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Late-Year Teenagers & Those In Their 20'S : What Are They Doing?

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No mention on if it was bike gangs or college gangs or what.. Boys will be boys..

Gangs war with ‘swords’ at Saphan Hin

Phuket Gazette – Thursday, December 6, 2007 5:51:00 PM

SAPHAN HIN: Two gangs each of about 40 teenagers battled with long-bladed weapons, reported as swords, at Saphan Hin about 1 am on Sunday.

In the melee, a 16-year-old died after being struck down while riding his motorbike and a member of the same gang fled his attackers by jumping into Klong Bangyai, but with his right hand severed and his right ear nearly completely cut off.

Phuket City Police Investigator Lt Somchai Nuboon identified the dead youngster as Witthawat Pongsakote, 16. He was on a motorcycle trying to escape a rival gang when he was attacked and fell off his motorbike near Pramahachanok Bridge, across the road from Phuket Vocational College.

Critically wounded to the head, back and arms, he was rushed to Vachira Phuket Hospital, where he died of blood loss.

A member of the same gang, Somboon Namkaew, 28, was also set upon. He managed to escape his attackers by jumping into Klong Bangyai, from which he was later lifted with great difficulty by Kusoldham Foundation rescue workers.

Somboon’s right hand was severed and his right ear was almost completely cut off. He is now being treated at Vachira Phuket Hospital, where he has been listed as “out of danger” by staff, Lt Somchai said.

“We already questioned Somboon’s fellow gang members and we know the identity of his attackers, who are members of an enemy gang,” he added.

That's nothing....the American schools are where the biggest battles are (and there are plenty more of these)



Llos, why are you muddling the issue?

Threads evolve.. It was a tangent.. Came up in discussion..

Tho where young kids go for safe social interaction (outside of boozing and expat bars) might be an issue. I dont see much in the way of social stuff for non Thai teens here, probably because I dont see a great many non Thai teens.

That said I wouldnt see that as the biggest of issues.


Ok, so, most on TV agree that one of the decent International Schools on Phuket is where their 50/50 kids should go, if parents can afford to send their kids there. I totally agree, and for the reasons I have set out previously, mainly, the schools accreditation would allow them enterance into either an International University in Thailand, or a university anywhere in the west.

Clarify please. Do you mean "Ok, so, most on TV agree that British International School on Phuket is where their 50/50 kids should go, if parents can afford to send their kids there. I totally agree, and for the reasons I have set out previously, mainly, the school's accreditation would allow them enterance into either an International University in Thailand, or a university anywhere in the west."; or:

"Ok, so, most on TV agree that one of the decent international schools on Phuket is where their 50/50 kids should go, if parents can afford to send their kids there. I totally agree, and for the reasons I have set out previously, mainly, the schools' accreditations would allow them enterance into either an International University in Thailand, or a university anywhere in the west."

Like I have said, I don't have young kids on the island, so, I have had no need to research this topic. From the few websites I have viewed, some of the International Schools appear to be properly accredited, with good staff and good facilities. They would be fine to send you child to because their education would be recognised for university entry in the west, or an International University in Thailand.


Really .. You think 300 per day is an impossible dream income ??

Sure its decent, but not overly so.. Try living in London on less.. Your suggesting it should be a monthly salary to be happy with !!

Now if I had said 3k a day then sure, it would be only a very VERY small per cent.. But still not impossible.

If you want to know what I said you simply need to read my post. I didn't said 300 per day was an impossible dream income, nor did I say it was a monthly salary to be happy with.

I said that the vast majority of young adults (probably 99%) don't earn £300 a day in the UK, so using that as an example in this topic served no purpose at all, except to massage your ego perhaps.

And that is the same back home.

Well here we agree to disagree..

In the west theres scores of ways a kid can be encouraged to earn to their hobbys and interests, from the classic paper round, to yard work, to odd jobs, to cleaning peoples cars, etc etc etc Just 10's of things a young teen can do.. Late teens have also a wide wide range of part time, low paying but formative jobs available to them, thats outside of a the barter, buy and sell, economy I mentioned before. These kind of things teach a young person valuable skills, ones that are not classroom taught. The kind of firm handshake always look em in the eye type of skills that make a man.

It also gives a young adult confidence, gets them standing up on their own, stops them thinking money is something that comes from daddy, That first tenner you make as a kid is the sweetest 10'er you ever held.. Getting out, hitch hiking to a car auction, hustling with the pro car dealers, and driving home with a banger to sell were some of my great life lessons. Can you imagine an expat kid hitch hiking anywhere ?? Its just a different social bubble, fine fo those of us who have already had a bit of struggle and made a nest egg, but depriving them of that is IMO selling them short.

These are just opinions.. Mines no more right or wrong than anyone elses... But if I had kids, that desire for them to grow up in a society which will treat them as equals, not have them as outsiders, would be my primary thought. I dont mind being an outsider as an adult, but would have been a very different person having been one as a youth.

Again you fail to see that's your life you are talking about and not necessarily the life other people want. Trust me, most kids don't want to be hitch hiking to auctions and buying old bangers! So depriving them of that, which you have brought up twice so I can only assume you think is a very relevant example, won't be an issue for most teenagers.

There are plenty of ways to teach your kids the value of money and give them the chance to earn some pocket money. Being in the UK isn't a prerequisite. And exactly what percentage of kids from the UK do you think grow up to be entrepreneurs? You make it sound like it's the only option and what every kid wants to and goes on to become.


And that is the same back home.

Well here we agree to disagree..

In the west theres scores of ways a kid can be encouraged to earn to their hobbys and interests, from the classic paper round, to yard work, to odd jobs, to cleaning peoples cars, etc etc etc Just 10's of things a young teen can do.. Late teens have also a wide wide range of part time, low paying but formative jobs available to them, thats outside of a the barter, buy and sell, economy I mentioned before. These kind of things teach a young person valuable skills, ones that are not classroom taught. The kind of firm handshake always look em in the eye type of skills that make a man.

It also gives a young adult confidence, gets them standing up on their own, stops them thinking money is something that comes from daddy, That first tenner you make as a kid is the sweetest 10'er you ever held.. Getting out, hitch hiking to a car auction, hustling with the pro car dealers, and driving home with a banger to sell were some of my great life lessons. Can you imagine an expat kid hitch hiking anywhere ?? Its just a different social bubble, fine fo those of us who have already had a bit of struggle and made a nest egg, but depriving them of that is IMO selling them short.

These are just opinions.. Mines no more right or wrong than anyone elses... But if I had kids, that desire for them to grow up in a society which will treat them as equals, not have them as outsiders, would be my primary thought. I dont mind being an outsider as an adult, but would have been a very different person having been one as a youth.

If I understand correctly, you post basically is about how earning a dollar when you are young, builds strength of character. If so, I would tend to agree with you.

For many teenagers in my country, flipping burgers at McDonalds, or stacking shelves in a supermarket, was their first job at the age of 16. It's pretty much a right of passage.

I do not see any 50/50 kids working at McDonals, Burger King, Big C or 7/11 here, but then again, I don't see them working anywhere here.

We do not even have one reported sighting of a 50/50 person working here. smile.pngsmile.png


Ok, so, most on TV agree that one of the decent International Schools on Phuket is where their 50/50 kids should go, if parents can afford to send their kids there. I totally agree, and for the reasons I have set out previously, mainly, the schools accreditation would allow them enterance into either an International University in Thailand, or a university anywhere in the west.

For me, a problem still exists when they finish school and/or univerisity or a trade in the west. Their job prospects here are minimal and their earning capacity diminished.

HKP has stated he would support his kids in anything they chose, as any parent would do, however, to pay big money for an

International School education and then a university here, or in the west, or sending your kid home, fully funded, to be trained in a trade, just to see them come back to Phuket as an English teacher or dive instructor, for me, would not be a desirable outcome and the best use of their education. Sure, a great lifestyle, but is it a serious long term career?

So, the question still exists, and we haven't heard from any parents, or 50/50 adults, about what they are doing, what REAL career opportunities, or decent long term employment opportunities, exist here for a 50/50 uni graduate or a kid who is western trade qualified, and what sort of salary would they be earning?

NOTE: I have not speculated on what industries may be expanding, or shrinking here, in 10 to 15 years time, or any discrimination that may occur in the workplace against someone who is 50/50.

This is my point (perhaps made in the other thread) there IS schooling here, sure it costs some money but not a great deal in the scheme of things..

However the issue of the kind of 'elite' social strata they may run with hasnt been touched. The spoiled rich Thais (the kind who run BMW's into bus stops of people, or illegally drive new Hondas into a mini bus on an overpass.. You I am sure know the kind I mean) have a seriously high ego content and a lack of consequence to their lives. We can all hope to raise kids to be better than that, but it has to be said that growing up in that social set will have a formative aspect on them.

But my main point was, outside of education.. What does a young expat kid, or a Luk Krung, do aside from try to make TV commercials ?? I have met a few, decent enough young kids, but I dont see the prospects for them. Theres little entrepreneurship possible, little in the way of 'learning to earn' as all lower end jobs are taken for the kind of salaries that wouldnt make any point doing. They will always be trapped to a low rung on the local ladder.

And that is the same back home.

For schooling/work kids will go elsewhere, and every society, whether it be a small rural town or a big city, has it's social problems for a kid, just as Phuket has, as Bangkok will have, etc. So the situation for kids will be the same: good parents will prepare them and can only hope things work out ok, both socially and educationally. And whereever they go they will experience problems, their own unique sets of problems.

I agree, the EU is a classic example. Many Brits working in Germany, for example. I suppose a problem will arise if a teenager, after finishing school, does not want to go to university, anywhere. What job will they do here, and how much will it pay? We must not forget, we live here because we like the lifestyle. I'm sure teenage kids will like the lifestyle here as well, especially those with a few baht in their pocket from farang daddy. Will they want to leave? Will they even want to work? How would one deal with such a situation?

At least there is no "benefits system" here to sponge off whilst sitting on the beach all day. :)


Any mixed parentage kid with Thai nationality who is fully fluent in Thai plus one other language, should be able to find an at least 15.000 Baht a month (for starters) job at a tour agency, hotel, lawyers office or whatever other business which involves foreigners. They might have better prospects here than say in the European Union with its declining economy.

500 USD.. 300 GBP..

Thats a per day salary requirement not per month !!

Thats where it started.. The idea that a clever, educated, multi language person should be happy working for 15k a month.. And that was a good opportunity..

Seriously.. Is that the kind of lifestyle you want a kid of yours to have ?? 15k a month..


I agree, the EU is a classic example. Many Brits working in Germany, for example. I suppose a problem will arise if a teenager, after finishing school, does not want to go to university, anywhere. What job will they do here, and how much will it pay? We must not forget, we live here because we like the lifestyle. I'm sure teenage kids will like the lifestyle here as well, especially those with a few baht in their pocket from farang daddy. Will they want to leave? Will they even want to work? How would one deal with such a situation?

At least there is no "benefits system" here to sponge off whilst sitting on the beach all day. smile.png

And would that kid do if he lives in the west in a rural town and does not want to go to university? Or if he lives in a big city and does not want to go to university?

Thats where it started.. The idea that a clever, educated, multi language person should be happy working for 15k a month.. And that was a good opportunity..

Seriously.. Is that the kind of lifestyle you want a kid of yours to have ?? 15k a month..

Since when can you express lifestyle in a monthly income?

I would like my kids to be happy. If that 15,000 Baht per month job makes him happy, that is his choice. But I hope I can give him enough wisdom to make him realise that that 15,000 Baht per month may look excellent now, but will probably not look so nice in 10 years time.

But that is my thinking instilled on him.


From another news source"-

"A EUROPEAN friend with Thai children entrusted them to the best local school on Phuket, where his son topped the class. But when the 15-year-old had to head to Europe and a new school, he was put back two years, in with the 13-year-olds. That's the scale of the gap between public schools on Phuket and throughout Thailand and schooling overseas. A better education can be bought by the fortunate few at the private schools that have proliferated with the internationalisation of Phuket. But many local Phuket children face big classes, rote learning and a future where their potential will be forever unfulfilled. Teaching children how to think needs to be the priority, not computer tablets and gimmicks that win popular acclaim but really don't address the chronic issue. Kill corruption, invest the money in necessities, and Phuket's children stand a fair chance".


From another news source"-

"A EUROPEAN friend with Thai children entrusted them to the best local school on Phuket, where his son topped the class. But when the 15-year-old had to head to Europe and a new school, he was put back two years, in with the 13-year-olds. That's the scale of the gap between public schools on Phuket and throughout Thailand and schooling overseas. A better education can be bought by the fortunate few at the private schools that have proliferated with the internationalisation of Phuket. But many local Phuket children face big classes, rote learning and a future where their potential will be forever unfulfilled. Teaching children how to think needs to be the priority, not computer tablets and gimmicks that win popular acclaim but really don't address the chronic issue. Kill corruption, invest the money in necessities, and Phuket's children stand a fair chance".

Hmm, not as bad as I would think, public school in Thailand to European school and lost only 2 years? The language gap alone would already explain that. Because language education in Thailand on public schools is very old fashioned without any practical use.

What would happen if that same kid moved from Europe to Thailand?


I agree, the EU is a classic example. Many Brits working in Germany, for example. I suppose a problem will arise if a teenager, after finishing school, does not want to go to university, anywhere. What job will they do here, and how much will it pay? We must not forget, we live here because we like the lifestyle. I'm sure teenage kids will like the lifestyle here as well, especially those with a few baht in their pocket from farang daddy. Will they want to leave? Will they even want to work? How would one deal with such a situation?

At least there is no "benefits system" here to sponge off whilst sitting on the beach all day. smile.png

And would that kid do if he lives in the west in a rural town and does not want to go to university? Or if he lives in a big city and does not want to go to university?

Are we agreeing on the same thing????

The kid has to move, no, MUST move, for either tertiary education, learning a trade, or to earn a decent wage. That's been the theme to my posts, in both threads, the whole way along.

I don't see 15,000 baht per month as a decent wage. Bar girls are making more than that in salary and lady drinks, without even shagging anyone.

I'll say it loud and clear. THERE ARE NO CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ON PHUKET FOR 50/50 YOUNG ADULTS. Maybe this is why we do not see any here, at all.


What would happen if that same kid moved from Europe to Thailand?

for education? Why would they want to do that?

That is not the point.


I agree, the EU is a classic example. Many Brits working in Germany, for example. I suppose a problem will arise if a teenager, after finishing school, does not want to go to university, anywhere. What job will they do here, and how much will it pay? We must not forget, we live here because we like the lifestyle. I'm sure teenage kids will like the lifestyle here as well, especially those with a few baht in their pocket from farang daddy. Will they want to leave? Will they even want to work? How would one deal with such a situation?

At least there is no "benefits system" here to sponge off whilst sitting on the beach all day. smile.png

And would that kid do if he lives in the west in a rural town and does not want to go to university? Or if he lives in a big city and does not want to go to university?

Are we agreeing on the same thing????

The kid has to move, no, MUST move, for either tertiary education, learning a trade, or to earn a decent wage. That's been the theme to my posts, in both threads, the whole way along.

I don't see 15,000 baht per month as a decent wage. Bar girls are making more than that in salary and lady drinks, without even shagging anyone.

I'll say it loud and clear. THERE ARE NO CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ON PHUKET FOR 50/50 YOUNG ADULTS. Maybe this is why we do not see any here, at all.

I completely disagree and the pay scales you have quoted seem perfectly respectable for a job in Thailand.

The reason you don't see many 50/50 older teens in Phuket is because most Farang haven't been here that long as previously stated. However I expect a day trip to BIS would probably be quite enlightening for you. It would blow most of your perceptions out the window.


Are we agreeing on the same thing????

The kid has to move, no, MUST move, for either tertiary education, learning a trade, or to earn a decent wage. That's been the theme to my posts, in both threads, the whole way along.

I don't see 15,000 baht per month as a decent wage. Bar girls are making more than that in salary and lady drinks, without even shagging anyone.

I'll say it loud and clear. THERE ARE NO CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ON PHUKET FOR 50/50 YOUNG ADULTS. Maybe this is why we do not see any here, at all.

Yes, I think we agree, we just come to totally different conclusions. I e.g. disagree with your shouted remark here.

I must also agree with some of the others here, in that I find it very strange that you are commenting here on the schools and quality thereof on Phuket, without having any clue about the schools here on the island.




Every society has social problems? maybe. But not many society have a problem where students from different school try to KILL each other on a daily basis.

Can you quote any news source to corroborate that claim. Sure there a youth gang killings, but inter school violence/killings - I've never read that... ??

what are you guys nuts? ask anyone whos been to the university or lived next to one, its common occurrence from vocational school to regular schools.

<deleted> my brother in law shot people in those 'wars' and hes no violent person

its in thai newspapers all the time and the only reason they are few deaths per years and only hospitalization is because thais are shitty bomb makers and not very skinny.


No mention on if it was bike gangs or college gangs or what.. Boys will be boys..

Gangs war with ‘swords’ at Saphan Hin

Phuket Gazette – Thursday, December 6, 2007 5:51:00 PM

SAPHAN HIN: Two gangs each of about 40 teenagers battled with long-bladed weapons, reported as swords, at Saphan Hin about 1 am on Sunday.

In the melee, a 16-year-old died after being struck down while riding his motorbike and a member of the same gang fled his attackers by jumping into Klong Bangyai, but with his right hand severed and his right ear nearly completely cut off.

Phuket City Police Investigator Lt Somchai Nuboon identified the dead youngster as Witthawat Pongsakote, 16. He was on a motorcycle trying to escape a rival gang when he was attacked and fell off his motorbike near Pramahachanok Bridge, across the road from Phuket Vocational College.

Critically wounded to the head, back and arms, he was rushed to Vachira Phuket Hospital, where he died of blood loss.

A member of the same gang, Somboon Namkaew, 28, was also set upon. He managed to escape his attackers by jumping into Klong Bangyai, from which he was later lifted with great difficulty by Kusoldham Foundation rescue workers.

Somboon’s right hand was severed and his right ear was almost completely cut off. He is now being treated at Vachira Phuket Hospital, where he has been listed as “out of danger” by staff, Lt Somchai said.

“We already questioned Somboon’s fellow gang members and we know the identity of his attackers, who are members of an enemy gang,” he added.

That's nothing....the American schools are where the biggest battles are (and there are plenty more of these)


once or twice a year occurrence in a country with what 500mil people?

vs thais who fight daily and have 50mil people?


its also crazy how the road death and hospitalization #'s dont scare any of you with kids. Theres no way you wont have your teenager get on a bike or car very often. Teenagers still do not have every part of their brain completed, no matter how you teach them life, they still do not understand consequences because the part of the brain is still developing. Their chances of being crippled or dead is what? 600%-1200% higher than back home? Dont really think looking for statistic is needed and they are probably off by a lot since its shameful to thais and thais do not like to be shamed.


its also crazy how the road death and hospitalization #'s dont scare any of you with kids. Theres no way you wont have your teenager get on a bike or car very often. Teenagers still do not have every part of their brain completed, no matter how you teach them life, they still do not understand consequences because the part of the brain is still developing. Their chances of being crippled or dead is what? 600%-1200% higher than back home? Dont really think looking for statistic is needed and they are probably off by a lot since its shameful to thais and thais do not like to be shamed.

Who says people with kids are not scared of that?

I know I am, my biggest fear is the kids being involved in accident.


Lots of places to raise a child in this world. Phuket is doable but its probably one of the highest place that you'd want to live but has most negatives points that are life threatening and you people still want to raise them here

this is nuts.. Phuket is for grown men who can take of themselves and southerners who like to kill people for a cup of sugar. Even the rich people of phuket gtfo when they have kids for the most part. I must know, my friends are taking care of the estate of one of the most prestigious phuket family and when they had kids they left and never came back much and said most of their friends did the same. Education isn't as good and they know first hand how dangerous and full of evil this place is.

every post just looks like a few guys in denial trying to convince themselves that their little 3 street wide paradise is good enough for their child because they are such awesome parents and their kids will turn out to be little nerds with absolutely no rebellious element in them just like daddy. But guess what, most kids turn out normal and learn nothing from their parents after age 12. Only from peers, tv and teachers. A parent's word is only herd as blahblahblah for most kids after that age untill they mature a bit.


I agree, the EU is a classic example. Many Brits working in Germany, for example. I suppose a problem will arise if a teenager, after finishing school, does not want to go to university, anywhere. What job will they do here, and how much will it pay? We must not forget, we live here because we like the lifestyle. I'm sure teenage kids will like the lifestyle here as well, especially those with a few baht in their pocket from farang daddy. Will they want to leave? Will they even want to work? How would one deal with such a situation?

At least there is no "benefits system" here to sponge off whilst sitting on the beach all day. smile.png

And would that kid do if he lives in the west in a rural town and does not want to go to university? Or if he lives in a big city and does not want to go to university?

Are we agreeing on the same thing????

The kid has to move, no, MUST move, for either tertiary education, learning a trade, or to earn a decent wage. That's been the theme to my posts, in both threads, the whole way along.

I don't see 15,000 baht per month as a decent wage. Bar girls are making more than that in salary and lady drinks, without even shagging anyone.

I'll say it loud and clear. THERE ARE NO CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ON PHUKET FOR 50/50 YOUNG ADULTS. Maybe this is why we do not see any here, at all.

I completely disagree and the pay scales you have quoted seem perfectly respectable for a job in Thailand.

The reason you don't see many 50/50 older teens in Phuket is because most Farang haven't been here that long as previously stated. However I expect a day trip to BIS would probably be quite enlightening for you. It would blow most of your perceptions out the window.

Would you want your kid living on Thai pay scales, or world pay scales????????

Phuket boomed in the 80's. I'm sure kids were "fathered" by farang back then, and have done ever since. Where are they????????

I have done a tour through one of the top International Schools in Bangkok. Yes, it was mind blowing, so were the costs. Like I said, the good International Schools in Bangkok are for the wealthy Thai's, Diplomats and the CEO's of multinational companies in Bangkok. When entering through the front gate, I was searched more than I have ever been in any airport in a lot of countries in the world. The facilities were amazing.

We keep going on about education, but I ask the question about CAREER OPPORTUNITIES on Phuket for these young adults. Where is the Class of 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 from BIS???? I haven't seen a 50/50 working here. Not one member on TV has reported a sighting of a 50/50 working on Phuket. Ask yourself, WHY????????


Are we agreeing on the same thing????

The kid has to move, no, MUST move, for either tertiary education, learning a trade, or to earn a decent wage. That's been the theme to my posts, in both threads, the whole way along.

I don't see 15,000 baht per month as a decent wage. Bar girls are making more than that in salary and lady drinks, without even shagging anyone.

I'll say it loud and clear. THERE ARE NO CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ON PHUKET FOR 50/50 YOUNG ADULTS. Maybe this is why we do not see any here, at all.

Yes, I think we agree, we just come to totally different conclusions. I e.g. disagree with your shouted remark here.

I must also agree with some of the others here, in that I find it very strange that you are commenting here on the schools and quality thereof on Phuket, without having any clue about the schools here on the island.

You obviously didn't listen to my shouted comment. Education appears fine here, if you can afford it. No object from me about that - but I must clarify that I am only talking about good International Schools here.

The point I'm trying to make is, what happens AFTER that education. If the child simply enters the work force on Phuket, after school, they will earn 300 baht day, maybe more teaching english, or diving, but they are hardly "careers" and are not well paying by western standards. Backpackers perform this task, just to be able to stay in Thailand for 1 year. They are not careers.


Are we agreeing on the same thing????

The kid has to move, no, MUST move, for either tertiary education, learning a trade, or to earn a decent wage. That's been the theme to my posts, in both threads, the whole way along.

I don't see 15,000 baht per month as a decent wage. Bar girls are making more than that in salary and lady drinks, without even shagging anyone.

I'll say it loud and clear. THERE ARE NO CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ON PHUKET FOR 50/50 YOUNG ADULTS. Maybe this is why we do not see any here, at all.

Yes, I think we agree, we just come to totally different conclusions. I e.g. disagree with your shouted remark here.

I must also agree with some of the others here, in that I find it very strange that you are commenting here on the schools and quality thereof on Phuket, without having any clue about the schools here on the island.

You obviously didn't listen to my shouted comment. Education appears fine here, if you can afford it. No object from me about that - but I must clarify that I am only talking about good International Schools here.

The point I'm trying to make is, what happens AFTER that education. If the child simply enters the work force on Phuket, after school, they will earn 300 baht day, maybe more teaching english, or diving, but they are hardly "careers" and are not well paying by western standards. Backpackers perform this task, just to be able to stay in Thailand for 1 year. They are not careers.

I listened to your comment, unlike Thailand's insults and profanities, but I don't agree with it.


Are we agreeing on the same thing????

The kid has to move, no, MUST move, for either tertiary education, learning a trade, or to earn a decent wage. That's been the theme to my posts, in both threads, the whole way along.

I don't see 15,000 baht per month as a decent wage. Bar girls are making more than that in salary and lady drinks, without even shagging anyone.

I'll say it loud and clear. THERE ARE NO CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ON PHUKET FOR 50/50 YOUNG ADULTS. Maybe this is why we do not see any here, at all.

Yes, I think we agree, we just come to totally different conclusions. I e.g. disagree with your shouted remark here.

I must also agree with some of the others here, in that I find it very strange that you are commenting here on the schools and quality thereof on Phuket, without having any clue about the schools here on the island.

You obviously didn't listen to my shouted comment. Education appears fine here, if you can afford it. No object from me about that - but I must clarify that I am only talking about good International Schools here.

The point I'm trying to make is, what happens AFTER that education. If the child simply enters the work force on Phuket, after school, they will earn 300 baht day, maybe more teaching english, or diving, but they are hardly "careers" and are not well paying by western standards. Backpackers perform this task, just to be able to stay in Thailand for 1 year. They are not careers.

I listened to your comment, unlike Thailand's insults and profanities, but I don't agree with it.

I'm always happy to listen, and learn, from other points of view. Having said that, tell me, where, and what, do you see you kids doing at 18, after finishing school, and why?


they wont answer. As i keep saying all they care about is their little beach life with chang and motorbikes. The hell with the kid's future and safety.

As you can see he takes my comments as insults. They're not insults unless you know you're doing something terribly wrong.


It's a funny World. I know of at least two luk kreuk kids (girls) born here, educated here, moved overseas for more education and work experience. Now they are back in Thailand 'working bar' in Pattaya.. Last time I saw the older one she was working in Soi 7.

despite the education she reckoned she had more fun, freedom and cash working in a bar and meeting farangs in Lucifers.


I know of a 50/50 boy (man) in his mid 20's. Living at home, a momas boy. Has the latest model, top of the range, pickup. Never worked a day in his life, doen't look like he ever will.

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