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Wild Aggressive Dogs


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There's a pack of nasty dogs on one of our regular cycle routes that never fail to go on the attack as we ride past. Just before the New Year our club hosted an inter club event that was going to use the same road.

We drove round the circuit and marked the route the night before and when we came to the Nasty Dog's house one of the guys pulled tossed three paper bags out the window.

I asked what he was doing, expecting he was poisoning the dogs - He replied the bags contained chicken liver mixed with laxatives.

Sure enough no dogs around the next day when we rode past.

Nice one!
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Why is it, I am never attacked by dogs? Why is it the majority of TVFers do not have this problem either?

Maybe it has something to do with the OP.

This is not an original thread and it has been dealt with over and over and over and over and over again.

It's just an excuse to get a rise out of people as some disturbed people detail their acts of cruelty. I am sure this will bring out the sickies.

It is unfortunate, Thai Immigration can't just put up a few balloons and some Leo and attract these types and then check their visas and backgrounds. It would make for a more pleasant foreigner community.

When was the last time you were out for a run GK? Don't think you're going to get bit behind your confuser, unless you leave the door open

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I have had the troubles with dogs on my bike rides as well. I go out with a wooden baton about 12" long strapped behind the seat, on the handle bars I have a little bucket with small pebbles dor the 20bt catapult and a few larger stones as well.

A raised arm usually has them backing off, I have also found that making eye contact has the same effect, I seem to now got the attention of all the local dogs now and they move away when I approach, only had to club one but the funiest was chasing one round the resort for 1 and 1/2 kms I knew the place better than the dog, he was well off his patch and I kept him going into other patches where he got a hot reception, now its does not move when I cycle by.

I have one rule, if owners will not control their dogs then I will and if stones are going someones house too bad!

Dont think I hate animals I love them, but if they aggressive to me then they will be taught a lesson.

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I have had the troubles with dogs on my bike rides as well. I go out with a wooden baton about 12" long strapped behind the seat, on the handle bars I have a little bucket with small pebbles dor the 20bt catapult and a few larger stones as well.

A raised arm usually has them backing off, I have also found that making eye contact has the same effect, I seem to now got the attention of all the local dogs now and they move away when I approach, only had to club one but the funiest was chasing one round the resort for 1 and 1/2 kms I knew the place better than the dog, he was well off his patch and I kept him going into other patches where he got a hot reception, now its does not move when I cycle by.

I have one rule, if owners will not control their dogs then I will and if stones are going someones house too bad!

Dont think I hate animals I love them, but if they aggressive to me then they will be taught a lesson.

exactly cheesy.gif

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With many dogs, just bending down as if to pick up a stone will have them running off.

Give it a try.

Yes, this will work, but not for long. They will notice that no stones are coming and try to 'attack' again. A bamboo stick of the right lenght is the perfect weapon. Aim at the leader and give it a nice whack on the snout. They will not come back.

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Soi dogs when alone appear to be placid, friendly and harmless creatures. However, when grouping they reach a certain critical-mass and are fearful of nothing. Showing them and proving to everyone else around me how much I love dogs will only serve to prove how daft and unrealistic I am.

These dogs can be vicious in packs and scare the living daylights out of me.

I was once threatened by about 7 or 8 soi dogs, the stone fakey didn't work, shouting didn't work, staring them down didn't work. Only one thing did work, that was the helpful fellow who saw what was happening stopped and let me get on the back of his motorbike to get out of there, I am sure I'd have been nastily chewed up otherwise, there is no doubt in my mind of the instinctual intention of the pack who were starting to surround me.

geriatrickid: Because you have not experienced this, it does not mean it doesn't happen, it just means you've been lucky enough so far to avoid the situation (as have I in the 15 or so years since - I now drive or take a taxi everywhere !)...

Brining the visa issue / argument into this is one of the daftest arguments I've read for a long time, the Soi dogs themselves could be fed a bowl of 'Alphabet Soup' and crap out a better argument than that !!!!.... clap2.gif

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I usually find that facing them down works well enough, but I also like them see me pick up a good sized stone or two, this usually has them tucking thier tales and running away a few meters, most dogs will stop barking at that point, but for the occasional one that will not back down or stop barking I throw a stone in thier direction without intending to hit, then if they still persist I throw one directly at the top of the dog's back leg, that shuts them up. I have found that some dogs will eventually get used to you and stop being aggressive, especially once you have stopped and talked to the owner about trivia, then the owner will usually tell the dog to shut up, and once the dog has a nose full of your scent and has heard your voice its not such a problem, I've even been talking to a Thai person with my wife and been surrounded by a small pack, once the Thai person shooed them they stopped harrassing.

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simplest trick is to not be scared. If they are snarling, walking toward you and not stopping, then more than even you need to face them down. If all they do is bark and growl a bit, then they are basically telling you to get off their land. If you get of, then you will be fine.

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simplest trick is to not be scared. If they are snarling, walking toward you and not stopping, then more than even you need to face them down. If all they do is bark and growl a bit, then they are basically telling you to get off their land. If you get of, then you will be fine.

Good luck with that !...

I know there there is method in the madness of now showing you are scared, that you are the dominant animal and that you shouldn't back down. Thats fine with one or two dogs, but a pack ???....

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simplest trick is to not be scared. If they are snarling, walking toward you and not stopping, then more than even you need to face them down. If all they do is bark and growl a bit, then they are basically telling you to get off their land. If you get of, then you will be fine.

Good luck with that !...

I know there there is method in the madness of now showing you are scared, that you are the dominant animal and that you shouldn't back down. Thats fine with one or two dogs, but a pack ???....

So better to run away, back to them, hoping the mad rabid ones do not pull you down by your heals and start to devour you? Not everyone walks around with a wooden stick lol

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sometimes you have to stand and show them that you intend to be the more dominant animal and they should GTFO of your way

i lifted one up off the ground once with a kick to the under carriage (steel toe cap boot ) because it was barking viciously and snarling with its exposed teeth and me and my daughter has to pass it in a narrow alley

another one used to chase me on my scooter and i slowed down once and stomped a boot into his face as it was running forward so it got a good double impact and ran off squealing

if an animal tries to attack human ,i will use any type of weapon i can find to disable it

,animals should know they are not top of the food chain

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Why is it, I am never attacked by dogs? Why is it the majority of TVFers do not have this problem either?

Maybe it has something to do with the OP.

This is not an original thread and it has been dealt with over and over and over and over and over again.

It's just an excuse to get a rise out of people as some disturbed people detail their acts of cruelty. I am sure this will bring out the sickies.

It is unfortunate, Thai Immigration can't just put up a few balloons and some Leo and attract these types and then check their visas and backgrounds. It would make for a more pleasant foreigner community.

IMHO you're getting confused between domesticated, trained, well-fed and cared for 'western' dogs and the semi-wild soi vermin you get in this country. There is a difference. A HUGE difference. Especially when night falls, soi dogs become evil, wild little ***ks. I personally have no qualms about doing whatever I need to do protect myself and my family......and before you leap in, I am not advocating animal cruelty. One thing has to be said though, if I needed to, I wouldn't hesitate, and I certainly wouldn't lose sleep over it either.

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Why is it, I am never attacked by dogs? Why is it the majority of TVFers do not have this problem either?

Maybe it has something to do with the OP.

This is not an original thread and it has been dealt with over and over and over and over and over again.

It's just an excuse to get a rise out of people as some disturbed people detail their acts of cruelty. I am sure this will bring out the sickies.

It is unfortunate, Thai Immigration can't just put up a few balloons and some Leo and attract these types and then check their visas and backgrounds. It would make for a more pleasant foreigner community.

Send over your survey data. I understand that the life of a bedridden shut-in is a bit different (maybe this is the majority of TVFers?), but you can understand for those of us who have spent the last decade running, biking and walking in urban and rural areas throughout the Kingdom how hilarious it is to see such a silly, myopic point of view represented as obvious truth. Meet me at any of my usual running locales in the late afternoon when I go any time and I'll be happy to show you what the other 99% live like.

It's just an excuse to get a rise out of people as some disturbed people detail their acts of cruelty. I am sure this will bring out the sickies.

Oh, a crusader, not a shut-in. Got it! Thank you guys for ferrying out 600 mange-ridden, unruly soi dogs from Wat Suan Kaew during the flood and replacing them after the waters receded. They really bring a lot to the area and it was definitely a good use of manpower, what with there being no human problems.

Anyway, the offer stands. Lace up your shoes, tell me what afternoon you're available and I'll bring along someone to carry the camera and film you as you scurry away from packs of angry soi dogs smile.png I'm sure everyone will enjoy you doing the Black Knight routine from The Holy Grail after they go after you. "That's a soi dog pack." "No t'sin't!" "Your bloody leg's off." "Tis but a scratch!"

After you've done that, and you've been for your rabies and tetanus jabs, you can come round to mine. I will give you a walking tour of the area, then we can go to my two other previous moobaans in Bangkok, two in Chonburi, and two houses and the apartment I had in Trang. You can meet the fluffy little lovable rogues that populate those areas too.

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ok, Im always fooling around on this forum but on this particular thread it will be exceptional.

More than a year ago, I got bitten by a street dog at the side of my tummy, just barely few weeks when i first arrived here. It wasnt a big dog, just a medium size dog probably a tiny bigger than regular street dogs so I wasnt really paying attention to it and continuing walking. Unfortunately it decided to leap towards me and gave my side tummy a bite. Scratched it hard afew times and pulled it off and it ran away, my side tummy ended up with 2 punctured holes with cuts around it.


I know some tvers will gonna start commenting about my big belly, but whatever biggrin.png

Please, for everyone, do not assume the dog will not bite despite it not barking and growling which happened to me. Gonna say these dogs are really unpredictable.

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I find the confronting the dog or dogs and removing ones shoe is usually enough to scare awat 90% off the wild ferrill dogs the remaining dogs just wish to fight.

I find grabbing the bottom jaw of a dog means they have difficulty in biting you and so you can't teach the dog some respect and even hit it a few times for fun and pleasure before it truely realises not to fuc_k with you holiday/vacation.

Edited by autan
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Koratpat,out of sight is out of mind?

As someone who likes to run i can assure everyone it is not fun to be interrupted by dogs again and again.Many of the things mentioned do work but it is not contributing to a relaxing run.

What i really do not like is if people see you coming but do not bother to restrain their dog,and soi dogs can be a real pain.

If you are just walking many dogs do not show a lot of interest but going faster really triggers their preydrive.

Grabbing the bottom jaw of a dog which may have rabies does not sound like a very good idea,way to close for comfort.

Have not found the ultimate practical sollution yet.

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In googling for solutions, most advice assumes that the dogs have owners that may sue. Even then, apparently a squirt gun with household vinegar is apparently effective.

This was on of the more balanced sites: http://www.bicyclesource.com/tools_against_dogs

I didn't find any recommendations on a "humane poison", still curious if anyone comes across an answer to that.

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I find the confronting the dog or dogs and removing ones shoe is usually enough to scare awat 90% off the wild ferrill dogs the remaining dogs just wish to fight.

I find grabbing the bottom jaw of a dog means they have difficulty in biting you and so you can't teach the dog some respect and even hit it a few times for fun and pleasure before it truely realises not to fuc_k with you holiday/vacation.

Another way to approach the problem is to get a good hold of the dog's front legs, and pull sharply outwards. This will crack the dogs sternum and burst the heart.

Drawback to this method is the mouth, filled with pointy fangy things that is situated at the same end of the dog.

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sometimes you have to stand and show them that you intend to be the more dominant animal and they should GTFO of your way

i lifted one up off the ground once with a kick to the under carriage (steel toe cap boot ) because it was barking viciously and snarling with its exposed teeth and me and my daughter has to pass it in a narrow alley

another one used to chase me on my scooter and i slowed down once and stomped a boot into his face as it was running forward so it got a good double impact and ran off squealing

if an animal tries to attack human ,i will use any type of weapon i can find to disable it

,animals should know they are not top of the food chain

Reminds me of this video I saw recently where the police and bystanders had to kick off a pack of pit bulls who attacked a woman's dog.

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sometimes you have to stand and show them that you intend to be the more dominant animal and they should GTFO of your way

i lifted one up off the ground once with a kick to the under carriage (steel toe cap boot ) because it was barking viciously and snarling with its exposed teeth and me and my daughter has to pass it in a narrow alley

another one used to chase me on my scooter and i slowed down once and stomped a boot into his face as it was running forward so it got a good double impact and ran off squealing

if an animal tries to attack human ,i will use any type of weapon i can find to disable it

,animals should know they are not top of the food chain

Reminds me of this video I saw recently where the police and bystanders had to kick off a pack of pit bulls who attacked a woman's dog.

how lucky was that woman to have a brave bystander and a police patrol car full off large officers only seconds away ?WOW

a gang of pitbulls could tear a person to shreds .....they are designed to kill

look how long it took them to get the last one to stop attacking ! scary......

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Here on the lovely Chang Island there are too many restaurants, tourists and stray dogs.

As soon as the low season is approaching the dogs get more hungry and angry.

Few days ago, i was riding, quite unusually, in the early morning..I was attacked 3 times on a 25 km. trip..It doesn't happen when the traffic is heavier with more cars and motorbikes.

Somebody said, kick the dogs, but it's not easy while you are riding, and the attacks are specially scary when you don't expect them..I also wonder if i am going to lose control of the motorbike if accidentally i hit one dog. Those dogs are normally medium size, and the motorbike is a normal Honda wave.

Now, for me, jeans and boots if i ride in the early morning

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Here on the lovely Chang Island there are too many restaurants, tourists and stray dogs.

As soon as the low season is approaching the dogs get more hungry and angry.

Few days ago, i was riding, quite unusually, in the early morning..I was attacked 3 times on a 25 km. trip..It doesn't happen when the traffic is heavier with more cars and motorbikes.

Somebody said, kick the dogs, but it's not easy while you are riding, and the attacks are specially scary when you don't expect them..I also wonder if i am going to lose control of the motorbike if accidentally i hit one dog. Those dogs are normally medium size, and the motorbike is a normal Honda wave.

Now, for me, jeans and boots if i ride in the early morning

i met a guy once ,a dog ran out of nowhere and he hit it on his cbr 150

he doesnt know what happened exactly after that ,woke up in hospital with a broken leg bone

and spent 2 months there getting multiple operations and titanium pins installed ,nasty ...

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Here on the lovely Chang Island there are too many restaurants, tourists and stray dogs.

As soon as the low season is approaching the dogs get more hungry and angry.

Few days ago, i was riding, quite unusually, in the early morning..I was attacked 3 times on a 25 km. trip..It doesn't happen when the traffic is heavier with more cars and motorbikes.

Somebody said, kick the dogs, but it's not easy while you are riding, and the attacks are specially scary when you don't expect them..I also wonder if i am going to lose control of the motorbike if accidentally i hit one dog. Those dogs are normally medium size, and the motorbike is a normal Honda wave.

Now, for me, jeans and boots if i ride in the early morning

i met a guy once ,a dog ran out of nowhere and he hit it on his cbr 150

he doesnt know what happened exactly after that ,woke up in hospital with a broken leg bone

and spent 2 months there getting multiple operations and titanium pins installed ,nasty ...

Sad story indeed, i would venture to say that we need some Vietnamese restaurant in Koh Chang..

And it's true that a number of motorbike accidents is dog-related, not necessarily dogs attacking riders, but very often crossing the street unexpectedly.

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