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Angry New Zealand Bodybuilder Stabs Canadian English Teacher In Pattaya


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Angry Kiwi Beefcake Stabs Canadian English Teacher In Pattaya


A big, tattooed new Zealander stabbed a Canadian English teacher resulting in blodshed at the South Pattaya beach road before running off and hiding in his rented room. The Kiwi man claimed that it was a revenge because the victim and his friends had insulted him.

PATTAYA – March 11, 2012 [PDN]; Pol. Lt. Capt. Pallop Ringrod, Pattaya police station Chonburi, was notified that, a foreigner was stabbed on South Pattaya beach, opposite Royal Garden Pattaya department store.

At the crime scene the victim, Mr.Shaun Ohonny, age 43 years a Canadian teacher was found with a deep knife wound in his left lower arm. The rescue team provided first aid for him and sent him to the hospital.

The Canadian told the police that, he had been chatting with his friends on the beach. Suddenly a big man with body tattoos insulted the Canadian. A quarrel broke out and the tattooed man stabbed the Canadian and ran away.

The witnesses said that, the tattooed beefcake often walked on the beach quarreled and threatened the tourists.

Full story: http://www.pattayada...her-in-pattaya/

-- Pattaya Daily News 2012-03-13


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Love the Louis Vuitton bag he is holding. Surely this "beefcake" doesn't have the real thing. From the looks of him, I am assuming he spends all his money on tatoos and can't probably afford anything but a knock-off.

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Body builder using knife, what happened to the good ol' fist fight, copping it sweet and going to have beer,not sink into self pity and anger,go back and stab some one, silly bastards....read some were roid rage...to funny.

The entire idea of having 'big GUNS' is to intimidate others so that you don't have to pull out one (yes only the 1) of those knives you carry around to straighten out those people that DARE to make you lose FACE on Pattaya Beach Rd. Wish the police would round up all those steriod heads on Beach Road and fine them a hundred bahts or so. teac them a lesson.

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I'm sure he's just a big cuddly teddy bear crying out for someone to love him.

If that's what weight lifting does I' think I'll forgo the pleasure.

Definitely something narcissistic about spending many hours looking in the mirror while you pump iron.

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There are many such "hard cases" here who one day will pick on a group of Thais and get their selves kicked silly or worse.

Why does Pattaya attract so many angry men ?

From what i've seen on his Facebook page and other forums, he knows full well the implications of dealing with Thai men and stays well clear of them.

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big fall from grace for tim "the shark" ward he was a famous loan shark on the gold coast a few years back,was well known driving around the coast in his lambourghini,wasn't known for knives but could get pretty loose with his fists,

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