saying an age gap of 40 years is doomed from the start. I do have a folllow up question then, what is the maximum age gap then for a relationship in Thailand that has a good chance of success? Maybe this should be the topic of another thread.

A topic title ready made. thumbsup.gif


OK so everyone is saying an age gap of 40 years is doomed from the start. I do have a folllow up question then, what is the maximum age gap then for a relationship in Thailand that has a good chance of success? Maybe this should be the topic of another thread.

A topic title ready made. thumbsup.gif

Just for you Mr Bookman ...

Opening line ... My GF is 43 years younger than me, how about you guys ?

Opening line ... I'd be interested in hearing feedback from men who have enjoyed (and still do enjoy) successful long term relationships with their Thai wives, partners or girlfriends.

Just from my observation, 2 that spring to mind.

Come SC ... catch up.

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I've only lived here for three years, but I've already seen several friends and acquaintances (mostly retirees or recently divorced) succumb to the charms of physically beautiful and charming but morally corrupt and predatory Thai women who have conned them out of almost every penny they owned.

I knew a girl in BKK in 2003......she met a guy through a dating site and on the VERY 1ST DATE the guy fell head over heels for her. The next morning he deposited 3000 US dollars in her bank account and took her shopping at Emporium, even though she wasn't even a hooker [ahem]. He was 58, just retired and had some pretty good coin. She was 21 and from Chiang Rai province and would have trouble rubbing 2 baht together.

Long story short, since we all know these kind of stories and could litter this forum with similar tales, she ran up 50K in credit card charges and other bills on the guy, got herself a Honda Accord, took trips with friends and bought expensive gifts for herself. How do I know all this? Because she was screwing ME on the side and telling me all about it! When the phone would ring and his U.S. number would appear, she would make a scrunched-up face and tell me to shhhhhh, then answer and be sweet as pie for 10 minutes, all giggles and "I love you too, honey", etc.......then she would hang up and make a shiver motion all over her body and say "Ewww, I HATE that man". But as long as the payments came in, she'd keep him around. Less than a year later, he was gone; heartbroken, poor and mystified, and she had moved on to victim number 2, then 3, then.....well, you know. Once these girls do it one time they want it again and again, like collecting trophy's and land up-country.....and she was smart, she had a degree from Ramkhamheang in engineering and her english was perfect. She never got me because I'm broke LOL......dinner and a few drinks was all I could ever afford.

Still not sure if this is a wind-up troll or not, but the thread sure got me interested and reminiscing, so maybe the OP has gotten what he wanted after all; 12 pages of replies and a good chuckle for himself.

Sounds like you were in on her scam too. Very sad. angry.png

I wasn't in on any scam and I wasn't 'proud' of anything, just telling a story......BTW, she was screwing me, some other farang guys, had a Thai boyfriend and also stringing these western saps along.

Grow up - it happens in this country daily.

Strange she didn't take the call in another room eh. Grow up you say. Ha, it seems to me you approve of this ''lady'' purely for your leg over and boast about it. mfr_closed1.gif .


I wonder why so many of you assume she is poor or needs me to buy her a house.

She drives a nearly new BMW, graduated from Chula and lives in a penthouse bought for her by her father, her parents appear to be quite wealthy.

I did meet her parents, her father is a lawyer (my age) and her step-mother is in her late 20s early 30s.

We all get on very well.

Dude, you cannot be serious. If you had said that you met her in a bar, she is dirt poor, has a couple of kids, never finished high school, needs money to send home to mama....that would be believable. We'll still know she doesn't really love you, but at least we can accept your version at face-value. What you're suggesting here is pure fantasy. You're not following troll-protocol, which at a minimum, requires believability. Perhaps you can change your screen name and start all over again.


Ah yes buy a house in the name of your gf of two weeks. Smart move.

What a strange idea!

I would buy a house in my own name.

You can't!!!!!!!


You didn't have to dude him. He isn't that bad! Now that he has been duded no telling what he will say.

I really meant it in a congenial sort of way. Like buddy. Bro. Homey. That sort of thing. I hope he comes back because I'm just starting to have some fun with him....but in a nice way.


You didn't have to dude him. He isn't that bad! Now that he has been duded no telling what he will say.

Better than being blethered eh. drunk.gif

  • Like 2

Ah yes buy a house in the name of your gf of two weeks. Smart move.

What a strange idea!

I would buy a house in my own name.

You can't!!!!!!!

Of course he can! He can do what he wants on whatever planet he is from, just not in this Thailand.

Might even answer to Dude there as wellwai.gif


22 replies, none of them about where to live, apart from Mr. Canada who I believe was joking.

1 moderator reply, having remove who knows what.

Are the posters on this forum really so unhelpful?

Quite disgraceful!

I would have thought some people here would have some idea of a nice place to live.

Was it my fault, let me be more specific.

Looking to live somewhere with good Internet access, coffee bars, restaurants American and Thai.

Not too rural, where I could buy or build a house for 4-10Mbht on a few rai of land, money is not really a problem.

Could I have some serious suggestions from people who live in places like this

The replies were not disgraceful. They were honest. The same story has been played out and told so many times on this and other forums it's impossible not to be cynical. However, if you left out the female part of the story and just asked opinions on where the most comfortable place to settle in Thailand you might have got more realistic replies.

I have traveled all over Thailand and settled on Chiang Mai to make it my center when I'm in LOS ("Land Of Smiles" if you haven't already been informed).

There are a lot of grumpy expats living in Thailand and all have valid excuses for their complaints. And, hence the cynical replies on many similar topics they see over and over.

To me, Bangkok is just too big and congested. It takes too long to get anywhere unless a super highway is right beside your residence. The sky train is not a lot better, but an improvement to how it was in 1996. However, the little country villages that seem so appealing when first experienced quickly become boring and rather annoying if you want fast internet, or the common, every day supplies that you would find on every corner in Bangkok. You've got to learn to do without if you are living in the country.

That is why I enjoy Chiang Mai. It has most of what a big city has and yet it's relatively easy to get around. And, you can walk from one corner of the city to the other without getting tired.

But don´t forget your gas mask!


Met this amazing girl in a coffee shop in Bangkok, then spent a marvelous two weeks with her.

If she worked there, makes no sense now that she HiSo

If she did not work there, how does an old man meet a young girl in a coffee shop. A young girl with money who can pick any man she wants.

troll alert or someone trying to get advice on a bargirl relationship but cant admit it.


I like the way our American friend keeps trolling out tidbits of information, keeping the fish lunging for the bait. Quite entertaining actually.

Stay tuned in for next episode when American pensioners 18 year old grandson in BKK for the first time has chance meeting with 45 year old Thai politician and falls head over heels in love but needs advice on whether to stay in the LOS or leave and return home to his child hood sweet heart and new born Siamese twins in Maine.


P.T.Barnum rides again and so will you, leave your wallet at home and arrive with your love and baggage. We all go through it once, with luck you have enough $$$$ left to try it again.coffee1.gif


This troll is clearly a Brit making fun of Americans. That was my thought reading the OP. Then I got a confirmation when he said in a post "blethering idiots" quote:

"I didn't bother to reply as the last five pages of posts seem to have been written by blethering idiots!".

I grew up in the US and lived there 40+ years and never once heard the term "blethering". He also used the term "fleeced" in another thread. This is another term we dont use.

another quote from a post "We all get on very well.". We American dont use this terminology ever, it's Brit speak


This troll is clearly a Brit making fun of Americans. That was my thought reading the OP. Then I got a confirmation when he said in a post "blethering idiots" quote:

"I didn't bother to reply as the last five pages of posts seem to have been written by blethering idiots!".

I grew up in the US and lived there 40+ years and never once heard the term "blethering". He also used the term "fleeced" in another thread. This is another term we dont use.

another quote from a post "We all get on very well.". We American dont use this terminology ever, it's Brit speak

Blithering idiot is common usage in the US blethering is not. Is that what you meant?


This troll is clearly a Brit making fun of Americans. That was my thought reading the OP. Then I got a confirmation when he said in a post "blethering idiots" quote:

"I didn't bother to reply as the last five pages of posts seem to have been written by blethering idiots!".

I grew up in the US and lived there 40+ years and never once heard the term "blethering". He also used the term "fleeced" in another thread. This is another term we dont use.

another quote from a post "We all get on very well.". We American dont use this terminology ever, it's Brit speak

Good points about the terms "blethering" and "we all get on very well." But I do use the term "fleeced" from time to time (as an American). Fruit for thought, nevertheless.


This troll is clearly a Brit making fun of Americans. That was my thought reading the OP. Then I got a confirmation when he said in a post "blethering idiots" quote:

"I didn't bother to reply as the last five pages of posts seem to have been written by blethering idiots!".

I grew up in the US and lived there 40+ years and never once heard the term "blethering". He also used the term "fleeced" in another thread. This is another term we dont use.

another quote from a post "We all get on very well.". We American dont use this terminology ever, it's Brit speak

Blithering idiot is common usage in the US blethering is not. Is that what you meant?

So if I wanted to hide my nationality I should say "Howdy" all the time.

Would that be as in "Howdy ye dae that, then?"


EDIT: So a bloke from Baltimore would never blether?


This troll is clearly a Brit making fun of Americans. That was my thought reading the OP. Then I got a confirmation when he said in a post "blethering idiots" quote:

"I didn't bother to reply as the last five pages of posts seem to have been written by blethering idiots!".

I grew up in the US and lived there 40+ years and never once heard the term "blethering". He also used the term "fleeced" in another thread. This is another term we dont use.

another quote from a post "We all get on very well.". We American dont use this terminology ever, it's Brit speak

Blithering idiot is common usage in the US blethering is not. Is that what you meant?

Anyone who has been a member of TV for more than a day will be well aware of “blethering” through exposer to theblether and his posts.biggrin.png

This troll is clearly a Brit making fun of Americans. That was my thought reading the OP. Then I got a confirmation when he said in a post "blethering idiots" quote:

"I didn't bother to reply as the last five pages of posts seem to have been written by blethering idiots!".

I grew up in the US and lived there 40+ years and never once heard the term "blethering". He also used the term "fleeced" in another thread. This is another term we dont use.

another quote from a post "We all get on very well.". We American dont use this terminology ever, it's Brit speak

Blithering idiot is common usage in the US blethering is not. Is that what you meant?

So if I wanted to hide my nationality I should say "Howdy" all the time.

Would that be as in "Howdy ye dae that, then?"


EDIT: So a bloke from Baltimore would never blether?

Bloke is also a word not used in the US. Howdy is not something I've ever used. I suppose that has redneck connotations


This troll is clearly a Brit making fun of Americans. That was my thought reading the OP. Then I got a confirmation when he said in a post "blethering idiots" quote:

"I didn't bother to reply as the last five pages of posts seem to have been written by blethering idiots!".

I grew up in the US and lived there 40+ years and never once heard the term "blethering". He also used the term "fleeced" in another thread. This is another term we dont use.

another quote from a post "We all get on very well.". We American dont use this terminology ever, it's Brit speak

Good points about the terms "blethering" and "we all get on very well." But I do use the term "fleeced" from time to time (as an American). Fruit for thought, nevertheless.

Yes Fleeced was borderline and I almost didn't put that in the post as it could be used by Americanos



14 pages of blethering.

it can;t get any better or i wiil die,my sides are killing me.

as someone else said he must read the Dirty sorry private dancer.

they should give the book to everybody at the airport.

PLEASE mr usa(troll) can i get your gf phone number as i'm in BK next

week and i need a coffee?

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