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Team Posting


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After being a member of TV for while now I got to wondering about some of these guys who post. Some of these guys appear to make some posts all day everyday. How do they find the time? Then today I had a thought. maybe some guys get together and use the same name and go online is shifts. I feel if it isnot a team effort then some guys must live in front of their computer. If they do live in front of their computer and dont get me wrong there is nothing wrong with doing that, how do they find the time to experience everything they have so much knowledge about on a first hand basis. It baffles me how they can be on the computer all day and still have all these real life experiences and knowledge about so many varied things.

So do does any else think maybe there are teams on TV posting under same name?

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Exactly my thought as well.

How is it possible to have the knowledge and experience and be able to post 15-20 000 posts within a few years.

Take away time for sleep, dress/undress, wash/shower, etc. The basic stuff in life.

Some even work.


Then take away all the time for creating the posts (of course some are just seconds).

It is amazing how some have the time to actually see the world.

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If they are caught, all related accounts are banned permanently.

Interesting topic but we aren't about to discuss it here as its a moderation matter and will only go downhill regardless.

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