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World Win For Thai Finance Students


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Astounded their supporters indeed - the whole country should be very proud, and I for one will make a mental note about Thammasat's biz programme. The following is not to at all denigrate this wonderful achievement on the part of these individual students and their tertiary background, but in response to those Thais who would use it as a counter-example for those criticising their overall K-12 government education system.

I'd be very surprised if any of the team came out of the normal public school system, I'm sure their background is out of the 1%, very expensive private tuition at international schools, and certainly the (hot!) female has spent a lot of time in native-English speaking surroundings, if not actually living overseas for her undergraduate degree.

When upcountry rice farmer's children can routinely attend local schools through secondary and then go on to achieve at this level without extraordinary sponsorship and extra tuition, then and only then can Thais claim their education system as a whole is world class.

However I agree it's totally uncalled for to make disparaging statements about the overall intelligence of Thais, I firmly believe if their school system is excellent and their parents can teach them to work hard and be ambitious in their studies many many ordinary Thais of all backgrounds could achieve at this level of excellence.

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And farang still say Thai education is bad, and most Thai students are not very intelligent due to it.

This prove farang wrong. Well done Thai student.

Sure they didn't copy their presentation from the internet!!! I still stand by the fact that the vast majority to Thai students are thick as two short planks!!

Stupid and uncalled for comment.

1. Do you think Thammasat would allow them to do this, No.

3. Do you think the organizers (all highly professional folks) would not be checking for plagerism and would not be quickly noticing work which is copied from other sources.

4. They have to, at all such competitions get through the deep, rigorous and hard questioning from the panel of outstanding profesionals.

These kids made it through, congratulations to them, well done.

It also proves that with better education all Thais could perform better.

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Obviously! TOEFL 98% scorers. Educated not in Thailand, or if they were then from rich families who afforded 'private' tutoring in both English and Business Studies. I agree that Thammasat is becoming a target for Thai Business Studies students, but what about elsewhere; and what other Unis?

It's a great result. I take nothing away from it, but next year?? The year after?? Will we see a repetition? I seriously doubt it. sad.png


Thammasat Business School has had a fine reputation for many years, their international program continues to attract quite a few international exchange students and Thammasat has previously won such international competitions, and gained a number of second and third places.

These competitions are by invitation only, normally about 20 - 30 schools worldwide are invited and they are the cream. Winning is not easy.

Chula presents a similar picture, also Mahidol. And there are more Thai univs with very credible business schools.

Edited by scorecard
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However, I do not see how these students winning a finance game, implies anything positive about their university, or the education system in Thailand in general... their university is not ranked in the top 500 universities worldwide (it is even ranked below Bradford)... if anything, they won despite their university, not because of it...

Anyway, good on them!..

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