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Girlfriend For Sale


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After some years I just watched that video again.

Typical Western media perspective of Thai women, where they consider that most of them are prostitutes or potential prostitutes willing to settle for any farang regardless of looks and age. Of course this is total rubbish.

What I fail to understand is why would these foreign guys be interested in becoming involved with women from the underclass of Thai society, that are probably mentally wreaked, have families in tow and perhaps have become institutionalised into prostitution?

Basically they are only seeking a farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth for themselves and families, which is more or less what they are saying in the video. When this has been achieved than the farang becomes insignificant to them and once that has happened, the odds are that these women will move on to pastures anew and the farang will be left high and dry. At least most of the Thai guys are blessed with common sense and stay well clear of them unless they are dirt poor, have nothing to lose and at the end of the day if it doesn’t work out, they don’t stand to lose anything.

Sorry chaps, but any farangs who involve themselves with these classes of women are either desperate or stupid or both.

Yes why do 50 or 60 year old Western divorced men get involved with these woman who are usually 20/25 years younger and very attractive.

Why don't they stick to pulling similar young women back home,I wonder.

What I wonder is, is this type of thing more prevalent in Thailand than other countries in the world? Surely there are countries more poor than Thailand with people who are more desperate.

If so, why?

My Thai GF is an engineer and crowd we hang out with are technical people from the local industrial area. She is 30 years younger than I. In the US my GF was also 30 years younger than I.There was a difference. A lot of times when eating dinner out, the restaurant staff would assume my GF was my daughter. This never happens in Thailand. When my daughter comes to visit me here it is assumed she is my wife and not my daughter. This doesn't bother my daughter who is 30 years old although she thinks it a bit odd. I think most Asian countries accept a larger age difference as normal. I have a number of Thai friends who have younger wives or mia nois. No one much seems to care. In Japan there are even X rated male movie stars who are quite old. The youth culture seems to be more of a Western creation. Asia in general is more tolerant of age differences. Of course this is changing as the world becomes more MacDonalified. The luckiest generation was probably the hippies. They had the flower children love in stuff, (60's drugs sex and rock and roll) then Thailand and Vietnam for adventure and war mongering (most guys like at least one good war). Then back to SEA for retirement while the young Asian women still like and respect age and old guys. It will all be gone in 50 years. Read the young guys on Thai Visa for evidence of that. They don't like old guys, no respect! Pretty soon that attitude will rub off on even the Thai women.

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This financial transformation does not have to be a big house or car or whatever, it can simply be the difference between living from hand to mouth and now having money to help buy the basic neccessities in life.

If they wanted to just buy the basic necessities in life, they would get a normal job like the other 99% of the population that doesn't spend their time whoring in Pattaya. This is just something they tell farang and farang tell themselves so they don't feel like they're being scammed.

And exactly what is a 'normal job' in rural Isaan? How much does it pay and can it support a single mother and her kid(s)?

Glad you know all about this, maybe you can help these women and point them in the right direction after their Thai husband has left them destitute

Edited by msg362
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This financial transformation does not have to be a big house or car or whatever, it can simply be the difference between living from hand to mouth and now having money to help buy the basic neccessities in life.

If they wanted to just buy the basic necessities in life, they would get a normal job like the other 99% of the population that doesn't spend their time whoring in Pattaya. This is just something they tell farang and farang tell themselves so they don't feel like they're being scammed.

And exactly what is a 'normal job' in rural Isaan? How much does it pay and can it support a single mother and her kid(s)?

Glad you know all about this, maybe you can help these women and point them in the right direction after their Thai husband has left them destitute

in rural isaan a low salary can be 3000-6000 a month and often involves working like a slave ,doing heavy back breaking work in the blazing uncomfortable sun for 8-12 hours per day EVERY day of the week for a whole month and sleeping on a mat on top of dirt if your lucky

in pattaya a girl could get this much in an hour from giving a blowjob to a rich tourist

take your pick

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After some years I just watched that video again.

Typical Western media perspective of Thai women, where they consider that most of them are prostitutes or potential prostitutes willing to settle for any farang regardless of looks and age. Of course this is total rubbish.

What I fail to understand is why would these foreign guys be interested in becoming involved with women from the underclass of Thai society, that are probably mentally wreaked, have families in tow and perhaps have become institutionalised into prostitution?

Basically they are only seeking a farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth for themselves and families, which is more or less what they are saying in the video. When this has been achieved than the farang becomes insignificant to them and once that has happened, the odds are that these women will move on to pastures anew and the farang will be left high and dry. At least most of the Thai guys are blessed with common sense and stay well clear of them unless they are dirt poor, have nothing to lose and at the end of the day if it doesn’t work out, they don’t stand to lose anything.

Sorry chaps, but any farangs who involve themselves with these classes of women are either desperate or stupid or both.

For the simple reason that, for most foreign men here, even a poorly-educated, financially-challenged bargirl from Isaan represents a significant improvement over the old, jaded, mouthy women they've got to choose from back home. Yes there is a massive amount of delusion going on for a 60yr+ white man to sincerely believe that his 22-30yr old lusciously brown-skinned bargirl really IS in love with his acerbic, defensive, bitterly emasculated personality (if not his body) but, in return for monetary compensation, he does get to have sex with a girl/woman of a calibre no longer available to him in the West.

The point is that his delusion isn't really harming anyone. Everyone wins in their own way . . . until houses start getting built . I will never, ever understand how a crusty old man can build a house for a younger BG and/or her family, put everything in her name and then complain when it all goes wrong. I will always, ALWAYS laugh out loud when an old white guy moans about being knocked or swindled out of a house and money by a simple country girl. No sympathy for him at all.

Frankly, it's always the type of guy who's relied on "props" - money, power, cars, booze, drugs etc - to get women who get hosed like this if those props disappear. Guys who depend on the strength and nature of their personality to attract women never have those nagging doubts and the fear in the back of their minds so hardly have these problems with women from ANY part of the world.

It's all so vividly obvious but only to those who can "see".

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What I wonder is, is this type of thing more prevalent in Thailand than other countries in the world? Surely there are countries more poor than Thailand with people who are more desperate.

If so, why?

I'm sure you realize that this sort of thing is prevalent in the Philippines, as well as Cambodia and Vietnam to some extent. There is some relation to the US military presence during the Vietnam War. Some of the same things are going on in South America as well. Sad to say, but if prostitution or marrying a foreigner was offered as a way out for desperate people in any developing country, a certain percentage would take it. Thailand is no different.

As for other countries who are more desperate....would you go to Somalia? Or Haiti? Or Sierra Leone? I wouldn't either.

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This financial transformation does not have to be a big house or car or whatever, it can simply be the difference between living from hand to mouth and now having money to help buy the basic neccessities in life.

If they wanted to just buy the basic necessities in life, they would get a normal job like the other 99% of the population that doesn't spend their time whoring in Pattaya. This is just something they tell farang and farang tell themselves so they don't feel like they're being scammed.

You obviously have no idea what life is like for the poor in rural Thailand.

Can you imagine what it is like for a young woman living in a tin shack with leaking roof. Maybe trying to take care of 2 kids alone as the husband has cleared off?

Usual wages are 200 Baht per day at most and often a third or more of that is swallowed up in travelling costs.

I think that most people would find it impossible to take care of a family of 3 with such a low single income.

When I see the way that some of these families live, I can certainly understand them searching for a better life.

I don't believe that the majority really want a life of prostitution, they are looking for a foreign husband with money.

Of course, some enjoy the life and will keep on working the bar after finding a foreign bf/sponsor.

Some will marry the foreigner, but then get greedy and bleed him until his cash is exhausted.

A few are satisfied and grateful for the decent standard of living that they now enjoy.

I think that Lek came across as quite a decent sort in the videos. I hope that she eventually met the man that would give her a better life.

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After some years I just watched that video again.

Typical Western media perspective of Thai women, where they consider that most of them are prostitutes or potential prostitutes willing to settle for any farang regardless of looks and age. Of course this is total rubbish.

What I fail to understand is why would these foreign guys be interested in becoming involved with women from the underclass of Thai society, that are probably mentally wreaked, have families in tow and perhaps have become institutionalised into prostitution?

Basically they are only seeking a farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth for themselves and families, which is more or less what they are saying in the video. When this has been achieved than the farang becomes insignificant to them and once that has happened, the odds are that these women will move on to pastures anew and the farang will be left high and dry. At least most of the Thai guys are blessed with common sense and stay well clear of them unless they are dirt poor, have nothing to lose and at the end of the day if it doesn’t work out, they don’t stand to lose anything.

Sorry chaps, but any farangs who involve themselves with these classes of women are either desperate or stupid or both.

For the simple reason that, for most foreign men here, even a poorly-educated, financially-challenged bargirl from Isaan represents a significant improvement over the old, jaded, mouthy women they've got to choose from back home. Yes there is a massive amount of delusion going on for a 60yr+ white man to sincerely believe that his 22-30yr old lusciously brown-skinned bargirl really IS in love with his acerbic, defensive, bitterly emasculated personality (if not his body) but, in return for monetary compensation, he does get to have sex with a girl/woman of a calibre no longer available to him in the West.

The point is that his delusion isn't really harming anyone. Everyone wins in their own way . . . until houses start getting built . I will never, ever understand how a crusty old man can build a house for a younger BG and/or her family, put everything in her name and then complain when it all goes wrong. I will always, ALWAYS laugh out loud when an old white guy moans about being knocked or swindled out of a house and money by a simple country girl. No sympathy for him at all.

Frankly, it's always the type of guy who's relied on "props" - money, power, cars, booze, drugs etc - to get women who get hosed like this if those props disappear. Guys who depend on the strength and nature of their personality to attract women never have those nagging doubts and the fear in the back of their minds so hardly have these problems with women from ANY part of the world.

It's all so vividly obvious but only to those who can "see".

Good post, in a nutshell, my sentiments exactly.

I fully understand why some guys, regardless of age, may chance <deleted> or bust by getting involved with these types of women. I think these women hold more attraction to those who are lacking in character, the Socially challenged, those who lack self confidence, the odd balls and the aging that may find obtaining female relationships with anything even half decent extremely difficult if not impossible in their home countries or even with women of a better class and standard in third world countries.

Of course there are always going to be the exceptions to the rule, but sadly, many of these relationships end in disaster for the farang and if they are willing to take the risk, them believing it`s they’re only option, than good luck to all who sail in her.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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After some years I just watched that video again.

Typical Western media perspective of Thai women, where they consider that most of them are prostitutes or potential prostitutes willing to settle for any farang regardless of looks and age. Of course this is total rubbish.

What I fail to understand is why would these foreign guys be interested in becoming involved with women from the underclass of Thai society, that are probably mentally wreaked, have families in tow and perhaps have become institutionalised into prostitution?

Basically they are only seeking a farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth for themselves and families, which is more or less what they are saying in the video. When this has been achieved than the farang becomes insignificant to them and once that has happened, the odds are that these women will move on to pastures anew and the farang will be left high and dry. At least most of the Thai guys are blessed with common sense and stay well clear of them unless they are dirt poor, have nothing to lose and at the end of the day if it doesn’t work out, they don’t stand to lose anything.

Sorry chaps, but any farangs who involve themselves with these classes of women are either desperate or stupid or both.

For the simple reason that, for most foreign men here, even a poorly-educated, financially-challenged bargirl from Isaan represents a significant improvement over the old, jaded, mouthy women they've got to choose from back home. Yes there is a massive amount of delusion going on for a 60yr+ white man to sincerely believe that his 22-30yr old lusciously brown-skinned bargirl really IS in love with his acerbic, defensive, bitterly emasculated personality (if not his body) but, in return for monetary compensation, he does get to have sex with a girl/woman of a calibre no longer available to him in the West.

The point is that his delusion isn't really harming anyone. Everyone wins in their own way . . . until houses start getting built . I will never, ever understand how a crusty old man can build a house for a younger BG and/or her family, put everything in her name and then complain when it all goes wrong. I will always, ALWAYS laugh out loud when an old white guy moans about being knocked or swindled out of a house and money by a simple country girl. No sympathy for him at all.

Frankly, it's always the type of guy who's relied on "props" - money, power, cars, booze, drugs etc - to get women who get hosed like this if those props disappear. Guys who depend on the strength and nature of their personality to attract women never have those nagging doubts and the fear in the back of their minds so hardly have these problems with women from ANY part of the world.

It's all so vividly obvious but only to those who can "see".

Good post, in a nutshell, my sentiments exactly.

I fully understand why some guys, regardless of age, may chance <deleted> or bust by getting involved with these types of women. I think these women hold more attraction to those who are lacking in character, self confidence, the odd balls and the aging that may find obtaining female relationships with anything even half decent extremely difficult if not impossible in their home countries or even with women of a better class and standard in third world countries.

Of course there are always going to be the exceptions to the rule, but sadly, many of these relationships end in disaster for the farang and if they are willing to take the risk, considering it`s they’re only option, than go luck to all who sail in her.

i dont know if id go as far as to say all the farangs in thailand are "oddballs with no character ,confidence or self esteem" etc but they are certainly with women who they could never get the equivalent women in the own country

in uk ,usa or europe men in their 60's ..............with 18-25 year old hotties ? come on

they are obviously batting well out of their league,largely due to their percieved financial status

a retired electrician ,army or civil servant would not have his pick of 20 year old hotties in the west on his pension

people can say ,age doesnt matter in love but come on ,it just doesnt happen

i had a house in a gated comunity in pattaya once ( on soi kao noi worth 3-4 mil ) ,most of my neighbours was a retired western farang and a sexy young woman around half his age

compare that to the demographic of a community in uk or europe and youl see the differnce ........

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What I wonder is, is this type of thing more prevalent in Thailand than other countries in the world? Surely there are countries more poor than Thailand with people who are more desperate.

If so, why?

I'm sure you realize that this sort of thing is prevalent in the Philippines, as well as Cambodia and Vietnam to some extent. There is some relation to the US military presence during the Vietnam War. Some of the same things are going on in South America as well. Sad to say, but if prostitution or marrying a foreigner was offered as a way out for desperate people in any developing country, a certain percentage would take it. Thailand is no different.

As for other countries who are more desperate....would you go to Somalia? Or Haiti? Or Sierra Leone? I wouldn't either.

I see your point. However, I have heard Chad is lovely this time of yearcowboy.gif

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What I wonder is, is this type of thing more prevalent in Thailand than other countries in the world? Surely there are countries more poor than Thailand with people who are more desperate.

If so, why?

I'm sure you realize that this sort of thing is prevalent in the Philippines, as well as Cambodia and Vietnam to some extent. There is some relation to the US military presence during the Vietnam War. Some of the same things are going on in South America as well. Sad to say, but if prostitution or marrying a foreigner was offered as a way out for desperate people in any developing country, a certain percentage would take it. Thailand is no different.

As for other countries who are more desperate....would you go to Somalia? Or Haiti? Or Sierra Leone? I wouldn't either.

I see your point. However, I have heard Chad is lovely this time of yearcowboy.gif

Yes, I'm sure that would be appealing for those who would go to such places "for the weather"....passifier.gif

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Frankly, it's always the type of guy who's relied on "props" - money, power, cars, booze, drugs etc - to get women who get hosed like this if those props disappear. Guys who depend on the strength and nature of their personality to attract women never have those nagging doubts and the fear in the back of their minds so hardly have these problems with women from ANY part of the world.

Yes, it's rather ironic to see how these guys try to win over women with money, and then complain later that these same women are only interested in them for money. Welcome to the bizarro world!

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What I wonder is, is this type of thing more prevalent in Thailand than other countries in the world? Surely there are countries more poor than Thailand with people who are more desperate.

If so, why?

That is quite a simple question to answer. Thailand has the westernized infrastructure to almost make a man feel like he's home, only with an exotic flavour. Thailand is a relatively safe country when compared to South America, Africa, Philippines or many Malaysian countries.

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i dont know if id go as far as to say all the farangs in thailand are "oddballs with no character ,confidence or self esteem" etc but they are certainly with women who they could never get the equivalent women in the own country

in uk ,usa or europe men in their 60's ..............with 18-25 year old hotties ? come on

they are obviously batting well out of their league,largely due to their percieved financial status

a retired electrician ,army or civil servant would not have his pick of 20 year old hotties in the west on his pension

people can say ,age doesnt matter in love but come on ,it just doesnt happen

i had a house in a gated comunity in pattaya once ( on soi kao noi worth 3-4 mil ) ,most of my neighbours was a retired western farang and a sexy young woman around half his age

compare that to the demographic of a community in uk or europe and youl see the differnce ........

Yes but it isn't just that there's something ever so red-card creepy about a 65yr old man setting up home with a 20yr old Isaan girl. I mean, what goes on in the mind of a man like that?

He knows full well that she's probably repulsed by his mutton-like body, his dentures and his wannabe-alpha male personality. He knows he's old; he knows she checks out the far better-looking but less-moneyed local lads when she thinks he's not looking; he knows that, even if he does speak the lingo, he's got <deleted> all in common with a 20yr old Isaan girl with the education and social development of a 14 yr old and yet, there he is - slipping her his chemically or hydraulically-assisted portion every night laugh.png

He doesn't feel even the slightest pang of guilt that he's effectively buying another human being. No, he'd rather strut around like some geriatric peacock pretending to his neighbours and peers that she's with him for "lub".

Maybe there are exceptions to this but I'd be more convinced of their veracity if there was no money involved.

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i dont know if id go as far as to say all the farangs in thailand are "oddballs with no character ,confidence or self esteem" etc but they are certainly with women who they could never get the equivalent women in the own country

in uk ,usa or europe men in their 60's ..............with 18-25 year old hotties ? come on

they are obviously batting well out of their league,largely due to their percieved financial status

a retired electrician ,army or civil servant would not have his pick of 20 year old hotties in the west on his pension

people can say ,age doesnt matter in love but come on ,it just doesnt happen

i had a house in a gated comunity in pattaya once ( on soi kao noi worth 3-4 mil ) ,most of my neighbours was a retired western farang and a sexy young woman around half his age

compare that to the demographic of a community in uk or europe and youl see the differnce ........

Yes but it isn't just that there's something ever so red-card creepy about a 65yr old man setting up home with a 20yr old Isaan girl. I mean, what goes on in the mind of a man like that?

He knows full well that she's probably repulsed by his mutton-like body, his dentures and his wannabe-alpha male personality. He knows he's old; he knows she checks out the far better-looking but less-moneyed local lads when she thinks he's not looking; he knows that, even if he does speak the lingo, he's got <deleted> all in common with a 20yr old Isaan girl with the education and social development of a 14 yr old and yet, there he is - slipping her his chemically or hydraulically-assisted portion every night laugh.png

He doesn't feel even the slightest pang of guilt that he's effectively buying another human being. No, he'd rather strut around like some geriatric peacock pretending to his neighbours and peers that she's with him for "lub".

Maybe there are exceptions to this but I'd be more convinced of their veracity if there was no money involved.

i doubt any 20 year old girl from ANY country is "physically attracted " to a fat ,old, red faced pensioner aged say ......65 !

IF money were not in the equasion would she not prefer a young fit guy her own age who takes care of himself ,maybe goes to the gym ,is young ,charming ,healthy etc etc etc who can also speak/understand her language

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Oh good for them! I always tell these girls to get as much out of these stupid old men as they can, while they can.

After all, it's not as though any of these sad sacks are going to part with thousands of baht for any other 'charity' is it? Nothing in it for them ...

Where do you fit into the picture? Are you married to/where married to one of these girls

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i dont know if id go as far as to say all the farangs in thailand are "oddballs with no character ,confidence or self esteem" etc but they are certainly with women who they could never get the equivalent women in the own country

in uk ,usa or europe men in their 60's ..............with 18-25 year old hotties ? come on

they are obviously batting well out of their league,largely due to their percieved financial status

a retired electrician ,army or civil servant would not have his pick of 20 year old hotties in the west on his pension

people can say ,age doesnt matter in love but come on ,it just doesnt happen

i had a house in a gated comunity in pattaya once ( on soi kao noi worth 3-4 mil ) ,most of my neighbours was a retired western farang and a sexy young woman around half his age

compare that to the demographic of a community in uk or europe and youl see the differnce ........

Yes but it isn't just that there's something ever so red-card creepy about a 65yr old man setting up home with a 20yr old Isaan girl. I mean, what goes on in the mind of a man like that?

He knows full well that she's probably repulsed by his mutton-like body, his dentures and his wannabe-alpha male personality. He knows he's old; he knows she checks out the far better-looking but less-moneyed local lads when she thinks he's not looking; he knows that, even if he does speak the lingo, he's got <deleted> all in common with a 20yr old Isaan girl with the education and social development of a 14 yr old and yet, there he is - slipping her his chemically or hydraulically-assisted portion every night laugh.png

He doesn't feel even the slightest pang of guilt that he's effectively buying another human being. No, he'd rather strut around like some geriatric peacock pretending to his neighbours and peers that she's with him for "lub".

Maybe there are exceptions to this but I'd be more convinced of their veracity if there was no money involved.

i doubt any 20 year old girl from ANY country is "physically attracted " to a fat ,old, red faced pensioner aged say ......65 !

IF money were not in the equasion would she not prefer a young fit guy her own age who takes care of himself ,maybe goes to the gym ,is young ,charming ,healthy etc etc etc who can also speak/understand her language

Not sure how that relates to the mindset of a man willing to shack up permanently with a young girl since it's obvious she would prefer a fitter, healthier partner if money were not an issue.

My point is addressing the OTHER SIDE of the equation.

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the best part of the video was where the 4 year old kid spoke to the guy in uk on the phone

and then he handed the phone back to his mother and told her the guy was pissed

mao mao ! biggrin.png

the kid was smarter than the mother whod been talking to him for the previous 10 min

Maybe mum likes him like that, a pissed man will hand over more than a sober one.

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After some years I just watched that video again.

Typical Western media perspective of Thai women, where they consider that most of them are prostitutes or potential prostitutes willing to settle for any farang regardless of looks and age. Of course this is total rubbish.

What I fail to understand is why would these foreign guys be interested in becoming involved with women from the underclass of Thai society, that are probably mentally wreaked, have families in tow and perhaps have become institutionalised into prostitution?

Basically they are only seeking a farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth for themselves and families, which is more or less what they are saying in the video. When this has been achieved than the farang becomes insignificant to them and once that has happened, the odds are that these women will move on to pastures anew and the farang will be left high and dry. At least most of the Thai guys are blessed with common sense and stay well clear of them unless they are dirt poor, have nothing to lose and at the end of the day if it doesn’t work out, they don’t stand to lose anything.

Sorry chaps, but any farangs who involve themselves with these classes of women are either desperate or stupid or both.

Yes why do 50 or 60 year old Western divorced men get involved with these woman who are usually 20/25 years younger and very attractive.

Why don't they stick to pulling similar young women back home,I wonder.

Except the women farang guys get involved with are usually NOT attractive. Thai guys laugh at foreign men because they think we only like ugly women. So not only do most foreign men pick someone broken inside that is only trying to scam them out of money etc, but they're usually not even good looking. An Asian dude that was going to spend similar amounts of money getting scammed by a woman at least gets an attractive one

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After some years I just watched that video again.

Typical Western media perspective of Thai women, where they consider that most of them are prostitutes or potential prostitutes willing to settle for any farang regardless of looks and age. Of course this is total rubbish.

What I fail to understand is why would these foreign guys be interested in becoming involved with women from the underclass of Thai society, that are probably mentally wreaked, have families in tow and perhaps have become institutionalised into prostitution?

Basically they are only seeking a farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth for themselves and families, which is more or less what they are saying in the video. When this has been achieved than the farang becomes insignificant to them and once that has happened, the odds are that these women will move on to pastures anew and the farang will be left high and dry. At least most of the Thai guys are blessed with common sense and stay well clear of them unless they are dirt poor, have nothing to lose and at the end of the day if it doesn’t work out, they don’t stand to lose anything.

Sorry chaps, but any farangs who involve themselves with these classes of women are either desperate or stupid or both.

Yes why do 50 or 60 year old Western divorced men get involved with these woman who are usually 20/25 years younger and very attractive.

Why don't they stick to pulling similar young women back home,I wonder.

Except the women farang guys get involved with are usually NOT attractive. Thai guys laugh at foreign men because they think we only like ugly women. So not only do most foreign men pick someone broken inside that is only trying to scam them out of money etc, but they're usually not even good looking. An Asian dude that was going to spend similar amounts of money getting scammed by a woman at least gets an attractive one

I should care, if someone who usually takes no responsibility for his actions toward any woman (beautyful or ugly), thinks that I have a good or bad taste in women?

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What I wonder is, is this type of thing more prevalent in Thailand than other countries in the world? Surely there are countries more poor than Thailand with people who are more desperate.

If so, why?

Its not really, the only strange thing is that so many chose to live in Thailand, most men who marry foreign women move them back home, but most Thai women who marry foreigners want to stay here just with a higher income. In the US there are way more men married to Filipinas, Koreans, and South Americans than Thais but they all live in the US

Also prostitution isn't more common in Thailand than other Asian countries, the main difference is that they allow foreigners to take part. There are tons of prostitution venues in every Asian country but many simply won't allow foreigners inside. Thai guys also don't angry when foreign men take 'their' women, especially since for the most part we don't take women they are interested in. In many Asian countries the men get very nationalistic and angry about it, especially with all the rape and atrocities that occurred during past wars

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After some years I just watched that video again.

Typical Western media perspective of Thai women, where they consider that most of them are prostitutes or potential prostitutes willing to settle for any farang regardless of looks and age. Of course this is total rubbish.

What I fail to understand is why would these foreign guys be interested in becoming involved with women from the underclass of Thai society, that are probably mentally wreaked, have families in tow and perhaps have become institutionalised into prostitution?

Basically they are only seeking a farang as a fast track means of gaining wealth for themselves and families, which is more or less what they are saying in the video. When this has been achieved than the farang becomes insignificant to them and once that has happened, the odds are that these women will move on to pastures anew and the farang will be left high and dry. At least most of the Thai guys are blessed with common sense and stay well clear of them unless they are dirt poor, have nothing to lose and at the end of the day if it doesn’t work out, they don’t stand to lose anything.

Sorry chaps, but any farangs who involve themselves with these classes of women are either desperate or stupid or both.

Yes why do 50 or 60 year old Western divorced men get involved with these woman who are usually 20/25 years younger and very attractive.

Why don't they stick to pulling similar young women back home,I wonder.

Except the women farang guys get involved with are usually NOT attractive. Thai guys laugh at foreign men because they think we only like ugly women. So not only do most foreign men pick someone broken inside that is only trying to scam them out of money etc, but they're usually not even good looking. An Asian dude that was going to spend similar amounts of money getting scammed by a woman at least gets an attractive one

So painfully true....

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they may not be the thai ideal of beautiful (skin like milk,wide eyes etc ) but what would these pensioner guys get back home ?

have you seen a uk or usa woman aged 65 ?


compare that to a dark skinned thai girl age 20 with a great body


i think the elderly farang men are doing not too bad with these "ugly" thai girls compared to some old granny with no teeth their own age wink.png

Edited by wana
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Yes but it isn't just that there's something ever so red-card creepy about a 65yr old man setting up home with a 20yr old Isaan girl. I mean, what goes on in the mind of a man like that?

He knows full well that she's probably repulsed by his mutton-like body, his dentures and his wannabe-alpha male personality. He knows he's old; he knows she checks out the far better-looking but less-moneyed local lads when she thinks he's not looking; he knows that, even if he does speak the lingo, he's got <deleted> all in common with a 20yr old Isaan girl with the education and social development of a 14 yr old and yet, there he is - slipping her his chemically or hydraulically-assisted portion every night laugh.png

He doesn't feel even the slightest pang of guilt that he's effectively buying another human being. No, he'd rather strut around like some geriatric peacock pretending to his neighbours and peers that she's with him for "lub".

Maybe there are exceptions to this but I'd be more convinced of their veracity if there was no money involved.

Yup, no question you are correct... BUT. Lets just consider the facts. There are thousands of Thai gals who have been dumped by Thai men after she's pregnant and he is no longer interested is a common scenario in Thailand. The majority of Thai men don't want to be responsible for their own children let alone those of another man.

Then, lets take the sex factor... Very few couples actually have sex that often when they've been together for a while. I've known many women who really aren't that interested in sex. They can take it or leave it and it's not a big factor in their lives. Many married women only have sex as a sense of duty to their husband. That is true for western women as well as Thai women. Then, there are the women who actually enjoy sex, and on a regular basis. I've seen both types in the bar scene. If you are at all perceptive it's easy to tell the ones who are putting on an act. I don't see much different the world over.

When I was married to my first wife we had a group of middle income, middle aged friends whose children all intermingled. There were about 10 couples. We were all supposedly happily married. Then, one of the more attractive gals got the wander lust. She tried it on me first and I refused to bite, (although I really was tempted). So, she tried it on another guy in our group and he fell for it. It started a whole fall down effect. Within a year our group was a little Peyton Place and only two of us, Andrew and I didn't join in. Another year passed and we were all divorced.

I know at least a dozen of supposedly happily married men in North America who don't have sex once a month with their wives. And those guys are all under 50, with wives in their fourties. I know another dozen men in their sixties or older who haven't had sex in over a year. They are also supposedly happily married. I'm only relating to what they told me and I have no reason to doubt them. It's just that they gave up sex to maintain a solid family relationship. They occupy their thoughts with other things such as golf, fishing, sports or the arts. Now, suppose for some reason any one of my friends were to suddenly become single again. I wonder what their thoughts would turn to if they visited Thailand for the first time?

Transpose the same theme to Thailand and you'll have the same thing happen... except in Thailand a middle income man can have the choice of many younger, more attractive females through no other reason than finances.

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I look forward to a documentary filmed at the other end of this business - back in Farangland, examining the personal lives of the foreign men who come to Thailand seeking Thai wives, their troubles, tribulations and mindset.


That guy is a perfect example of the sort of bloke who ends up with his financial clock cleaned over here. He genuinely believes his wife's with him for love rather than security. He even cites the fact she didn't speak a word of Englsih when they met as some kind of positive. Well at least he didn't move to Isaan and build a house for her, the family and the buffalo like so many fools do.

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they may not be the thai ideal of beautiful (skin like milk,wide eyes etc ) but what would these pensioner guys get back home ?

have you seen a uk or usa woman aged 65 ?

compare that to a dark skinned thai girl age 20 with a great body

i think the elderly farang men are doing not too bad with these "ugly" thai girls compared to some old granny with no teeth their own age wink.png

Hard to argue with that assessment as well. I think an old guy who understands the game and is playing within the rules...more power to him. Better to live a fantasy in your twilight years than to slowly die staring at walls back in the west....

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they may not be the thai ideal of beautiful (skin like milk,wide eyes etc ) but what would these pensioner guys get back home ?

have you seen a uk or usa woman aged 65 ?

compare that to a dark skinned thai girl age 20 with a great body

Very few of the older farang guys I see are actually married to a dark skinned 20 year old with a great body though... normally an older frumpy single mom AND she's trying to scam him. An older Thai guy with some money looking for a mia noi actually will get someone that looks like the picture you posted or even better, but a farang guy usually won't. Some farang dudes need to be selective instead of getting hitched to the first women who grabs his arm in Pattaya

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they may not be the thai ideal of beautiful (skin like milk,wide eyes etc ) but what would these pensioner guys get back home ?

have you seen a uk or usa woman aged 65 ?

compare that to a dark skinned thai girl age 20 with a great body

Very few of the older farang guys I see are actually married to a dark skinned 20 year old with a great body though... normally an older frumpy single mom AND she's trying to scam him. An older Thai guy with some money looking for a mia noi actually will get someone that looks like the picture you posted or even better, but a farang guy usually won't. Some farang dudes need to be selective instead of getting hitched to the first women who grabs his arm in Pattaya

im gonna get flamed for this but ......

when your 65 and obese......its still like trading in an old volvo for ferrari :D

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