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Why Do Some People Moan About Phuket And Others Don'T?


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Who in there right mind googles using quotes....lol

Using quotes in a google search has the advantage that you only get the results with the exact text as quoted. I don't see it happening much for a search like this one, but for certain searches I can see advantages.

Who in there right mind googles using quotes....lol

Using quotes in a google search has the advantage that you only get the results with the exact text as quoted. I don't see it happening much for a search like this one, but for certain searches I can see advantages.

Out of the 7 billion people in the world only 91 people per month search that sentence per month and I doubt a single one of them puts quotation marks in there search term.

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Out of the 7 billion people in the world only 91 people per month search that sentence per month and I doubt a single one of them puts quotation marks in there search term.

That's 0.000000013%. It could happen.

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NKM ties cape on.............. smile.png

If you Google "Scams Phuket" (without the inverted comas) - on the first search engine page, second on the list, is a thread I started over 2 years ago with the title - "Comprehensive List of Scams in Phuket/thailand" The link is below.


I think this was the first thread I ever started, and about the time I moved to Phuket, full time, although I would "holiday" here for months on end, throughout a year, over several years, before living here. The thread received 283 replies. I particularly remember the scam involving a member who had his electricity meter hooked up to the outside lighting of his apartment.

I learned from that thread, I'm sure many other members learned as well, and being second on the list, on the front page of a Google search, I'm sure many tourist have learnt what to keep an eye out for when here on a holiday as well.

Some may think, especially those in business here, that a thread like that "paints a bleak picture" of a holiday on Phuket. I think for every tourist who comes here, aware of the scams, so they don't get caught out, or, for example, get in a punch up with a tuk tuk driver, will want to come back to Phuket, and that is a positive thing, for all of us. Those that come here for a holiday and get ripped off, scammed and extorted, probably on several different occasions, will not come back, and tell all their friends and family about their negative experience here.

It's not about getting up the Google ladder - it's really about ensuring everyone that either lives here, or holidays here, has a good experience and makes it home in one piece.

So, whilst some may see such a thread as "negative" and made by a "dark" person, or by a person with a "limitless view"- the postitive benefits it has for the multitudes is worth any derogitory comment that may be posted about me.

Now, I must go and rescue more tourist from the corrupt Phuket regime that seeks to oppress us all. smile.png

NKM flies off in a single bound............... smile.png

Edited by NamKangMan
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You can be confident I do not read 99% of your posts. Now, go back to responding to other posts one-by-one.

How confident can I be exactly??

The thing with words is they can be used in so many ways, one of which is to tell fibs. That's why I much prefer numbers. You say you don't read 99% of my posts. Are you sure about that?

You have replied directly to 3 of my posts on this thread alone. That's a direct reply to 1.86% of my posts on just this thread!! Yet you claim to have only read 1% of all the posts I've ever written. So according to you you are writing replies to posts that you haven't even read!!

Either math isn't your strongest subject or you are highly telepathic.

Also, what is this major issue you have with how I do or do not choose to use the multi quote option?? It's about the 4th time you've harped on about it. If you read this thread again you will see I often use it when it's appropriate. Often I won't because the system only allows you so many so it's easier to split them up. Sometimes I want to reply to different things at different times so do it one at a time, they just end up in a row because nobody else has posted in the mean time. But what exactly is the problem?? Does having to move your side bar down a few more inches really keep you up at night?

This thread is about people who moan. You don't even have the ability to stop yourself reading and replying to posts and posters that you don't want to read, so I don't think there's much hope for you.

P.S If you reply to this post it will mean you have replied to 2.47% of my posts in this thread alone while only having read 1%. Amazing tongue.png

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“In the UK, councils can now knock down listed buildings that were protected because they want to build more houses so we have somewhere to put all the immigrants.

Green belt land that was supposed to be protected is being used for the same.”

Another woefully inaccurate statement with some ironic racism thrown in. Local UK Government cannot just knock down listed structures to house immigrants and neither can it ‘pay’ to have such. There is considerable due process involved, which can take a number of years to resolve and any comparative with the machinations of a third world country are really quite risible.

Where to start? At the beginning I guess.

'With some ironic racism' Firstly where's the irony? Irony has to be the most miss understood concept and miss used word in the dictionary! Secondly where's the racism? I don't like the fact the country I've paid tax in all my life uses it to support criminals from other countries. I don't like the fact that my country has immigration laws that look like they've been written by an eight year old, and millions of immigrants travel across tens of other countries being booted out as they go, knowing they will be welcomed with open arms when they reach Britain. I don't like the fact that my kids can't get a decent free education because most classes have more kids that speak English as a second language than as a first.

If none of those things bother you then that's fine, but DON'T call me a racist because none of those thing make me a racist in any way shape or form.

Secondly, you said my statement that listed buildings get knocked down and green belt land gets built on was 'Woefully inaccurate' Please elaborate on why this is so.

Here is just a couple of examples. Did I make these up? The government wants to build on green belt land, so what does it do? It changes the green belt law so it can be bypassed more easily and quickly. A government changing laws to get what they want, is that not a form of corruption? Not to mention that the vast majority of countryside isn't green belt so if the green belt is being built on, what do you think is happening to the rest of the unprotected countryside?



Now what about listed buildings, I said they get knocked down which you said was woefully inaccurate. Again, care to elaborate?





Compulsory Purchase order legislation means the government gets to do what it wants when it wants. Listed buildings don't stand a chance.

Take a look on Google Earth. The vast majority of Phuket is countryside, plantations, jungle and beach. For a tiny, highly touristy island in a developing, highly touristy country, Phuket remains extremely undeveloped. My comparisons with the UK regarding over development, I believe are justified. Especially when you take each place on it's own merits as far as how developed the countries are and who should know better.

I have read your posts many times and I know you much prefer living in the UK. Why you are compelled to read the Phuket forum nightly when you seem to have a huge amount of disdain for it is a mystery, but not a surprise on this forum. I have also made it quite clear that I prefer life in Phuket. Lets not make this a peeing contest about where is best, horses for courses and all that. Just stick to the facts. Why were my claims that green belt land gets built on and listed buildings get knocked down 'Woefully inaccurate'?

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So, they google, "How to get from Phuket Airport to Patong Beach" for example, before they fly. Maybe this website appears on the first page of google.



So your strongest argument that you are doing it to help is 100% flawed as Google proves.

If you Google "How to get from Phuket Airport to Patong Beach" with the quotes, not only do you get NKM's post on the first page of results, it is the only result. tongue.png

Not strictly true. If you Google that, it doesn't take you to 'NKM' post it takes you to MY thread!! tongue.png

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NKM ties cape on.............. smile.png

If you Google "Scams Phuket" (without the inverted comas) - on the first search engine page, second on the list, is a thread I started over 2 years ago with the title - "Comprehensive List of Scams in Phuket/thailand" The link is below.


I think this was the first thread I ever started, and about the time I moved to Phuket, full time, although I would "holiday" here for months on end, throughout a year, over several years, before living here. The thread received 283 replies. I particularly remember the scam involving a member who had his electricity meter hooked up to the outside lighting of his apartment.

I learned from that thread, I'm sure many other members learned as well, and being second on the list, on the front page of a Google search, I'm sure many tourist have learnt what to keep an eye out for when here on a holiday as well.

Is that why you haven't posted for several days, you were looking for that thread on Google? tongue.png

So if you know the advice is there for all to see on the first page of Google, then why the need to repeat it almost daily? People hearing the same thing ten times by the same person, doesn't make them believe it ten times more. Reading the same thing by ten different people can make a difference, and give people a better perspective of whether something is true or not, but reading it ten times by the same person is the same as reading it once! In fact it's probably less than once because you may think the person is obsessed and has an ulterior motive and decide not to trust his advice at all.

You didn't answer my last questions. What were you thinking about the transport situation in Phuket the week before you moved here permanently?

And why if only one thread you have spoken about scams in two years ago, makes it to Google, then how exactly can you say by you repeating the warning day after day ever since, helps others?

Why was your advice about the limousines good advice when a huge amount of people don't see them as a scam. You didn't give people all the options, so what's good about that?

Simple straight forward answers to my questions would be nice. Not looking to chase you round the thread like a bad sketch from the Benny Hill Show anymore.tongue.png

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NKM ties cape on.............. smile.png

If you Google "Scams Phuket" (without the inverted comas) - on the first search engine page, second on the list, is a thread I started over 2 years ago with the title - "Comprehensive List of Scams in Phuket/thailand" The link is below.


I think this was the first thread I ever started, and about the time I moved to Phuket, full time, although I would "holiday" here for months on end, throughout a year, over several years, before living here. The thread received 283 replies. I particularly remember the scam involving a member who had his electricity meter hooked up to the outside lighting of his apartment.

I learned from that thread, I'm sure many other members learned as well, and being second on the list, on the front page of a Google search, I'm sure many tourist have learnt what to keep an eye out for when here on a holiday as well.

Is that why you haven't posted for several days, you were looking for that thread on Google? tongue.png

So if you know the advice is there for all to see on the first page of Google, then why the need to repeat it almost daily? People hearing the same thing ten times by the same person, doesn't make them believe it ten times more. Reading the same thing by ten different people can make a difference, and give people a better perspective of whether something is true or not, but reading it ten times by the same person is the same as reading it once! In fact it's probably less than once because you may think the person is obsessed and has an ulterior motive and decide not to trust his advice at all.

You didn't answer my last questions. What were you thinking about the transport situation in Phuket the week before you moved here permanently?

And why if only one thread you have spoken about scams in two years ago, makes it to Google, then how exactly can you say by you repeating the warning day after day ever since, helps others?

Why was your advice about the limousines good advice when a huge amount of people don't see them as a scam. You didn't give people all the options, so what's good about that?

Simple straight forward answers to my questions would be nice. Not looking to chase you round the thread like a bad sketch from the Benny Hill Show anymore.tongue.png

I need to post the same "scam warning" ten times to make sure each of your ten usernames have read it. :) :) :) :)

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I need to post the same "scam warning" ten times to make sure each of your ten usernames have read it. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

You have no answer. I can leave it there having made my point. wink.png

It is clear to all that you really do not have "a point." You only have an opinion, that is similar to others, and different to others. You struggle to accept the different opinions of others, but that's fine. That's what the internet is all about. We are all different, with different experiences, knowledge, views and opinions.

You should be positive, and embrace the diversity of the Phuket forum, rather than being so negative about it. :) :)

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You didn't answer my last questions. What were you thinking about the transport situation in Phuket the week before you moved here permanently?

And why if only one thread you have spoken about scams in two years ago, makes it to Google, then how exactly can you say by you repeating the warning day after day ever since, helps others?

Why was your advice about the limousines good advice when a huge amount of people don't see them as a scam. You didn't give people all the options, so what's good about that?

Simple straight forward answers to my questions would be nice. Not looking to chase you round the thread like a bad sketch from the Benny Hill Show anymore.tongue.png

coffee1.gif P!ss or get off the pot 'NKM'!

Either answer the simple, on topic questions that you are asked, or stop having discussions with the grown ups.

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It seems this thread has turned into a who can pee the furthest compatition


This thread is still going on?


I read through most of it and still can't figure out what he's trying to say.

Just trying to start fights with anyone who posts it seems.

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You didn't answer my last questions. What were you thinking about the transport situation in Phuket the week before you moved here permanently?

And why if only one thread you have spoken about scams in two years ago, makes it to Google, then how exactly can you say by you repeating the warning day after day ever since, helps others?

Why was your advice about the limousines good advice when a huge amount of people don't see them as a scam. You didn't give people all the options, so what's good about that?

Simple straight forward answers to my questions would be nice. Not looking to chase you round the thread like a bad sketch from the Benny Hill Show anymore.tongue.png

coffee1.gif P!ss or get off the pot 'NKM'!

Either answer the simple, on topic questions that you are asked, or stop having discussions with the grown ups.

I must say I am very much interested in especially the answer to the first question.

If I'm not mistaken, NKM has moved here about 2 years ago, Patong, after having spent quite a lot of vacation time here beforehand. So surely he must have taken the transport situation into account before moving here?

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Just trying to start fights with anyone who posts it seems.

I'm not starting fights with anyone!

Did I start a fight with 'GOM' when he came on here moaning that I don't multi quote and telling me he never reads 99% of my posts and said something else the moderator deemed a flame and deleted? No I didn't. I simply proved that he was talking nonsense because he has replied to more posts than he claims to have read.

Did I start a fight with 'BTH' when he made a post telling me I was 'Woefully inaccurate'? No I didn't. I simply proved quite concisely, that everything I said was true and it was his accusation that was wrong. Why shouldn't I argue my point against someone who is accusing me of making woefully inaccurate posts?

'NKM' wants to tell the world he moans all the time just to help other people. I have simply pointed out and proved beyond doubt that that is baloney! I have pointed out that he knew exactly what the transport situation was like before he came to Phuket and moaned about it anyway, and that none of his moaning is ever read by anybody else so he's not helping anyone. I have not started a fight with 'NKM', I have just proved my theory that he is a negative person who chooses to moan because he likes moaning, and like many others is living in a place that isn't truly suited to him, and somewhere I'm sure he will leave before long. If he'd just had the clarity of mind and integrity to admit that instead of claiming to be a good Samaritan and only moaning to help others then I wouldn't have felt the need to pursue my argument.

If you check the title of the thread I think you will find discussing why 'NKM' moans and trying to prove he is lying when he gives the reasons he does, is pretty much bang on topic wouldn't you say? That's pretty much why I chose that title and why I have been discussing it. wink.png It may not be a topic you find the slightest bit interesting, but forgive me if I'm wrong, I don't think anyone begged you, 'Grumpy Old Man' or anyone else to read or post on it, and I don't think anyone put a gun to your head.

I suppose you are going to accuse me of starting a fight with you now!!

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I must say I am very much interested in especially the answer to the first question.

If I'm not mistaken, NKM has moved here about 2 years ago, Patong, after having spent quite a lot of vacation time here beforehand. So surely he must have taken the transport situation into account before moving here?

He is refusing to answer it because he knows it hurts his argument. 'NKM' is fine when it comes to going round in circles and going off on tangents and being obtuse, but when you push him for a specific answer to a specific question he goes rather quiet.

Even 'NKM' will have moments of clarity where even he can see how illogical and barmy it is to moan about the transport system, even though it hasn't changed since he arrived and he knew exactly what it was like before he made the decision to live in Patong and not own a car.

But if he admits it he will have to admit to being someone who just moans for the sake of moaning, and someone who is living somewhere that isn't ideal for them, and he won't be doing that any time soon I assure you.

The thing is, by not answering the question he is answering it anyway.

The point of this thread was to point out that it isn't the fault of Phuket that so many people are unhappy here. It's their fault for not living somewhere that makes them happy. If people can't adapt to the way life is, the way Thai people are and how different things are to 'back home' and feel the need to moan every day then I can only conclude they are living in the wrong place. This theory is pretty much proved right when they move away.

People who are truly happy with their lives on Phuket will not need to moan on a forum every day, that's a fact. Those that do must have issues and the island becomes their scapegoat.

Edited by HongKongPhooey
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I must say I am very much interested in especially the answer to the first question.

If I'm not mistaken, NKM has moved here about 2 years ago, Patong, after having spent quite a lot of vacation time here beforehand. So surely he must have taken the transport situation into account before moving here?

He is refusing to answer it because he knows it hurts his argument. 'NKM' is fine when it comes to going round in circles and going off on tangents and being obtuse, but when you push him for a specific answer to a specific question he goes rather quiet.

Even 'NKM' will have moments of clarity where even he can see how illogical and barmy it is to moan about the transport system, even though it hasn't changed since he arrived and he knew exactly what it was like before he made the decision to live in Patong and not own a car.

But if he admits it he will have to admit to being someone who just moans for the sake of moaning, and someone who is living somewhere that isn't ideal for them, and he won't be doing that any time soon I assure you.

The thing is, by not answering the question he is answering it anyway.

The point of this thread was to point out that it isn't the fault of Phuket that so many people are unhappy here. It's their fault for not living somewhere that makes them happy. If people can't adapt to the way life is, the way Thai people are and how different things are to 'back home' and feel the need to moan every day then I can only conclude they are living in the wrong place. This theory is pretty much proved right when they move away.

People who are truly happy with their lives on Phuket will not need to moan on a forum every day, that's a fact. Those that do must have issues and the island becomes their scapegoat.

I agree with you there, but I also think this thread has run its course.

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I believe the question is, "Was the transport system the way it is now, when I first moved here?" Or, a question similar to this. My answer is, "Yes." There was no decent public transport then, like there is no decent public transport now, and there will be no decent public public transport here in the future.

My solutions (adaptations) were to live walking distance to many facilities I need, and to buy a motorbike for longer journeys, and to sometimes hire a car, and I have a few numbers of decent black taxi drivers to call.

Why shouldn't I be vocal about the ridiculous transport situation here? My friend owns a bar in Kata. I have to ride down there, check-in to a

500 baht guest house, have a drink with him, and come home the next morning, because I refuse to ride whilst intoxicated. The tuk tuks want 400 baht down, and 800 baht back, well over double the cost of a room for the night.

Name one other global tourist holiday destination where your transportation for the day costs more than your hotel room, per night? That's the question I have for you.

A 1000 kms away is Pattaya with a baht bus system, and Bangkok with thousands of metered taxis. Anyone would think Phuket is a different country.

It was a ridiculous situation before I lived here, and it's still a ridiculous situation with no end in sight. How many people are riding motorbikes here because of the lack of public transport? How many of those riders have had serious accidents?

The greed, corruption and collusion with transport on Phuket is hurting people, physically, and in some cases, killing them.

Edited by NamKangMan
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I believe the question is, "Was the transport system the way it is now, when I first moved here?" Or, a question similar to this. My answer is, "Yes." There was no decent public transport then, like there is no decent public transport now, and there will be no decent public public transport here in the future.

My solutions (adaptations) were to live walking distance to many facilities I need, and to buy a motorbike for longer journeys, and to sometimes hire a car, and I have a few numbers of decent black taxi drivers to call.

Why shouldn't I be vocal about the ridiculous transport situation here? My friend owns a bar in Kata. I have to ride down there, check-in to a

500 baht guest house, have a drink with him, and come home the next morning, because I refuse to ride whilst intoxicated. The tuk tuks want 400 baht down, and 800 baht back, well over double the cost of a room for the night.

Name one other global tourist holiday destination where your transportation for the day costs more than your hotel room, per night? That's the question I have for you.

A 1000 kms away is Pattaya with a baht bus system, and Bangkok with thousands of metered taxis. Anyone would think Phuket is a different country.

It was a ridiculous situation before I lived here, and it's still a ridiculous situation with no end in sight. How many people are riding motorbikes here because of the lack of public transport? How many of those riders have had serious accidents?

The greed, corruption and collusion with transport on Phuket is hurting people, physically, and in some cases, killing them.

Yes, exactly the same as the people moving to under the smoke of Heathrow and then starting to complain it is so noisy there.

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I believe the question is, "Was the transport system the way it is now, when I first moved here?" Or, a question similar to this. My answer is, "Yes." There was no decent public transport then, like there is no decent public transport now, and there will be no decent public public transport here in the future.

My solutions (adaptations) were to live walking distance to many facilities I need, and to buy a motorbike for longer journeys, and to sometimes hire a car, and I have a few numbers of decent black taxi drivers to call.

Why shouldn't I be vocal about the ridiculous transport situation here? My friend owns a bar in Kata. I have to ride down there, check-in to a

500 baht guest house, have a drink with him, and come home the next morning, because I refuse to ride whilst intoxicated. The tuk tuks want 400 baht down, and 800 baht back, well over double the cost of a room for the night.

Name one other global tourist holiday destination where your transportation for the day costs more than your hotel room, per night? That's the question I have for you.

A 1000 kms away is Pattaya with a baht bus system, and Bangkok with thousands of metered taxis. Anyone would think Phuket is a different country.

It was a ridiculous situation before I lived here, and it's still a ridiculous situation with no end in sight. How many people are riding motorbikes here because of the lack of public transport? How many of those riders have had serious accidents?

The greed, corruption and collusion with transport on Phuket is hurting people, physically, and in some cases, killing them.

Yes, exactly the same as the people moving to under the smoke of Heathrow and then starting to complain it is so noisy there.

No, not the same. It's hurting tourists, locals, expats, and tourism in general. There is a better way, they know it, and we know it, but the corrupt "influential people" will not allow Phuket to move with the times, in regards to transport.

Public transport is an "essential service" that is not being allowed to operate on the island. A sad state of affairs for the place.

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Todays news.. A couple of bombs thrown between competing drug dealers in a residential area. One wanted guy making a break for it after being injured in the attempted murder while bleeding, etc etc etc..

But hey, they are not your neighbors.. This kind of thing happens everywhere.. drug dealer bombings are nothing to worry about.. Its all good.. Etc.

Read todays London, Atlanta, Sydney or New York news....dancer shot dead...disabled woman locked up...string of shootings and drugs labs....3 year old child shot dead....this is just todays news!

It happens every where like you said. For some people it's best they live like mowgli from the jungle book, that way they wont have the dangers involved with crossing the road etc.

Yes you are 100% right.

I live in Copenhagen/Denmark - and for sure I feel more safe in (Bangkok - pattaya - phuket/patong - or else where en Thailand) than in Copenhagen. Yes crime is everywhere - but i still think that Thailand is a really safe country - off cause everybody be a bit carefull especially in bar areas - like everywhere in the world. I trawell to Phuket almost every year - I never had bad experience - and I recommend Phuket especially to first time trawellers to Thailand - especially if you want nice beaches and a little feel of norththailand (if you don't have time to visit north.)

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I agree with you there, but I also think this thread has run its course.

I think it had done that about 5 pages ago!tongue.png

Yes, exactly the same as the people moving to under the smoke of Heathrow and then starting to complain it is so noisy there.

Exactly the same!! Now if people lived there before and it was nice and quiet, then it would be fair enough for them to moan.(for a while, until they moved on)but people who moved there 30 years after it had been built and then started moaning about it, need locking up for being mental cases.

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I believe the question is, "Was the transport system the way it is now, when I first moved here?" Or, a question similar to this. My answer is, "Yes." There was no decent public transport then, like there is no decent public transport now, and there will be no decent public public transport here in the future.

coffee1.gif No it wasn't. We know it was the same, we don't need you to confirm that. The question was, what were you thinking about it the week before you moved here? Where you hoping it would change? Did you think, "I'll get there, make a few forum posts and voila', the transport problem will be solved". Were you thinking you would own a car but then didn't get one?

The other question you conveniently forgot to address, was if that you post about the same thing over and over again yet only one thread in over two years makes it Google, then how can you possibly say that every time you post it is for the benefit of others? I get accused of flogging a dead horse, but I've asked you that question 5 times and you haven't answered it. If you were honest you would accept that the vast majority of you posts benefit nobody but yourself.

Why shouldn't I be vocal about the ridiculous transport situation here? My friend owns a bar in Kata. I have to ride down there, check-in to a

500 baht guest house, have a drink with him, and come home the next morning, because I refuse to ride whilst intoxicated. The tuk tuks want 400 baht down, and 800 baht back, well over double the cost of a room for the night.

You don't 'have' to do anything! You don't 'have' to live in Phuket. You chose to live in the very centre of a tourist town and now complain about paying tourist prices. blink.png Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Man up and take some responsibility for your own life and the place you have chosen to live.

Name one other global tourist holiday destination where your transportation for the day costs more than your hotel room, per night? That's the question I have for you.

Don't need to because it's not the point. If there was a holiday destination that I didn't like and didn't suit my needs I WOULDN'T GO THERE!! and I certainly wouldn't move there to live!!

It was a ridiculous situation before I lived here, and it's still a ridiculous situation with no end in sight.

So in your own words 'There is no end in sight'. Yet more proof in your own words that your moaning is pointless and achieves nothing. Well said. thumbsup.gif

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