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"why Do Farang Only Marry The Ugly Leftovers?"

Stephen Cleary

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To be fair to the OP, I've kinda wondered about this.

Its not necessarily about light skinned vs dark skinned. And if you love your wife/GF so be it.

But, you can't deny that, having proportedly escaped the mingers/trolls of <insert your home country here>, you'll see an overly large number of blokes walking around the streets of LOS with a girl who looks like she has seen the wrong end of a 2x4.

Don't you see this everywhere in the world?

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To be fair to the OP, I've kinda wondered about this.

Its not necessarily about light skinned vs dark skinned. And if you love your wife/GF so be it.

But, you can't deny that, having proportedly escaped the mingers/trolls of <insert your home country here>, you'll see an overly large number of blokes walking around the streets of LOS with a girl who looks like she has seen the wrong end of a 2x4.

Don't you see this everywhere in the world?

fair call, but these blokes I am talking about have paid for the privlege.

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Never seen handsome Farangs in Thailand.


Then, they are match.


Many farangs in Thailand want girls just for the basic human needs but Thai man needs stutus also bcoz we are in the same culture and lots of people around us.

In my culture we are not select girl just a woman who only has chromosome XX but we look at family, education,brain, etc. That's why lots of farangs can't get in touch with prettysmart Thai girls.

...I wasn't going to....but you really forced me...

You are serious when you say you have never seen a handsome farang in Thailand...really...?.... not even one.....? Incredible!

"Then they are match.".... ummm...then WHO are "match"...? You mean the girls you think are ugly and the guys you think are ugly? The word should be "matched" by the way, or remove the word "are"... you can't have both in this sentence.... please check this with one of the prettysmart Thai girls you are talking about.

Yes, Thai men marry for status - good for you, I hope you and your trophy will be very prosperous.

Maybe this is why so many Thai men had to have a "mia noi" to enjoy - probably an incredibly ugly girl though of course...but nothing that you would ever let out in public - far too low class.

I suspect that most farang prefer to marry for love, friendship, companionship.

If you want status just marry your Mercedes...it's cheaper than a wife - you could even drive your mia noi around in the boot... :o

Edited by Greer
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To be fair to the OP, I've kinda wondered about this.

Its not necessarily about light skinned vs dark skinned. And if you love your wife/GF so be it.

But, you can't deny that, having proportedly escaped the mingers/trolls of <insert your home country here>, you'll see an overly large number of blokes walking around the streets of LOS with a girl who looks like she has seen the wrong end of a 2x4.

Don't you see this everywhere in the world?

fair call, but these blokes I am talking about have paid for the privlege.

Could be the other way around? :o

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To be fair to the OP, I've kinda wondered about this.

Its not necessarily about light skinned vs dark skinned. And if you love your wife/GF so be it.

But, you can't deny that, having proportedly escaped the mingers/trolls of <insert your home country here>, you'll see an overly large number of blokes walking around the streets of LOS with a girl who looks like she has seen the wrong end of a 2x4.

Don't you see this everywhere in the world?

fair call, but these blokes I am talking about have paid for the privlege.

Could be the other way around? :D


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To be fair to the OP, I've kinda wondered about this.

Its not necessarily about light skinned vs dark skinned. And if you love your wife/GF so be it.

But, you can't deny that, having proportedly escaped the mingers/trolls of <insert your home country here>, you'll see an overly large number of blokes walking around the streets of LOS with a girl who looks like she has seen the wrong end of a 2x4.

Don't you see this everywhere in the world?

fair call, but these blokes I am talking about have paid for the privlege.


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I thought the frarang had a better looking wife than the ave. thai male, unless they were excessivly rich. Granted 75.5 frarang wifes are bar girls (estimate, no facts to back it up), but what the hay.  The poor villages send there best lookers to the sex industry.  Not necessarily the best, but lookers for sure. 

If only Thailand could get more "glass is half full" immigrants like yourself. Positive thinking and you'll always find happiness.


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My wife isn't ugly far from it, but she's no jaw dropper.

If she was I doubt I'd feel as secure as I do with her, but the stunning Thai's, if not ex bargirls, tend to marry very sucessful and handsome Thai men in my experience.

I don't know what happens to the drop dead gorgeous working ladies, I think they just eventually burn out. :o

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Never seen handsome Farangs in Thailand.

i was just going to say most of the farang men here marrying these girls aren't great lookers themselves. if they are happy, that's all that really matters isn't it? looks are a pretty shallow topic.

Yea, was just thinking that if the OP is bothered by shallow comments, maybe he should remember it reflects the shallow mind it comes from.

Noticed farang-men bashing is pretty ok on TV. No Thai, American, or farang-female bashing allowed though. Not PC.

One can feel pretty free to bash the Aussies and English anywhere though :o

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To say a woman is ugly just because her skin is dark is just plain ignorant. You mean to tell me that Tyra Banks and Halle Berry are ugly women? Brother please....

It's true that light skin is a status symbol in Thailand, probably because it means the owner of that skin never had to work in the fields. So what? I'd venture to say that plenty of women who've done their share of work in the fields would make a man a better wife than the sort of women who've spent their time accumulating useless university degrees and spending daddy's money shopping at the Emporium.

Much of the talk amongst the locals is motivated by jealousy. There is a strong desire by many Thai women, and not just the farm girls, to have "luuk kreung" babies with farang men -- just look at the success such people have in the Thai entertainment industry where good looks are at a premium.

If farangs are marrying all the ugly women, at least we're having some good-looking kids...


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just look at the success such people have in the Thai entertainment industry where good looks are at a premium.

Or perhaps, its because of the numbers of luek Krueng/Chinese in the media/advertising that ethnic Thais have adopted and admiration of that esthetic.

Media around the world attracts and is attracted to imigrant populations and that in tern promotes an new set of esthetic values.

White kids in the UK follow the esthetic of black Americans.... Media and advertising jump on what is new, what is unusual and thereby spread a trend.

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>This post does not reflect my opinion, it is the opinion of Thais in general.

Yes, it does reflect your opinion.... It reflect your personal opinion of "the opinion of Thais in general".

I do tend to agree that the OP needs to think carefully about WHY his friends are saying this to him.

So do I... Can't recognize the picture he's trying to paint

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Never seen handsome Farangs in Thailand.

i was just going to say most of the farang men here marrying these girls aren't great lookers themselves. if they are happy, that's all that really matters isn't it? looks are a pretty shallow topic.

Yea, was just thinking that if the OP is bothered by shallow comments, maybe he should remember it reflects the shallow mind it comes from.

Noticed farang-men bashing is pretty ok on TV. No Thai, American, or farang-female bashing allowed though. Not PC.

One can feel pretty free to bash the Aussies and English anywhere though :o

Your catching on :D

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To say a woman is ugly just because her skin is dark is just plain ignorant.  You mean to tell me that Tyra Banks and Halle Berry are ugly women?  Brother please....

It's true that light skin is a status symbol in Thailand, probably because it means the owner of that skin never had to work in the fields.  So what?  I'd venture to say that plenty of women who've done their share of work in the fields would make a man a better wife than the sort of women who've spent their time accumulating useless university degrees and spending daddy's money shopping at the Emporium.

Much of the talk amongst the locals is motivated by jealousy.  There is a strong desire by many Thai women, and not just the farm girls, to have "luuk kreung" babies with farang men -- just look at the success such people have in the Thai entertainment industry where good looks are at a premium. 

If farangs are marrying all the ugly women, at least we're having some good-looking kids...


Yeah...like this...my baby:


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just look at the success such people have in the Thai entertainment industry where good looks are at a premium.

Or perhaps, its because of the numbers of luek Krueng/Chinese in the media/advertising that ethnic Thais have adopted and admiration of that esthetic.

Media around the world attracts and is attracted to imigrant populations and that in tern promotes an new set of esthetic values.

White kids in the UK follow the esthetic of black Americans.... Media and advertising jump on what is new, what is unusual and thereby spread a trend.

Agreed............but it has to be "cool" or "attractive" to the "buyer" in the first place. For instance, no media mogul, no matter how great could ever launch Bella Emberg (do a google) as the face of "Elle" or whatever.

I wasn't going to respond as to what i thought was a Troll post but hey, we're having a bit of fun and it's quiet on here today :D

My 2 satang:-

It's all just a joke at our expense, get over it and have a laugh about it.

For instance, Brits all call the Irish "stupid" and make constant jokes but we all know that the Irish aren't all thick. The Americans probably do it to the Hilli Billies, the Swedes probably do it to the Danish or Norwegians etc. etc. The Aussies and Brits are constantly doing it to each other and so it goes on.

At the end of the day, the so called "Ugly" girl got the jackpot (monetary wise), whilst the jealous Thai's taking the pi55 are stuck in their shed's on stilts surrounded by chicken sh1t and married to a so called "Beauty" who sucks chewing tobacco all day :o:D

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"I feel it sad that Farangs only get the leftovers"

actually i think its not fair...leftover has right to be a couple too ..dont you think so?

poor girl as Pretty-Chomchai just doesn't want to be lonely :o

give me a few tigers, changs, leos, singhs, archas, and about 10 more cheers, and I'd happily do her!!

Where you the funny character who said "pay me that money and I will learn all those languages" or something? Could it be you who got laughed out of the town in some other thread that you started.

Again, you are retroacting.

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Never seen handsome Farangs in Thailand.


you serious? :o

i say some cute farangs hang out with Pretty Chomchi .. make me envy and drooling :D:D

Many people I know overseas wouldn't even think of marrying an Asian, and yet in my one-eyed way, I wouldn't consider a farang a suitable choice (I think Bambina is terribly cute - and very smart too.... :D )

FYI , i dont have any sick buffy either ..poor me ..want some walking farang ATM ..but i just cant excuse... :D:D

If i say ..Hey Mr.Farang Han-Sum .. my bufflalo is sick

Mr.farang must say ..ok i will help u to bring him in your clinic :D:D

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>This post does not reflect my opinion, it is the opinion of Thais in general.

Welcome to my world: You make a general observation about Thai opinions, clearly stating that it IS an observation about Thai opinions (and not your own opinion), and then you get slammed for five or six pages of posts by people who can't be arsed to read the entire original post before sounding off on it (making the false assumption that you're stating your own opinion and flaming you for it).

Happens to me all the time.

Anyway, you're right. Thais generally do think that farang have horrible taste in women, and truthfully looking at some of the dogs I've seen guys walk around with, I tend to agree.

And no, I'm NOT making a comment about skin-color, so don't go calling me a racist. You guys may be of the opinion that Thais only look skin deep for beauty, but I don't think they do, and I certainly don't.

I'm talking about some of the fat-bellied, pit-faced, tattooed, fizzy-haired skanks I've seen guys walking around with. Frankly, I just don't get what they see in them, but like someone else already said: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

The reason I'm pointing this out is that I don't really think Thais only look at skin-color. YES, it is a MAJOR factor in the "ideal of beauty" for many Thais, but its not the only factor. Like some have already pointed out, height, hair, style of dress, and noses are also considered.

So just by those standards (excluding skin-color), many farang guys date some real dogs. Perhaps a guy walking around with an "ugly girl" sees an inner beauty in that particular woman that she only shows to him (it's called love). Perhaps not. But irregardless, in the eyes of many Thai people, we're just plain crazy for dating ugly women.

Not saying they are right, but I would say that your observation of that opinion is mostly valid. Many Thais think we date ugly women, many Thais think we're a bit crazy to date them, and many Thais consider skin color a major component of "beauty". However, like I said, I don't think that dark-skinned girls are "automatically" dismissed as "ugly".

I remember quite recently on that Thai Model Search TV show one of the finalists was a hot, petite dark-skinned girl who looked like she was from Isaan. I think she eventually lost out to two light-skinned, big-breasted Amazons, but the point is that she made it onto the show. Not only that, she made it deep into the finals (which require viewer voting), so that means at least SOME people out there thought she was better looking than the light-skinned girls who got voted off.

My wife falls into the group that thinks "dark-skin" is unattractive, but I don't think that's racist (especially since her sister is quite dark). I think it has more to do with the normal female insanity of wanting something you don't have.

All women the world over want to look different from what nature gave them. Don't ask me why, they just do. European women go to tanning spas and Thai women bleach their skin, all that proves is that women are insane.

But we all knew that already, right :o?

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Never seen handsome Farangs in Thailand.


you serious? :o

i say some cute farangs hang out with Pretty Chomchi .. make me envy and drooling :D:D

Who is this "Pretty Chomchi", BambinA?

And where can I find her? :D

Anyone who can make even the lovely BambinA green with envy and make her even drool mush really be really Suai Saui Mahk! :D

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The OP does have a point....

Thai women are made to feel left on the shelf by the age of 30, A lot of Thai girls by 30 have had kids and been deserted by their Thai husbands and other Thai men dont always want them.

So what is the girl to do???......she goes to Pattaya to make money to support her kids and family...Once she has done that the Thai men dont want her unless she is pulling in heaps of dosh.

However in Pattaya she finds a lot of farangs who think she is still beautiful and worthwhile pursuing, a good boost to her ego. Some of them meet a nice guy and they get married and take off to a new life, mostly for the better.

So in a way we do get the leftovers and the rejects (according to the Thai men) But they can joke about it all night in my opinion....because while they are laughing...the leftover Thai girl is quite often enjoying her new, better and sometimes richer life with her farang.

So to all Thai guys who think we take your leftovers...keep laughing....but look where your ex is ??

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Why do you think that all farang men treat women better than all thai men? I could tell you plenty of stories about farang guys who treat their thai girlfriends like dirt, abuse them, and abandon them.

Men are men, some are sh!ts, some are nice.

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Thai women are made to feel left on the shelf by the age of 30, A lot of Thai girls by 30 have had kids and been deserted by their Thai husbands and other Thai men dont always want them.

My guess is there are more than a few members on TV who have done just that, dumped a family back home and headed out to Thailand.

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Never seen handsome Farangs in Thailand.

i was just going to say most of the farang men here marrying these girls aren't great lookers themselves. if they are happy, that's all that really matters isn't it? looks are a pretty shallow topic.

Yea, was just thinking that if the OP is bothered by shallow comments, maybe he should remember it reflects the shallow mind it comes from.

Noticed farang-men bashing is pretty ok on TV. No Thai, American, or farang-female bashing allowed though. Not PC.

One can feel pretty free to bash the Aussies and English anywhere though :D

You can't be serious :o

And by the way, I think it racism and distaste for dark skin is pervasive throughout Asia - except in countries where they are darker, such as Camboida and Indonesia. But, they all want the skin whiteners.

It's too bad, because in general dark skin Asians are some of the most stunning.

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Never seen handsome Farangs in Thailand.

i was just going to say most of the farang men here marrying these girls aren't great lookers themselves. if they are happy, that's all that really matters isn't it? looks are a pretty shallow topic.

Yea, was just thinking that if the OP is bothered by shallow comments, maybe he should remember it reflects the shallow mind it comes from.

Noticed farang-men bashing is pretty ok on TV. No Thai, American, or farang-female bashing allowed though. Not PC.

One can feel pretty free to bash the Aussies and English anywhere though :D

You can't be serious :o

And by the way, I think it racism and distaste for dark skin is pervasive throughout Asia - except in countries where they are darker, such as Camboida and Indonesia. But, they all want the skin whiteners.

It's too bad, because in general dark skin Asians are some of the most stunning.


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