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Adobe Software In Cnx


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I want to reformat my computer because Windows 7 updates keep screwing it up, and its starting to get bloated, I suspect there's some spyware and other dirty viruses in it also.

I have a licensed legitimate version of Adobe CS5 on my laptop, but unfortunately the installation DVD's are back in the US - Dreamweaver CS5, Photoshop CS5, Flash are extremely crucial programs that i need right now, and this is the only reason why i havent reformatted the laptop yet.

2 years ago i tried a 'Chiang Mai Pantip' (wink wink) version, but it did not work. So may have to get the licensed CS5 suite unless others can verify that they have gotten a

"Chiang mai Pantip" version to work. If i have to get the licensed version, anyone know where to get it?

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Can't you de-activate the software you are running, clean up your computer, download a fresh CS5 from the Adobe website and then re-activate it? If you really can't find a way round this and want to buy one, PM me and I'll put you in touch with someone who may have a licensed, unused earlier version that you can then upgrade to CS5 and then courtesy of Adobe's current offer to CS6 for free.

You can't discuss "wink wink" software on this forum by the way - they'll close the thread quicker than Photoshop phones home.

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Can't you de-activate the software you are running, clean up your computer, download a fresh CS5 from the Adobe website and then re-activate it? If you really can't find a way round this and want to buy one, PM me and I'll put you in touch with someone who may have a licensed, unused earlier version that you can then upgrade to CS5 and then courtesy of Adobe's current offer to CS6 for free.

You can't discuss "wink wink" software on this forum by the way - they'll close the thread quicker than Photoshop phones home.

Good suggestion i'll see if its possible. Thank you for the offer too, it may boil down to it. My CS5 is currently installed on 3 computers, so not sure if it would really need to be deactivated. Im guessing i can download it from Adobe and take the serials from my licensed copy and that would be all it takes to get it working?

if someone has info about CNX pantip version... its recommended that you send me a PM ...wink


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I would first give it a shot cleaning up Windows. 7 doesn't normally get malware unless people are really stupid and knowingly okay a dodgy install.

Right now you think it has malware; before doing something drastic like reinstalling I would first find out if this is indeed the case, which means you'd know the exact problem.

Could start with downloading Malwarebytes and let it have a look.

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There was just a malware removal tool released a few days ago (Mar 23) by Microsoft. Check it out in updates. The last critical update really screwed things up, but i downloaded more releases after those and it appears to have sped things up a bit... I received an email from a dodgy Russian in Pattaya trying to sell his bike, every 'e' looks like '.e.' But i tracked that down to a VBscript, im using Open Office now.....I also receive emails asking about job offers i never sent.

Just reloaded my startup files and its not hanging as much anymore and disabled a few programs on startup....but it just feels like something is still there and running in the background. Nothing opens as fast as they use to two weeks ago, not even a browser.

Top it off i have Avast antivirus installed and Microsoft Security Essentials tells me Avast installed a trojan > (....JS/BlaColeRef.AL....). Never really trusted Avast 100%. In the past i suspected they were showing fake virus/malware warnings, by telling me to purchase the upgrade to get rid of it.

I guess im just so use to reinstalling do to the Windows XP days...


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You're using Avast; the member suggested AVG. Something entirely different.

I dumped Avast ages ago for false positives. Have used AVG for years now- slow scan speed, but works well. Caught a trojan just the other day.

Try AVG free version- Google it or go to CNET for a safe, editor-approved review and download.

As to your other Adobe questions, reformat, etc......

You'll probably get a lot more answers to your questions, including where to buy Adobe software in Chiang Mai, on the Computer forum.

Moved to the computer forum, with a live link remaining on CM.

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I'm pretty sure you can download CS5 trial version from the adobe site and then just put in your code and it will work. Or maybe that's just some of their other software. I'm in CM too so if you need any other assistance, PM me. I work in the computer field and might be able to help you clean up your PC (although I always prefer a clean install too...faster in my opinion and better results).

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun KRS1,

Have you tried contacting Adobe support, fully explaining the situation to them, asking them for advice ?

The second place I suggest you post is the ProDesignTools.com website, on their community forum. Their current "lead story" is the final clarification from Adobe that there is an upgrade path from CS4, 5, Suites, and individual apps, to their upcoming CS6 versions, although the upgrade path is going to be time-limited. See this for details: http://prodesigntool...html#more-29978

The ProDeisign Tools site is an "Authorized Adobe Affiliate."

Another resource may be the "National Assoc. of PhotoShop Professionals" at: http://www.photoshopuser.com/

They require membership, US $100 per year, which includes subscription to their magazine, but maintain three separate support desks for various Adobe products: their rep for on-target answers is quite good. See: http://www.photoshop...om/tech-support ... yeah, pricey given TIT !

If you write Adobe tech support, or ask in their forums, and do not receive help, please send me a private message, and let me know. There is no guarantee that my one remaining friend who still works there can help, but I will try.

best, ~o:37; ... former Adobe employee, co-author of Illustrator 3.2, 5.0, one of four people who created the proof-of-concept prototype that became: "Acrobat" (don't blame me for the mess Acrobat is today: imho Nitro Pro is "blowing it out of the water" in ever area except for large-scale corporate use).

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun KRS1,

One further suggestion, I forgot to mention, in the first response: if you have not yet been able to delete the virus:

Try the EmsiSoft software: in my experience it did find more false positives than other excellent tools of the time I used it several years ago, but, in the past, it was the only AV software able to exorcise a very dangerous "root-kit" virus from a CM TV's member's computer, which he used after I recommended it to him, here, on this forum.


This guide on the Emsisoft site is quite clearly written, for "non-geeks," in terms of understanding exactly how to use their product. http://www.emsisoft.com/en/kb/articles/tec110611/

I am sure their software has improved, evolved, perhaps finds less false positives, over the last few years, and I do consider EmsiSoft as the "court of last resort;" for a serious infection, and, yes, they have trial. and free, versions available for download. The "full monte" costs US $20.

best, ~o:37;

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thanks for all the suggestions i'll give emsisoft a look, $20 aint much....but why is it last resort if it does what others couldn't?

Thanks for offer Mowgus, if it still acts funny i'll let you know.

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If you are running Microsoft Security Essentials not sure why you have any other anti-virus running as it is considered one of the best and many of these programs do indeed cause problems - I would remove that third party anti-virus first and see if things do not run better - although I know some people/systems will have problems with updates but so far I have installed all Windows 7 updates without an issue - much better than any previous system.

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Just removed Avast and scanning with Micro Sec Ess now.

Laptop was running fine until about a month ago. really started acting weird after 3 events around the same time, email from russian, friend tried to use iphone to connect to net and critical windows update...all happened at the same time....and laptop would literally take 30 minutes to boot up.

reloaded start up files, removed avast, installed more updates, ran microsoft malware tool (issued on mar 23rd), removed some weird programs, and stopped some programs from updating automatically...running better now - but would still like to reformat for peace of mind though.

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thanks for all the suggestions i'll give emsisoft a look, $20 aint much....but why is it last resort if it does what others couldn't?

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun KRS1,

I assumed that the quoted phrase "court of last resort" in the context of the paragraph it's in, where I clearly state that the length of time since I did use EmsiSoft was significant ... and that their software, like everyone elses' ... in the AV/firewall/Anti-Malware/anti-Trojan/browser security "black-hole" universe, where only crap escapes smile.png ...

... Was enough of a disclaimer to indicate that I would recommend EmsiSoft again, if I were in a similar circumstance to those a TV CM member was in years ago.

The first version (paid) of Microsoft's security software, MSSE, was a complete failure, and I, and other people, actually got a refund from Microsoft of the cost of the year's subscription we paid for.

The current version of MSSE (free) is currently, frequently, praised highly, by some of the best programmers in the Windows universe on one of the world's largest sites for interchange (forums) between said programmers, where I am still technically active.

fyi: at this time I use MSSE, and have purchased MalwareBytes' AV software. But, I am also considering purchasing EmsiSoft, in the feeling that you cannot be "paranoid enough" about what the current generation of hackers can create ... and destroy. And US $20, is, indeed, cheap, even though that would purchase, I estimate, about two weeks' supply of fresh-made soy-milk for me, which would be on the order of 28 liters.

best, ~o:37;

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... snip ... but would still like to reformat for peace of mind though.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun KRS1,

May I suggest that if you come up "clean" after complete, "examine every file no matter what type it is," scans with the AV tools you are using now, and perhaps polish the paranoia (appropriate paranoia !) off with an aperitif of EmsiSoft's trial or on-line based scan ...

... Then you could, with safety, not re-format, which would require you to go through the ... probably significant ... time-cost of re-installing your applications.

Of course, the "ideal" situation would have been that you have made a compressed "disk image" of your entire drive, at a time when you were absolutely sure you were "clean" ... and had all your user data backed-up somewhere on-line like MS or DropBox ... and then did a restore from that image using the software provided by MS, or other companies (the software I use for disk imaging is "Drive SnapShot," (not free) and it's mean-lean, fast, and allows you to take a "drive image" and actually mount it as a hard drive, and access anything inside it, in addition to save/restore facilities.

best, ~o:37;

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