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My Bubble Has Burst


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It always reminds me of Robert de Niro 's memorable line in Casino : once a hooker , always a hooker .

...it reminds me of the nazis, which believed was right to kill people that belongs to a particular race, do you see any differences between these kind of thinkings?

Yes I do . The Nazis were wrong, but De Niro was right ...

Today there is no wrong or right...

only shades of grey

I should have paid for the full colour licence...


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It always reminds me of Robert de Niro 's memorable line in Casino : once a hooker , always a hooker .

...it reminds me of the nazis, which believed was right to kill people that belongs to a particular race, do you see any differences between these kind of thinkings?

Each group wore their lederhosen differently?

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It always reminds me of Robert de Niro 's memorable line in Casino : once a hooker , always a hooker .

...it reminds me of the nazis, which believed was right to kill people that belongs to a particular race, do you see any differences between these kind of thinkings?

Kerryk shot a buffalo once, but I don't know if the wife paid him to do it



No it was the Army. Shot the buffalo with a machine gun. The army said it was a communist buffalo but exactly how they knew for sure I never figured out.

Edited by kerryk
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It always reminds me of Robert de Niro 's memorable line in Casino : once a hooker , always a hooker .

...it reminds me of the nazis, which believed was right to kill people that belongs to a particular race, do you see any differences between these kind of thinkings?

I`m not sure and will have to think about it.

Is it OK if i give you my answer later?

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Sorry to hear the bad news Nocturn,please accept my sympathies.

No one can wave a magic wand and make it alright for you,

it's something that needs to be personally gone through.

The good news is: the Sun will undoubtedly shine again for you!

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Sorry to hear the bad news Nocturn,please accept my sympathies.

No one can wave a magic wand and make it alright for you,

it's something that needs to be personally gone through.

The good news is: the Sun will undoubtedly shine again for you!

I hope the sun will always shine on you


On a less sentimental note

"If life seems jolly rotten

There's something you've forgotten

And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.

When you're feeling in the dumps

Don't be silly chumps

Just purse your lips and whistle - that's the thing"

Edited by StreetCowboy
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There's got to be more to this story, i.e., the "why's?" Perhaps Khun Nocturn can get to the bottom of this and share with the readership what happened and why. Surely the pieces will start to add up as to what led to this....if she really is gone forever.

If it could be moderated well, then perhaps yes. Otherwise, I think it might turn into a bit of blood sport.

No blood sport here that I can see.

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It always reminds me of Robert de Niro 's memorable line in Casino : once a hooker , always a hooker .

...it reminds me of the nazis, which believed was right to kill people that belongs to a particular race, do you see any differences between these kind of thinkings?

<deleted>? Quite a bit of difference between calling a spade, a spade and the mass murder to 6+ million people, don't you think?

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It always reminds me of Robert de Niro 's memorable line in Casino : once a hooker , always a hooker .

"A guy told me one time, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner." - de Niro in Heat

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don't you think?

What i think is that the principle in these 2 concepts are the same, so better to point them up as a such before they reach the top and cause the problem we have seen in the past....

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I suppose being cynical pays off big time. No wonder beggars love meviolin.gifviolin.gif

Personally I think the OP is a bit sick imo. Crying wolf etc....

There does seem to be a lot of this "crying wolf" stuff going on TV these days.

Agree, lots of guys looking for attention on a forum, sad sad sad......

They wouldn't succeed if others didn't give this attention... Just saying.

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But I thought most Thaivisa forum members had married or hooked up with a Ph.D-educated Thai-Chinese former model from an influential Thai dynasty.

Why would Nocturn's main squeeze empty the joint account he said he never had and who drove the other motor outta the yard?

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I believe the TV lexicon has just been improved by the term "Nocturn" shorthand for the kind of idiocy that we all know pervades the Thailand expat world but for which its difficult to find a hard and fast example.

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But I thought most Thaivisa forum members had married or hooked up with a Ph.D-educated Thai-Chinese former model from an influential Thai dynasty.

Why would Nocturn's main squeeze empty the joint account he said he never had and who drove the other motor outta the yard?

As we see from this thread, we can't really believe anything that a Nocturn type expat has to say.

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I cannot understand the sick fuc_kers posting jokes etc. on here. How would you lot feel if you lost everything! Idiots!

Give the guy the benefit of the doubt and hope to God you never end up in the same situation.

Cars and shit can be replaced, kids cannot! Grow up!

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That is terrible!

I hope you can get in touch with your kids.

fuc_k the Pajero - it is only money, get a good lawyer and get a hold of your kids!

It would be even worse if it were true.

Well, if it isn't true, good - but I would hate to think of anyone going through that shit!

Let's hope he was a sick joker!

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Kaptinkremin, before you rant at us, read this post here - Nocturn has been exposed as a Walter Mitty.

Yes, children are the most important thing in life - Nocturn has posted a crock of lies pulling at heart strings over a story about his life that is simply not true and demonstrated not to be true by his own posting history. '

But I agree, there are some sick people out there.

STOP!!!!.......Nocturn is trolling, I refer you to his recent topic


I refer you to a quote lifted directly from his OP

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