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Submitted both appeal and new application as I we didn't know if ECM review or new application would be quicker

A great deal of extra time of part, stress and extra expense for a basic admin error

Glad you got the result in the end. It's really pathetic that you had to go to these lengths for what was an error on their part. There should be a much quicker appeals process for an instance like this. And they should be compensating you for their basic error if they're admitting it. Just rubbish.


Hi all, My wifes sister applied for her settlement visa on Monday 24th Feb got an email on Thursday 27th Feb and picked her visa up the next day, Approved!! Anyone know how this is possible, she said there were quite a few there to pick up their visas that had only been put in that week

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Application submitted 7th January 2014, Visa approved 28th February 2014. We just collected it!

Many thanks to all on this forum who helped with their excellent advice.biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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Hi to all and thanks in advance just a few questions about this visa on hold visa got submitted to the british embassy on the 15th on november and i still havent heard anything i know with holidiays etc what i can seem to grasp its working days they count so there has been a few holidays and weekends budda days etc a bit about myself and my wife we been together 8 years got a 5 year old daughter together she has been to the uk on 5 seperate occasions all on holiday visas with myself at a great expense never done nothing wrong never overstayed however i know what youre going to think why didnt i try for a settlement visa before the new rules come in thats a long story my love of thailand lol anyway 5 holiday visas later a 5 year old daughter, marrige but i didnt come under the new finanical rules so i submitted my visa on the basis of me being self employed part time, a carer for my mother im led to belive im exempt from the financial side of the application on this basis and also a single parent as me and my daughter lives in the uk. and my wife and her mother is waiting on the visa (settlement)in thailand as you can imagine im working part time caring for my mother who has a terminal disease also looking after my daughter wich to be honest is killing me slowly any info or advice would be gratefully accepted the only things i would like to know is 1,is there a way i could find out if my application is on hold or being processed (i cant see it being on hold cause i am exempt from the financial side of the application) 2, if it is on hold could i stop applying if so would i get a refund in the 43000 baht fee already paid bting ecause all im get now when i put the apet number in on the vfs site in is your application has been forwarded to the british embassy on the 15 november any help would be much appreiated thanks in advance

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Welshmate147. This is the second time I have seen this post. I'm not sure if you will get quick replies. I'm afraid I can't advise you, but I'm not sure if enough people are seeing it here.

I would try to ask 7by7 or theoldgit for some advice directly. You can send them a message directly by clicking on their icons. They have both posted previously in this thread. I had to do this before and nobody moaned at me, although I'm not sure if this is how you should do things.

I think your post should be moved but I don't know how to do that either I'm afraid. Give it a try mate, I'm sorry I can't be of more help but it sounds like you need some help fast.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



Sorry mate, I've only just seen this question. I used an agent the first time I needed to get a UK tourist visa for my girlfriend and we were successful. This time for the settlement visa, I did not use an agent. I just did a lot of reading and research on this site and took it step by step. I asked loads of questions as I was going through it and would not have managed it without help from the guys on here.

Did you get any advice the other day or is there any progress?


No mate still haven't heard anything don't even know if it's on hold or if it is being processed just pissed off now mate my daughter is missing her mam I'm living 2 lives and paying for an apartment there it's all getting on top of me know had enough all these immigrants here in the uk on 1 of her previous 5 holiday visits to the uk I should have said <deleted> it and let her have a house dole etc and let her become a immigrant try to do the right thing this is what happens the VHS are quick enough taking your 43000 baht but won't tell you anything sorry for the rant just had enough

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Everyone.

I have a few question.

Firstly, does anyone know whether there has been any action done towards improving the processing time of a settlement visa?

Secondly, are settlement visas handled more quicking during march or quicker for a second application?

Thirdly, are applications dealth with more quickly when you have provided every document requested and if you have a lawyer from the Uk is representing your case?

Thank you in advance.


Processing times depend mainly upon demand.

If there were not many applications submitted during March, then obviously the average processing time will be shorter than for those submitted during a busier month.

Other than employing more ECOs during the busy periods, and then laying them off when it's less busy, there is not a lot UKVI can do to speed up processing times.

Applications are dealt with on a strict 'first come, first served' basis regardless of whether it is someone's first, second, third, whatever application. Some applications may take longer than others if the ECO has to request missing documents or make enquiries of agencies in the UK or elsewhere or check on any previous applications.

Using the services of an agent, advisor or lawyer will make no difference to the processing time. Such people can advise the applicant and sponsor on how to best prepare the application to achieve the desired result, but they have no influence over the processing of the application nor the final decision. If someone is telling you that they do have any such influence then they are lying; walk away and do not give them any money!

It's an unpopular thing to say, but all the guidance from UKVI says to allow three months to process a settlement application; so that's what people should do.


No our lawyers didn't say that it would speed up the process. I was just curious.

If anyone needs a lawyer to help with their application, the agency I used was very professional and gave us Honest and Realistic advice. However its an agency in London so you may have to mail your original documents.


Email visa approval they don't do that they only tell you that your passport is ready for collection in 2 working days is it a settlement or visitor

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  • 1 month later...

Good luck mate mine took nearly 4 months however I've heard that people have had it within three days as there's so many settlement/fiancé visas on hold hope all goes well

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all we applied for 2 settlement visas , WIfe and daughter . submitted 10th april at the Trendy Building . and received a Decision has been made email on the 1st of may , 4 days later we got the passports in the post . Both Approved . Yipee .

Good luck to all who are still waiting .

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