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Old Guys With Dyed Hair And Ponytails!


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What is it with old guys in Pattaya with really bad dyed hair! you can always tell it’s dyed because it’s usually jet black and looks ridiculous. Are they just trying to impress there 20 year old Thai girlfriends. Here’s a tip don’t bother it looks very silly. And while we are on the subject of hair what is it with you guys with very little hair on top who wear silly pony tails, to my mind pony tails all look stupid anyway and should be cut off by law! I have a real urge to snip them all off these guys when there not looking!....................and don’t even get me started on toupees why do men wear them, Bless em!!! In case you’re wondering I am quite bald on top so took the decision some years ago to keep my hair shaved short. There ends my rant for todaybiggrin.png

Edited by daveb1
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I have to admit that I always feel sorry for these guys.

I guess they fee proud of their 'Hippy' appearance though.the trouble being that it does appear that washing themselves and their clothes does not come high in their prioities

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dam_n it. Looks like I missed the circular appointing "daveb1" as head of the fashion police.

FWIW, I thought you were beyond help so dident include you in the circular, will make sure i send it to you next time :)

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RE POST FROM TRANSAM ' Dave, l think your spending to much time eying up old blokes which makes feel a bit worried about you'

Come to think of it that must be why all these old geezers keep winking at meohmy.png

Edited by daveb1
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dam_n it. Looks like I missed the circular appointing "daveb1" as head of the fashion police.

FWIW, I thought you were beyond help so dident include you in the circular, will make sure i send it to you next time smile.png

Fair enough. Although I hope that my closely cropped grey hair meets with current approval.....

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I have nothing against ponytails, but, frankly, they look ridiculous at the bottom of a bald skull.

Dyed hair ? Bah ! Those cute Thai ladies with a fake blonde hair offend me more than some old guy who wants to look younger.

Btw, OP, if they look so bad , you should be grateful, they make you look more hansum !! :)

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If they do look ridiculous, then it can only make me look better in comparison.

Anyway, if they are happy with their look, good for them, maybe they've spent their whole working lives conforming to other people's ideas of how they should look and are enjoying a bit of rebelliousness in their later years.

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just curious..how old is old???

I mean if your 29 have a moronic tank top, overweight, a beer gut, pull string cargo shorts and a pony tail...that okay?

Can't wait for a "I hate speedos" thread and what about .."....German business men forming pyramids and frightening the children"

........boring afternoon ain't ..rain and power is off again!!!

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Dyed hair is bad enough but the one that gets me is the Bobby Charlton comb over, you know the 15 to 20 single hairs combed from the top of the left ear all neatly spread out across the shiny pate. Believe me guys shaved head looks a lot better.

A comb-over was the old name. It's now called a Bar-code.

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Ponytails are a bit crap, long hair is OK if you are a bad ass biker or a rock star, incidentaly the only people who can get away with wearing leather trousers. I always dreamed of being a rebel when i was in the military and growing my hair long when I left, however I would have been receeding at the front and decided discretion was the better part of valour and have been wet shaving my bald head every day for years, spending plenty of time in the gym and pool (not to mention a hot country) I am glad I have no hair.

As a side note I have probably saved about 30,000 Baht in the last 10 years on shampoo, much better spent on beer I think.

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Reminds me of the ole Jerry Lee Lewis song... 39 and holding.

He's out there somewhere every night the music's playing loud

Doing all the 50s steps to an 1980s crowd

The dim lights hde the mileage lines, the Clarole hides the grey

He won't mention anything that gives his old age away

He's 39 and holding, holding everything he can

From 17 to 25 to prove he's still the man

Oh he's holding to a candle and it's burning at both ends

He's 39 and holding, holding everything he can

You can bet he will never see 39 again

He should have given up a long time ago

But he just keeps hanging in.

He still thinks he's the man that he once used to be

he's just 39 and dreaming and he's acting 23

Oh he's 39 and holding, holding everything he can

From 17 to 25 he'll prove he's still the man

He's holding to a candle and it's burning at both ends

But he's 39 and holding, holding everything he can

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Ponytail on an old fart does look ridicilous, actually it look ridicilous on any man

True story,

in bangkok old (age I mean) friend of mine had fairly long ponytail he was so proud of. One day in the barber shop he said to the barder, practising his Thaiglish, "May Aow, cut." Meaning to say of course "I don't want it cut." The look on his face when it was handed to him was priceless.

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