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We read on a daily basis of passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks being thrown out and killed. When will this stupidly dangerous practice be stopped. Its ok to sit in the back like bags of rice, but don't get caught sitting in the front without your seat belt on.

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passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks

How does someone who doesn't have a car (or a bike etc) travel then?

It's acceptable in Thailand ... to the Thais.

Dangerous ... sure ... but acceptable.

Bus, Train. It should just not be acceptable, attitudes like yours is the reason for so many deaths like the two young kids i recently saw die on the Suratthani to Donsak road. The poor little buggers never had a chance, mum and dad were safely buckled up inside. Totally irresponsible.

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i often travel through some very low income government developments in innercity bkk and the reality is quite depressing when it comes to standards of living and safety

i see whole famalies of people living in glorified shacks with a 20 year old honda dream motorcycle if they are one of the lucky ones

every morning the dad rides to school with two young kids and the mom on the back maybe breast feeding another new baby (all 4/5 on the bike with no helmets or safety gear )

police just wave them past checkpoints because theyre obviously so dirt broke poor that they coudnt afford a fine or a bribe anyway so its just cruelty to give them it

i look out my window some times and see builders cutting steel with a grinder or welding with no proetction for the eyes or walking around a building site scafflding in flip flops 10 stories up etc

drilling concrete without a dustmask,little things you take for granted as common sense ,just dont exist here ........very sad

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passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks

How does someone who doesn't have a car (or a bike etc) travel then?

It's acceptable in Thailand ... to the Thais.

Dangerous ... sure ... but acceptable.

Bus, Train. It should just not be acceptable, attitudes like yours is the reason for so many deaths like the two young kids i recently saw die on the Suratthani to Donsak road. The poor little buggers never had a chance, mum and dad were safely buckled up inside. Totally irresponsible.

Didn't say it was my attitude ... it's the Thai attitude ... and they seem to be fine with it.

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passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks

How does someone who doesn't have a car (or a bike etc) travel then?

It's acceptable in Thailand ... to the Thais.

Dangerous ... sure ... but acceptable.

Bus, Train. It should just not be acceptable, attitudes like yours is the reason for so many deaths like the two young kids i recently saw die on the Suratthani to Donsak road. The poor little buggers never had a chance, mum and dad were safely buckled up inside. Totally irresponsible.

Didn't say it was my attitude ... it's the Thai attitude ... and they seem to be fine with it.

Which is why 17 died near Nang Rong over the festive period.

The driver was p!ssed, which didn't help - going to a wedding I believe.

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Didn't say it was my attitude ... it's the Thai attitude ... and they seem to be fine with it.

Which is why 17 died near Nang Rong over the festive period.

The driver was p!ssed, which didn't help - going to a wedding I believe.

Agreed ... Alcohol and driving are never a good mix.

Couldn't put all the quotes in as it had reached the maximum.


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"We read on a daily basis of passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks being thrown out and killed......"

"How does someone who doesn't have a car (or a bike etc) travel then?"

"Bus, Train."

I don't read of such deaths very often, certainly not on a daily basis.

I actually read about deaths in a bus crash or mini van more often.

The train service is usually not an option unless they are going to bangkok or somewhere on the route to Bangkok.

Bus will maybe leave them many miles from their ultimate destination.

For many, it may be their only way to get to work, so if they don't travel in the back of a pick-up, they don't work.

I'll agree that it is far from ideal, but for many it is the only option.

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passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks

How does someone who doesn't have a car (or a bike etc) travel then?

It's acceptable in Thailand ... to the Thais.

Dangerous ... sure ... but acceptable.

Do you find it acceptable to see three young kids sat on ON THE TAILGATE on the back of a pick up speeding down the road ?, if the driver has to "slam on the brakes" the end result is inevitable !, the way to travel on a pickup is to sit with your backs to the cab if the driver has to do an emergency stop the worst they will suffer is a few bruises as they cannot move forward as the cab stops them so no need for a seat belt! ,not flying through the air like Superman just before they connect with the road!!. Edited by Colin Yai
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passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks

How does someone who doesn't have a car (or a bike etc) travel then?

It's acceptable in Thailand ... to the Thais.

Dangerous ... sure ... but acceptable.

Do you find it acceptable to see three young kids sat on ON THE TAILGATE on the back of a pick up speeding down the road ?, if the driver has to "slam on the brakes" the end result is inevitable !, the way to travel on a pickup to sit with your backs to the cab if the driver has to do an emergency stop the worst they will suffer is a few bruises ,not flying through the air like Superman just before they connect with the road!!.

Colin ... really mate ... please read what I wrote.

Acceptable to the Thais

You have cherry picked the quote to comment on.

Plus ...

Didn't say it was my attitude ... it's the Thai attitude ... and they seem to be fine with it.

Seen an Indian train recently ... only through necessity do they do what they do.

Edited by David48
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passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks

How does someone who doesn't have a car (or a bike etc) travel then?

It's acceptable in Thailand ... to the Thais.

Dangerous ... sure ... but acceptable.

Do you find it acceptable to see three young kids sat on ON THE TAILGATE on the back of a pick up speeding down the road ?, if the driver has to "slam on the brakes" the end result is inevitable !, the way to travel on a pickup is to sit with your backs to the cab if the driver has to do an emergency stop the worst they will suffer is a few bruises as they cannot move forward as the cab stops them so no need for a seat belt! ,not flying through the air like Superman just before they connect with the road!!.

ive seen people on the ROOF of pickups because there was no room elsewhere

ive seen it in south america and mexico too but on older style (slower) trucks

it probably happens in other places but the thai pick ups are very fast now (140+ ) and any accidnet is usualy horrific if thyere going fast

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In the UK, when I was baby I had a baby seat - I've no idea how it was fixed in as cars then did not have rear seat-belts.

Once I was too old for the baby seat I sat in the rear seat unrestrained until which time cars started to be built with rear seatbelts which my parents made us use. Some years later a rear seatbelt law came in.

As a society our parents were unaware of many the dangers, their attention had simply not been drawn to such.

Through a series of Television campaigns which we still see today, the general public have been and are educated on the merits of belting up.

Thailand is a little different when compared to the West, climatic, economic and social differences mean the main source of transport for many is the scooter or pickup - both of which have little option for a safety harness. It's difficult to avoid the need for a family to travel around. To ban these forms of transport would be to impose 'nanny state regulations' (which many of us hate) onto the majority of the population.

IMO: The flaw in the system is that no one is really aware of the risks and safety issues. It would be extremely easy for the government to place greater emphasis on road safety and safe driving with advertisements at key times (i.e between the soaps).

Educate people and let them make their own choice. Wearing seat belts in the front and in the rear should be enforced. I'm not sure of the need for whole families to be on motorcycles, especially with babies, the bus here could be a better option, perhaps limit the roads they can travel on with more than 2 people etc...

I believe that blanket bans will not work, but at least by educating the people they will be permitted the option of making their own informed choice.

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passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks

How does someone who doesn't have a car (or a bike etc) travel then?

It's acceptable in Thailand ... to the Thais.

Dangerous ... sure ... but acceptable.

Bus, Train. It should just not be acceptable, attitudes like yours is the reason for so many deaths like the two young kids i recently saw die on the Suratthani to Donsak road. The poor little buggers never had a chance, mum and dad were safely buckled up inside. Totally irresponsible.

Didn't say it was my attitude ... it's the Thai attitude ... and they seem to be fine with it.

Well you appear not to have any objection. In fact your reply said "Acceptable"

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passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks

How does someone who doesn't have a car (or a bike etc) travel then?

It's acceptable in Thailand ... to the Thais.

Dangerous ... sure ... but acceptable.

Do you find it acceptable to see three young kids sat on ON THE TAILGATE on the back of a pick up speeding down the road ?, if the driver has to "slam on the brakes" the end result is inevitable !, the way to travel on a pickup is to sit with your backs to the cab if the driver has to do an emergency stop the worst they will suffer is a few bruises as they cannot move forward as the cab stops them so no need for a seat belt! ,not flying through the air like Superman just before they connect with the road!!.

ive seen people on the ROOF of pickups because there was no room elsewhere

ive seen it in south america and mexico too but on older style (slower) trucks

it probably happens in other places but the thai pick ups are very fast now (140+ ) and any accidnet is usualy horrific if thyere going fast

Well i can guarantee you won't see it any where in Australia. If there is no room in the ute then sorry you miss out. That is the law and my point is, If it is not the law in Thailand, why not.

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I fully agree that sitting on the back of a truck is not a good practice from a traffic security point of view

and would be totally unacceptable in the west (Europe, America) where people can afford decent cars.

But you are not in the rich west here.

Thai people in the country side can't afford million baht cars, that's why pickups are economicly supported

by the government and so commonly used. In families with maybe 20 persons on one car.

Yes, there are a lot to do in the Thai traffic. Thailand have a by the Thai people elected government that

handles questions about traffic security among many other things. It is big picture with hard prioritizing.

Who are you coming here from another culture telling Thais how to run their country? You can hardly see

the full picture and understand what implications your suggested rule will result in. As a immigrant in a

country I think you have to accept a lot of things that doesn't feel right for you. And trust that the native

handle the running of the country.

And there are a mentality in the west to create laws to protect people from themselves. What about responsibility?

Edited by mackes
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Only 30 to 40 years ago it was common place for persons in the Western World to ride in the back of Pick-Up etc.

And only in the last 10 years or so for most Western areas to require Helmets when riding motorbikes/cycles.

Times will change and the Thai safety rules will change with time, just as they did in the West.

Wonder how any of us over 40 ever survived the lifestyles back then ? ..........................

But agreed that it is wise to practive good safety habits when traveling in or on any vehicle.

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Why concern your self with what other people consider acceptable risk?

If it seems unsafe to you than your don't have to do it. This is a different place where people are allowed to judge for themselves how much risk they will take, and if they screw up they can't hit the state up for damages or make a big law suit. It is simply sum num na.

This society has not yet learned to be outraged at how their neighbors go about their business, but sure enough they will one day be submerged under regulations and taxed to death like everyone in the west.

Ever been turning left on a blind turn when some grinning maniac is turning right on YOUR side of the road???
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sitting at the back of a pick-up, what is the problem? Did it myself a couple of times.

Try sitting on the tailgate when the driver slams all on doing 120!!!

How about sitting not on the tailgate, but inside and having the back on the drivers cabin (is it called drivers cabin in English???)?

And how about the driver is not driving the max. allowed speed when he knows he has passengers on the back of his pickup?

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@ oldsailor35 (running out of quote makers)

passengers sitting unrestrained in the back of pick up trucks

How does someone who doesn't have a car (or a bike etc) travel then?

It's acceptable in Thailand ... to the Thais.

Dangerous ... sure ... but acceptable.

Bus, Train. It should just not be acceptable, attitudes like yours is the reason for so many deaths like the two young kids i recently saw die on the Suratthani to Donsak road. The poor little buggers never had a chance, mum and dad were safely buckled up inside. Totally irresponsible.

Didn't say it was my attitude ... it's the Thai attitude ... and they seem to be fine with it.

Well you appear not to have any objection. In fact your reply said "Acceptable"

quote ended

The sentence construction would not have made sense had I wrote ...

It's acceptable in Thailand ... to the Thais.

Dangerous ... sure ... but acceptable (to the Thais)

But there is the strong inference that it is what I was writing … that it was acceptable to the Thais. Don't know how more clearer I could be ... if you don't get, you simply don't get it.

oldsailor35 ... "Well you appear not to have any objection"

I'm neutral on the subject, for me it's not a black and white answer.

I don't judge the Thais on this, just understand that it a fact of life here.

oldsailor35 ... As for your quote "Well i can guarantee you won't see it any where in Australia".

You haven't been to a B and S Ball recently where the contestants are pulled behind the Ute by rope surfing a upside down car bonnet.

Australian government report ... http://www.parliamen...A256E980081B078

Car surfing has been a feature of hoon behaviour at B & S balls and such like in the country for some time

Two women have died after an apparent attempt to "surf" on the bonnet of a car in South Australia last night. Sat Oct 23 2010


The Thais do it because it's a necessarily ... Aussies do it because it's fun ... huh.png

Edited by David48
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I've often wondered where an otherwise law abiding ferang would stand if "the family" descended upon his household & he finds himself having to drive against his better judgement with more bodies than seatbelts.

I'm very uneasy with it.

Edited by evadgib
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Maybe not in your case evadgib (post above) but there certainly is if you are the only Thai in the (extended) family with a car.

When I was there last time, in a space cab pick-up ... five in the front and twelve of us in the back.

The gf's Father was the only one with transport and ironically, we were going to a Funeral.

It's just a practicality ... that's all.

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I think the discussion above about the usage of the word "acceptable" is going the wrong way...

I think the reason for this massive overload of cars, pick-up's, motorcycles etc. is necessity coming from the fact that you only have one car (monetary issue) but 10 people to transport... so what do you do now?

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