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Tomato Sauce Is The New Staple Of Thai Food

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Pasta sauce is readily available with out any seasonings in it and i prefer as i add my own, the basil etc pata sauces now available in AU is only a recent innovation, i come from an Italian back ground so am very aware of pasta sauce and its evolution in AU, we use to make our own.

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in Vietnam in some places you have to order tomato sauce and mozzarella and if not you just get crust and toppings...

When I lived in the Trang me and a veggie mate went into what was quite a posh (for the provinces) restaurant. I ordered a burger, he ordered a veggie burger....same price. When it came, he had the same as me - minus the burger - should have been sold as a salad in a bun.......did I laugh my arse off, oh yeh.....

I went into a restaurant in Khon Kaen once and spied they had egg burger on the menu. Somewhat ignorantly thoughts of a nice juicy beef patty topped with a lovely runny fried egg between a nice bun flew through my mind.

They served me a fried egg in a bap with no meat in sight.

A lesson I'll never learn is not to eat at a Thai restaurant with a selection of western foods and order from the western section. Unless the restaurant's owner has a western husband or the owner's lived abroad you know in 9 out of 10 cases it's going to be <deleted> using the cheapest crap they could find.


it's really too much to think of...I believe that I'd have a flask of tea and a tuna sandwich and then order a beer and de debbil can then take the rest...

and then...here comes de debbil: 'whaddaya think yer doin' with that tuna sandwich, tutsi?...' ...tutsi: 'well...Death hasn't put in an appearance yet so you and the horse that you came in on can go and take a hike... and that Faustus stuff don't impress me none neither...'



I was over the blues by the time I was 35, I dare not tell you what Im into, the TGF as per norm here is very much a soft sugar coated pop girl.....but surprisingly she loved salsa music when I took her to one of the places I go to, but that's the limit.....like her food most of her music tastes are sweet and sugar.


I was over the blues by the time I was 35, I dare not tell you what Im into, the TGF as per norm here is very much a soft sugar coated pop girl.....but surprisingly she loved salsa music when I took her to one of the places I go to, but that's the limit.....like her food most of her music tastes are sweet and sugar.

I was over the blues by the time I was 35, I dare not tell you what Im into, the TGF as per norm here is very much a soft sugar coated pop girl.....but surprisingly she loved salsa music when I took her to one of the places I go to, but that's the limit.....like her food most of her music tastes are sweet and sugar.

oooh, a thai woman that likes salsa music...it's sexy enough when the latin girls get into it on the dance floor...the idea of sexy asian girls dancing to salsa is almost too much to bear...


  • 1 month later...

Food snobs = great entertainment

Keep it coming

French fries with real mayo,--German sausage with tomato KETCHUP and curry powder.


Belgian fries you mean I hope???

The French variety any where on the planet tastes horrible bah.gif

The real mayo you will need to make yourself.

And I do make my own tomato sauce, always have a few boxes in the fridge.

  • 4 weeks later...

Update...sexy salsa dancing TGF left me...i allowed her to read my post on her food habits.......she says we have nothing in common..." you dont like MK or Fugi"


And don't get me started on mackerel, one of my favourite fishes, but not in bloody tomato sauce, especially when the only other choice would fry yours lips off.

agree... there are no mackerels without tomato sauce....

weirdest thing... in another third-world-country i ate the best canned mackerel of all times - guess what... they were manufactured in thailand...

i dont remember the brand (but usually do, when i hear the name again), but it was a "typical" rectangular shaped can, and the mackerel were in chili oil, but the most tasty stuff of all times and not at all too hot...

i checked all and every shop here, and cant find them, only crap...


nice Pizza!

Anyway, why the Ketchup?

Tomatoes are a food group with one of the highest concentrations of umami in it. You might know this word from MSG, but it basically refers to something being delicious. They may not actually know why they put a dot of ketchup on foods not already laced with MSG, and often (go on, give it a try) you will not actually taste the sauce that much, but often an added flavour to the food you are eating (unless slathered with 3 inches of the stuff). Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it - tomato umami is natural and makes food taste delicious if in moderation.

Anyway, putting on my bashing hat laugh.png , who are you to tell someone how to eat? When in Oz, it might not be the done thing to have ketchup as an adult which I know is not true, but likewise, in Thailand I assume you use the full range of stuff the locals chuck on their food as well including the blood in soup etc. sick.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

NO i hardly ever put anything on my foods thank you, i like tomato sauce on hot dogs and meat pies, if i want a steak its normally just a steak sometimes i will order a pepper steak if its on the menu, sometimes vinegar on my chips, thats it guys.

That pizza looks like way to much cheese, certainly not what i would like to eat, and sexy thai gf would have made it look red if it was in front of her, you know i cant belive how such a beautiful girl, so sweet and lots of class could destroy her food with sauces.

To the above poster only time i made a comment on her food habits were when she put T sauce on her steak, when she smothered her pizza with T sauce she just got a strange look from me, after that i took more notice of what she was putting on what.

My date last sunday dropped a ton of T sauce in the plate when i offered to share my fries with her.......


I draw the line at mayonnaise on pizza ...coffee1.gif

How about bernaisesaus pizza, excellent.


Mate the delivery boy was having a bad day and just told you it was bearnaise sauce.wink.pngbiggrin.png


Im going to have to admit to this too........


I eat tomatoes on there own as a snack, if I go out and there is a tomato sauce bottle on the table, it will be on my food.

In fact a few years ago in Sydney, I downed a whole bottle of tomato sauce when I was out on the piss for a $100 dare. It was delicious.

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