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Where'S The Cheese?


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What happened to the locally made ricotta and cottage cheeses that used to be available at Rimping Supermarket? They were sold in distinctive plastic containers with different coloured lids. I shop at the one near Airport Plaza and when I've repeatedly asked the staff "Where's the cheese?" I've received conflicting (and at times amusing) answers from the staff that "it was finished" and simultaneously that the order "was taking a long time", both of the aforementioned 'answers' coupled with the oh-so-familiar blank stares.

Can anyone shed some light on this cheese mystery? I know that Rimping stocks at least one other brand of ricotta cheese, same with the cottage cheese, but they just don't taste as good ...


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I cant answer your question specifially............you need to be asking the store manager, not the gormless bods who are there just to re stack the shelves.

It happens to hundreds of lines very year in every store. Simple economics; if they are not selling then they dont order more.

If a new kid on the block comes along; such as your alternative Ricotta; then chances are their "sales rep" has given the store a better deal and they will be having a trial run.

it just seems like you didnt like it enough and now its too late.

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Decheeso is a local company that produces ricotta and cottage cheese, along with quite a few other cheeses. They are located off of Hang Dong Road and one can go to their outlet there to purchase it. BTW, if you order 300 baht or more of their products you can get free delivery in the CM area if you call ahead and place an order. Unfortunately, I don't have their address or phone number, but you can google it.

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Dont know when you were looking, but went in there yesterday and they were in the process of restocking some dairy. I cant say what dairy was being delivered though, because the entire isle was blocked by boxes, four or five staff members (faffing about in what seemed like the slowest unorganized restock ive witnessed...Im sure there was obviously some method going on there, that i just didnt get though .....blink.png ), plus a couple of delivery guys with trolleys. Was impossible to go in the aisle at all.

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I stopped messing around with the local crud.

Two days ago I scored some really nice French Brie, 'buy one get one free': total 400-something grams for 160 baht. ( I should have bought a lot more and chuck it in the freezer; it's actually cheaper even than the Mainland cheese..)

I'm going to be bribing the staff to give me a call whenever they have that deal on with good cheeses..

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I stopped messing around with the local crud.

Two days ago I scored some really nice French Brie, 'buy one get one free': total 400-something grams for 160 baht. ( I should have bought a lot more and chuck it in the freezer; it's actually cheaper even than the Mainland cheese..)

I'm going to be bribing the staff to give me a call whenever they have that deal on with good cheeses..

Not sure that bribing gormless bods who can be seen faffing about would be productive? Might have been useful, however, if you'd mentioned here this extraordinary bargain and anyway, was this also at a Rimping? Which one, please? The aisle might be clear by now!

PS 'Gormless' is one weird word!

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No, I was mostly just concerned that Winnie was going to be turning baht over to people who had no gorm. Gormless = no gorm in them. I knew the meaning of gormless, but not gorm itself. How Brits do speak.

Not to mention this business of employees faffing in the asiles. I wouldn't spend my money on gormless faffers.

Still want to know why Winnie didn't let us know about the greatest cheesy bargain of the year. Mind, Brie is not my favorite, but with sound red wine and a good bread, I'd eat it at the price he got and didn't mention. I mean, if he decided not to freeze a case or two, why not let out the secret?

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The cheese that the OP is referring to is definitely Dacheeso ricotta and cottage cheese and they are very good. These aren't aged cheeses so there's no bacteria or fungi devolping the flavor. Essentially these kind of cheese are just fresh curds curds. Each variety is processed slightly differently. And since they begin as high quality fresh milk, you end up with high quality fresh cheese.

I'm not sure if Rimping is still carrying these cheeses or not. I have seen some of them recently at the Nim City branch. I haven't seen Dacheeso milk at any Rimping for a long time. Which is a shame since it tastes very much like raw millk. I think that's due to low temperature pasteurization. Buttermilk is still available though. And this is the real thing. Not just cultured skim milk like you get in the USA. This is the liquid left over from churning butter which is then cultured into buttermilk.

Their phone number is 053-274-521. Closed on Sundays. The owner of Dacheeso also owns Art Cafe. They carry some Dacheeso products there as well.

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Two days ago I scored some really nice French Brie, 'buy one get one free': total 400-something grams for 160 baht. ( I should have bought a lot more and chuck it in the freezer; it's actually cheaper even than the Mainland cheese.

I'm going to be bribing the staff to give me a call whenever they have that deal on with good cheeses..

Can you freeze cheese? I didn't know that. Talking Chedder type cheeses here.

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Two days ago I scored some really nice French Brie, 'buy one get one free': total 400-something grams for 160 baht. ( I should have bought a lot more and chuck it in the freezer; it's actually cheaper even than the Mainland cheese.

I'm going to be bribing the staff to give me a call whenever they have that deal on with good cheeses..

Can you freeze cheese? I didn't know that. Talking Chedder type cheeses here.

It definitely changes the texture. Makes it more crumbly. If you're going to melt it, probably okay. But if you're going to eat it, probably not. Which, I guess, is why cheese isn't shipped frozen. If it worked, it would be widely practiced.

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Two days ago I scored some really nice French Brie, 'buy one get one free': total 400-something grams for 160 baht. ( I should have bought a lot more and chuck it in the freezer; it's actually cheaper even than the Mainland cheese.

I'm going to be bribing the staff to give me a call whenever they have that deal on with good cheeses..

Can you freeze cheese? I didn't know that. Talking Chedder type cheeses here.

Why would you need to Freeze Cheddar ? I buy the 2 kg block, cut off a lump to put in a small air tight box, the rest put cling film over the end and put in a long air tight box. in the fridge,..... take out when needing more, the last lump to be used is still perfect and now about 5 months old.,

Finished last block last week bought last November, bought new block last Friday., have done this for many years

Edited by ignis
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