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Are Women The Strength Of Thailand?


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Nifty motivational poster aside, there are PLENTY of folks who lay on their deathbeds wishing they had done more for their children, their spouses, and their families. These are the guys who are dying while knowing full well that their children's or grandchildren's college fund is vastly underfunded (if it even exists), that there is X left to pay on a mortgage and that they are the sole breadwinners so that probably won't end well, those who know they shouldn't have let their health and or life insurance policies lapse X years ago, etc.


Worrying about other people is for losers. Let everyone worry about themselves.

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I think they've got their priorities straight, no one ever lay on their deathbed wishing they'd spent more time at the office.

Nifty motivational poster aside, there are PLENTY of folks who lay on their deathbeds wishing they had done more for their children, their spouses, and their families. These are the guys who are dying while knowing full well that their children's or grandchildren's college fund is vastly underfunded (if it even exists), that there is X left to pay on a mortgage and that they are the sole breadwinners so that probably won't end well, those who know they shouldn't have let their health and or life insurance policies lapse X years ago, etc.

As I said balance. Personally I don't take on tertiary education as a parent's responsibility, unless I have enough at the time and the kid's very highly motivated - in fact passionate and focused - to learn a very specific topic domain.

Would never borrow money to own a home.

Insurance is as basic as the utility bills, but again only what's needed.

SO needs to have the capacity to be self-sufficient even when living with me, same with the kids once past 14-15.

Finally, your comment assumes there's a tight connection between the work input and the financial results. Few people actually focus on the latter, they just follow the social more "work hard and you'll be alright" even though most of know it's a total lie.

I hear you and agree that balance is important. IMO there are more people who are unbalanced towards the "not applying themselves (and intelligently enough) until it's too late" way of life. They mess around too much when their minds and bodies are at their best and then try to play catchup when they are over the hill.


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Nifty motivational poster aside, there are PLENTY of folks who lay on their deathbeds wishing they had done more for their children, their spouses, and their families. These are the guys who are dying while knowing full well that their children's or grandchildren's college fund is vastly underfunded (if it even exists), that there is X left to pay on a mortgage and that they are the sole breadwinners so that probably won't end well, those who know they shouldn't have let their health and or life insurance policies lapse X years ago, etc.


Worrying about other people is for losers. Let everyone worry about themselves.

That's the slogan my neighborhood motorcycle taxi 'win' uses. Look, now they are playing checkers with bottle caps (and they don't even have enough of those) again.


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What does collective unconscious dreaming/reaction etc have to say about the domination/exploitation issue?

Not being a qualified shaman I wouldn't know.

But I'm guessing that cartoons may often reflect the way the reader would like the world to be rather than how it actually is.

Probably true for most mass media.

Now that I think of it one exception is "hard news" sources. I think that's more a reflection of how the ruling elite would like the masses to perceive the world. eg a very dangerous place where we need to give up our freedoms so they can more effectively protect us.

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The meaning of my post is to praise Thai women, I should not had made the comment about the men sitting around as I opened a separate issue that distracts from my main purpose.

So are you calling non-Thai women lazy?

Stop trolling

Well said.

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One thing I really love about Thailand is the near-universal total lack of respect for work and career.

Family comes first by far, friends a close second. Comfort and ease, not worrying about tomorrow,

enjoying the moment.

The cultural programming I grew up with sees this as "lazy" and "bad", valuing goal-oriented striving, improving yourself work work work above everything and most people end up unloved and alone.

I think they've got their priorities straight, no one ever lay on their deathbed wishing they'd spent more time at the office.

But of course you have to live with the consequences of your choices.

Balance is the hardest thing.

So trueclap2.gif


Well said.

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