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Where Would You Rather Be


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I really miss not being back in the UK at Christmas. :o

How do you feel about being in LOS on Christmas Day, do you wish you had a time warp machine that could transport you back just for the day?

Or are you happy to be here on Christmas Day?

And those of you that are "Back Home" would you rather be HERE?

Happy Christmas :D


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Crissy to me was always about the kids etc.After Chrissy lunch, my brother in law and myself used to cut a track to ouy holiday home by the beach. We were normally fishing/diving by 4PM and getting a tan with a couple of cold ones to boot!

miss the family and fishing etc, but don't miss all the fuss. :o

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Well... I'm quite happy here in LOS.... but it would have been nice to pop down the Pub for a lunch time drink with me mates... then round to mum and Dads for roast turkey and all the trimmings...

But never mind.. I'm not complaining

totster :o

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I've lived away from "back home" for most of my adult life. And, in all those years (28?) I went "home" for Christmas only once and that was back in 1981 or 1982. I don't much miss it anymore.

That said, I kind of got used to living in Saipan and the Christmas activities there. Even though it was in the tropics it certainly felt a lot more like Christmas than did today in Korat.

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I used to enjoy Christmas 'at home' till I joined the merchant navy. In 10 years I only had one at home and I lost the taste for it. It's just another few days off work now. I'd rather be in the LoS.

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:D I've been here (LOS) 20+ years now and have forgotten the commercial institution of Christmas. Here , I get drunk in a pub with friends and then have time off to recover with family at home. We actually had a good time, food and shared the moment. Back to work soon enough.

Anyway " Merry Christmas" :o

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I think I've spent the last 30 Xmases here in LOS, so I don't miss being in Farangland at all. If you're willing to pay, you can have a reasonably good facsimile of Xmas Eve in Bangkok. Last night, I was scarfing down turkey and venison with my beer, ogling Santa's elves in their red miniskirts and (incredibly) warming my hands on an open log fire.

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