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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year


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he numerously made the same statements of calling for reconciliation throughout the democrats time in power... don't know where you got that idea from?

If you could point me to relevant news articles, I will stand humbled. Though, I can say with all honesty the only attempts of communication between Thaksin and the government were the read shirt demonstrations, and the rejection of the Democrats gradual acceptance of an early election. This was slow, but eventually negotiated to a very short period of time prior to the shootings. The Red shirt movement refused to stop protesting and the "clean up" of the protests took place. But that is another unrelated issue.

You may like to read these articles for proof:

Abhisit offering to hold elections by July (18/04/2011): http://www.thaivisa....uly-pm-abhisit/

Abhisit offering to dissolve parliament early may for the July elections (11/03/2011): http://www.thaivisa....y-for-election/

Yet, the protests continued. This could either be seen as effectively either a rejection of the terms, or treason through disruption of the countries main business and tourist discrict(s). This was the time to accept the terms and reconsile as brothers, not as politicians but as Thais willing to accept win or loss. But as we know, some to this day cannot accept loss, which is the reason for so much political infighting within both camps (but mostly within PTP). There is more to come with Thai Rak Thai party members being eligible to hold positions shortly. Big fish will eat small fish.

However, I admire Abhisit for how he assisted in the floods, and has been a true man by offering bipartisan assistance during the floods. This is the mark of a true leader.

well i suggest you could do some revision if you think that all abhisit did was offer nonpartisan assistance during the floods and there was no politicking involved in some of his statements...

You are wrong.

Here is the link to a meeting between both leaders (12/10/2011), which to my knowledge was the only meeting which took place through official channels with the two: http://www.thaivisa....s-bangkok-risk/

Here was the head of the Thai army expressing his desires for the Army, Democrats, and PTP (the three groups that could never quite saw eye to eye previously) to act together (27/10/2011): http://www.thaivisa....o-tackle-flood/

Here was the offer of bipartisan assistance by Abhisit on 28/10/2011: http://www.thaivisa....d-by-thai-govt/ It does strike me that this was a military idea, rather than either parties idea, judging by the two dates above.

And here is Abhisit having to communicate his concerns politically, after a bi-partisan committee was not formed (22/11/2011): http://www.thaivisa....handling-flood/

Having a single meeting between both Abhisit and Yingluck does not equate to a bipartisan think tank, let alone a stand alone flood committee comprising of both parties top leaders and flood specialists.

mate if you think i wasn't aware of the meeting between abhisit and yingluck during the floods, you're very much mistaken.

so please don't discard my comment with a conclusive "You are wrong" comment before you get your facts right... i suggest again, that you maybe read back on some more articles

what i suggested is that abhisit wasn't just offering nonpartisan assistance during the floods and there was very much some politicking involved in some of his statements...

how is that wrong?

i think most posters on here no matter what their leanings would agree on that one. ie the politicking of the issue by both sides.

and abhisits' hands weren't clean of that either, sorry to dissapoint your certainty on the issue.

both sides tried to twist the knife on occasions.

you asked why did Thaksin not desire reconciliation when other parties, not aligned to his desires, and not requesting his advice, were in power?

and i replied that he made statements of calling for reconciliation throughout the democrats time in power... look for some interviews, do some research.

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Having a single meeting between both Abhisit and Yingluck does not equate to a bipartisan think tank, let alone a stand alone flood committee comprising of both parties top leaders and flood specialists.

i'm actually confused by your statement....having re-read this, i think you may have misinterpreted what i said... your statement praised abhisit's assistance in the floods and his efforts for bipartisanship.

i suggested that he had also politicized the issue in statements that he made.

i'm also saying the floods weren't handled in a nonpartisan fashion, abhisit included.

i don't get how the above quote is a counter to what i was saying.

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Playing the man of peace on the left hand with public interviews such as this with the left hand, while antagonising with charter change moves and red shirt rallies with the right.

This tactic should be transparent to all observers over the years by now. But, alas, no...

Playing the man of peace on the left hand with public interviews such as this with the left hand, while antagonising with charter change moves and red shirt rallies with the right.

This tactic should be transparent to all observers over the years by now. But, alas, no...

It is so pathetic that he is allowed to speak and be quoted as if he is representing Thailand. He wants to come back at Yingluck's adviser -- Isn't he already her PUPPET master?

Thaksin is the Mugabe of Thailand and PM Yingluck is the Eva Peron to Thailand!!! "my people, my people". His attempts to over throw the government by fomenting terrorist acts didn't work.

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Apparently he did not expect munch from his sister. And she delivered.

How does he expect to come back and advise her from jail?

I just read in another Bangkok Paper that there is now a plan, where Chalerm said he can get Thaksin home. That should put the cat amongst the pidgeons.

Just another of Chalerms Cunning Stunts diatribes.

He'll say most anything if it keeps his ole buddy in the news and gives him hope that Chalerm is actually going to do something useful. Keeps the taps flowing.

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What the hell is he doing at a leadership conference, he is a convicted crim on the run?

Has he been given some sort of Govt post along with his passport that we havent been told about?

Animatic has got it right; complete control or nothing.

This is what I was thinking, what's he doing at a Asian leadership conference? He's a fugitive. If he was from any other country, there would be policemen waiting for him every time he stepped out of Dubai.

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What the hell is he doing at a leadership conference, he is a convicted crim on the run?

Has he been given some sort of Govt post along with his passport that we havent been told about?

Animatic has got it right; complete control or nothing.

This is what I was thinking, what's he doing at a Asian leadership conference? He's a fugitive. If he was from any other country, there would be policemen waiting for him every time he stepped out of Dubai.

"Thaksin Shinawatra said in an interview on March 6 at the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul"

It doesn't say he was participating in the Conference, just there at it and giving a press talk.

He certainly has the funds to buy a ticket for entrance in any case. His advisors would tell him it is a good PR move to attach his name to the conference. And in S. Korea they have no reason to denie him entrance.

Was he invited? Doubtful.

Of course someone might have thought he

would be a hoot to have around and laugh at behind their hands.

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What the hell is he doing at a leadership conference, he is a convicted crim on the run?

Has he been given some sort of Govt post along with his passport that we havent been told about?

Animatic has got it right; complete control or nothing.

This is what I was thinking, what's he doing at a Asian leadership conference? He's a fugitive. If he was from any other country, there would be policemen waiting for him every time he stepped out of Dubai.

Thaksin will do anything to maintain his high profile,he knows that once he is no longer creating news headlines,he's finished.

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This absolute goombah is the most divisive figure in or out of Thailand in the past 20 years. It seems he has done everything in his power to prevent reconciliation, so when he talks out of his ass like this, one just has to ignore him. He wants reconciliation about as much as a Northwestern Indian Chief wants to open his rivers to Salmon fishing, or a Samui taxi driver wants to use his meter, or a Thai policeman wants to enforce safe driving. Total lies. Total deception. Information disseminated for his woefully under informed public. He is a monster, and Thailand had an obligation when he was ousted to stop his antics, by any means possible. They did not do so, and here we are today.

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"No, I do not support the Yellow shirts, I disagree with them for being quite anti-western, but I do not think that the current government is any better either. However, I admire Abhisit for how he assisted in the floods, and has been a true man by offering bipartisan assistance during the floods. This is the mark of a true leader. "

Anti-western? Why would anyone want to follow in America's foot-steps?

And what was it Abhisit did for assisting with the floods? I must have been sleeping that particular moment.

The present Government was voted in by the people so get over it.

In our village only the Democrats helped and without any promotion for their party, brought food, asked the people if everything is OK, etc etc. The Army helped outside. But no one else came.

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What the hell is he doing at a leadership conference, he is a convicted crim on the run?

Has he been given some sort of Govt post along with his passport that we havent been told about?

Animatic has got it right; complete control or nothing.

This is what I was thinking, what's he doing at a Asian leadership conference? He's a fugitive. If he was from any other country, there would be policemen waiting for him every time he stepped out of Dubai.

"Thaksin Shinawatra said in an interview on March 6 at the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul"

It doesn't say he was participating in the Conference, just there at it and giving a press talk.

He certainly has the funds to buy a ticket for entrance in any case. His advisors would tell him it is a good PR move to attach his name to the conference. And in S. Korea they have no reason to denie him entrance.

Was he invited? Doubtful.

Of course someone might have thought he

would be a hoot to have around and laugh at behind their hands.

Was he invited? Yes he was - take care when reading the opening invitation as you will find Thaksin and his "revolutionary populist leadership" described as "being responsible for unprecedented economic growth for Thailand" and is just one of the "Global Leaders responsible for developing socio-economic models for their countries" that had been invited.


Of course by this stage I suspect you would have had a cerebral aneurysm at the mere thought of anybody describing Thaksin as anything other than a bloodsucking scumbag demagogue, but there is life outside the TVF.

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What the hell is he doing at a leadership conference, he is a convicted crim on the run?

Has he been given some sort of Govt post along with his passport that we havent been told about?

Animatic has got it right; complete control or nothing.

This is what I was thinking, what's he doing at a Asian leadership conference? He's a fugitive. If he was from any other country, there would be policemen waiting for him every time he stepped out of Dubai.

"Thaksin Shinawatra said in an interview on March 6 at the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul"

It doesn't say he was participating in the Conference, just there at it and giving a press talk.

He certainly has the funds to buy a ticket for entrance in any case. His advisors would tell him it is a good PR move to attach his name to the conference. And in S. Korea they have no reason to denie him entrance.

Was he invited? Doubtful.

Of course someone might have thought he

would be a hoot to have around and laugh at behind their hands.

Was he invited? Yes he was - take care when reading the opening invitation as you will find Thaksin and his "revolutionary populist leadership" described as "being responsible for unprecedented economic growth for Thailand" and is just one of the "Global Leaders responsible for developing socio-economic models for their countries" that had been invited.


Of course by this stage I suspect you would have had a cerebral aneurysm at the mere thought of anybody describing Thaksin as anything other than a bloodsucking scumbag demagogue, but there is life outside the TVF.

I would like to think that Thaksin had been invited to give the keynote speech and lead the discussion on the session entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility in Capitalism' with his family chauffeur coming in as a supporting contributor.

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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time.

And what about all his corrupt opponents? Can you make another offtopic forum rule-breaking post (type size) highlighting all their crimes and corruptions? Maybe if you and enough other people shout loudly enough, the poeples' eyes will be opened, enough, to drive the lot of them out.......once and for all time.

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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time

And what about all his corrupt opponents? Can you make another offtopic forum rule-breaking post (type size) highlighting all their crimes and corruptions? Maybe if you and enough other people shout loudly enough, the poeples' eyes will be opened, enough, to drive the lot of them out.......once and for all time.

Yes I shouldn't have used a large font size,by the time I went back to alter,it was timed out for editing,hands up, my error.

I have now complied,with type size and highlighting,at least in this reply!

I don't think I was off Topic,for the most part,it was about Thaksins longing for reconciliation,which IMO was not true,for reasons I stated,and what also IMO what could be done to help bring about reconciliation. And the Topic wasn't about his "corrupt opponents".

Edited by MAJIC
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I would like to think that Thaksin had been invited to give the keynote speech and lead the discussion on the session entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility in Capitalism' with his family chauffeur coming in as a supporting contributor.

Followed by former army CIC Anupong giving a speech about ethical military purchasing policies, with forensic "expert" Pornthip and a chastised Abhisit coming in as supporting contributors, using the GT200 'bomb detector' as a case-in-point..

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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time

And what about all his corrupt opponents? Can you make another offtopic forum rule-breaking post (type size) highlighting all their crimes and corruptions? Maybe if you and enough other people shout loudly enough, the poeples' eyes will be opened, enough, to drive the lot of them out.......once and for all time.

Yes I shouldn't have used a large font size,by the time I went back to alter,it was timed out for editing,hands up, my error.

I don't think I was off Topic,for the most part,it was about Thaksins longing for reconciliation,which IMO was not true,for reasons I stated,and what also IMO could be done to help bring about reconciliation. and the Topic wasn't about his corrupt opponents.

"and the Topic wasn't about his corrupt opponents"

and it never will be, on here.

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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time

And what about all his corrupt opponents? Can you make another offtopic forum rule-breaking post (type size) highlighting all their crimes and corruptions? Maybe if you and enough other people shout loudly enough, the poeples' eyes will be opened, enough, to drive the lot of them out.......once and for all time.

Yes I shouldn't have used a large font size,by the time I went back to alter,it was timed out for editing,hands up, my error.

I have now complied,with type size and highlighting.

I don't think I was off Topic,for the most part,it was about Thaksins longing for reconciliation,which IMO was not true,for reasons I stated,and what also IMO could be done to help bring about reconciliation. and the Topic wasn't about his "corrupt opponents".

That's right. The topic is about Thaksin's longing for reconciliation. So you are as free to vent your spleen about his opponents' corruptions and crimes as you are about Thaksin's. Both can be tailored to be ontopic/offtopic as required according to one's political agenda.

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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time.

Reconciliation is like trying to 'kick a dead horse'

I see nothing on the horizon regarding coupists acknowledging frustrations with their unelectableness, and submitting to electoral democracy, their ongoing denial of political space to the electables, and I see no acknowledgement by anyone responsible for the murders by coupists of taxpayers who challenged their power-grab.

Until that happens, just 'fohget' about reconciliation.

Regarding the points made above, let me offer some alternatives:

  • The last election showed how highly Thaksin is regarded by non-coupist voters. Why should those who are negatively affected by his electoral strengths due to their own electoral weakness, deny him.
  • Each Government ushers in its' own people when elected. Every change of Government brings along with it a broom to sweep out the old, and bring in their own people, not cronies, but those sympathetic to the cause which got them elected. Abhi. and Co. are welcome to do likewise, in the unlikely event he could muster an electoral win next time around.
  • All Political Parties develop and advance their political base. The Democrats do it in the South. The vehicles whereby they do that is no business of the Opposition. I'll take Red Shirt Villages any day, over murderous coupists.
  • The main cause of divisiveness is the inability of the Opposition to be elected. So they seek other ways of gaining governing power to which they feel entitled. That notion has been behind everything, which was amply demonstrated with their supremely divisive power grab in 2006.
  • Having alternative advocates on one's behalf is normal. Whether via Amsterdam, or creating all the phony proxy groups the opposition tries to hide behind.
  • Apply the Nitirat proposals as a way of cleansing recent political history. Events whereby the coupists both tried to criminalize those they 'couped' out of existence, and whereby they characterize those who stood up to their coup as anarchic, anti-social elements.
  • Provide restitution to all those taxpayers who were negatively affected to the extreme, by not only the coupist power grab, but also all the egregious actions they undertook to retain their ill-gotten gains. Murders and constitution tampering.
  • Apply taxation policies evenly to all citizens, and quit using legalities to crucify political enemies. Leave the judiciaL system out of politics.
  • Quit trying to silence political enemies through undemocratic means. Let Democracy and electoral politics take their natural course.

There are many more initiatives required to advance Democracy in Thailand. The above merely responds to those highlighted by the Poster.

Edited by CalgaryII
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Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and absconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces, allegedly financed by him.

8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes the Thailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearance would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time.

Thaksin Believes He’ll Return From Exile This Year

Thailand's Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra talks about his exile, and the outlook for the country's recovery after floods last year caused the economy to shrink for the first time since 2009.

Thaksin, 62, has lived overseas since fleeing a two-year jail sentence in 2008 for helping his wife buy land from the government.

He spoke with Bloomberg's Rishaad Salamat

Link to Video News from Bloomberg:


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Buchholz, #51^

"Thaksin, 62, has lived overseas since fleeing a two-year jail sentence in 2008 for helping his wife buy land from the government."

A little correction here.

"Has lived overseas since exiling himself from coupists who overthrew his democratically elected Government, and who have instigated an ongoing, self-serving criminalization campaign against him".

Edited by CalgaryII
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Buchholz, #51^

"Thaksin, 62, has lived overseas since fleeing a two-year jail sentence in 2008 for helping his wife buy land from the government."

A little correction here.

"Has lived overseas since exiling himself from coupists who overthrew his democratically elected Government, and who have instigated an ongoing, self-serving criminalization campaign against him".

Maybe I could add some more?

"Has lived overseas since exiling himself from coupists who overthrew his democratically elected but thoroughly corrupt Government for abuse of power, and who have instigated an ongoing, self-serving but ultimately well-deserved criminalization campaign against him, in the absence of any action from the police force, where he has now installed his brother in law as chief to ensure that they continue to do nothing".

I think serial electoral fraud should go in there somewhere, maybe someone else can have a crack at that.

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Buchholz, #51^

"Thaksin, 62, has lived overseas since fleeing a two-year jail sentence in 2008 for helping his wife buy land from the government."

A little correction here.

"Has lived overseas since exiling himself from coupists who overthrew his democratically elected Government, and who have instigated an ongoing, self-serving criminalization campaign against him".

Er no. His term of office had expired. And second re the criminal conviction, there has been no challenge to the evidence presented namely in part money laundering. The implication from red apologists is that the charges were not valid, but not one of them have ever bothered to dispute his laundering of monies through the family and family employees in order to disguise assets. Of course what they want to say is that under the current government such charges would not have been brought forward, but that does not make the evidence go away. The published evidence, which the Thaksin cheerleaders would like buried down a deep well. Too late for that chum.

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That's right. The topic is about Thaksin's longing for reconciliation. So you are as free to vent your spleen about his opponents' corruptions and crimes as you are about Thaksin's.

You have that freedom too. If you feel strongly about it, which you clearly do, why not go ahead and express those corrupt acts yourself, rather than moaning because other people aren't?

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Thaksin Believes He’ll Return From Exile This Year

Link to Video News from Bloomberg:


"I've done nothing wrong. I've done nothing wrong."

and later in the interview,

You know I'm very hyperactive. I traveling heres and there when during the previous government they force me not to go there, not to go there... so I don't know where to go, I go to see my friends in a... in Africa. So, they invite me to invest in... uh... in mining. So I invest in gold mining.


Thakin's "friends" in Zimbabwe and elsewhere with the result being Thaksin's African gold and platinum mines being valued at 1.63 Trillion Baht.


Edited by Buchholz
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Buchholz, #51^

"Thaksin, 62, has lived overseas since fleeing a two-year jail sentence in 2008 for helping his wife buy land from the government."

A little correction here.

"Has lived overseas since exiling himself from coupists who overthrew his democratically elected Government, and who have instigated an ongoing, self-serving criminalization campaign against him".

Er no. His term of office had expired. And second re the criminal conviction, there has been no challenge to the evidence presented namely in part money laundering. The implication from red apologists is that the charges were not valid, but not one of them have ever bothered to dispute his laundering of monies through the family and family employees in order to disguise assets. Of course what they want to say is that under the current government such charges would not have been brought forward, but that does not make the evidence go away. The published evidence, which the Thaksin cheerleaders would like buried down a deep well. Too late for that chum.

The asset concement upon his taking office is a given. He was found guilty of perjury , but statue of limitations had expired (surprise), Present court proceeding are proceeding the same way as the latter case mentioned. Then the multiple criminal cases of record which await his retun to proceed/enter plea. Then throw in the monies he took/laundered/sent out of country, spent for self serving (look at me) social climbing (as per international verfication) and you can call him what you want, but would you want to be involved in business/social or any other activity. on a personal level, with the man?.Look at the record of his supporters (all of them) would you socialize/do business with them? People like Thaksin bring others, who associate with them, down to their level of thinking/action,

Those above this level of life can see the threat to the rest of the respectable people of the country, and take a position of intolerance/condemnation.

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Thaksin Believes He’ll Return From Exile This Year

Link to Video News from Bloomberg:


"I've done nothing wrong. I've done nothing wrong."

and later in the interview,

You know I'm very hyperactive. I traveling heres and there when during the previous government they force me not to go there, not to go there... so I don't know where to go, I go to see my friends in a... in Africa. So, they invite me to invest in... uh... in mining. So I invest in gold mining.


Thakin's "friends" in Zimbabwe and elsewhere with the result being Thaksin's African gold and platinum mines being valued at 1.63 Trillion Baht.


Re your "note", do you have any evidence of who these friends of Thaksins in Zimbabwe are? Are you trying to imply the Mugabes? If so, maybe you'd like to share that information with the opposition party as they have nothing but unsubstantiated gossip too, something you both share.

While there is no evidence to support opposition party allegations that Thaksin is involved in the internationally outlawed trade in diamonds from Zimbabwe’s massive deposit in eastern Marange district, he has widely publicized his quest to invest in African gold and diamond mines.


But, of course you didn't mean that at all, did you.

Anyway, how was your exile?

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