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Non 'O' Visa If Not Married?

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My partner and I live in Phuket. I have a Business Visa and work permit.

My partner is here on a tourist visa which runs out in August.

Is there a way of getting my partner a Non 'O' visa if we are not married.

The Thai Consulate in UK said if my work could write a letter stating that I am employed by them and my parter is my dependant, they would issue a Non 'O' visa.... problem is we would have to fly to UK to get it!

Are there any other Thai Consulates a little closer to Thailand that will issue a Non 'O' visa without a marraige certificate.

We can prove that we own a house together and have a joint bank account if that counts for anything.


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She will not get an extension of stay from immigration without being married to you. In Asia having a relationship with her will also not be enough to get a non-O visa for her. It might be an option in Australia, but not sure.

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A foreigner cannot own a house (on the ground) - I think you meant to say you both own an apartment in your names (two people). If this is true - you can get a Non-O for your partner based on owning a condo in Thailand from the Thai Consulate in Brisbane, Australia. I've been doing to for the past 3 years - but now I'm on retirement :-).

Good luck and here is their address: 87 Annerley Road

South Brisbane Qld 4102

Tel (07) 3846-7771 Fax (07) 3846-7772 E-mail : [email protected]

Business Hours: Mon-Fri, 9.00 am-4.00 pm.

Visa Section Mon-Fri 9.30 am-3.30 pm.

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A foreigner cannot own a house (on the ground) - I think you meant to say you both own an apartment in your names (two people). If this is true - you can get a Non-O for your partner based on owning a condo in Thailand from the Thai Consulate in Brisbane, Australia. I've been doing to for the past 3 years - but now I'm on retirement :-).

Good luck and here is their address: 87 Annerley Road

South Brisbane Qld 4102

Tel (07) 3846-7771 Fax (07) 3846-7772 E-mail : [email protected]

Business Hours: Mon-Fri, 9.00 am-4.00 pm.

Visa Section Mon-Fri 9.30 am-3.30 pm.

I think they probably own a house together in the UK.

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What if instead of owning a condo, there is an usufruct for life and the foreigner is named at the back of the chanote? Can a Non-O still be granted in this case?


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Could you not just marry your partner here in Thailand--that is if your partner is of the opposite sex. No need to report it to the UK is there?

I met a couple from Iowa, in the US, who were married in Phuket last week. They found a wedding website whose people did all the Thai paperwork and arranged the wedding. They were going to the US Embassy to certify the marriage, but did not have to, they had the Thai marriage certificate. With that, you could get your spouse as a dependent on your visa and may not have to complicate matters by reporting the marriage to anyone but the Thais.

Not tried it or checked it out--just a thought. Anyone know any more about that?

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I am almost sure it can not. Thais do not care about your usufruct, they need you invest in a condo (i.e. bring foreign money and buy the Baht before you buy the condo).

The consulate in Brisbane states on their page that a Non O can be obtained for "other non-tourism purposes", and i think to remember that in the past someone got it by showing a rental contract, but i think that was from an UK based consulate and not Australia.


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If I am right if you pay the lower rate of tax on your work permit you have to do a visa run every 3 months if this is the case and this is what you do why not just get a yearly multi entry visa for your partner which would mean her having to do a visa run every 90 days. I believe you can get a multy entry from Malaysia

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If I am right if you pay the lower rate of tax on your work permit you have to do a visa run every 3 months if this is the case and this is what you do why not just get a yearly multi entry visa for your partner which would mean her having to do a visa run every 90 days. I believe you can get a multy entry from Malaysia

You do not have a lower tax-rate. But when not on an extension of stay and doing 90 day border runs there is no minimum income requirement.

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