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My Bubble Has Burst


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if those vehicles are in her name ,forget about them (legally hers to keep /trade /sell etc )

if they are in your name ,report them stolen and collect insurance cheque

Not true if really legally married. then things are split 50/50

time to get a lawyer it sounds to me

Incorrect. According to Thai law, partners keep what they already had before the marriage, and only increase in wealth acquired after the marriage is split evenly in case of a divorce. But this is only relevant to the OP in case he is legally married to this woman.

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Sorry to hear this Nocturn, best advice I can give is to get with some friends and avoid the sauce, I know that you'll isolate any remaining cash quickly. Time is a wonderful healer but it's likely to painful for a while, however, keep the faith and perhaps vent your frustrations here rather than anywhere else!

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Joint account is never a good idea , unless you only have a few thousand in there.

Love is never what you think it is in this country,

Take care.

Rubbish. Love is love is love, irrespective on which country it happens in.

What the OP had - or thought he had - was nothing to do with love, whether he thought it was or not.

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Sorry to hear about this. Take it in your stride, these are the hazards and challenges life throws at all of us. Overcome them and you'll be the older and wiser. Try to remain positive - there's a silver lining in every cloud.

If you can afford it, go out and splash on something extravagant; car, bike, hifi set, whatever. It will make you feel a bit better about the future life holds.

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Joint account is never a good idea , unless you only have a few thousand in there.

Love is never what you think it is in this country,

Take care.

Rubbish. Love is love is love, irrespective on which country it happens in.

What the OP had - or thought he had - was nothing to do with love, whether he thought it was or not.

O no it's very different countries with females who are relatively poor and just look at a falang as a Bag of money , no matter how long you been married, an English teacher I know married here 10 years with Thai wife and kid told me "he doesnt trust any Thai , not even the wife"

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STOP!!!!.......Nocturn is trolling, I refer you to his recent topic


I refer you to a quote lifted directly from his OP

Her pride dictated that our finances were separate, and so they remain.

Come one Nocturn, hands up, the problem with trolling is that you rely upon us members not remembering what you have written before. coffee1.gif

Edited by theblether
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STOP!!!!.......Nocturn is trolling, I refer you to his recent topic


Come one Nocturn, hands up, the problem with trolling is that you rely upon us members not remembering what you have written before. coffee1.gif

I spotted it first, so there intheclub.gifcowboy.gif

To be fair, you did, but I remembered the actual topic and put it up for perusal, so nah nah nah nah nah tongue.png

I remembered it cos I was quite amused at his antics, coming on to TV looking for sympathy.........now he has been caught out he'll not be getting much sympathy in future huh?? coffee1.gif

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Well spotted TB.

I'm not sure that you've exposed a troll or Nocturn has just told us all what a self delusional world he's living in - or was living in at 3:00 in the morning - Maybe a bad bottle of Leo, who really knows?!

One again we are reminded that the most dangerous lies we ever hear are the lies we tell ourself.

Nocturn, if by anychance you are incharge of your senses this morning I modify my advice from " protect your assets and get access to you chil(ren)"

To - Just dou your best to try and find someone who can help you. There's no shame in getting help when you so clearly need it.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Joint account is never a good idea , unless you only have a few thousand in there.

Love is never what you think it is in this country,

Take care.

Rubbish. Love is love is love, irrespective on which country it happens in.

What the OP had - or thought he had - was nothing to do with love, whether he thought it was or not.

O no it's very different countries with females who are relatively poor and just look at a falang as a Bag of money , no matter how long you been married, an English teacher I know married here 10 years with Thai wife and kid told me "he doesnt trust any Thai , not even the wife"

Then you don't get a poor girl and you make sure they are financially independent. Its not that hard as long as you don't give them a salary or put things on their name or splash around your (relative) wealth on them then the relation is not about money.

Guys with girls that don't work and who they pay a salary and who's gf are many years their junior they have a lot more to worry about. (no not everyone but in general). Love is the same here you just have to make sure its love and they are not there with you for your money. The above things are indications of a money relation.

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I hope you do have a plan B and some backup.

10 years ago she (my wife I mean) had nothing, today her assets are 6 million+ (house, 2 cars, land and her own non-empty bank account)

I need a place to live and fancy a luxury car to drive around, put in her name in case I die tomorrow, she will sell it all and build a place on land she bought with my money a few 100m from her parents place.

I will move on if I am denied entering the house I paid for.

Hope you can move on also, good luck.

What, a troll post?

Shame on you.

Edited by tartempion
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I'm not sure that you've exposed a troll or Nocturn has just told us all what a self delusional world he's living in - or was living in at 3:00 in the morning - Maybe a bad bottle of Leo, who really knows?!

I don't think Nocturn is malicious and I go with your opinion it was a bad bottle of beer and the 3.00am blues that set him off on a tangent.......I think Nocturn should come on and explain himself, a little mea culpa goes a long way. jap.gif

Edited by theblether
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I'm not sure that you've exposed a troll or Nocturn has just told us all what a self delusional world he's living in - or was living in at 3:00 in the morning - Maybe a bad bottle of Leo, who really knows?!

I don't think Nocturn is malicious and I go with your opinion it was a bad bottle of beer and the 3.00am blues that set him off on a tangent.......I think Nocturn should come on and explain himself, a little mea culpa goes a long way. jap.gif

He's probably gone on vacation and leaving us all in suspenders for 2 weeks. intheclub.gif

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Errr, something does not compute here?

Only one month ago you made this statement:

ok, so i have lived here for yonks and never had a live-in ( though i dont deny i have taken my pleasure as i wished) beyond the (thai) woman who bore my child.

she has her own career, speaks excellent english and was willing to admit i was better equipped to bring up the child once we parted. Her pride dictated that our finances were separate, and so they remain. we met while clubbing.

she is one of my best mates now, we amicably split custody, and she is happily married to someone else i consider a benefit to my childs existence. in fact, i would not want to continue without their involvement, and strive to maintain the peace.

I meet other women (thai and otherwise) regularly who are similar, seem interested in being a part of this happily dysfunctional family, but as of yet, have not found anyone i deem "worthy", though many certainly have been.

i suppose my question is, why settle up? why make do? it really isn't that hard to get it right if you are willing to try.


So what`s the deal here or is it me just becoming confused in my old age?

Ahh, so solly, theblether has already spotted it. Yes, I am getting confused in my old age.

So the questions remain; is she or isn`t she? Does she or doesn`t she? Is this really theblether`s love child because some women can`t resist men in kilts? What`s the meaning of all this? Has the world gone stark raving mad?

These and many more questions will be answered when you tune in to next weeks exciting episode of, I Married A Thai Lady From Outer Space.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I'm not sure that you've exposed a troll or Nocturn has just told us all what a self delusional world he's living in - or was living in at 3:00 in the morning - Maybe a bad bottle of Leo, who really knows?!

I don't think Nocturn is malicious and I go with your opinion it was a bad bottle of beer and the 3.00am blues that set him off on a tangent.......I think Nocturn should come on and explain himself, a little mea culpa goes a long way. jap.gif

100% with you on this one. Why? Is he that nuts, angry or vicious?

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STOP!!!!.......Nocturn is trolling, I refer you to his recent topic


I refer you to a quote lifted directly from his OP

Her pride dictated that our finances were separate, and so they remain.

Come one Nocturn, hands up, the problem with trolling is that you rely upon us members not remembering what you have written before. coffee1.gif

Well done my blethering buddy.

Nocturn...you are a very naughty boy!

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