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You Make The Money And She Makes The Decisions

Felix Lynn

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On the next Thailand Today,

You make the money, she makes the decisions and you both suffer in the clash of cultures and genders. It’s one hot topic on Monday’s Thailand Today.

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If my wife made the decisions i'd be broke in a week


too many here being led around by the dick :o

good to see you aint one of them

I do earn the money and my wife does make most of the decisions.


I used to have the theory that if I have money I will spend and not worry about where the next lot is coming from.

For the first 8 years my girlfirend then wife went along with that as I was making shed loads.

3 years ago I lost my job and money. I woke up and listened to her properly.

Now I have had work and will get some more.

If I want to buy something more than a few Kbaht I will tell her and she thinks it is a good idea then I buy it. If not, then I dont.

She handles our money far better than I ever did but before I thought I knew better.

I was wrong.

If you think that I am led by my dick then I suggest you check what is between your ears cos it aint a brain, though some of my dogs are missing their brains.


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If you think that I am led by my dick then I suggest you check what is between your ears cos it aint a brain,

A person who's budgeting skills are so non-existant, that they have handed that responsibility to their wife, calling somebody else brainless?

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If you think that I am led by my dick then I suggest you check what is between your ears cos it aint a brain,

A person who's budgeting skills are so non-existant, that they have handed that responsibility to their wife, calling somebody else brainless?

The rest of my skills are pretty good. I used to look on money sitting in the bank as wasted money.

I had the see it, want it, buy it mentality. Did I need it? Not always but it did have more bells, whistles and flashing lights than the one I used to have so I had to upgrade to the new one.

Now there is not so much money lying around and I let my wife make the major decisions about what to do with it.

If it is up to me I will just spend it on something I don't really need but looks good.

I want to buy a motorbike, she wants buy land.

They make motorbikes all the time but the production of land stopped a while ago.

Land goes up in value over the years, motorcycles go down in value.

I wont be here for ever but my wife and our son will be here for longer than me so why do I want to buy a motorbike?

What will we buy?

Land of course.

If that makes me brainless then so be it.

It is our shared money as most things in the mariage are shared.

That way we both win and are a lot happier than me saying to my wife, here is your allowance and don't spend it all at once.

I just wish I had listened to her 12 years ago then I could have a motorbike and the land.

One thing I have in my wife which a lot of posters seem to lack is that I trust her all the way, and she trusts me on most things.

Edited by billd766
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I want to buy a motorbike, she wants buy land.

They make motorbikes all the time but the production of land stopped a while ago.

Land goes up in value over the years

Motorbikes will kill you a lot faster than a chunk of land.

Just checked between my ears, cotton wool!


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On the next Thailand Today,

You make the money, she makes the decisions and you both suffer in the clash of cultures and genders. It’s one hot topic on Monday’s Thailand Today.

Is this meant to be a Thai only thing? I don't think so.

My ex was like this, it is one of the many reasons she is now my Ex. I think this is a common thing across many cultures. A clash of culture may not help.

There are some people who can manage money and some that do not understand the concept of managing it. It is not governed by gender or place of birth. One of the problems is when someone is in the latter group but do not realise it.

Heck my brothers are better money managers than I am. So it is not a genetic thing. :o

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I respect the woman's input but the final decision is mine.  I have never allowed a woman control over my finances... if things go bad then I've no one to blame but myself.  Now if she earned the money, things might be different...

Seemed like the same ideas that I had.

Trouble is I blew it and there are people relying on my financial input to live.

Now how do you say to your wife and family that you earn the money, you control the money, you hand out the money but there is no money left because you screwed up.

Since my wife took over control of the large items of finance I have very few worries because she tells me whether we can buy it or not, and if we really need it, then we buy it, if not not.

I have no desire to go back to the time when I, and not my wife, blew most of it away.

We live in the country and don't need to spend so much any more, so we don't.

I was arrogant enough to think that I knew all I needed to know, and now I am humble enough to realise that I don't, and more importantly NOW I am willing to listen and talk things over.

The best thing I ever did was to marry my Thai wife but it took me a long time to listen to her.

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If my wife made the decisions i'd be broke in a week


too many here being led around by the dick :o

good to see you aint one of them

I do earn the money and my wife does make most of the decisions.


I used to have the theory that if I have money I will spend and not worry about where the next lot is coming from.

For the first 8 years my girlfirend then wife went along with that as I was making shed loads.

3 years ago I lost my job and money. I woke up and listened to her properly.

Now I have had work and will get some more.

If I want to buy something more than a few Kbaht I will tell her and she thinks it is a good idea then I buy it. If not, then I dont.

She handles our money far better than I ever did but before I thought I knew better.

I was wrong.

If you think that I am led by my dick then I suggest you check what is between your ears cos it aint a brain, though some of my dogs are missing their brains.


I take it she controls the money? i.e saves it somewhere for when/if you hit on hard times again? :D

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If you think that I am led by my dick then I suggest you check what is between your ears cos it aint a brain,

A person who's budgeting skills are so non-existant, that they have handed that responsibility to their wife, calling somebody else brainless?

The rest of my skills are pretty good. I used to look on money sitting in the bank as wasted money.

I had the see it, want it, buy it mentality. Did I need it? Not always but it did have more bells, whistles and flashing lights than the one I used to have so I had to upgrade to the new one.

Now there is not so much money lying around and I let my wife make the major decisions about what to do with it.

If it is up to me I will just spend it on something I don't really need but looks good.

I want to buy a motorbike, she wants buy land.

They make motorbikes all the time but the production of land stopped a while ago.

Land goes up in value over the years, motorcycles go down in value.

Amazing! gullible to a fault. :o

I wont be here for ever but my wife and our son will be here for longer than me so why do I want to buy a motorbike?

What will we buy?

Land of course.

If that makes me brainless then so be it.

It is our shared money as most things in the mariage are shared.

That way we both win and are a lot happier than me saying to my wife, here is your allowance and don't spend it all at once.

I just wish I had listened to her 12 years ago then I could have a motorbike and the land.

One thing I have in my wife which a lot of posters seem to lack is that I trust her all the way, and she trusts me on most things.

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I take it she controls the money? i.e saves it somewhere for when/if you hit on hard times again? :o


Exactly as she did the last time and hopefully will not have to do again.

But if she needs to she will.

By the way Simbo, I am not gullible to a fault. The term you are looking for is stupid, it is just that I can't seem to save money.

My wife can and does so what do I care if she controls it? At least now I have some that I can spend.

Actually what seems to be between my my ears is kee maa.

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