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Female Thai Student Claims Lecturer Gives Attractive Students Better Grades


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bah am annoyed to see this PC rubbish coming to Thailand now too.

Sure, if the teacher has done touched them inappropriately or been giving grades based on attractiveness, then that's not cool.

One of the reasons why I never wanted to teach in NZ, and was even not sure whether to do so in Thailand, was because of the potential for female students to make false accusations at teachers. Because those things, whether substantiated or not, stick like mud, and it's easy enough to get your friends to all lie for you. Even if it was proven to be false.... it would be noted that you'd be accused.... and next time they might not just give you the benefit of the doubt, or another school simply might not want to take the risk that the initial accusation was real.

In NZ, when I was at high school, we had some friends at the local girls school (We went to an all boys school). They used to boast about how they had their male teachers completely under thumb, because they would threaten to accuse them of sexual harassment. It might not have got them out of trouble all the time etc, but it'd be enough to make their teacher think twice about everything they did, and most of their male teachers never lasted much more than a single year because of it. It'd be bloody terrible to be constantly afraid that the students might destroy your career by simply making that one accusation. It's completely limit your ability to assist the students, because if you help the same students too often, maybe it'd be seen as favourtism towards that girl, and then when that student got a better grade they might say it's because you're keen on her.... when actually it's because that student happens to ask a lot of questions and as a result did better on the exam......

But yeah in saying all that, if he's been shaggin any of them, or touching them inappropriately in class, then sure hang him out to dry.... but the problem is.... by this news article being printed, he's already suffered significant damage to his career, regardless of whether he's guilty or not. Even if the claims are true, the school will probably make them disappear, or be proven false, to protect their reputation, but it'd be likely that the teacher will be gently pushed out the door in a year or two as a result, because the school won't want to potentially look like a fool if more claims come up in future years (unless he's well connected within the university).

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"The student claimed the professor has touched the students who wear short skirts and tight fitting uniform inappropriately."

Not possible. The rules say "short skirts and tight fitting uniform allowed".

Jeeze Louis dude,

the TOUCHING was inappropriate...

the uniforms were correct.

Actually, the way it is written sparebox is literally correct, although.you may be confused by a tug on your leg.

["The student claimed the professor has inappropriately touched the students who wear short skirts and tight fitting uniform."]

Interesting that a person would take issue with something patently correct and then write Jeez Lous.


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"The student claimed the professor has touched the students who wear short skirts and tight fitting uniform inappropriately."

Not possible. The rules say "short skirts and tight fitting uniform allowed".

Jeeze Louis dude,

the TOUCHING was inappropriate...

the uniforms were correct.

Arrows Dawdle, you are quite right, and the way it's written, it implies that the short skirts and tight fitting uniforms were inappropriate.

Correctly, it should have read "the professor touched the students inappropriately whilst they were wearing short skirts etc"

Quirky language?? Yes, but Sparebox2 responded correctly, and understandably, because literally, he was correct.

JeffCool, no need to be patient with one who doesn't speak English well because Sparebox2 was correct. It was his attacker who doesn't have a solid grasp of the language.

As for the problem, has it ever been any different?? Attractive people, both male and female, do better than unattractive. It's the way of the world, unfortunate though it may be, and whilst I don't condemn the students for using their 'charms' in an attempt to secure better grades, I do condemn the teacher for complying, if indeed he did/does comply.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Wow, I have worked in Education in the West and in Thailand for 15 years and I never worried about harassment charges and have never been accused. Sorry bro, makes me kinda wonder why you worry so much about it? Self control issues?

bah am annoyed to see this PC rubbish coming to Thailand now too.

Sure, if the teacher has done touched them inappropriately or been giving grades based on attractiveness, then that's not cool.

One of the reasons why I never wanted to teach in NZ, and was even not sure whether to do so in Thailand, was because of the potential for female students to make false accusations at teachers. Because those things, whether substantiated or not, stick like mud, and it's easy enough to get your friends to all lie for you. Even if it was proven to be false.... it would be noted that you'd be accused.... and next time they might not just give you the benefit of the doubt, or another school simply might not want to take the risk that the initial accusation was real.

In NZ, when I was at high school, we had some friends at the local girls school (We went to an all boys school). They used to boast about how they had their male teachers completely under thumb, because they would threaten to accuse them of sexual harassment. It might not have got them out of trouble all the time etc, but it'd be enough to make their teacher think twice about everything they did, and most of their male teachers never lasted much more than a single year because of it. It'd be bloody terrible to be constantly afraid that the students might destroy your career by simply making that one accusation. It's completely limit your ability to assist the students, because if you help the same students too often, maybe it'd be seen as favourtism towards that girl, and then when that student got a better grade they might say it's because you're keen on her.... when actually it's because that student happens to ask a lot of questions and as a result did better on the exam......

But yeah in saying all that, if he's been shaggin any of them, or touching them inappropriately in class, then sure hang him out to dry.... but the problem is.... by this news article being printed, he's already suffered significant damage to his career, regardless of whether he's guilty or not. Even if the claims are true, the school will probably make them disappear, or be proven false, to protect their reputation, but it'd be likely that the teacher will be gently pushed out the door in a year or two as a result, because the school won't want to potentially look like a fool if more claims come up in future years (unless he's well connected within the university).

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maybe a less sexy outfit might help ..... wai.gif


and as always with these kind of subjecys, more pictures needed

Yes, how are we supposed to make a intelligent, half way decent comment here with out all the facts? Pictures please. :-)

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As an ex-university teacher I will say that this is a problem for some teachers. It is difficult to not be affected in some way by a class full of pretty young ladies hanging off your every utterance. (OK, I go too far)

One needs to get past this to ensure that every student is treated equally. I did find that female students generally scored higher than the males but this was because they sat down the front and participated, while the guys generally sat at the back and goofed off. I believe that I can say that it was generally not the prettiest girls in the class that scored the highest. It was also a personal joy to me when some of the boys made the effort to get an "A".

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Not right but welcome to the real world studentswai.gif

That's dead right! I remember when I was teaching business English at UTCC (มหาวิทยาลัยหอการค้าไทย) in Bangers years ago, we traded grades for happy endings on more than one occasion. The students were pretty fit as I remember, as can be seen form this youtube clip from UTCC:

the mind boggles!passifier.gif

Anyway, teaching is a mug's game and the money is rubbish, so if the teacher in question got caught with his pants down, time to move on!

I prefer working on Oil Rigs myself, except the students aren't quite so lovely as at UTCC!


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Sorry, guys but...I don't wanna be the moral- police, but...it just shouldn't happen, right?!

I know...it does...but so does rape murder and war...and it just shouldn't happen.


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I have a male friend who attended Chiang Mai University masters program, and he told me, and knowing him well, I can believe what he said that he did not need to attend his classes regularily, take exams or write papers because he was sleeping with his lecturer (female). When he finally got married, I attended his wedding and this person stormed out of the wedding, adding further proof to his claims. I would not give much for the paper used to write his diploma, but in a country where you probably can buy a degree if you have money, this is a minor consideration. Just hope the doctor that you go to see with a serious medical problem is not one of those that bought his or her degrees.

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Yale's Daniel Hamermesh conducted a study, “Beauty in the Labor Market.” He found that people with above average looks typically received premiums in pay of 5% or more, and that less attractive people "suffered a salary penalty of up to 9%." Hamermesh also writes that attractive men earn 9% more than unattractive men, and attractive women earn 4% more than unattractive women.



That's one of dozens of studies done that all indicate attractive people are treated better in real life all over the world.

Life ain't fair. Better to learn the sad facts while you're in school.

As for the inappropriate touching (if it has happened), that's another issue altogether.

Edited by impulse
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she is just jealous for not looking as good as the others and that she can't get the attention of the lecturer.

What a daft post. angry.png

She's probably the only one with any brains that can see what's going on.

Edited by transam
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Likely the disgruntled student wanted something that was beyond her "natural" ability, so she filed a complaint. Thai students have also been known (and proven) to make media clips with the help of their accomplices to blackmail the professors into handing out the grades they wanted. Two professors fell prey to their schemes when I was teaching at a particular institution. To protect myself, I banished skimpily and tightly clothed men and women to the back rows, and none of the students were allowed within one meter of me. Please, there is another side of the coin. Many of us professors were in fear of getting an accusation like this because it can ruin our names in the Education Ministry's register.

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she is just jealous for not looking as good as the others and that she can't get the attention of the lecturer.

Likely the disgruntled student wanted something that was beyond her "natural" ability, so she filed a complaint.

Wow, some of you guys have a problem. Blaming the victim, and speculating that she was the one at fault in this case, really is the pits. annoyed.gif

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'A female student at the Sunundha Rajabhat University has submitted a complaint with the dean against an Education Faculty lecturer who she claimed based his grades on the attractiveness of the students.'

get used to it honey, hot girls get all the breaks in real life too

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Not wishing to overlook the 'sexual harrassment' aspect to all of this, but I'm always curious (amused?) by the ranking of the educational establishment in question. So here we are:

Suan Sunanda Rajabhat University:

Country rank : 49th

Continental rank : 762nd

World rank : 2812th

Wow! We are looking at some serious brains here - not!

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Good looking people get treated better. That has been shown time and again.

So should they give grades based on a quota system? How many women are going to sign up for the unattractive quota slots? As the stoy noted, the student who have received the favorable treatment and are being "harassed" are not the ones making the complaint.

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  • It even happens with some doctors in Thailand - apparently there is no law against sexual relations with patients if they are willing, only one of sexual harrassment if they aren't..

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