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The Thai Visa Clique


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I have been a member of TV for a while now coming up for two years I think.. I have never felt the urge to really post on here due to the clique-ness of the site. I read it on a daily basis but just don’t have the urge to risk posting and being jumped on by some of the long term members.

So why is there such an urge to berate and bully new members and give sarcastic advise to them? Time and time again is see people threatening to tell somebody else about something that has been said get them ‘banned’ or ‘officially warned’.

Just curious to know why this forum is so much more inaccessible to new people.

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Seems to be human nature to pick on the new kid on the block but you would think most would have outgrown that. :o But a few remain. You really shouldn't let it be a big issue though, as you should know by now the majority here are pretty nice people who sometimes may like to take a poke now and then for fun.

And of course you are free to fire back (within reason) at them. :D

Don't forget every single member here has been one of the 'new people'. Just consider it part of the initiation.

One last thing, it is a pretty rare forum anywhere that doesn't have this happening, I just feel this one is better about it.

Edited by tywais
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Don't take it too seriously. This is just a forum for education, entertainment and fun. :D

If you think getting dissed off in TV forum is mai sanook, compare that with the woes you (will) have living in Thailand.

Sometimes we need to have a go at each other to maintain our (in)sanity in this wonderful kingdom :o

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You have been a TV member a lot longer than me so you've probably seen more of this than I have.

I too lurked for a while... reading the Forum, and finding it informative, helpful, and fun. I wanted to join in at times, but couldn't as a guest... so I registered.

I must admit, my first 50 or so posts were a bit tentative... being new to Forums and this one in particular... I didn't want to step on toes or overstep any unwritten lines.

Now, I post what I think... and don't particularly care if some readers find my posts informative, helpful, amusing, etc... or not. I know that some do, and that's what matters.

I can't think of any bullying or berating new members, except in the case of obvious trolls and wind-up merchants. Sure there are cliques... usually based on groups of people who are online at the same time... that's a natural occurrence and will happen with any social activity.

Do you have any specific examples that you want to discuss? If I can help you in any way, I'd be glad to be of assistance.

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Sorry mate not true I have been a memeber for a while and get picked on all the time

Most of the people on this site (NOT ALL) are just low class white trash to put it bluntly.

Just forgive them they know not who they are, where they come from or why they are even on the planet....

But like all of us........ they better wake up before its too late!

Edited by ayakiawe
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Thats part of the problem alot of forums have. The jerks can turn off the decent ones who add the most to the place. Unfortunately its hard for moderators to tread the line between having a lively forum and maintaining a comfort zone for the widest possible audience.

If more people had a grasp of basic manners we wouldn't need so many rules, and the forum would be alot more productive. It is possible to passionately disagree with someone and still debate maturely but there's a few out there who don't get it. On the other hand theres some out there who have to toughen up a bit and learn to deal with or ignore these idiots. There's no way to completely avoid them, on or off line.


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I can understand what the OP is saying here and I have seen it happen from time to time as well. Not quite sure why any of these "adults" on here would feel the need to be this way. Guess lots of old kids on here. Its not even so much as old members picking on new ones. Its just members that have posted a lot feel superior and pick on others that have not posted a lot. Not many members on here have been here longer than I have but my post number doesn't reflect my seniority because I don't post a lot of cr*p. I had a newbie once that was posting like crazy and way surpassed my post numbers call me a troll before. He had been here less than 6 months too. I quickly put him in his place. See, it doesnt just happen to newbies. :o

But are there cliques here? YES!

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Sorry mate not true I have been a memeber for a while and get picked on all the time

Most of the people on this site (NOT ALL) are just low class white trash to put it bluntly.

Just forgive them they know not who there are, where they come from or why they are even on the planet....

But like all of us........ they better wake up before its too late!

The above post reflects the nature of a few dissidents, who regularly flame other members and post drivel just to agitate people.

Khun ayakiawe has been warned twice before for this sort of behaviour, and if he keeps it up he will be warned again or given a holiday.

Is this the sort of attitude you want on ThaiVisa?

It's certainly not the design of the admin and moderators. :o

/Edit - Please don't feel threatened mraitchison... it is only a Forum, and the mods do try to keep things from getting out of control... the Forum Rules are there to protect both the website and the users... and our job is to keep the discussions within those guidelines.

Edited by Jai Dee
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Sorry mate not true I have been a memeber for a while and get picked on all the time

Most of the people on this site (NOT ALL) are just low class white trash to put it bluntly.

Just forgive them they know not who there are, where they come from or why they are even on the planet....

But like all of us........ they better wake up before its too late!

The above post reflects the nature of a few dissidents, who regularly flame other members and post drivel just to agitate people.

Khun ayakiawe has been warned twice before for this sort of behaviour, and if he keeps it up he will be warned again or given a holiday.

Is this the sort of attitude you want on ThaiVisa?

It's certainly not the design of the admin and moderators. :o

/Edit - Please don't feel threatened mraitchison... it is only a Forum, and the mods do try to keep things from getting out of control... the Forum Rules are there to protect both the website and the users... and our job is to keep the discussions within those guidelines.

Well I've been a member here for a long time too but I don't generally post much because of the 'fun police' here.

What is an undoubtably rich, informative site seems to be overprotective of what certain members see as the 'righteous path' to the exclusion of others who have different views.

I've noticed a lot of the most vigorous posts come from the moderators.

It's a case of "Do as I say not do as I do!"

And to post that khun ayakiawe is on the verge of being banned, well isn't that just 'Stalinism' in action.

I hope I'm not next on the list for my comments!

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Good point mraitchison. I guess that's one reason why so many people have stopped posting here. Well that and the super anal moderating.

For example...

Just a thought. Isn't street racing ILLEGAL (apart from being dangerous and irresponsible) in Thailand?

Discussion of illegal activities is not permitted on the ThaiVisa forum.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

You are correct Crossy.


I guess the number of banned members will overtake new members soon as well.

Carry on........

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And to post that khun ayakiawe is on the verge of being banned, well isn't that just 'Stalinism' in action.

I didn't say that he was on the verge of being banned at all... I gave him a public warning about his posting style... generalizations about most of the people on ThaiVisa being "low class white trash" are clearly troll-bait... and just as clearly against the Forum Rules.

This is probably why the OP doesn't feel the need to post here... he doesn't want to get bashed by comments like that.

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And to post that khun ayakiawe is on the verge of being banned, well isn't that just 'Stalinism' in action.

I didn't say that he was on the verge of being banned at all... I gave him a public warning about his posting style... generalizations about most of the people on ThaiVisa being "low class white trash" are clearly troll-bait... and just as clearly against the Forum Rules.

This is probably why the OP doesn't feel the need to post here... he doesn't want to get bashed by comments like that.

Which is my point exactly.

The mods, particular mods anyway, use put-downs frequently and add to that threats of banning by pm, to anyone who disagrees with them.

I realise that it's not a democracy here but the actions of some people here are very hypocritical.

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That's about right JD. I keep seeing it time and time again people being jumped on for no reason. Its not just here but I would rather just read here and be informed than risk posting and feeling like I don't want to use the site again.

I kind of regret starting this thread but I just felt it was necessary to see what other people thought or if it was just me.

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I'm an Aussie member which is a lot better than saying I'm a country member.........don't ask!!!

I have to admit we Aussies stick together and are proud to be part of the Down Under clique.

I, and my fellow Orstralians just love the clique sound of the ring pull top ripping off the icy cold VB can, one gigantic slurp of the amber fluid makes us Aussies wanna burst into song....................

..........clique go the shears boys, clique clique clique...................

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No discussion of moderation issues allowed, as per forum rules. It's not the UN you know, this isn't a democracy, it's a web forum with rules & regulations, if you don't like the moderation stlye then please feel free not to post.

Simple innit?

The fun police :o

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Most of the people on this site (NOT ALL) are just low class white trash to put it bluntly.

Not most (IMHO) - just maybe a conspicuous minority. OK, I tend to read the more information-based sub-forums and only skim through the general and news clippings sections if something catches my eye. Any forum is going to have its barstool-bigot element (TV much less than most) - but I generally ignore them on here just as I do if I happen to encounter them in a bar.

In one thread where I described a personal situation that went a tad pear-shaped for a mix of reasons, I got one screaming rant and nearly a dozen thoughtful/sympathetic comments - not a bad ratio, I thought............

Seems like I was brought up to be a bit more polite and patient than some on here, but I just don't see the "offenders" as being that big an issue to really deter new posters.

I'd (oh so humbly) recommend the following to all posters - use the "Preview Post" button to read through what you've just typed before you hit "Add Reply". Still sure you want to send it exactly like that?

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I've been accused by an occasional newbie of being overly aggressive towards that certain newbie (though by no means most newbies in general) in the teaching/gay sections... however, those newbies almost universally turn out to be the trolls they are- it's easy for an old hand on Thai forums to predict the typical troll topics in the teacher and gay sections, and ask leading questions that challenge the trolls to show they are real... almost all the time when I ask such questions the trolls know the jig's up, turn their posts into personal attacks and flames and eventually act badly enough to be banned. I can see how a real newbie not in the know might find such threads daunting, but it's probably better to let the trolls out themselves and be rid of them rather than let other newbies get involved with the trolls in a flame war which takes down the whole group. Anyone who wants to post on a forum regularly needs to have a bit of a thick skin, anyway!


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I suppose we could let it degenerate into a slag fest like "other" thailand related forums or we could be a little strict & keep this as an informative place for visa issues with other personal sections, personally I would prefer it to stay this way with well controlled moderation instead of letting it become a childish free for all for every whinger & moaner on the net. :o

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Warning me.... about what?

Hey buddy..... this is my experience including the feed back and comments I receive many times.

I wish I could true fully say it differently but it isn’t the case!

Hey I am going to warn you now!

One day absolutely I will be known as the first TV member to raise truthfully the environmental conciseness of this web site, possibly the country and planet which is heading smack into an extremely dire environmental catastrophe.

The "real leader" (cant use his name here or it wont be posted!) of Thailand has been doing this on his own now for many years and its time we joined in on his urgent calling! He is practicing and promoting permaculture for as long as I have know about him anyway.

I will continue to work to save Thailand and the environmental aspects of this reality and you can just drink another Chang (full of all kinds of additions that will

rot your body) and get a little bit more out of touch with reality.

YES I hope the change in the moderator’s conciseness will lead the way here because they now finally respect the environment and support environmental causes and concerns; this would do wonders to lead the way for great change within the TV community as well.

It’s not just about stopping smoking folks…. come on.....the whole system is sick and polluting.

Not only our own bodies but the whole planet as well.

Yes Ok start in your own bodies but let’s not stop there!

There is a lot of work to do for the next 7 generations to enjoy and save this wonderful Earth, before its too late!

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I have been a member of TV for a while now coming up for two years I think.. I have never felt the urge to really post on here due to the clique-ness of the site. I read it on a daily basis but just don’t have the urge to risk posting and being jumped on by some of the long term members.

So why is there such an urge to berate and bully new members and give sarcastic advise to them? Time and time again is see people threatening to tell somebody else about something that has been said get them ‘banned’ or ‘officially warned’.

Just curious to know why this forum is so much more inaccessible to new people.

well said.....the main problem being is the people who seem to post one-liners then sit back all smug looking at how many posts they have and thinking they are the mutt's nutt's', people forget that they too were wanting answers at some point......keep plugging...

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No discussion of moderation issues allowed, as per forum rules. It's not the UN you know, this isn't a democracy, it's a web forum with rules & regulations, if you don't like the moderation stlye then please feel free not to post.

Simple innit?

The fun police :o

I'm sure many have taken you up on your offer.

No discussion of moderation issues allowed, as per forum rules.

*searches for Hitler emoticon*

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I remind you all of the following point as stated in the "forum rules"

5) Discussion of moderation issues, actions or moderation policies concerning individual cases are not allowed in the forums. Such comments should be directed to a moderator or administrator, and not discussed on the forum.

sorry couldnt help it... what a great thread...

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well I haven´t been here long...

But I find this forum interesting and amusing...

I always try to respect people´s opinion and I always try to be respectful when arguing with other members...

However I don´t like when people start to insulting one another, when this kind of behaviour begins I just leave the topic...

Sometimes I quite disagree with people opinion...but I try not to sound unrespectful when posting my disagrement...If I have ever been unrespectful to anyone I am SORRY...

Of course there are cliques...but I don´t think that is a bad thing...

You get on better with other members and you usually post on the same kind of topics...but I think everybody is welcome to the gangs...

Anyway I like this forum and I think there a lot of members who are great people...

Also I want to add that I am a fan of not-so-serious- topics...I just find them amusing. Sometimes I don´t feel like discussing something serious so I just post silly...Sometimes I have great fun and I laugh a lot that´s why I like them...

Some members are just so funny... :D

I hope after all the replies you are getting you change your mind and start to post more frequently...

Glauka :D


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I know I shouldn't, but I'm bored, so I'll hit the 'add reply' button. :D

Anyone coming out with 'white trash' comments deserves to be beaten up, let alone banned. The validity or not of the rest of your views and opinions is irrelevant. Civilised behaviour is expected in any community, else it degenerates into a crap hole.

Problem I see on TV is more a case of some mods that have let power go to their heads. Hard to keep an even and fair balance when you can post your views and just switch off the opposition.... This sometimes puts a bit of a straightjacket on the forum. Of course rules have to be followed to keep the ship floating, but arrogance can easily get the better of one when everyone has to jump at your growling.

The cliques will always exist. It's natural. TV seems to actually be less so these days than a while back.

Oops... I didn't preview the post :o

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The "real leader" (cant use his name here or it wont be posted!) of Thailand has been doing this on his own now for many years and its time we joined in on his urgent calling! He is practicing and promoting permaculture for as long as I have know about him anyway.

I will continue to work to save Thailand and the environmental aspects of this reality and you can just drink another Chang (full of all kinds of additions that will

rot your body) and get a little bit more out of touch with reality.

L-<deleted>-OL :D:D

This secret 'real leader' - I think we kinda know who yer talking about. :D

It's Friday today! I'll suggest you take a coupla of those so-called poison Changs and chill out. Maybe they'll open up your mind a little, and put in place some real, actual compassion in your posts.

As an old Chinese saying goes: all talk and no action means no action!

Beer o-clock in 1 hour! yeeeehaaa!


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While we on about the forum as a whole

Can someone explain the cut-off point for thailand and non-thailand related topics.

As there seems to be a sub-forum for just about everything.. general and HKK, presumably there is no cut-off...

however i have seen topics closed after being non-thai related... often with the question "what does this have to do with thailand?"

a few spring to mind - but one in particular was a new topic posted by scampy.. not knocking the scamp - you either love him or hate him, personally i like the guy, anyway whilst he was back in UK he posted a question in the Cooking sub-forum asking for suggestions as to how best cook some salmon fillets he'd just bought...

well - its a cooking question and its in the cooking forum - but it aint thai related in my mind... but the topic remained open, so as i said - considering the number of sub-forums available when does it become a non-thai-related topic?

I suspect that if the OP is a TV regular, mods will be more lenient, is this true?

anyone? mods?

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Warning me.... about what?

Hey buddy..... this is my experience including the feed back and comments I receive many times.

I wish I could true fully say it differently but it isn’t the case!

What kind of feedback and comments do you expect, after calling members here "white trash"? :D

I also find 'newbies' frequently get jumped on, specially when they are asking an innocent question which has been dealt with before.

Btw, I also find it rather off-putting, that moderation issues can not be discussed. The topic could quickly and easily degenerate - yes. On the other hand, there is genuine curiousity about what and why happened, specially when posters go 'missing' and one wonders what went wrong... :o

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