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Who Were The First Racists In This World?


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It seems that a huge percentage of this forum is based on complaints about racism and all the bad in Thailand.

Living in Thailand and bashing the S*** out of it. Living in the clouds with the (stinking) nose very high in the air.

Let us have a brainstorm here about who really started racism in this world. But of course with valid proof.

Then we all will be enlightned to who the real A** H**** are.

But of course we should have some guys/gals who has the '<deleted>' or whatever to admit the truth!

IMHO if a person leaves his country of birth to live in another country and start trashing the S*** out of that country, he/she are proving that they are the absolute trash that are a waste of fresh air in this world.

They are absolute parasites to the host country (and rejected by their country of birth).

Any comments?

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I think racism, or at least being conscious of differences between oneself and those who do not look the same, is something that all of us feel to a certain degree. It becomes a non-issue when you mix with other races extensively. For instance, I grew up about 20 miles north of London and people of African descent were a rarity where I lived (even in the 70s and 80s). I am sure that I felt very aware of the difference in skin colour when I first talked to a West Indian, so perhaps that makes me racist to a certain extent.

Accepting the help of people of African descent during the war and then inviting more over to work on the railways afterwards and treating them like sh*t when they arrived is something that I don't think any British person should be proud of. Institutionalised racism could be found in the USA rather than the UK though, up until the late 60s (or maybe the early 70s). The Dutch probably perfected it in SA.

If you (not you personally of course) move to Thailand and constantly denigrate the local population then you are a racist in my opinion. Worse still, you are announcing to the world that you are either very stupid or are a financial failure without the means to relocate somewhere more to your liking.

Edited by inthepink
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Sorry Jingthing,

This is exactly why I added this...

But of course we should have some guys/gals who has the '<deleted>' or whatever to admit the truth!

So, you decide for yourself...

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Can't see this topic to have a long life. If the answer to your question is not: Thai people, then it would not be Thailand related and be closed. If the answer is Thai people, it would be closed for breaking another forum rule. rolleyes.gif

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that's a fair enough theory.

'fair' by whom? Lets give this a break and see if there is someone who could give a reasonable answer...YEA... a reasonable answer.

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I think the first racists were the blacks.clap2.gif

The first humans came from Africa and since all human societies are pervasive with both racism and hypocrisy (human nature), that's a fair enough theory.

Good point. the first people were black so big chance that the first racists were black too.

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I don't think it is a simple case of making the statement, "If you don't like it here, go home". More a question of, "If you don't like it here, WHY don't you go home?" (or elsewhere)

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Too many people mix up racism with the truth. If you see any particular group of people treat others with disrespect then it's a form of racism. There are certain religious groups in the world who treat women and children as second class citizens. I can't abide their point of view no matter what BS they try to peddle me.

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Who cares?

I can`t see how this thread is Thailand related, just a load of old nonsense.

What`s the point of this thread anyway other than to wind people up?

I agree but am still wondering if Ravip is Hong Kong Phuey? They seem to share v similar concerns.

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Who the first?

Homo neanderthalensis against Homos sapiens....who started?

What was the color/colour?You get what I mean?

why you need different color? Any difference will do...

But the first were black because the first humans came from Africa.

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