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Can PM Yingluck Win Over A Foreign Audience?


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Let's be frank, she even has trouble reading prepared speeches in her own language without starting to stutter and losing the thread.

Listening to her speak is about a entertaining and as informative as watching paint dry.

Not long ago, I saw a appearance, talking-interview of the Thai PM on TV, (International Women Day?) or it was in Davos?

Anyway, she was asked about the hardship of Thai women who are forced to go working as Prostitutes as good paid jobs are not available without proper education.

The respond was in stuttering English without a statement and even that repeating!

The small group of women in the studio, looked confused and applauded shy. The two posters above, hit the nail exactly.

Edited by ALFREDO
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I am sometimes wondering how she managed to get a degree from a U.S. university. I mean, with her even now English-language non-proficiency, how was she able to follow lectures, read - let alone comprehend - teaching materials or sit through and successfully complete exams? Let's be frank, she even has trouble reading prepared speeches in her own language without starting to stutter and losing the thread.

While it would be helpful to her and Thailand if she spoke English, I'm not going to knock her for it. Many world leaders do not and have found ways to communicate effectively. Unfortunately she has not and I expect that is by design. Where I do criticize her is that she continues to lead people to believe she earned a Master's Degree from an American university and that just isn't possible given her lack of English language ability. So that's got to be a lie, which any other world leader would have had to resign over. Imagine you getting a Masters Degree at Thammasat with a Thai language ability comparable to her English language abilities. A'int gonna happen.

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Give her a chance, she has been thrown to the wolves in the past 9 months, an almost impossible task. The amount of character asassination has been appaling and the pressure would crush anybody. Just give her a chance.

1. "... she has been thrown to the wolves ..."

No. She has been dangled in front of the wolves by her brother.

2. "... character assassination ..."

Similar fate to that of Sarah Palin, also totally unqualified for the task, who was put forward with zero consideration for the personal pressures she would have to endure. It was the work of evil.

3. " .. Just give her a chance."

To give her a chance:

a. Cut the strings with Thaksin. (Impossible unless he falls off a balcony.)

b. Taking leave from politics, send her to the UK for a better education. .. giving her time, to study environmental sciences as well as politics

c. Do a post grad course at an Australian university

d. Do further studies in Thailand, with assignments involving hands-on experience in business management, water management, welfare and/or medical care, any or all of these.

(She may ultimately decide not to return to politics. On the other hand, she could return with a vengeance, enlightened, and maybe even join the The Democrats.)

4. In the meantime give Thailand a chance

... and silence Thaksin and his cronies, including all corrupt department chiefs, such as Damrong Pidek and his crew of poachers.

(This is so much dirty business going on, stuff that Yingluk simply remains silent on.)

Or doesn't know about.

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She suffers from having no previous political experience unfortunately, part of which would have equipped her for public speaking and debate with her piers in other governments, possibly even in English or Japanese. It's a bit like having Rambo for US President based purely on his "acting" skills, come to think of it Ronnie did a reasonable job and Bush had not even been an actor. As for her looks I think they are overstated.

Edited by davehowden
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Yingluck should not speak in front of international audiences. I love that this article addresses the obvious problem of the "face-saving"/reinforcement issue. Thais bring a whole new meaning to the term "lackey", but that's more of an aside. Yingluck's administration demonstrated clearly that she is NOT in control when the floods happened. There were so many mouths spewing incomprehensible nonsense that government incompetence became as much a concern for the public as actual flooding. But there have been other instances as well, such as when Yingluck tried to tell the public that she wasn't aware of her own Foreign Ministry's plans to provide her brother with a passport (even if that's a bold-faced lie, it just shows how stupid they think the public is/how stupid they think they can be and get away with it). The fact is that successive Thai governments don't stand up to international scrutiny at all. This isn't just Yingluck; it's the entire system and it's been this way for a decade, at least. Thailand has essentially disconnected from global economic and political progress and integration. Thais are scrambling to prepare for the 2015 ASEAN integration because the citizens of other ASEAN nations have shown themselves to be much more aggressive and willing to learn. Bold, adventurous, confident, well-educated ASEAN investors will likely trounce their Thai equivalents in the global race towards prosperity. Thai academics and officials already know this and there have been numerous articles touching on the issue. Ultimately, Thai cultural pride (they were not colonized, something they really, really want everyone to know) and complacency have left the country with a government that reflects it's populace: oblivious and unskilled. Most Thais, it's been demonstrated, cannot find their own country on a map.

The Thai government is chock-full of proxies, puppets and known criminals. The international community knows this. Take a look at Yingluck's meetings with foreign officials in Davos: she met with no one of importance. It's very easy to see why. No serious government official, with little time and huge challenges before him or her, would sit down with someone who so clearly doesn't have her cards in order. There is every reason to believe that her brother would have to rubber stamp anything she happened to agree upon. She is so clearly incapable of leading a country and government (and that's not completely her fault; Thai political culture isn't merely a topic for study, it's a disaster) that it wouldn't truly make sense to spend any time discussing anything with her. When I stand her up next to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Indonesian PM; great interview with Charlie Rose), Barack Obama, Wen Jintao, Angela Merkel, or even Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, I can immediately make sense of the fact that Yingluck attracts little attention from foreign diplomats at major international political gatherings. She isn't a PM/President like any of them are (they all are leaders and are truly looking out for the long-term health of their respective countries). She can barely manage things in her own language, let alone in English.


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"Can the PM win over a foreign audience?" #1^

No problem, in spite of the opposition's hopes otherwise.

She is where she is legitimately as a democratically elected PM.

Her ability to calm the political waters in Thailand after her election, keeping her electoral base in tack and the Opposition nuetralized, is significant political achievement.

As for the charge she is a proxy for someone else, this doersn't fly either. All circumstances were fully declared and understood by the voters.

As a result she has no difficulties with Foreign audiences. I have seen many instances where significant international figures were only too happy to be photo-opped with the well respected and photogenic Thai Prime Minister.

"Doubts expressed over Yingluck's ability to 'think on her feet'

Only by those who would be advantaged, if such a perception found traction.

Her politiocal support has no such concerns, in fact they don't even think about it.

This is pure Opposition agenda.

"Top bureaucrats are going through some nail-biting moments as Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra contemplates an invitation to attend an upcoming summit, the UN Conference on Trade and Development"

Says who?

The bureaucracy better be in line, recognizing their place vis-a-vis the political leadership.

Why not mention a name?....Who is biting his/her nails?

"Some bureaucrats fluent in English went as far as describing the performance as a "disaster".


Should this be true, this is more an indication of the PTP not cleaning house well enough after their electoral victory.

I have often heard accusations of the PTP electoral victory being followed by the installation of their "cronies'.

Should the above be true, obviously they didn't do enough, leaving some of Mr. Abhisit's cronies in place.

"Some think the invitation from Supachai was a trap so Yingluck can give the same mediocre performance as in Davos"

I have seen this frequently mentioned by the Oppositiuon media. This opinion stated as fact.

A little bit like saying the flood disaster management was not up to par. Another statement projected as fact, with no supporting data.

When compared to other Nations handling similar disasters of similar magnitude, Thailand's handling of it may be deemed exemplary.

When opposition accusations are expressed as fact, raises many red flags.

The same messages again....

-She is democratically elected so whatever she does is good.

-It's the opposition's fault

-It's the court's fault

-It's the military's fault

-It's .......fault

You talk like a red shirt leader.

He is a trolling red shirt leader so don't waste your time ...

Amsterdam under-cover?coffee1.gif

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"Can the PM win over a foreign audience?" #1^

No problem, in spite of the opposition's hopes otherwise.

She is where she is legitimately as a democratically elected PM.

Her ability to calm the political waters in Thailand after her election, keeping her electoral base in tack and the Opposition nuetralized, is significant political achievement.

As for the charge she is a proxy for someone else, this doersn't fly either. All circumstances were fully declared and understood by the voters.

As a result she has no difficulties with Foreign audiences. I have seen many instances where significant international figures were only too happy to be photo-opped with the well respected and photogenic Thai Prime Minister.

"Doubts expressed over Yingluck's ability to 'think on her feet'

Only by those who would be advantaged, if such a perception found traction.

Her politiocal support has no such concerns, in fact they don't even think about it.

This is pure Opposition agenda.

"Top bureaucrats are going through some nail-biting moments as Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra contemplates an invitation to attend an upcoming summit, the UN Conference on Trade and Development"

Says who?

The bureaucracy better be in line, recognizing their place vis-a-vis the political leadership.

Why not mention a name?....Who is biting his/her nails?

"Some bureaucrats fluent in English went as far as describing the performance as a "disaster".


Should this be true, this is more an indication of the PTP not cleaning house well enough after their electoral victory.

I have often heard accusations of the PTP electoral victory being followed by the installation of their "cronies'.

Should the above be true, obviously they didn't do enough, leaving some of Mr. Abhisit's cronies in place.

"Some think the invitation from Supachai was a trap so Yingluck can give the same mediocre performance as in Davos"

I have seen this frequently mentioned by the Oppositiuon media. This opinion stated as fact.

A little bit like saying the flood disaster management was not up to par. Another statement projected as fact, with no supporting data.

When compared to other Nations handling similar disasters of similar magnitude, Thailand's handling of it may be deemed exemplary.

When opposition accusations are expressed as fact, raises many red flags.

For a start I wonder if there is any chance that you can produce a post that is even more spread out than those you currently post on TV? It appears your first objective is to take up as much space as possible with the least amount of words.

Secondly your constant negative dross about everything that does not meet with your personal approval about PTP/Red Shirts. According to you they can do no wrong and every comment to the contrary is unfounded, wrong, inaccurate or lies. You are so biased that it makes one wonder what your levels of stress must be and your blood pressure is before you start to produce another rant?

Is there any possibility that you can actually agree with some of the comments that do not put your favoured people in a positive light when it is obvious to all and sundry? The recent presentation to the Japanese would be a good starting point.

I won't hold my breath.

PS You may have noticed that I have not double spaced my post!

100% agreed. If he continuing in that phase. TV. have to get bigger servers.

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Yingluck in Davos

Talks a lot, but what the hell she is talking about?

Having seen her talk, how the hell did she manage to get a master degree

"Education will go along with female???" Female as myself can say that" Male and female must be complement together" "That is will be in Thailand".

My Thai is not that good, but I am not PM. But I have got an MA and i know that getting an MA requires far better English that the English she spoke.

Agreed, and in addition it was horrible that she contradicted herself in the first few lines, despite having a pre-prepared Thai speech. She was glad to welcome herself from a land of equal rights and opportunitites for women, Thailand, and then went on to say about the hardships facing women in Thailand and the lack of equal women's rights. How can you present yourself, contradict yourself in your first utterances, and then go on to expect credit in the rest of what you say? Poor show, not only for her but for her script writers too!

God help her on a one to one again, if it happens. (I need to speak Thai to you, cos I have no idea what they wrote for me to say!)


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"Can the PM win over a foreign audience?" #1^

No problem, in spite of the opposition's hopes otherwise.

She is where she is legitimately as a democratically elected PM.

Her ability to calm the political waters in Thailand after her election, keeping her electoral base in tack and the Opposition nuetralized, is significant political achievement.

As for the charge she is a proxy for someone else, this doersn't fly either. All circumstances were fully declared and understood by the voters.

As a result she has no difficulties with Foreign audiences. I have seen many instances where significant international figures were only too happy to be photo-opped with the well respected and photogenic Thai Prime Minister.

"Doubts expressed over Yingluck's ability to 'think on her feet'

Only by those who would be advantaged, if such a perception found traction.

Her politiocal support has no such concerns, in fact they don't even think about it.

This is pure Opposition agenda.

"Top bureaucrats are going through some nail-biting moments as Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra contemplates an invitation to attend an upcoming summit, the UN Conference on Trade and Development"

Says who?

The bureaucracy better be in line, recognizing their place vis-a-vis the political leadership.

Why not mention a name?....Who is biting his/her nails?

"Some bureaucrats fluent in English went as far as describing the performance as a "disaster".


Should this be true, this is more an indication of the PTP not cleaning house well enough after their electoral victory.

I have often heard accusations of the PTP electoral victory being followed by the installation of their "cronies'.

Should the above be true, obviously they didn't do enough, leaving some of Mr. Abhisit's cronies in place.

"Some think the invitation from Supachai was a trap so Yingluck can give the same mediocre performance as in Davos"

I have seen this frequently mentioned by the Oppositiuon media. This opinion stated as fact.

A little bit like saying the flood disaster management was not up to par. Another statement projected as fact, with no supporting data.

When compared to other Nations handling similar disasters of similar magnitude, Thailand's handling of it may be deemed exemplary.

When opposition accusations are expressed as fact, raises many red flags.

The same messages again....

-She is democratically elected so whatever she does is good.

-It's the opposition's fault

-It's the court's fault

-It's the military's fault

-It's .......fault

You talk like a red shirt leader.

He is a trolling red shirt leader so don't waste your time ...

You are exactly right WS. He is nothing but a troll.

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Why pick on Yingluck? Apart from Abhisit, who had the significant advantage of an English education

Are you saying that an English education has a significant advantage over an American Masters degree education?

As an Englishman, absolutely!

Fair point, I should have specified that he learnt English as a primary language.

Hold on there. Most of the top rated universities in the world are ... AMERICAN.


Agree but Kentucky State University is not one of them. In a student survey the majority of students that attended there said if they had it to do over they would not attend KSU.

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And the whole time you are rubbishing her on TV, her and the government's popularity ratings are rising. You lot along with the yellow shirts think you know it all, but the one thing you certainly don't know is the sentiment of the Thai people. Oh, that's right I forgot, they are ignorant, stupid, paid-off, not worthy of a vote, thugs......

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And the whole time you are rubbishing her on TV, her and the government's popularity ratings are rising. You lot along with the yellow shirts think you know it all, but the one thing you certainly don't know is the sentiment of the Thai people. Oh, that's right I forgot, they are ignorant, stupid, paid-off, not worthy of a vote, thugs......

Believe me buster, most people who don't think she comes off as smart at international events aren't anything close to yellow shirts. It's convenient to demonize her critics that way though.
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Doubts expressed over Yingluck's ability to 'think on her feet'

Her ability to think while seated are just as un-reassuring...


this is horribly embarrassing for the country .... i would even say painfull to watch !

I had never watched that video.

What a complete disaster. It's not just her English skills, but her ability to think and articulate is at the same level as a 12 year old and certainly far below the level required as a credible leader of a country.

The other speakers were looking at her, nodding and wondering she is trying to say.

Extremely painful to watch.

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Where I do criticize her is that she continues to lead people to believe she earned a Master's Degree from an American university and that just isn't possible given her lack of English language ability. So that's got to be a lie, which any other world leader would have had to resign over.

So what was her degree at KSU if it wasn't a Master's Degree? Are you suggesting it was a different degree or that perhaps she didn't graduate at all? If you say she is being dishonest about this matter, you had better have some pretty good evidence.

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Where I do criticize her is that she continues to lead people to believe she earned a Master's Degree from an American university and that just isn't possible given her lack of English language ability. So that's got to be a lie, which any other world leader would have had to resign over.

So what was her degree at KSU if it wasn't a Master's Degree? Are you suggesting it was a different degree or that perhaps she didn't graduate at all? If you say she is being dishonest about this matter, you had better have some pretty good evidence.

Maybe with an MA at KSU everything is multiple choice?

Edited by bigbamboo
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Where I do criticize her is that she continues to lead people to believe she earned a Master's Degree from an American university and that just isn't possible given her lack of English language ability. So that's got to be a lie, which any other world leader would have had to resign over.

Perhaps one day, the actual thesis will be posted online... like her brother's was and which clearly reflects a level of English he has never demonstrated in real life and indicative of someone else writing it

Thaksin's "alleged" doctoral thesis:



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Where I do criticize her is that she continues to lead people to believe she earned a Master's Degree from an American university and that just isn't possible given her lack of English language ability. So that's got to be a lie, which any other world leader would have had to resign over.

Perhaps one day, the actual thesis will be posted online... like her brother's was and which clearly reflects a level of English he has never demonstrated in real life and indicative of someone else writing it

Thaksin's "alleged" doctoral thesis:



Most Thais sadly treat degrees as an accessory.

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For TV management: once more, a fruitless debate that you have probably intentionally triggered, with the same usual pros and cons Government posters, same names since years, repeating the same hateful arguments. hate obscuring their judgment.

As a lot of good will participants to this forum, we are tired by this endless destructive discussion, however I notice that more and more people are criticising the Thai system which results in this bi polarisation. This debate is only a symptom of a Thai society deeper disease and should be taken as such. The real debate is at the roots: why such a bi-polarisation? How to get out of this mess? How to build a bright future for our Thai children? How to overpass those divisions?

It is time to listen to others, to those who try to bring new solutions.

Please take note some of us are sick of the everyday TV incentive to re-ignite this endless divisive debate.

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For TV management: once more, a fruitless debate that you have probably intentionally triggered, with the same usual pros and cons Government posters, same names since years, repeating the same hateful arguments. hate obscuring their judgment.

As a lot of good will participants to this forum, we are tired by this endless destructive discussion, however I notice that more and more people are criticising the Thai system which results in this bi polarisation. This debate is only a symptom of a Thai society deeper disease and should be taken as such. The real debate is at the roots: why such a bi-polarisation? How to get out of this mess? How to build a bright future for our Thai children? How to overpass those divisions?

It is time to listen to others, to those who try to bring new solutions.

Please take note some of us are sick of the everyday TV incentive to re-ignite this endless divisive debate.

I guess TV participants are simply commenting on what goes on around them in LOS. Most are here because they love and care about the country. Of course if the country is to be reconciled then maybe political shirts of all colours being banned would be a good start.

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Where I do criticize her is that she continues to lead people to believe she earned a Master's Degree from an American university and that just isn't possible given her lack of English language ability. So that's got to be a lie, which any other world leader would have had to resign over.

So what was her degree at KSU if it wasn't a Master's Degree? Are you suggesting it was a different degree or that perhaps she didn't graduate at all? If you say she is being dishonest about this matter, you had better have some pretty good evidence.

Maybe with an MA at KSU everything is multiple choice?

If it was multiple-choice she would have failed, as she currently fails her weekly (brother's) multiple-choice of governmental positions! ohmy.png


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In a healthy parliamentary system, wouldn't it be about time for a successful NO CONFIDENCE vote against the embarrassing PM?coffee1.gif

It would be very unlikely that such a vote would succeed, given the government's healthy majority
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Ludicrous to even mention the wild idea that she'll win over foreigners...except a few of the nuts who have a hobby trolling in here (you know who you are). To convince foreigners they would have to be the ones who dropped out by primary year 1 or two. However, they wouldn't know nor care about her.

Thanks for the comic relief in the videos! She butchers the english language with appauling skill. At least she's good at baby talk and playing dress-up.

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Where I do criticize her is that she continues to lead people to believe she earned a Master's Degree from an American university and that just isn't possible given her lack of English language ability. So that's got to be a lie, which any other world leader would have had to resign over.

Perhaps one day, the actual thesis will be posted online... like her brother's was and which clearly reflects a level of English he has never demonstrated in real life and indicative of someone else writing it

Thaksin's "alleged" doctoral thesis:



Are you suggesting that this is not his own work based on your assessment of his written English skills as opposed to your opinion of his oral skill? What else have you seen written in English by him?

Many of the posters on here are very critical of the standard of the universities that the Shinawatras attended but very few, apart from Jayboy, have disclosed which lofty seats of learning they graced with their presence; perhaps you could be next to tell us and encourage your confreres to do the same. Mine was the University of Edinburgh - and yours?

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Where I do criticize her is that she continues to lead people to believe she earned a Master's Degree from an American university and that just isn't possible given her lack of English language ability. So that's got to be a lie, which any other world leader would have had to resign over.

So what was her degree at KSU if it wasn't a Master's Degree? Are you suggesting it was a different degree or that perhaps she didn't graduate at all? If you say she is being dishonest about this matter, you had better have some pretty good evidence.

She got a BA in Political Science at Chiang Mai Uni in 1988 and the MA in Public Administration from KSU in 1991.

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