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Names For Cows

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if i had cows, this is what i'd call 'em

'cow jai' for the smart one

'mai cow jai' for the dumb one

'cow neow' for the sticky one

'cow hong naam' for the one that pees and shits too much

'cow suwai'' for the pretty one

'lao cow' for the one that can't walk in a straight line

i only have 6 imaginary cows, what about you?

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Love it, well done, but I would be trying to integrate my cows as I try withall farming things (sold the real cows some time back) so they would have to contribute more... I would probably go for run, jump, fight, <deleted>, and then, wheel a barrow, and drive a truck!

Did you Know that Thai cows speak a different language to farang cows? In Oz they say Moooo... here they say Bayyyyy... amazing. Now I have never heard a buffalo speak in Oz, but here they definitely say Quay (spelling?) anyway pronounced the same as the bridge over the river.

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We have ten real cows,mostly Thai running cows but most have a western name and the do not look like most Thai cows,most people say they are too fat.

They seem to know their name and will come when you call them,it is just a hobby and it does take time and money but what the hay,

Snowflake,Daisy, Blondy,Golden boy,Sunday,Witje and a few Thai names.

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We have ten real cows,mostly Thai running cows but most have a western name and the do not look like most Thai cows,most people say they are too fat.

They seem to know their name and will come when you call them,it is just a hobby and it does take time and money but what the hay,

Snowflake,Daisy, Blondy,Golden boy,Sunday,Witje and a few Thai names.

"Golden boy" sounds like a good cows name cowboy.gif

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We have ten real cows,mostly Thai running cows but most have a western name and the do not look like most Thai cows,most people say they are too fat.

They seem to know their name and will come when you call them,it is just a hobby and it does take time and money but what the hay,

Snowflake,Daisy, Blondy,Golden boy,Sunday,Witje and a few Thai names.

"Golden boy" sounds like a good cows name cowboy.gif

A katooey cow perhaps, then again it could be all bullviolin.gif

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My imaginary cow's called "<deleted> you". I stand on the doorstep all evening calling her to come home.......

Maybe I should change it to Fenton & post in on youtube.....

Change it to Goner, then you can stand on the doorstep and call 'Here Goner.........Goner here'

Otherwise Ermintrude is a good name after the cow in the Magic Roundabout.

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Q: What do you call a cow on the barnyard floor?

A: Ground Beef

Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?

A: A bull-dozer.

Q: What do you call a cow with no front legs?

A: Lean Beef

Q: What do you call a cow with no legs at all?

A: Ground beef

Q: What is a cow's favorite lunch meat?

A: Bullogna

Q: What do cows get when they are sick?

A: Hay Fever

Q: What are the spots on black-and-white cows?

A: Holstaines

Q: Why does a milking stool have only three legs?

A: Because the cow has the udder.

Q: Why do cows wear bells?

A: Their horns don't work.

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Well I suppose with those questions and answers "ground" into me, I can modify an old joke to suit the topic.

A woman walked into the barn on a diary farm wanting to buy milk. The farmer was hard at work milking a three legged cow and the amazed woman said, "That poor cow only has three legs! Isn't it cruel to leave her like that?" The farmer responded, "What would you have me do, put her down? She is the best milker I have." "How did she loose the leg?" "I told you, she is my best milker, surely you don't expect me to eat her all at once?"

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My uncle had a dairy farm and milked about 100 Jersey cows twice a day by milking machines. He recognized each one and had names for all of them some based on their personality. It would have to be someone from Jersey for me, so I'd have to say Snooki.

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