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Dchl (Digital Crown Holdings)


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Does anyone have first hand experience with this company or have a relative who joined? They are an MLM group which could possibly be disguised as a pyramid operation. My understanding is that in Thailand, as in Malaysia, they recruit people to recruit other people. Cost to join is Baht 204,000 which can be borrowed from the company but has to be paid back at 46,000 per month. I am not sure how much they get paid for each person they get to join but I would imagine they would need to turn quite a few people.

I am not interested in anyone telling me it is a scam as I have my own thoughts on that plus the web is full of bad stories about this company. I did read from another forum about a guy who's wife/gf dropped everything to go join this company in Korat. As is normal with these types of companies they have a grand promotion with lots of rosy promises & testaments from people who are supposedly believable. I think Thailand is ripe for this as once the $ signs start spinning in ones eyes then they are blind to any rhyme or reason. One only has to look at the vast sums of money spent on the get rich quick scheme in the form of the black lottery.

If it is such a good deal & an ethical company why do they have to get people to pay to work for them. They do have products to sell, lampe berger, estebel, ed pinaud (you can google these), but my feeling is they make the big bucks from joining fees. Any related experiences will be much appreciated & yes I have someone who is close to me who attended the promotion in Bangkok over the past two days but with my earnest pleading she did not sign up yet although she has not given up on the idea. A couple of her relatives did sign up though.

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Just tell you GF/Wife you will not give them the money to invest...which I am sure is at the root of your comments...

Nobody needs money to invest, possibly a small fee of 12,000, but for the 204,000 the company will loan it to them. I will not see all the details until the end of the week. What I was trying to glean was any information from people who have personal experience with this company, good or bad, & hoping that by reading this others will become aware of the possible pitfalls. My own view is it would be an extremely risky investment at best.

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Just tell you GF/Wife you will not give them the money to invest...which I am sure is at the root of your comments...

Nobody needs money to invest, possibly a small fee of 12,000, but for the 204,000 the company will loan it to them. I will not see all the details until the end of the week. What I was trying to glean was any information from people who have personal experience with this company, good or bad, & hoping that by reading this others will become aware of the possible pitfalls. My own view is it would be an extremely risky investment at best.

If it looks like sh*t....smells like sh*t....you know the rest

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Sorry no experience with DCHL per se, but looking at there product lines is enough for me to run for the woods. I am involved in product packaging that covers these areas. These appear to be the cheapest of the cheap, we are talking cents no dollars to produce. It takes a week of creative writing to come up with the marketing programs, but the products are probably at best poison to ones skin. I believe you have a reasonable understanding on the how the business model works and where it is going(leading too). I don't think you and said gf will be driving BMW's in a years time by selling "ed pinaud"..... sound Filipino to me too. Maybe the companies origin.

Edited by jayjayjayjay
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I don't think you and said gf will be driving BMW's in a years time by selling "ed pinaud"..... sound Filipino to me too. Maybe the companies origin.

Ed Pinaud was the frenchman who invented Brillantine.... you heathen...biggrin.png

But a definite insight into the mind of a TV member...dont under the words...but sounds like this to me, so must be this and jump right in with a conclusion...clap2.gif

BTW the other products sound French to me.....Maybe the companies origin is Sweden...thumbsup.gif

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No direct experience with this outfit, but plenty indirectly with similar, and yes they are rife here in Thailand.

Even if (and IMO very unlikely) that ordinary people can make a living under such a scheme, they will only be successful to the extent that they are participating in defrauding those downstream of them.

IMO a very unethical way to earn a living, remind your SO what she already knows, what goes around comes around and she should look for opportunities to contribute to the world in a positive way in how she earns her money.

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No direct experience with this outfit, but plenty indirectly with similar, and yes they are rife here in Thailand.

Even if (and IMO very unlikely) that ordinary people can make a living under such a scheme, they will only be successful to the extent that they are participating in defrauding those downstream of them.

IMO a very unethical way to earn a living, remind your SO what she already knows, what goes around comes around and she should look for opportunities to contribute to the world in a positive way in how she earns her money.

I was thinking along those lines too, using the karma card, rather than trying to dissuade her from all the glitzy, glamorous promises from those who portray themselves & even come across as good people. And yes I agree it is a very unethical way to make a living.

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  • 5 months later...


Anyone knows where is this company's office now in Bangkok?

They still owe me many products that I should have.

Have to go back home to Singapore to look after my mother who was ill & have been trying to contact them for the last 3 years but to no avail.

Am coming back to Bangkok this Nov 22-26 & hope to claim back these products but can't find their address online.

Hope someone can help. Greatly appreciate it.


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  • 2 months later...

Yet to read link in article , but know enough

Well the OP want have to worry now since they were shut down

Maybe 2 months or more a complaint came from Korat branch from a sacked employee (office management )

All over the news with the police who are investigating (still not back in buisness )

The product was just past on box by box not like selling individual items like Amway

Gained my experience of this through inlaws

They even tried to increase the entry fee from 200,000 to 300, 000 but werent getting bites

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yet to read link in article , but know enough

Well the OP want have to worry now since they were shut down

Maybe 2 months or more a complaint came from Korat branch from a sacked employee (office management )

All over the news with the police who are investigating (still not back in buisness )

The product was just past on box by box not like selling individual items like Amway

Gained my experience of this through inlaws

They even tried to increase the entry fee from 200,000 to 300, 000 but werent getting bites

They obviously have not been shut down judging by the "Magic Lamp" story. Last year my gf was ready to fork out 300,000 persuaded by her cousin & his wife. The wife was the instigator in getting her husband to join as well as her husband's sister & now the families believe the wife may have known it was a scam but went ahead anyway to extract money from relatives. My gf did see the light & stayed out of it but her cousin is really distressed over it & now looking for a factory job overseas so she can pay back the loan while her brother & wife have moved to Pattaya.

I would say this type of story is enacted in many poor families throughout the land caused by dreams of a better lifestyle & perpertrated by the unscrupulous who continue to get away with it. Some of you may say greed & stupidity is at fault but who can blame people for wanting to raise their standard of living when they do not have the same opportunities as others & basing their decisions on the word of family members & friends. Remember their education does not provide them with critical, analytical thinking skills.

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