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Hi all ,

I have done a few searches on TV but haven't really found the answers I'm looking for

If it's been covered before plus be kind and post the link

I'm currently looking to buy a house ,I'm torn between living in CHiang Mai and in Bangkok were I currently reside

I would love to have a stand alone house with it's own land where I can keep animals,build a pool ,have a lawn etc,this is way more possible in Chiangmai as I have kids and need to be close to schools ,my fear with Bangkok is what ever I buy will spend some time of the year under water ,plus the expense of such a home in the capital

On to the point of of the post member who live in stand alone house ,how good is the security? ,do you have guard dogs? ,do you own a gun?,do you have employees to monitor your home,how do I own a home that I fell secure in and that for my family (I also work away a month at a time )

A week ago I was ready to buy a house out on it's own, but after a friends house got broken into and stuf stolen I'm not so sure now ,turns out the whole soi had been broken into every house down there had been done that week .

His placed must have been scoped out .

they must have watched his comings and goings ,by the way this guy is an elite fighter ,a ex marine and in extremely good shape with weapons training ,they decided there was enough reason to break in to his home and the chance was worth it ,these criminals,must have been prepared to do the worst had he been awoken ,(yup he was home at the time )and he shares with another guy too

My dilemma now is do I follow what I want or do what everybody else does and share a common pool with my neighbors

Thank you

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,by the way this guy is an elite fighter ,a ex marine and in extremely good shape with weapons training

Sounds like the average CM expat. biggrin.png


in all honesty .even a world class fighter could quickly be stabbed ,shot ,stun-gunned ,peppersprayed or even overpowered and knocked out cold by multiple asailants

its easy to buy any range of deadly weapons in thailand ,being well able to fight may even be a disadvantage because even if he woke up and killed a burglar .he would probably be sentenced for murder

also ,its better to let someone rob you a few posessions than fight and be killed although it goes against everything

you have learned throughout your life regarding protecting yourself and your property


Thanks ,yeah I agree

He also is well aware that waking up could have been extremely bad ,had he gotten the better of them he would be explaining to the police why there are some dead dudes in in kitchen

The point I was making isn't how great my mate is but how brazen thiefs are ,they would have known he could defend himself had they woke him ,but they sailored on with the theft ,thus thinking they would just plunge a blade in you had they gotten in to his room ,he sleeps with the door locked he told

I'd really like to know how other members who don't live in gated communities or condo protect their homes

Thank you


i know a guy who is selling his home in pattaya. dont worry, its in a nice part of town. hes owned it for 12 years now and not one break in in that time in the whole complex. there is enough room to build a pool (there is a beautiful communal pool on site within a garden area,very pretty) on the property or just make the house bigger. 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, i ensuite bathroom, kitchen and living room. nice neighbours too.

Pattaya has good schools and is 45 mins from the airport. there is also seurity (proper ones). pm me if it interests you and I will give you his contact details and price. hope you get what youre looking for. wai.gif


Buy a big dog.

Buy some guns.

Clean your guns in full view of everyone.

Randomly shout at nothing in the garden in full view of people.

Shoot your new house a couple of time from the outside, whilst being stark <deleted> naked and shouting in Thai 'pee, pee'.

That should keep you in good stead to be burglar free for a few years.

If the burglars are not scared of dogs, crazy farangs or ghosts, you might aswell let them take whatever they want.



If you have lived in Thailand long enough to consider buying a house here, then you would not be seeking advice on TV.coffee1.gif

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I can't offer advice on housing as such as I have never lived in Thailand, however we have been considering it and have done some research. Like you we also have kids and I'm sure their future is extremely important to you. I don't want to turn this into one of those should you/shouldn't you raise kids in Thailand threads , but would say that before you decide where you want to live to think about what type of education you want to give them, how much you can afford and what schools are available in the area you finally decide.

Obviously with Chiang Mai and Bangkok you will have the complete range available, but prices/quality vary considerably and I'm sure you wouldn't want a long commute everyday. Just a thought !

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Thanks for

Not sure what your implying in your post Buhi but I get the feeling you think I'm a spoofer!

I think asking advice on a community forum where ideas and experience is supposed to be shared would be a perfect place to ask such questions

I will in future include some scandalous info about expat community ,and I'll brag about how good I'm doing here ,and my uber hot wealthy gf ,with white skin and a dad who is a government official ,might drop a few Thai oriented racial slurs ,might get a few views and some decent replys ,I'll just cut pass the bull and get my answer ,shame this forum is really only a schlong swinging contest of late ,and people who need advice just get slapped instead .

Had you actually read the post you might find it was a question about home security ,not about should I or should I not purchase in the country I live in .

For those who have answered with useful and helpful info ...kind regards to you


Here is a useful reply.

You can't own land in Thailand, you can only buy it for someone else, which sort of spoils the whole idea.

There are ways that some try to get around it, they all break the law (or break the spirit of the law), so when a problem arises, everyone is against you, including your own solicitor. In the end better to rent.

As for security.

Most areas of Thailand are very safe, nobody in my village locks the doors, we have community spirit and don't steal from each other. It may be different in the big cities or housing developments full of foreigners.

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I can't offer advice on housing as such as I have never lived in Thailand, however we have been considering it and have done some research. Like you we also have kids and I'm sure their future is extremely important to you. I don't want to turn this into one of those should you/shouldn't you raise kids in Thailand threads , but would say that before you decide where you want to live to think about what type of education you want to give them, how much you can afford and what schools are available in the area you finally decide.

Obviously with Chiang Mai and Bangkok you will have the complete range available, but prices/quality vary considerably and I'm sure you wouldn't want a long commute everyday. Just a thought !

Agree 100percent with this ,

I have decided to pigeon Thailand my job allows me to live here ,maybe in the future I'll return home but for now THailand is home ,thus my want to have a house and offer my kids a upbringing that will give them a great start

I have researched schools in the areas you mentioned and I believe the education received by students is just as good as Europe and say Australia ,I can't be sure of university as I have never been my self but my kids are young ,so that's a few years away


Here is a useful reply.

You can't own land in Thailand, you can only buy it for someone else, which sort of spoils the whole idea.

There are ways that some try to get around it, they all break the law (or break the spirit of the law), so when a problem arises, everyone is against you, including your own solicitor. In the end better to rent.

As for security.

Most areas of Thailand are very safe, nobody in my village locks the doors, we have community spirit and don't steal from each other. It may be different in the big cities or housing developments full of foreigners.

Thanks for the reply

I know I can't own land as a non Thai ,it will be in my fiancée name of course !

Home loans are available for up to 10million BAht if you have a solid job and credit

New houses can be purchased over 40 years if the named person is young enough

On a 7.3 million baht home in CHiangmai the holding deposit was 50 k and a further down payment of 250k on signing of papers

So losing money isn't a problem ,and in the long run if it is I will have lost exactly the same figure as I would have been renting for

Plus my fiancée credit rating is better and my children have something to inherit and something for security

I get to feel like I'm providing for my family

Thanks for the concern tough

Her name her liability ,then we do know each other rather well ,


yeah mate .i just saw a 10 million baht home and decided id buy it with out a penny to my name

sure the bank will sort it wont they .everybody loves middle aged white guys in Thailand

my God ,i have money in the bank ,who doesnt buy a house with out help from a bank

why is it so diffucult to grab the fact i want a home


yeah mate .i just saw a 10 million baht home and decided id buy it with out a penny to my name

sure the bank will sort it wont they .everybody loves middle aged white guys in Thailand

my God ,i have money in the bank ,who doesnt buy a house with out help from a bank

why is it so diffucult to grab the fact i want a home

But you won't have a home, you affiance will have a home and she will permit you and your children to live there at her pleasure. It only takes one big argument and many men have discovered the words 'get out of my house' are words that spring easily to most womens lips.

If you want a home, renting in Thailand gives you much more security of tenure.


I want a home too Steve.

You are not alone ooooooooooohhhhhhh!

To be honest I wont be looking to buy for at least a year and will give it more thought then, but now regarding security I wouldnt worry so much. I might just be being naive, but I would chose a house that I liked, whether it is in a gated community or not. Sure, I would be more vigilant in the sticks, but it wouldnt deter me.

I live in the south and i have i known of people that have been burgled in both gated and non gated. To be crass, its a bit like cancer, you can do everything to prevent it, but it wont stop you getting it. For others they do everything to get it, but it doesnt come for them.

As a footnote I wasnt joking about the big dog in a previous post. We have a medium size dog and it scares this shit out of many Thais.

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yup very true

so if she can find the 200k a month to run a house hold on her own ,she might just do that

but im doubting it as she aint got that money a month ,

all i can lose is a 250k deposit plus what i would be paying in rent anyway

rent on that house would be approx 40-50 k a month

paying it back in her name would come to about 50 max depending on interest rates

but could be as low as 43k a month if the 40yr mortage is available

either way this is the rental or purchasing market im in

thanks for your concern tough

she gets what she wants i have not lost a bean


If you don't want to live in a gated community, you can still maintain a reasonable level of security (with big walls, a good gate and security guards) but obviously the costs are not shared with the other residents as with a gated community... so you could pay quite a premium to fulfill your dream to breed alpacas


Sorry, but there are some excellent trolls on TV. With regard to buying a house, I stand by what I wrote. It is an important decision between you and your family and not one that should be influenced by some unknown person on TV.

If as you state you already live in Bangkok, then consult the people you know. I assume you fiancee is Thai and her family would offer the best advice.

I live in Bangkok, I feel secure where I live, as everyone around here are the eyes of the community.

I do no advise shooting at people or having vicious dogs as you say you have children.


I want a home too Steve.

You are not alone ooooooooooohhhhhhh!

To be honest I wont be looking to buy for at least a year and will give it more thought then, but now regarding security I wouldnt worry so much. I might just be being naive, but I would chose a house that I liked, whether it is in a gated community or not. Sure, I would be more vigilant in the sticks, but it wouldnt deter me.

I live in the south and i have i known of people that have been burgled in both gated and non gated. To be crass, its a bit like cancer, you can do everything to prevent it, but it wont stop you getting it. For others they do everything to get it, but it doesnt come for them.

As a footnote I wasnt joking about the big dog in a previous post. We have a medium size dog and it scares this shit out of many Thais.

Thank you

i too am in no massive rush

i did see one i really like last week but i am gonna hold off .the location isnt perfect

on waiting a year .with the research i have done ...not on Thaivisa .....

i foresee land and house prices jumping in the next year .things that influnence it will be the flooding of Bangkok again if it happens,

already home owners in the RAMINTRA area are offering no pay clauses in thier rentals to potiential tenents if thier homes flood again

been in Chiang mai all last week house hunting to find every person i met telling me of the influx of bangkok resients in the last while enquiring about Chiangmai property

the new 300 baht minumim wage is about what every guy on a builing site gets so that will drive price of new homes higher

that said please enjoy the next year hunting its quite a eye opener ,and can be stressfull and enjoyable at the same time


If you don't want to live in a gated community, you can still maintain a reasonable level of security (with big walls, a good gate and security guards) but obviously the costs are not shared with the other residents as with a gated community... so you could pay quite a premium to fulfill your dream to breed alpacas

it was donkeys and goats really


Sorry, but there are some excellent trolls on TV. With regard to buying a house, I stand by what I wrote. It is an important decision between you and your family and not one that should be influenced by some unknown person on TV.

If as you state you already live in Bangkok, then consult the people you know. I assume you fiancee is Thai and her family would offer the best advice.

I live in Bangkok, I feel secure where I live, as everyone around here are the eyes of the community.

I do no advise shooting at people or having vicious dogs as you say you have children.

thats cool

appreciate the advice

i very seldom make posts on here ,only when i want some other eyes looking at what im looking at \

i was sitting in starbucks awaiting my stepson finish some karate lessons .slighty bored and as buying a house is the biggest thing on my mind tought it might be a good topic for the members to discuss

at no time am i gionna take the advice of a visa member over say that of my gf or best mate

but some people every now andagain can suprise you with thier knowledge on a subject

but lately the drivel i read on this forum makes me wonder

Not everybody is a troll .....same way there wasnt always a red under the bed !

have a nice weekend

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Just bought a house in Pathum Thani in February, well i didnt as we all know, i am a Farrang and can not own the house/land, but me and my wife bought in a gated community with guards. Its close enough to Bangkok and enough schools to choose from for when we do have our own children, but not 100% sure if we would want them educated in Thailand.

We dont have any big dogs, but dogs that bark at anything that moves, including their own shadows.

Always a good idea to get the house secured as best as possible with bars or even security alarm. I aint into the idea of owning a gun.

Where we did buy though, it has a community pool, so it has everything we need, for now.

Maybe you can look for the same options. I understand you want private land, but maybe you can make a compromise on what you want.

Hope you find something soon.


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