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Old Guys With Dyed Hair And Ponytails!


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Nature isn't kind to most us I am afraid and I am quickly running out hair options myself. I expect I will be stuck with shave job too, despite the fact that I really hate that look. Who wouldn't prefer to have a full head of lovely hair?

But hey at least we blokes don't have to go to through the contortions ladies need to do to keep up with the harsh judgements from their own gendermates.

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Nature isn't kind to most us I am afraid and I am quickly running out hair options myself. I expect I will be stuck with shave job too, despite the fact that I really hate that look. Who wouldn't prefer to have a full head of lovely hair?

But hey at least we blokes don't have to go to through the contortions ladies need to do to keep up with the harsh judgements from their own gendermates.

In the tropics there is nothing better than a number 1 or 2 buzzcut. No hair washing, drying, combing and it is cool.

Hairstyles are for women or girlymen.

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I had friends tell me I should dye my hair because I greyed early. I did for a while.

I don't anymore cause I'm older now. It feels much better to not dye the hair and walk around worried if people will comment on it. haha.

Seriously, its difficult to keep in front of the advancing skunk look .

I'm happily peppered naturally now.

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What men is the OP talking about ?

Myself bald on top and the white at sides and rear cut very short No1 on clippers, for past 12 years or so....

Now Thai men, many I see the 60 + most have grey white or a blue/black rinse... Many Thai men in there 40s would normally have many grey/white hairs, but a lot dye there hair black + often is longer some with pony tails and buns, but it would appear Thai men even in there 90's still have a head full of hair.

I have seen very few older European men with long hair, couple of Villages up from me there is one in his early 50 has to watch out sitting down not to sit on his hair or is very long goatee, his Thai wife also has very long hair, both spend a silly amount every month on grooming..... His only transport is a big bike, never wears a helmet and look silly with the 2 different lots of hair flowing so far behind him

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And all you guys that dye your hair, it sticks out like a sore thumb giggle.gif and is a bit girlie.

I met a bloke at a friends, in his 70's, had hair and a ''trendy'' beard the colour of a pumpkin. He thought the ladies thought he looked like a film star, well, he did, one of those caricatures flying around in a Harry Potter film. Don't do it.

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what is it with you guys with very little hair on top who wear silly pony tails, to my mind pony tails all look stupid anyway and should be cut off by law!


Under every ponytail is an asshol_e.

And you would know Dave, eh. cowboy.gif

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what is it with you guys with very little hair on top who wear silly pony tails, to my mind pony tails all look stupid anyway and should be cut off by law!


Under every ponytail is an asshol_e.

And you would know Dave, eh. cowboy.gif

Most who have an IQ in at least double digits would, yes.

Was it news for you?

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what is it with you guys with very little hair on top who wear silly pony tails, to my mind pony tails all look stupid anyway and should be cut off by law!


Under every ponytail is an asshol_e.

And you would know Dave, eh. cowboy.gif

Most who have an IQ in at least double digits would, yes.

Was it news for you?

My IQ tells me that whether a pony tail or not, there is an asshol_e underneath it. You see, we all have one. cowboy.gif

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bring back the mullett, the aussie working class defining hair cut, ponytails are for public servants and university lecturers, the comb over middle age mans vain attempt at vanity.

In other words....bring back the 80s.


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Dyed hair is bad enough but the one that gets me is the Bobby Charlton comb over, you know the 15 to 20 single hairs combed from the top of the left ear all neatly spread out across the shiny pate. Believe me guys shaved head looks a lot better.

There is nothing funnier than seeing a farang guy in a tuktuk or on a motorbike with their comb over going crazy in the wind! laugh.png

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My IQ tells me that whether a pony tail or not, there is an asshol_e underneath it. You see, we all have one. cowboy.gif

Get tested, stat.

It seems to be dangerously low.

WHY, you don't realize yet that you have one. Hmmmmm, bet smelly living room eh. ohmy.png

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She's a square with taste Tutsi, and she loves Uncle Tutsi so much that she always wants him to look his handsome best....

So she is a little cutie pie square....I bet your glad she cares about you :-)

Probably worried that some hairy dress wearing bletherer would mistake him for a ladyboy and lure him away with fistfulls of 20 baht notes.....

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She's a square with taste Tutsi, and she loves Uncle Tutsi so much that she always wants him to look his handsome best....

So she is a little cutie pie square....I bet your glad she cares about you :-)

Probably worried that some hairy dress wearing bletherer would mistake him for a ladyboy and lure him away with fistfulls of 20 baht notes.....

better look out...she's only 9 y.o. and a square but she's goddam rough and tumble...

here's tutsi trying to sneak to the airport to go back to work and the little girl: 'don't think that I don't know what yer doin' ye bastid...I'll kill ye, goddammit, ye lyin', dishonest POS...'

hell hath no fury...

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I grew some length recently (un-dyed) and tied it back and admired the result...then my little niece refused to speak to me and it was 'all over now...'


she's only 9 y.o. but she's really a square...

Thanks for digging up that golden oldie, tutsi. I remember when it first came out. ... and it's stood the test of time. He sure had the moves back then.

From your reports I can see you really like your little niece. They do kind of grab your heart, don't they.

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I grew some length recently (un-dyed) and tied it back and admired the result...then my little niece refused to speak to me and it was 'all over now...'


she's only 9 y.o. but she's really a square...

Thanks for digging up that golden oldie, tutsi. I remember when it first came out. ... and it's stood the test of time. He sure had the moves back then.

From your reports I can see you really like your little niece. They do kind of grab your heart, don't they.

I can't help it, Ian...she's the most beautiful little girl in the world... but she's gonna break my heart and run off just like her big sister...I just know it...

I keep telling her that I got diabetes and high blood pressure and that there's only so much heartbreak that one can take and that she has to remain 9 y.o. for the rest of her life but I don't think that she understands...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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I can't help it, Ian...she's the most beautiful little girl in the world... but she's gonna break my heart and run off just like her big sister...I just know it...

I keep telling her that I got diabetes and high blood pressure and that there's only so much heartbreak that one can take and that she has to remain 9 y.o. for the rest of her life but I don't think that she understands...

I've been looking after a Thai family in Kanchanaburi for the past 10 years, but If I had to spend any more than a couple of days with the mother it would drive me crazy. However, I fell in love with the woman's two youngest kids when they were still in diapers. The little girl, Fong, is now a string bean who is almost a teenager and is going to be a knockout some day. She doesn't know it, but she has a firm grip on my heart, and it's fun to spoil her when I come for a visit. I just don't want to see her get pregnant at 13 like her older sister did. I'm thinking of bringing my Phantom motorbike down on the train next winter and giving it to Fong's older brother. Gong just turned 14 and will be riding soon, and it wouldn't hurt if he learned something about mechanics and maintaining a bike..

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I can't help it, Ian...she's the most beautiful little girl in the world... but she's gonna break my heart and run off just like her big sister...I just know it...

I keep telling her that I got diabetes and high blood pressure and that there's only so much heartbreak that one can take and that she has to remain 9 y.o. for the rest of her life but I don't think that she understands...

I've been looking after a Thai family in Kanchanaburi for the past 10 years, but If I had to spend any more than a couple of days with the mother it would drive me crazy. However, I fell in love with the woman's two youngest kids when they were still in diapers. The little girl, Fong, is now a string bean who is almost a teenager and is going to be a knockout some day. She doesn't know it, but she has a firm grip on my heart, and it's fun to spoil her when I come for a visit. I just don't want to see her get pregnant at 13 like her older sister did. I'm thinking of bringing my Phantom motorbike down on the train next winter and giving it to Fong's older brother. Gong just turned 14 and will be riding soon, and it wouldn't hurt if he learned something about mechanics and maintaining a bike..

I can't help it, Ian...she's the most beautiful little girl in the world... but she's gonna break my heart and run off just like her big sister...I just know it...

I keep telling her that I got diabetes and high blood pressure and that there's only so much heartbreak that one can take and that she has to remain 9 y.o. for the rest of her life but I don't think that she understands...

I've been looking after a Thai family in Kanchanaburi for the past 10 years, but If I had to spend any more than a couple of days with the mother it would drive me crazy. However, I fell in love with the woman's two youngest kids when they were still in diapers. The little girl, Fong, is now a string bean who is almost a teenager and is going to be a knockout some day. She doesn't know it, but she has a firm grip on my heart, and it's fun to spoil her when I come for a visit. I just don't want to see her get pregnant at 13 like her older sister did. I'm thinking of bringing my Phantom motorbike down on the train next winter and giving it to Fong's older brother. Gong just turned 14 and will be riding soon, and it wouldn't hurt if he learned something about mechanics and maintaining a bike..

pregnant at 13? well, the stepdaughter got pregnant when she was 14 but she turned out OK as she's a natural with the little grandson...she has her own story as for the first 2 years she referred to me as 'the falang' as she felt that she had to compete with me for her mother's attention...then one day she waited for me downstairs when I got out of bed and descended the stairs and her little face said it all...'I love you, tutsi...'...her mother is now largely absent from the house and me and her run the place...she's 18 now an knows her business including looking after the kids...she grew up really quickly...

and she now likes french fries with ketchup...she was always the thai food nazi (she's a really good cook and I remember watching her in the kitchen when she was10; she prepares a dynamite larb muu) and refuses to admit capitulation to falang cuisine but I don't say nothin'...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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Your story reminds me of myself, Tutsi, and how we have grown to love another side of Thailand. And, as the personal stories come out we tend to realize who we might be good friends with. I think you and I would get along quite well. I see so many guys trying to hide their tender side, but in reality a lot of us are just big softies.

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