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What Do You Puut At Home?


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i have a Canadian friend .. he told me that his farang friend has a TH missus ..

the guy cant speak TH (understand only few words)

the girl can't speak Eng (and dont understand any word)

i still doubt how can they communicate each other :o

it just like

Farang Guy - Im hungry , Could you cook something for me,please?

Thai Girl - Mai reed pah , nuay ( i dont iron cloths , im tried)


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i have a  Canadian friend .. he  told  me  that his  farang friend  has a TH  missus ..

the  guy cant speak TH (understand only few words)

the  girl can't speak Eng (and  dont understand any word)

i still doubt how  can  they communicate each other  :D

it just like

Farang Guy - Im  hungry , Could  you cook something for me,please?

Thai Girl  - Mai reed pah , nuay  ( i dont iron cloths , im tried)


Sounds great cuts down on the arguments :D:D:D:o

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Thai, Akha, English and Swedish - our kids are trilingual (4yo), bilingual (2yo) and monolingual (1yo).

However, when we argue we resort to parts of our respective language that our better half cannot comprehend - even if it's in plain English.... :o

/// dfw

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I speak mainly English English and some Thai, my wife speaks mainly Thai and some English and our 16 month old son is learning both plus Muser from the people who work for us who speak Thai and Muser.

I keep trying to learn Thai but something else comes along and I put it off again.

New Years resolution.

I must learn Thai. NO EXCUSES this time.

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Ms. B speaks excellent English and studies grammar and the like daily. She has ambitions....

I'm way too dumb to learn Thai, but wish that she would speak to me in Thai so I'd have a fighting chance.

Alas, this is not to be. So, English is it.

No one has ever understood anything I've said in Thai anyway, so I guess we're better off using a language in which we are both fluent.

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Mostly speak Thai , but try to get my 2 boys to speak English as much a possible. Wife understands and speaks English with friends only. I get bitched at in a Thai-Issan mix.

We ( the gang) practice Japanese and Chinese for our travels to these countries.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only German. Nobody can speak thai here except me. My Mr. cant speak thai and since I speak only his language, he would never tried to learn thai :D wish he could at least speak my language, but it might be too late now, as I spoiled him by learning by myself. And now his English became more worst too, as he need not speak at all. I think I am the most strange Thai Woman here among others, I never beg him to support my family, my parents never beg him anything, even we are not rich only middle class. We respect each other. I would prefer giving than taken from anybody. I have no Gold , no house, no pig farm but I am happy the way we are. :D ( sometimes I have a feeling that I am a Mr. instead of Missus ) grrrrrrrr :o

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we speak english at home so my daughter will learn english, she (my daughter) speaks thai better than I do, sometimes we use Thai words (like greng jai) when no english word will do, I really want my wife's english to improve so I push her, buts its hard work and sometimes slip into the bad grammar Thai's use. whenwe are with her family we all speak Thai (me badly :o cos they don't speak much english

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We speak English, as its spoken in the US.

Followed by Spainish, (which she calls Mexican) shes trying to learn basic phrases. I've promised her a trip to South America before we return to Thailand. She wants to go to Machu Picchu, ( I wanna go to my farm) which I'm not adverse to but I hope its not changed in the way Stonehenge changed. When I was young you could wander all around Stonehenge , but today its hands off with a fence circling the site.

When I was young at Machu Picchu we simply stayed outta sight and spent a chilly night in our sleeping bags

Sooner or later we get around to Thai., which in my case is rudirmentary, at best.

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Only English, since she is fluent in it, unless she tries to get me to practice Thai. She speaks Thai, Putai or Lao with visitors, depending on what they speak. Strangely enough, after 4 years of living here and studying Thai, sometimes I can think of the Thai word for something faster than the English word. Maybe I'm finally starting to get it.


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We speak a mixture of Thai and English, sometimes in the same sentence.

I think this is how new dialects are born... :D

I do the same sometimes


Us too. Used to get strange looks back in Uk as sometimes I would lapse into Thinglish when talking to a client.

Ditto that for us. It's like a power struggle sometimes. She wants to improve her English and i want to improve my Thai. :o:D

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My wife spoke a little English when we met. So we decided to send her to English lessons in Bangkok. In which we got her one on one English lessons only problem was after she had completed about 10 hour of the teaching the prick of a English teacher kept hit on my wife then GF.

So that was the end of English classes but she then started teaching her self and now reads and writes speaks English and teachers other family members . My daughter is bilingual at 2 years of age but then I guess she picked it up from the wife as she likes to talk a lot

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We speak a mixture of Thai and English, sometimes in the same sentence.

I think this is how new dialects are born... :o

I do the same sometimes


Us too. Used to get strange looks back in Uk as sometimes I would lapse into Thinglish when talking to a client.

I can relate to this after spending little time in OZ over the last 8 years always in the middle east or Thailand. When I do go back to Oz the family and mates hang shit on me about my english more so after a few beers as I become flewent in Thinglish

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