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Trying To Show Generousity In A Corrupt Society


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Our Connda has mentioned that his wife knows nothing about computers. So this means that there is a high probability that the repair guy was not cheating or ripping off the OP, but rather that the wife misunderstood the communications between Connda, herself and the repair guy and therefore resulted in the balls up of events.

There is no possible way that I would let my wife, who is also sadly lacking in the grey cell department, conduct any negotiating on my behalf unless I was physically standing in-between all parties concerned and ensuring that everything was completely understood, even if I had to draw pictures, if need be.

I think that there are many here in Thailand who are suffering from a form of paranoia, convinced that everyone’s sole ambition is to cheat and scam them, which is simply not the case.

Instead of just bluntly making accusations against the repairman and complaining about living in a corrupt society, I would first take into consideration what and how the wife explained everything to him, because I guess that this has been the cause of the problem and is the only reason the wife is afraid of losing face, because of her own misunderstandings.

when the computer man SWITCHED the computer to an

OLDER and LESS VALUABLE replacement ,i think anyone

with even half a brain can see he wasnt doing it for the good

of the child who was supposed to recieve it

some people maybe over paranoid of scams ,but some more maybe just too blind too see them

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As I just mentioned in a previous post, I agree that being generous really has nothing to do with monetary value. Regarding the Ipad, that was somewhat tongue-in-cheek. If a computer has no internet connection, it's near useless to a kid these days. I don't know if some of the old guys here are aware, but kids today are much more computer savvy than adults. My point is if a computer has outlived it's usefulness to an older guy (i.e., the OP), then it sure as heck won't be of much use to a young person.

You must swim in wealthier circles than most. Other than my students - who by definition are wealthy - fewer than 10% of the Thai families I know (hundreds) can afford or are ever likely to be able to afford to buy a computer for their kid.

As long as it runs Office and a web browser it's much better than nothing. In fact the fact that a computer isn't capable of playing games is IMO a big plus to them actually using it for the intended purpose rather than just a very expensive PS2/Xbox.

Have to agree with you there Johnny reference a computer not being able to play games for the kids as being an advantage towards learning instead of recreation. My son has just started (starting) university in Bkk and I got him a mid-range notebook; fully functional for anything he will need to study, but not highend for the games he is used to playing at home.

A lot of people don't realise that a proper gaming computer has the highest specs now-a-days, with the exception of machines used for video editing, CAD/CAM, etc.

Any kid should be extremely grateful to be given a computer. And while internet is a definate bonus, it isn't neccessary to make a computer work! I do feel for the OP as to what happened.

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Our Connda has mentioned that his wife knows nothing about computers. So this means that there is a high probability that the repair guy was not cheating or ripping off the OP, but rather that the wife misunderstood the communications between Connda, herself and the repair guy and therefore resulted in the balls up of events. There is no possible way that I would let my wife, who is also sadly lacking in the grey cell department, conduct any negotiating on my behalf unless I was physically standing in-between all parties concerned and ensuring that everything was completely understood, even if I had to draw pictures, if need be. I think that there are many here in Thailand who are suffering from a form of paranoia, convinced that everyone’s sole ambition is to cheat and scam them, which is simply not the case. Instead of just bluntly making accusations against the repairman and complaining about living in a corrupt society, I would first take into consideration what and how the wife explained everything to him, because I guess that this has been the cause of the problem and is the only reason the wife is afraid of losing face, because of her own misunderstandings.
when the computer man SWITCHED the computer to an OLDER and LESS VALUABLE replacement ,i think anyone with even half a brain can see he wasnt doing it for the good of the child who was supposed to recieve it some people maybe over paranoid of scams ,but some more maybe just too blind too see them

Another possibility was that the computer guy was doing the OP a favour by giving another machine that worked, or was fixed for less than the one connda gave him??

Even today, I think you will pay more for a mainboard replacement (+ labour) than 600 baht.

Just a thought...............

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As I just mentioned in a previous post, I agree that being generous really has nothing to do with monetary value. Regarding the Ipad, that was somewhat tongue-in-cheek. If a computer has no internet connection, it's near useless to a kid these days. I don't know if some of the old guys here are aware, but kids today are much more computer savvy than adults. My point is if a computer has outlived it's usefulness to an older guy (i.e., the OP), then it sure as heck won't be of much use to a young person.

You must swim in wealthier circles than most. Other than my students - who by definition are wealthy - fewer than 10% of the Thai families I know (hundreds) can afford or are ever likely to be able to afford to buy a computer for their kid.

As long as it runs Office and a web browser it's much better than nothing. In fact the fact that a computer isn't capable of playing games is IMO a big plus to them actually using it for the intended purpose rather than just a very expensive PS2/Xbox.

and what will they do with the web browser if they are not online?

Edited by tinfoilhat
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You must swim in wealthier circles than most. Other than my students - who by definition are wealthy - fewer than 10% of the Thai families I know (hundreds) can afford or are ever likely to be able to afford to buy a computer for their kid.

As long as it runs Office and a web browser it's much better than nothing. In fact the fact that a computer isn't capable of playing games is IMO a big plus to them actually using it for the intended purpose rather than just a very expensive PS2/Xbox.

and what will they do with the web browser if they are not online?

Who said anything about a computer disconnected from the Internet still being useful?

Certainly not me. . .

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