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I Am Never Going Back.....


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Boon mee said:

My point exactly, Gatsby. Anger comes from ignorance and until you've "walked the walk" you've no justifaction in "talking the talk".
and again:
LBFM refers to just one race of Asian women who, in fact, don't really find that term demeaning. To be honest, it's only thought of as demeaning if YOU think it is.

Boon mee, I didn't realize you were an Asian woman? After all

until you've "walked the walk" you've no justifaction in "talking the talk".
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I suggest this highly disturbing topic be taken to the international commission for renameing names and phrases and have it changed to LTEB-PBR (little tan energizer bunnys)-----PC and no offence there. Why not add one for the guys. BWMFM-PBB. Big white male FM's Powered by beer. :o

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Boonmee said

I hate rejection... 

Sorry, but I have the feeling you would be the ugliest Asian woman I have ever seen, even uglier than the two katoeys doing laboring jobs in town.

Besides, I prefer Asian men :o

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I married a 19 y/o TG 5 years ago. I was 33.


Only downside is she is very jealous and gets homesick for LOS.

Upside is its the 1st woman I can trust, she would take a bullet for me.

SO many guys here in the US tried to steal her away but she angrily tells them

off - like its an insult to her that they thought she would leave her husband.

The key is GET ONE FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE, the poorer the better. The ones

from BKK or any city areas are tainted.

She dies, i am heading right back upcountry to bag another one.

You should here the stories of my friends here and what they put up with

with their lady farangs. I want to puke. I try to tell them about TGs but

they dont listen. Poor buggers. How can they go on...

best regards


The key is GET ONE FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE, the poorer the better. The ones

from BKK or any city areas are tainted.

Fully agree!!!

From my life's experience. Nam Kao, I back that statement 1000%.

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Guest IT Manager

I would like to add an acronym.

My partner calls me POSSUM.

Poor Old Sick Stupid Ugly Man.

And loves me to death. And could be a LBFM. :o:D:D:D:D

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The key is GET ONE FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE, the poorer the better. The ones

from BKK or any city areas are tainted.

Fully agree!!!

From my life's experience. Nam Kao, I back that statement 1000%.

You and nam seem to agree. You both must speak Thai , if not how is possable to have a relationship with someone if you cannot communicate? Country girls do not speak English? Please elaborate on your "experiences"

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Please elaborate on your "experiences"

Well I spoke a little Thai, she spoke a little "Englit". It was a little frustrating but

it all worked out.

Went to a restaurant last night, lady falangs glaring at me as my Penthouse quality wife hand fed

me!! I soaked it up like the sun. :o

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Just find the topic interesting enough to check out. I wonder what makes some (from what I've seen here,mosty western) men prefer Asian/Thai women.

It is unfortunate that the main discussions seem to turn out to be something of a disappointment. I thought I was going to find some sort of interesting reasonings here... oh well...

I am a Thai woman and I don't really think women are that much different all over the world. From what I have seen anyway.... There are some cultural differences but the core needs and wants are still pretty much the same. Level of tolerance towards some issues in relationships may vary among women from different culture, but they still have their limits. I guess, in some people's cases, it depends how you seek out certain individuals in certain circumstances to suit your wants/needs.

I don't think I am so strictly PC but I would feel rather uneasy if someone use the term LBFM to describe me or anyone I care about. I don't know anyone from my country who wouldn't be offended if they are being called such name. I think if PC is taken to the extreme, it can be pretty rediculous. But I don't think there is anything extreme in regarding women (Thai or any other nationalities) with a bit of respect, treating them like human beings would be a good start.

Perhaps I am too werternised but I did find certain comments quite demeaning towards women. It even seems, from these messages, that Thai women are view as nothing more than a commodity that you just pick up for an amount of money, a thing to be used to your enjoyment and discarded when bored or used up. Sometimes, it sounds as if they are selecting a pet dog or something.... (actually, no, some people treat/regard their dogs with more respect than some comments I have read here).

I don't know.... sometimes I wonder if these men who have this sort of attitude view us Thai women as 'human being' or not. It doesn't seem like they do. At least, these sort of posters enable me to understand my friends and family's worries a bit more when I told them I have a western partner. Thank God their worries are unnecessary in my case. :D

Just my opinion and feelings when I read some of the posts. I guess it is 'each to his own', in the end of the day.... :o Never mind....

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I married a 19 y/o TG 5 years ago. I was 33.


The key is GET ONE FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE, the poorer the better. The ones

from BKK or any city areas  are tainted.

She dies, i am heading right back upcountry to bag another one.


Why travel ??? ... order with your Credit Card, and get the shipment from Fedex ! :o

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Nam Kao ~

The actuarial charts show it is more likely she will have to hunt a replacement for you. Don't forget to leave a good amount for her to shop with, plz.

D80 ~

Very understandable and worthwhile input. But people have made sweeping generalizations about others since day one. Men are pigs, Irish are drunks, Farangs are walking ATM's, it varies depending on where you are at and what group you are a member of. The truth is, imho, you have to take each person as an individual. There can be cultural differences, of course. Someone that didn't grow up in a strict Christian family won't have the same attitude toward many things that someone that did. If you come from a culture that doesn't have strong extended family bonds, those will be a bit of a puzzle when dealing with someone that does.


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I suggest this highly disturbing topic be taken to the international commission for renameing names and phrases and have it changed to  LTEB-PBR  (little tan energizer bunnys)-----PC and no offence there.  Why not add one for the guys. BWMFM-PBB.  Big white male FM's Powered by beer. :o

D80 I was just being a bit cynical----I mean't nothing by it. Cynical = Inclined to question the sincerity of peoples goodness, motives or actions. By the way I am endeared to and respect all good hearted women. It's not possable for me to take any of these posts seriously. A new term is probably in order---biomachobullsh##--- Don't be so serious.

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At least, these sort of posters enable me to understand my friends and family's worries a bit more when I told them I have a western partner. Thank God their worries are unnecessary in my case. :D

D80 Is he an American? What kind of worries? Would like to know. Sounds a bit stereotypical to me. No??? :o:D

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Boonmee said
I hate rejection... 

Sorry, but I have the feeling you would be the ugliest Asian woman I have ever seen, even uglier than the two katoeys doing laboring jobs in town.

Besides, I prefer Asian men :D

Au contrair (sp) But the cross I bear is being a lesbian trapped in a man's body! :o

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<I am a Thai woman and I don't really think women are that much different all over the world>

Depends on what aspect of cultural heritage you're talking about D80. From what I've learned about women all over the world is what they have the MOST in common is to be envied by OTHER women. Aussie, American, Dutch girls are totally different than Thai. And we're not talking skin color here.

The comments made re. LBFMs are NOT racist! Jeez... The world is getting too PC by far... :o

Boon Mee

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D80 said:

I don't think I am so strictly PC but I would feel rather uneasy if someone use the term LBFM to describe me or anyone I care about. I don't know anyone from my country who wouldn't be offended if they are being called such name. I think if PC is taken to the extreme, it can be pretty rediculous. But I don't think there is anything extreme in regarding women (Thai or any other nationalities) with a bit of respect, treating them like human beings would be a good start.

Perhaps I am too werternised but I did find certain comments quite demeaning towards women. It even seems, from these messages, that Thai women are view as nothing more than a commodity that you just pick up for an amount of money, a thing to be used to your enjoyment and discarded when bored or used up. Sometimes, it sounds as if they are selecting a pet dog or something.... (actually, no, some people treat/regard their dogs with more respect than some comments I have read here).

and then Boon mee said
The comments made re. LBFMs are NOT racist! Jeez... The world is getting too PC by far

Well, I suppose if D80 is an Asian woman and she is offended by these comments then, perhaps they are offensive? I agree, showing respect and treating all people like human beings isn't PC, its something that a few men talked about a few thousand years ago. "Treat other people as you would wish to be treated". And if you want to be treated like a commodity, hey! fair enough! I always said I would never marry a man who couldn't fix my car. Nothing worse than a useless man! :o

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OK boonmee, I'll go with chauvinistic :D To each their own, I say. If you want to be chauvinistic, good for you, if it makes you happy.

and hey, Marshy, someone forgot to tell my previous farang boyfriends about the flowers every day bit. Hmmm.... and here I thought all farang men were self-centered bums whose mommas never taught them how to be considerate. Maybe they aren't all the same :o

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Well I spoke a little Thai, she spoke a little "Englit". It was a little frustrating but

it all worked out.

Went to a restaurant last night, lady falangs glaring at me as my Penthouse quality wife hand fed

me!! I soaked it up like the sun. :o

Get's em every time!

Ain't life grand when it's grand.

Mr Vietnam :D

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Hmmm....amazing how quickly chauvinist ''brothers'' are coming to each other's defense.

Go to the Phillipines (or in fact any other country) and ask women there if they would or would not be offended by the term 'LBFM'.

You shouldn't go around offending people in the name of 'being anti-PC'.



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