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Where Do Complain About Corrupt Police?


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Houses in my part 3-5 million, three Policemen living nearby all in homes around 3.5 - 4 million. I rather like them living here because the scum don't come anywhere near our neighbourhood as they've been warned to stay well clear.

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Houses in my part 3-5 million, three Policemen living nearby all in homes around 3.5 - 4 million. I rather like them living here because the scum don't come anywhere near our neighbourhood as they've been warned to stay well clear.

i like living next door to the policeman also ,he doesnt have wild parties or play music all night like farang neighbours

and if theres any bullshit he has a badge , a gun and immunity from prosecution also if he has to kick some ass

burglaries or vandalism dont happen in our street ,even things i leave outside dont get stolen

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Complaint Centre - Royal Thai Police

Patumwan, Bangkok

Email [email protected]

P.O. Box 1234, Rong Muang, Bangkok, 10000

Tel 0-2251-2891 / Hot line 1194

And before he contacts anyone at that address, I suggest that our kriswillems makes sure that his life insurance policy is in order, creates an up to date will for his next of kin, or contacts a good Thai lawyer as pictured below.

All I can say is, that he`s a brave man. Good luck and to all who sail in her.

Hey, somebody's gotta do it. You go Kris! :rolleyes:

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I generally dislike police, but laugh at how cheap it is here to deal with them. It's not a big deal. 100b. Yes, I know it's principle, but it's easier just to pay them and be on your way. Smart to have 100b note ready at all times for moments like that to speed up the process. I always keep a 100b note in the folder copy of my passport. When I get pulled over by the police on my bike (for whatever reason) and they ask for ID, I give them the copy, they take the 100b and send me on my way. Easy peasy.

Corruption is a way of life here. Everyone does it. Join the party and use it to your advantage when you can. Think how much it would cost in your home country. 100b - 200b is laughable when you really consider what is happening.

i doubt you could get a can of coke for 100 thb in most european capital cities now

its a very trivial sum to be concerned about ........

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Corruption is a way of life here. Everyone does it. Join the party and use it to your advantage when you can. Think how much it would cost in your home country. 100b - 200b is laughable when you really consider what is happening.

It's such a way of life that when I return to the UK I forget. I was seconds away from offering a policeman a bribe last year when my sister was pulled over for driving in a bus lane. Some time during the same trip I was in a beer garden with some friends when a fella came over who I presume was Chinese selling DVDs. My mind was on other things and I had had a few, I just start talking Thai to him. He's standing there looking at me and my friends start asking how I know Chinese.

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100 B bargain

i have driven from pattaya to nong khai 6 times in the last month the last run back to pattaya cost me 1000 baht that was 5 stops at 200 each, on the last stop i was not speeding or right lane cruising cop explained to my wife i was falang so i will always get stopped.

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100 B bargain

i have driven from pattaya to nong khai 6 times in the last month the last run back to pattaya cost me 1000 baht that was 5 stops at 200 each, on the last stop i was not speeding or right lane cruising cop explained to my wife i was falang so i will always get stopped.

when im on the motorcycle ,i wear a balaclava and sunglasses and long jeans and boots

they can not tell im a farang unless i get off the bike and take off my stuff

if im in the overtaking lane on the far right and they are stopping traffic in the "slow" lane ,i dont stop at all

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I dont think the OP has been back to this thread since he posted the OP...sure this hasnt been a "Nocturn" p*ss take thread, and he is sitting there laughing ? just a thought

I think that after all his stands against evil and misjustice, that he`s either in hiding or perhaps helping to support a new flyover in Bangkok somewhere?

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"I paid 100 baht"

How much have your numerous phone calls cost you to date ?

Further...you are complaining about corruption and you bribed a BiB with THB 100...a little rich dont you think, actively being involved in a corrupt act and then complaining about it and trying to report them....pot kettles black and all that....blink.png

You should have asked the BiB for the offical fine/paperwork and gone the cop shop to pay the offical fine, if the BiB are trying to scam you typically they will back off when you ask for the paper fine...

By all means file a formal complaint , but you do now they could also charge you for bribing a police officer as well.....whistling.gif

I was not the person offering to pay a bride. He asked for was money for a coffee even before I said one word. Also, I want to remind you I honestly didn't drive to fast and I was not misusing the right lane. If I would have offered him to pay the fine, I would have lost more money for no reason.

I agree with other posters it's not worth the telephone calls or even the message on this message board. Next time I put the video camera of my mobile phone on and put it on the dashboard and post the video on Youtube.

Edited by kriswillems
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Complaint Centre - Royal Thai Police

Patumwan, Bangkok

Email [email protected]

P.O. Box 1234, Rong Muang, Bangkok, 10000

Tel 0-2251-2891 / Hot line 1194

And before he contacts anyone at that address, I suggest that our kriswillems makes sure that his life insurance policy is in order, creates an up to date will for his next of kin, or contacts a good Thai lawyer as pictured below.

All I can say is, that he`s a brave man. Good luck and to all who sail in her.

Hey, somebody's gotta do it. You go Kris! rolleyes.gif

Well, this was the first or the second number in BKK I called to, I got it via 1111. I gave them my telephone number and asked them to call me back to return the money. Nobody ever called (nor did they seem interested in ever contacting me). You really don't need a life insurance, because they really don't care. They probably get hundreds of these calls every day.

Edited by kriswillems
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"I paid 100 baht"

How much have your numerous phone calls cost you to date ?

Further...you are complaining about corruption and you bribed a BiB with THB 100...a little rich dont you think, actively being involved in a corrupt act and then complaining about it and trying to report them....pot kettles black and all that....blink.png

You should have asked the BiB for the offical fine/paperwork and gone the cop shop to pay the offical fine, if the BiB are trying to scam you typically they will back off when you ask for the paper fine...

By all means file a formal complaint , but you do now they could also charge you for bribing a police officer as well.....whistling.gif

I was not the person offering to pay a bride. He asked for was money for a coffee even before I said one word. Also, I want to remind you I honestly didn't drive to fast and I was not misusing the right lane. If I would have offered him to pay the fine, I would have lost more money for no reason.

I agree with other posters it's not worth the telephone calls or even the message on this message board. Next time I put the video camera of my mobile phone on and put it on the dashboard and post the video on Youtube.

Irrespective how it went down, you are still guilty of corruption as well as you knowingly paid a money over to a BIB which constituted a bribe.

In your own words you chose not to offer to pay the official fine because it would cost you more money, therefore you have willingly participated in an illegal act.....so please get off your soapbox about corruption, you are part of the problem, you are enabling the BIB.

The proper course of action if you suspect you are being shook down by the BiB is to ask for the paper fine and offer to go to the copshop to pay it, if you are being shook down, typically Thailands finest will back off

Further your second sentence which starts..."I honestly"....laugh.png .....go and ask every criminal in jail whether they committed the act which landed in jail and just about every answer will...."I didnt do it gov..I am innocent, honest"....so why should I take your word over the BiB ?

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Another remark I want to make: they stopped me on May 1st, which is an official holiday. Could it be possible that these officers were making some extra money outside working hours?

You really dont get out much do you....just because its a holiday it doesnt mean the BiB are not working... Songkran is an official holiday...do you see the BiB on the roads/streets ?

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Another remark I want to make: they stopped me on May 1st, which is an official holiday. Could it be possible that these officers were making some extra money outside working hours?

what do you think criminals would do if they knew that the police were taking some specific day off for a holiday ?rolleyes.gif

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I have been stopped twice in Isan, been asked for a lot more money (for doing nothing as well), and got out of it both times. I just kept asking questions, they get frustrated and see all the other new "customers" coming, and finally just throw their hands up in the air and tell you to move out. I'm sure if you really pissed an officer off though they wouldn't let you go. Just don't get smug or arrogant in any way and all should go well.

Never thought of this. Awesome strategy in a high-traffic area. Gotta try this next time. Thanks!

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Another remark I want to make: they stopped me on May 1st, which is an official holiday. Could it be possible that these officers were making some extra money outside working hours?

what do you think criminals would do if they knew that the police were taking some specific day off for a holiday ?rolleyes.gif

Maybe the criminals would take the day off as well...whistling.gif

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I have been stopped twice in Isan, been asked for a lot more money (for doing nothing as well), and got out of it both times. I just kept asking questions, they get frustrated and see all the other new "customers" coming, and finally just throw their hands up in the air and tell you to move out. I'm sure if you really pissed an officer off though they wouldn't let you go. Just don't get smug or arrogant in any way and all should go well.

Never thought of this. Awesome strategy in a high-traffic area. Gotta try this next time. Thanks!

My wife is very good at this. She ever passed the red light and kept on talking until the officer said he felt extremely bored and that he couldn't take this anymore at his age. So, he let her go without fine.

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Songkran is an official holiday...do you see the BiB on the roads/streets ?

YES, but they were all drinkinglaugh.png

Don't talk about drinking. I ever got robbed, called the police and they needed 2 hours to come from their office 1 km down the road. Then said they would bring me home in their car. The police officer was very drunk and smelled worse that a hospital. Sitting with them in the same car was much more scary than getting robbed.

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For the OP who paid the money to the Police, if he is an Australian Citizen then making a complaint to the embassy wouls be a very bad idea, as its an extraterritorial offence and can be prosecuted in an Australian court for his trouble


It’s a criminal offence under Australian law for an Australian resident, citizen or company to bribe or attempt to bribe a foreign public official, whether in Australia or another country. An Australian in another

country who bribes or attempts to bribe an official of that country can be prosecuted in an Australian court. Australian law provides sentences of up to 10 years in prison and fines for people and companies found guilty of bribing or attempting to bribe foreign public officials. For further information, visit www.ag.gov.au/foreignbribery.

I am sure there are similar laws for many other countries.

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I remember reading a report from Pattaya about 10 years ago. Somebody was stopped and made to pay an undeserved fine. This person went to the tourist police and complained that he had been 'mugged' by a policeman. Conclusion of the story was that he had the money returned by the Chief of police.....but was still upset because he did not get an apology.

A general observation from past experiences.

It is IMHO and based on personal experience over many years part of Thai culture regarding an apology.

Some of my more personal friends do and more importantly mean it.

Sadly unless you are on similar terms with Thai, I do not expect many will get an equivalant to a genuine sorry any time soon.

Loss of face big time to admit they are wrong, best to not expect apologies based on my observations.

marshbags thumbsup.gif

Edited by marshbags
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Where i live the houses range from 5 to 15 million ,my next door neighbour is a policeman ,kids in private school 2 cars and 2 m/cycles in the drive. go figure

When I tell my Thai wife about Thai policemen with a lot of expensive things, despite small salary, she always answer me :

"Papa and mama policeman must be very rich or wife very rich"

Edited by luckyluke
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Complaint Centre - Royal Thai Police

Patumwan, Bangkok

Email [email protected]

P.O. Box 1234, Rong Muang, Bangkok, 10000

Tel 0-2251-2891 / Hot line 1194

And before he contacts anyone at that address, I suggest that our kriswillems makes sure that his life insurance policy is in order, creates an up to date will for his next of kin, or contacts a good Thai lawyer as pictured below.

All I can say is, that he`s a brave man. Good luck and to all who sail in her.

Hey, somebody's gotta do it. You go Kris! rolleyes.gif

Well, this was the first or the second number in BKK I called to, I got it via 1111. I gave them my telephone number and asked them to call me back to return the money. Nobody ever called (nor did they seem interested in ever contacting me). You really don't need a life insurance, because they really don't care. They probably get hundreds of these calls every day.

Send them an email with a link to this thread. :rolleyes:

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For the OP who paid the money to the Police, if he is an Australian Citizen then making a complaint to the embassy wouls be a very bad idea, as its an extraterritorial offence and can be prosecuted in an Australian court for his trouble


It’s a criminal offence under Australian law for an Australian resident, citizen or company to bribe or attempt to bribe a foreign public official, whether in Australia or another country. An Australian in another

country who bribes or attempts to bribe an official of that country can be prosecuted in an Australian court. Australian law provides sentences of up to 10 years in prison and fines for people and companies found guilty of bribing or attempting to bribe foreign public officials. For further information, visit www.ag.gov.au/foreignbribery.

I am sure there are similar laws for many other countries.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Must have this one translated into Thai for my glove box.cheesy.gif

I wonder how uptodate Thai cops are with Australian lawgiggle.gif

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Where i live the houses range from 5 to 15 million ,my next door neighbour is a policeman ,kids in private school 2 cars and 2 m/cycles in the drive. go figure

When I tell my Thai wife about Thai policemen with a lot of expensive things, despite small salary, she always answer me :

"Papa and mama policeman must be very rich or wife very rich"

If mum and dad of policeman were very rich, one would assume that he/she would have obtained a university degree and would be in other work instead of a 8K a month police job and if the wife was rich why would she want to marry a policeman. However what your wife says may very well be true, who knows.

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