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Another Racist Tourism Attraction In Pattaya


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I don't think it's was based on skin colour but nationality/citizenship that was the deciding factor. This is common at many tourist attractions around the world...there is often a price differential between locals/citizens and visitors/foreigners. This happens at both private and public facilities and I wouldn't call it "racist." As an example, in San Francisco, there is a nice ornamental Japanese garden operated and maintained by the city parks department, which has differential pricing for "residents" and "non-residents." My understanding is that the qualification pertains to residents of San Francisco.


But is good you posted this information so that those who for whatever reason feel that different prices for different classes of people are distasteful will not waste a trip out there.

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Happens in Florida, you can get tickets for parks for visitors for about $90-$120. Then they have a year pass option for locals at near enough the same price. So whilst the visitors are paying full whack for a day or 3 day pass the locals are paying the same to get in all year. I think its to help keep the park full especially during quiet times of the year to keep people spending money inside the park and maybe thats why they do it here also. They know visitors will not come back after their first visit so they get the most they can out of them but they know that locals may come back now and again and spend money inside so they offer them tickets at a good price.

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Are you sure it's racism? Do citizens from other Asian countries pay the Thai price?

I agree it's a topic that's been 'done to death', but unless you know it's racist it seems unnecessarily inflammatory language to use.

Well, if charging 2 and half times the price based on the fact you don't come from this country isn't racist, I don't know what is?

Anyway, I digress, just wanted to make people aware.

Edited by sungod
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Yep if it was based on being resident that is another thing entirely. Many countries have reduced prices for locals whatever their race.. But that is often because they pay taxes or contribute in another way to the local community. Dual pricing in Thailand is based purely on 'are you Thai or not'' Exceptions being the places that admit foreigners with WP or driving licence.. While I don't like the word 'racist' it is certainly 'discriminatory' at the least. and wrong.. F*** em ! just avoid places like that.

I have seen the signs for a Loma Show along Sukky and to be honest it conjured up images of badly treated dolphins in a tiny dirty pool. Don't know if it is like that but even my Missus pulled a face and voiced a similar opinion about the likely quality of care..

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Not opening a deabte on dual pricing, it's been done to death. Just want people to be aware before they make the trip.

Visted the new Dolphin Show in Pattaya yesterday, didn't stay long. 200 THB for Thais, 100THB for kids, and a whacking 500 THB for foriegners.

Produced a Thai drivers licence, and even had my work permit on me, didn't make a difference, this was based on skin colour, voted with my feet and left staright away.

Not skin color. Nationality. Unless they were letting Chinese, Japanese, etc. in for "Thai" price, which I highly doubt they are.

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I put a slant on it that puts me in a happy place. I hate being upset, so I think of it as just paying tax, which the thais supposedly pay on their income. Govt needs money somehow to keep tourist infrastructure alive.....

It does not matter if it's true or not (we all have different truths yes), so I choose a truth that suits me. that way I can be happy.

It seems that some people like to choose the truth that upsets them....

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If you have such a big problem with dual pricing you could try the elephant camp out on the darkside. It was a couple of years ago that I went with my family and the guy there insisted that the price was 600 baht each for all four of us including the 3 thais as they didn't have seperate pricing for Thais. Needless to say, at that price we left and went to another camp a few miles away which cost me far less.

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