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Hun Sen Attacked For 'Excess Generosity'

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Hun Sen attacked for 'excess generosity'

The Nation on Sunday


SA KAEW:-- Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has been criticised for being overly generous to red-shirt supporters of former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra, who is in Cambodia this weekend.

Many Cambodians were upset that their PM allowed red shirts from Thailand to visit Angkor Wat without having to pay the US$20 (Bt600) entrance fee. The move could cause Cambodia to lose about Bt30 million in revenue, a source said yesterday.

Hun Sen also ordered more than 10 VIP buses to pick up red shirts arriving in Cambodia from the Thai border town of Aranyaprathet.

Sa Kaew Immigration deputy superintendent Pol Lt-General Ben-chapol Rodsawat said some 164 buses, vans, pick-ups and cars carried 7,432 red shirts to Cambodia.

The arrival of the red shirts caused traffic chaos and criticism among many Cambodians in the border town of Poi Pet, which is opposite Thailand's Sa Kaew.

Tong Yii, 46, a Cambodian businessman, said the country normally charges foreign tourists $20 each for the entrance to Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, but Hun Sen had allowed the red shirts to enter free of charge from last Friday till today.

More than 50,000 Thais are expected to visit Angkor Wat over the three days, which meant Cambodia would lose about Bt30 million in entrance fees.

A Cambodian immigration official in the Cambodian city of Poipet, which is across the border from Sa Kaew, said yesterday that Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen had ordered immigration officials to provide special treatment to the red shirts from Thailand.

The red shirts went wild as soon as Thaksin arrived at the hotel City Angkor in Siem Reap, flocking to greet him, pulling his arms, embracing him and having their picture taken with him. Thaksin calmed them down, saying they have time as he would stay there several days.

Thaksin embraced Snoh Thienthong, a Pheu Thai Party leader, and his wife Uraiwan, plus Deputy Interior Minister Thanit Thiengthong.

Other political officer holders and former officials meeting with Thaksin included Public Health Minister Witthaya Buranasiri and his deputy Surawit Khonsomboon, former House speaker Yongyuth Tiyapairat, former transport minister Pongsak Raktapongpaisal, former education minister Srimuang Charoensiri, and Bhanapot Damapong, brother of Pojaman Damapong, Thaksin's ex-wife.


-- The Nation 2012-04-15

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So , it's pretty clear.

About 50,000 people attended.

Looks like Calgary had a point.

Calgary's point being that you can make up numbers as you go? 50000 people expected to go to Ankor Wat, not 50.000 Red Shirts crossed the border to stroke Thaksin's ego.

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So , it's pretty clear.

About 50,000 people attended.

Looks like Calgary had a point.

Calgary's point being that you can make up numbers as you go? 50000 people expected to go to Ankor Wat, not 50.000 Red Shirts crossed the border to stroke Thaksin's ego.

Got it... I'll accept this rationale. But if Calgary is focusing on actual Thaksin adorers... the math may be shaky according to the various articles.

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So , it's pretty clear.

About 50,000 people attended.

Looks like Calgary had a point.

Calgary's point being that you can make up numbers as you go? 50000 people expected to go to Ankor Wat, not 50.000 Red Shirts crossed the border to stroke Thaksin's ego.

LOL. Yes, these Thais were going to take advantage of the freebie at the wat. RRRRRRRRRRRRRight.

After you get tired of treading in the sea of farang despair, please have the decency of apologizing to Calgary before you drown.


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If The Nation cites 50,000, the real figure could be much higher, could it not ???

At least 50,000 people travelled to a foreign country to see an ex prime minister.

Must be a reason for that.

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So , it's pretty clear.

About 50,000 people attended.

Looks like Calgary had a point.

Calgary's point being that you can make up numbers as you go? 50000 people expected to go to Ankor Wat, not 50.000 Red Shirts crossed the border to stroke Thaksin's ego.

LOL. Yes, these Thais were going to take advantage of the freebie at the wat. RRRRRRRRRRRRRight.

After you get tired of treading in the sea of farang despair, please have the decency of apologizing to Calgary before you drown.


"50.000 thousand Thais expected to visit Ankor Wat", please tell us how you make that into 50.000 Red Shirts that go to visit their messiah.

And please also explain, in detail, why should I apologise to the banned poster.

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"Hun Sen attacked." Here we go again. Who is doing the "attacking?" When the newspaper uses a headline like this, they should attribute direct quotes based on interviews with credible "attackers". This is a preposterous form of tripe masquerading as journalism. The Nation should be recycled and new editorial staff engaged.

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"Hun Sen attacked." Here we go again. Who is doing the "attacking?" When the newspaper uses a headline like this, they should attribute direct quotes based on interviews with credible "attackers". This is a preposterous form of tripe masquerading as journalism. The Nation should be recycled and new editorial staff engaged.

If he's Cambodian, a short session of Attitude Correction should show him the error of his ways. Alternatively, he could just disappear, or be murdered in a drug purge.

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So , it's pretty clear.

About 50,000 people attended.

Looks like Calgary had a point.

Calgary's point being that you can make up numbers as you go? 50000 people expected to go to Ankor Wat, not 50.000 Red Shirts crossed the border to stroke Thaksin's ego.

Got it... I'll accept this rationale. But if Calgary is focusing on actual Thaksin adorers... the math may be shaky according to the various articles.

From the OP.

"Sa Kaew Immigration deputy superintendent Pol Lt-General Ben-chapol Rodsawat said some 164 buses, vans, pick-ups and cars carried 7,432 red shirts to Cambodia."

Of course those 7,000 zealots of the leige lord would likely scare away many tourists and lower numbers of tourists paying to get into Ankor Wat.

Edited by animatic
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Sa Kaew Immigration deputy superintendent Pol Lt-General Ben-chapol Rodsawat said some 164 buses, vans, pick-ups and cars carried 7,432 red shirts to Cambodia.

So, how much did each of these people pay for their bus tickets?


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I am English, normally I visit the homeland every summer, this year I can't be arsed, with the diamond jubilee, the Olympics and paralympics life is going to be hell, I even have the cycling marathon running past my home. When I think of the congestion, the sudden rise in prices, the chaos at airports, it's all too much.

I think many red shirts would have used a similar logic about visiting Cambodia, particularly when Songkran, like Christmas in the West, is a family get together time.

So whether it is 7000+ or 50,000+ I find the numbers impressive.

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If The Nation cites 50,000, the real figure could be much higher, could it not ???

At least 50,000 people travelled to a foreign country to see an ex prime minister.

Must be a reason for that.


Up to 30,000 people had gathered at the site, according to Siem Reap deputy provincial governor Bun Tharith, although an AFP reporter at the scene said the crowd appeared closer to 10,000.


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If The Nation cites 50,000, the real figure could be much higher, could it not ???

At least 50,000 people travelled to a foreign country to see an ex prime minister.

Must be a reason for that.


Up to 30,000 people had gathered at the site, according to Siem Reap deputy provincial governor Bun Tharith, although an AFP reporter at the scene said the crowd appeared closer to 10,000.


Of course we know the Siem Reap deputy province governor Bun Tharith would have no reason to lie about the numbers attending with Thaksin's eternal friend Hun Sen looking over his shoulder.

Edited by pimay11
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If The Nation cites 50,000, the real figure could be much higher, could it not ???

At least 50,000 people travelled to a foreign country to see an ex prime minister.

Must be a reason for that.

You are making it up as you go along.

From the article above.

Sa Kaew Immigration deputy superintendent Pol Lt-General Ben-chapol Rodsawat said some 164 buses, vans, pick-ups and cars carried 7,432 red shirts to Cambodia.

The maths is easy, they know exactly how many crossed the border for the purpose of the Thaksin visit. Just where do you get your 50 000 from?

Less than 1000 pitched up in Laos, less than 7500 pitched up in Cambodia, and just like the PTP election promises the end results were way off the mark. Not 10 Million, not even 60k or 50k, not even 10k but 7432. The numbers thing illustrates something quite clear, and that is without payment for rent a crowd, the messiah is not quite as popular as most would try and have us believe. Whilst he is playing golf today with Hun Sen I am sure that they will be trying to concoct some excuse.

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I think this two a_holes are cooking

something up together, and it´s not

a Thai TV cooking show.

That's right my pretty, feed the paranoia, feed the paranoia of the farangs. Fill their empty heads with fears. .

So it dosen´t bother you that your "Idol" is a very good friend with Hun Sen?

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