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Most Women In Isaan Drink: Poll

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Poll: Most Women in Northeast Drink

BANGKOK: -- A research by a non-governmental organization shows most of women in the Northeast are alcohol drinkers because of social reasons.

A survey by the Kwan Chumchon Foundation showed 59.3 percent of 400 female respondents from 25 to 60 years of age in five provinces in the Northeast drink alcohol, 14.6 percent have already quitted and 26.1 percent have never touched alcohol.

The survey suggested the top reason that leads those women into drinking is their social environment particularly friends and the availability of alcohol in their communities.

Drinking respondents said their boozing time is between 6 PM and 9 PM while those at age of 50 to 60 conceded they are regular drinkers with no concern about their possible health problems.

The foundation's director said the drinking habit among women in the region stems from their family practice that bars them from having an independent role in the society or expressing their viewpoints.


-- Tan Network 2012-05-09


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a sampling of 400 is a fairly weak poll, but their conclusions are even weaker. They drink because they are barred from having independent viewpoints?

How about they drink because it is readily available, addictive, and you get drunk.

Fairly weak.

More akin to bogus. 400 inquiries doesn't measure anything.

Actually, if one knows Isaan at all, you'd know that the opposite applies.

80% of females don't drink.

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Conducted by any old mysterious social engineering group

Has revealed that 95% Isaan women [of age] are golddiggers and kiss on the first date.

Very scientifically approached, as the said inquiry was never posed to anyone.

Guesses were based upon myth, stigma, stereotype.

Because, they know the masses will believe any sort of conventional sufaced info, news, documentation, and stimuli.

Given that it will be repeated over and again.

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Many Northeast women alcoholic

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A survey conducted by the Community Soul Foundation and Thailand Health Promotion Foundation revealed that up to 59.3 per cent of women aged between 25 and 60 living in rural areas in the Northeast consumed alcohol, with many saying they had started drinking when they were 16.

The survey learned that many of these women drank because they wanted to socialise, keep up with friends or experiment. Another reason is because it is easy to buy alcohol at any hour of the day.

"The drinking habit doesn't just encourage alcoholism, but is also a key reason for road accidents. It can also be blamed for up to 47.7 per cent of domestic violence," Supaporn Thong-suk, director of the Commu-nity Soul Foundation.

"Rural women lack opportunity to raise their voice when they have problems, so drinking can be a kind of relief," Jaded Chouwilai from the Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation said. "Even urban women tend to drink more and we need to find the root cause for this problem. Women's organisations should find a way to help women who are alcoholics and Tambon Health Promotion Hospitals should provide them some space."


-- The Nation 2012-05-10

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The foundation's director said the drinking habit among women in the region stems from their family practice that bars them from having an independent role in the society or expressing their viewpoints.

So what is the conclusion for city girls in Bangkok having a night out? What about moslem women down South?

This reminds me of the idiotic poll where they concluded that Isaan women are losing their identity because they ate falang food with their husbands despite the nearest Pizza Company being 100 kms away. This is complete and utter social stereotyping, and absolute piffle.

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"A survey by the Kwan Chumchon Foundation showed 59.3 percent of 400 female respondents from 25 to 60 years of age in five provinces in the Northeast drink alcohol, 14.6 percent have already quitted and 26.1 percent have never touched alcohol."

59.3% of 400 is 237.2 How can 237.2 women drink alcohol? Who makes these ridiculous figures up?

haha! 237.2

they must have took notice of that comment too judging by the new version

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But when I look around in Bangkok a huge chunk of women from up northeast drink often, which can be seen around and close to the apartment building. Some even when working (apartment-maid etc).

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"A survey by the Kwan Chumchon Foundation showed 59.3 percent of 400 female respondents from 25 to 60 years of age in five provinces in the Northeast drink alcohol, 14.6 percent have already quitted and 26.1 percent have never touched alcohol."

59.3% of 400 is 237.2 How can 237.2 women drink alcohol? Who makes these ridiculous figures up?

You aren't supposed to question and apply logical thinking to these reports, just believe them.smile.png

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So far in several years here,

Ihave never met a woman from Issan that doesn't drink.

Some just don't regularly, some rarely because they are with a teetotal mate,

most drink when they feel like it, and drunk or sober state their feelings quite forcefully.

400 respondents to this poll... hardly viable results.

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Ok define "drinking"

Is it drinking any alcoholic beverage ?

Once or twice a week my sister in law has a glass of beer ( lots of ice ) with me after a hard days work

Or is it the guys who have a shot or 2 before a days work @ the ma & pa shop

Or me who will have a bottle or 3 of Chang on ice during the day in this heat

I believe this is all moderation as I am sure the other end of the scale is quite a lot more

I have seen alcoholism and it's effects in a number of countries but this petty reporting & collating of insignificant data has no science behind it and shouldn't make print

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Apparently all the women surveyed were offered a free can of Leo as an incentive for answering the questions; the 162.8 (over 40%) non-drinkers who participated did so just to get a free beer for their husband...

...that is a more believable statistic

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"Rural women lack opportunity to raise their voice when they have problems, so drinking can be a kind of relief," Jaded Chouwilai from the Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation said.

Now there's a worthy cause for UDD leader Ms. Thida: bring democracy to rural women

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